Oh For This To Be Real - Tumblr Posts
I'm just slightly tearing up at how soft this is
The Tattoo

Pairing: Scarlett Johansson x Female Reader
Summary: Scarlett discovers your secret tattoo.
A/N: You guys are literally the best. Thank you so much for all of the love and support. It means everything to me!
“What’s that on your wrist?” Scarlett asked, gentle fingers reaching for your arm.
You drew back, pulling your sleeve down as your face turned as red as the stove eye you were cooking in. “It’s nothing. Just a small tattoo I got when I turned twenty-two.”
“I’ve seen the others on your arms.” The blonde pointed out with a little smirk playing on her lips. “How come I’ve never seen that one?”
Because I’ve been extra careful to make sure you didn’t see it. That was out popped into your head, but instead you went: “I guess it’s usually covered by my watch.”
“Let me see it.” She reached for your arm once more. The reaction she was getting from you was only serving her curiosity. “Is it another woman’s name or something?”
The redness of your cheeks deepened, and Scarlett’s heart kinda dropped at the fact of you having someone else’s name permanently on your body. Her smile faded as her eyebrows knitted together. A full pout took over her plump lips when you moved away from her grab again, and in that moment, all you wanted to do was kiss her.
“Don’t look at me like that.” You told her with a sigh. “It’s not another woman’s name. The only way I’d put someone’s name on me is if I knew they’d always be special and important in my life.”
Relief flooded the actress. “So, let me see it. It can’t be that bad if you’ve never gotten it removed or covered up.”
“Okay,” you gave in, knowing she wouldn’t let it go, “but you have to promise you won’t laugh or judge me.”
A bright smile that made your heart flip over in your chest curled her lips. “Of course not. I would never.”
“I was in a difficult spot when I got it.” You began explaining as you rolled up your sleeve. “My parents had just found out that I was a lesbian because of a crush I had on a certain actress, and they weren’t too happy, but I was. Not having to hide anymore was like having the weight of the world lifted off my shoulders, and I got the actress’s name tattooed on me because without even knowing I existed, she gave me the courage to face who I am.”
Scarlett gasped slightly when you turned your wrist over for her to see the tattoo. There, embedded in your skin in black ink, was her own name. Her fingers were careful as she traced each letter, sending goosebumps up your arm and a shiver down your spine. Her green eyes looked up at you, teary with emotion, before she dipped her head and kissed the spot.
“I didn’t think I’d ever actually meet you, let alone be in your house cooking dinner for you, when I got it.” You whispered, your nerves causing you to ramble. “But it always made me smile when I looked at it anytime life got hard. Like you were always with me. That probably sounds so dumb.”
Her blonde curls shook with her head. “No, that’s not dumb. It’s the sweetest thing I’ve ever heard.”
“You’re not freaked out?” A nervous chuckle slipped out.
Green eyes met yours as she smiled lovingly at you. “No. I’m glad I could be there for you back then, even in spirit, and I’m ecstatic to know I haven’t let you down now.”
“Scarlett, you could never let me down.” You told her with affirming confidence. “It’s why I was so sure about this tattoo back then, and it’s why I’m so fucking in love with you now.”
Her strong hands gripped at your waist and pulled you against her. She nuzzled your nose. “I’m so fucking in love with you, too.”
A small giggle escaped your lips just seconds before she kissed you as if her life depended on it. Little did she know, yours actually did. You would be nothing if it wasn’t for her.