Scarlett - Tumblr Posts
I was spoiled for the new Pokémon game's starter final evolutions last week. Completely forgot about it again until I came across art of the final evolution of the weed cat. Fuck me.
Also I am glad to announce at least one of them isn't bipedal.

Binged all of GI: Joe Renegades in four days and now it won’t leave my brain. I love them so much, I need more of them and there isn’t enough so I had to make the fanart myself. For all five of you GI: Joe Renegades fans out there this is for you.

Never made a GIF before, my apologies if these are bad quality. Anyways, I couldn’t find any gifs of this particular scene between Snake Eyes and Scarlett (there may be some out there and I just couldn’t find them) so I had to make my own because I love these two so much and this scene made my heart melt.

Was watching the crew commentary on the blu-ray and I started screaming.
gi joe renegades is funny but after youve seen it so many times its so fucking hilarious everything they do is so funny and im dying!!!! do yall remember this scene where jinx is like “ive seen how he treats you…how he cares” and scarlett just


snake eyes: has his entire face covered

Sometimes a family is a counter intelligence specialist with a classified secondary specialty, her nameless ninja commando boyfriend, and their wolf.

I’m starting up the Funko pop fanart again. Here’s something I just finished. To be honest, I don’t think QT and Bee look that different from their original designs.
I also have a speedpaint video to go with this if you want to check it out.

I really love the thumbnail I made for the speedpaint video so I’m going to add this here too.
Wish You Well
Inspired by Song of the day
Pairing: Natasha x Fem!Reader
Words: 252
Warnings: Endgame spoilers!!
You reminisced about her eyelashes, so luscious and long. They would stand up just right, the bold black they presented made them even more impressive. You remembered the first time the both of you met, you asked where she got her lashes done then stood in shock when she claimed they were her own.
What a great first impression.
You felt her ghosted lips on yours, craving the feeling again. You’d imagined them meeting yours for so long. But you couldn’t help it, her lips were just the right shade of pink. Not to mention, they were so full and tasted like candy.
Now, every time you ate cotton candy, you thought of her. Her, and her outstanding eyes, the same green optics that reminded you of a cat. Then, you thought of her cat-like reflexes. How fast and sneaky she was. And how amazing she looked in that tight, midnight black super suit of hers.
She had these fantastic red bunches of hair that would frame her face oh so perfectly.
Gosh, how you wondered what she could be up to at that moment. Her perfect face surrounded by her ideal hair. Because the last time you saw her eyes, they were glossy. Her eyelashes had been coated with her tears. Her lips had peanut butter sandwich crumbs.
You queried how long this minute would be. Because you couldn’t stand waiting another second of hoping. Hoping that she was alright where she was…
Wishing she was well up in the clouds.
I'm just slightly tearing up at how soft this is
The Tattoo

Pairing: Scarlett Johansson x Female Reader
Summary: Scarlett discovers your secret tattoo.
A/N: You guys are literally the best. Thank you so much for all of the love and support. It means everything to me!
“What’s that on your wrist?” Scarlett asked, gentle fingers reaching for your arm.
You drew back, pulling your sleeve down as your face turned as red as the stove eye you were cooking in. “It’s nothing. Just a small tattoo I got when I turned twenty-two.”
“I’ve seen the others on your arms.” The blonde pointed out with a little smirk playing on her lips. “How come I’ve never seen that one?”
Because I’ve been extra careful to make sure you didn’t see it. That was out popped into your head, but instead you went: “I guess it’s usually covered by my watch.”
“Let me see it.” She reached for your arm once more. The reaction she was getting from you was only serving her curiosity. “Is it another woman’s name or something?”
The redness of your cheeks deepened, and Scarlett’s heart kinda dropped at the fact of you having someone else’s name permanently on your body. Her smile faded as her eyebrows knitted together. A full pout took over her plump lips when you moved away from her grab again, and in that moment, all you wanted to do was kiss her.
“Don’t look at me like that.” You told her with a sigh. “It’s not another woman’s name. The only way I’d put someone’s name on me is if I knew they’d always be special and important in my life.”
Relief flooded the actress. “So, let me see it. It can’t be that bad if you’ve never gotten it removed or covered up.”
“Okay,” you gave in, knowing she wouldn’t let it go, “but you have to promise you won’t laugh or judge me.”
A bright smile that made your heart flip over in your chest curled her lips. “Of course not. I would never.”
“I was in a difficult spot when I got it.” You began explaining as you rolled up your sleeve. “My parents had just found out that I was a lesbian because of a crush I had on a certain actress, and they weren’t too happy, but I was. Not having to hide anymore was like having the weight of the world lifted off my shoulders, and I got the actress’s name tattooed on me because without even knowing I existed, she gave me the courage to face who I am.”
Scarlett gasped slightly when you turned your wrist over for her to see the tattoo. There, embedded in your skin in black ink, was her own name. Her fingers were careful as she traced each letter, sending goosebumps up your arm and a shiver down your spine. Her green eyes looked up at you, teary with emotion, before she dipped her head and kissed the spot.
“I didn’t think I’d ever actually meet you, let alone be in your house cooking dinner for you, when I got it.” You whispered, your nerves causing you to ramble. “But it always made me smile when I looked at it anytime life got hard. Like you were always with me. That probably sounds so dumb.”
Her blonde curls shook with her head. “No, that’s not dumb. It’s the sweetest thing I’ve ever heard.”
“You’re not freaked out?” A nervous chuckle slipped out.
Green eyes met yours as she smiled lovingly at you. “No. I’m glad I could be there for you back then, even in spirit, and I’m ecstatic to know I haven’t let you down now.”
“Scarlett, you could never let me down.” You told her with affirming confidence. “It’s why I was so sure about this tattoo back then, and it’s why I’m so fucking in love with you now.”
Her strong hands gripped at your waist and pulled you against her. She nuzzled your nose. “I’m so fucking in love with you, too.”
A small giggle escaped your lips just seconds before she kissed you as if her life depended on it. Little did she know, yours actually did. You would be nothing if it wasn’t for her.
this is so cute
Behind the Scenes
Scarlett Johansson x Reader

When you’re nervous to film a kiss scene, Scarlett eases your worries
Note: I haven’t written Scarlett in forever, but I got this idea the other day! Follow my library blog @togrowoldinvlibrary for fic updates!
Scarlett Johansson Masterlist, Main Masterlist
“And we’re rolling!” You hear the director say.
Scarlett, acting as Natasha, runs up to you and starts saying her lines. Your mind goes completely blank thinking about what’s coming next.
Actually getting cast in a role in a Marvel movie was beyond your wildest dreams, but the day came a few months ago. You had auditioned expecting no callback or anything, but before you even left that day they told you that were perfect for the part.
And you were ecstatic.
Naturally, you knew nothing about the plot of the movie or who’d you would even be interacting with.
But this week you were handed a script with a scene with the Black Widow. The hero you have been crushing on for years, and now you have to act opposite to her.
Your nerves increased when you read the script further and discovered you have a kiss scene with her.
That’s why now as she speaks, your mind is reeling and your lines slip from your brain.
“We need a diversion,” she repeats her line. “So, they won’t know it’s us,” she tries to pull you back into the scene, but you falter.
Your hands are sweaty and she notices your hesitation.
Scarlett stops trying to keep the scene going. She turns to the camera, “Can we take a break?”
“We have to get this scene done today,” comes the mumbles of the director.
“We will. Give me ten minutes?”
They reluctantly agree. Before you can run off the stage in the direction of, well anywhere but here, a soft hand grabs yours.
“Hey, come with me,” Scarlett says.
She takes you outside to a small picnic area and the fresh air does immediately help you a little feel better. But you’re still nervous as you’ve ever been.
She ushers you to sit down on a bench with her. Scarlett puts her arm behind you, not touching you, but close enough that you feel your pace quicken.
“What’s going on, sweetheart? You always nail your scenes,” Scarlett says.
“I think I’m just nervous,” you admit shyly. She makes an adorable thinking face and you elaborate a little more. “About the- our kiss.”
“Ohhh I see,” Scarlett says. “Well you don’t need to worry about that. It’s easy. Just pretend I’m your girlfriend or something.”
You shake your head and she connects the dots.
“You haven’t?” She asks. You look down at your feet. “That’s alright. Hey, look at me.”
Scarlett’s hand comes to your cheek as she guides you to look at her. You’re immediately lost in the green of her eyes.
“Would you feel more comfortable if we tried it out here first?” She asks.
“I- um- maybe?” You reply.
She smiles at you.
“Okay, sweetheart. I’m going to lean and you tell me to stop if you don’t want to do this, okay?” Scarlett says, already leaning in. You nod. “I need to hear you say it.”
“Okay, yes ma’am.”
“Good,” she replies.
She’s only an inch from touching her lips to yours when she hesitates for just a moment.
“Relax, baby,” she whispers before she presses her lips against yours.
They’re barely there but the feeling makes your head dizzy. It’s over too soon, you think. You open your eyes and she’s smirking at you. You can’t help but smile too.
“Let’s try it one more time,” she says. “Kiss me back this time?”
“I’ll try,” you say and she chuckles.
“Just do what comes naturally.”
This time she leans in quicker and connects her lips with yours more intensely. You kiss back, and if the soft whimper she lets out when you do is any indication, then you’re doing well.
Scarlett pulls away and rests her forehead against yours.
“Wow,” she whispers.
Caught up in the moment, you kiss her lips again softly.
“I’m sorry!” You say as you abruptly stop kissing her and stand up.
“Don’t apologize!” She says. She comes to you and turns you around with a hand on your waist. “Just kiss me again.”
Scarlett doesn’t give you time to reply. She kisses you again and it’s the best one yet. Her tongue asks for entrance and you don’t deny her. The kiss continues until someone opens the door.
“Oh! I guess you guys are ready for the kiss scene!” Elizabeth says as she clothes the door again.
You laugh shyly and Scarlett takes your hand.
“Are you ready?” She asks.
“Let’s do it,” you reply.
Before you get to the door, Scarlett stops walking and turns to you.
“We should do this again sometime,” she suggests.
“Oh- yeah sure yes,” you get shy again.
“Dinner tonight?” She asks. You nod in agreement, too stunned to speak.
Scarlett kisses your cheek and opens the door.
You follow after her now ready more than ever for a kiss with her.
Hi hi hi! Can I request Flufftober Scarlett x Reader romantic? Maybe falling asleep in Scarlett’s arms after a hard day? Or attending a party where Scarlett wants nothing more than to be by your side always?
Thank you 🙏🙏🫡
Feels Like Home
Pairing: Scarlett Johansson x GN! Reader
Summary: After a long, long day at work, Scarlett makes the afternoon super relaxing.
Warnings: None | 0.8K
AC: Thank you for requesting this, I hope you enjoy it! x
October Special Masterlist

Your legs, arms, neck and back all ached as you walked through the front door of your home, greeted by the smell of a home cooked meal causing you to sigh in relief. Scarlett was home, after being away for two days, you were glad to have her home, especially after today. Working in childcare has its ups and downs, the downside is how tiring it is by the end of the day.
Covered in all sorts of things, the first thing you do is kick your shoes off and sneak off to the bathroom. A warm shower helped relax your body, thank god it was Friday and you had the weekends off. Being so close to Halloween, the children were busy making all kinds of different Halloween decorations to take home to their family.
After your shower, you wandered into the kitchen, smiling softly when you locked eyes with Scarlett. "Welcome home" she walked over to you, wrapped her arms around you. "I could say the same about you" you replied with a chuckle before letting your body sink into her hold. Scar placed a kiss on the top of your head, "rough day?" she asked seeing how drained you looked.
"Long, just a long, long day" you replied as you kindly pulled away to look into her eyes, "I missed you a lot" you added. You always did miss her when she was away but even more so when you were exhausted. "I figured the last few days were tough, I'm cooking your favourite, and it should be ready in the next 20 minutes. Go get yourself comfy on the sofa, I've already placed a hot coco on the coffee table and your favourite blanket is waiting for you" Scarlett replied, placing a kiss on your lips.
"You're the best" you complimented before making your way into the living room.
Netflix was already waiting for you to endlessly scroll through until Scarlett joined you on the sofa, your favorite fluffy blanket was calling your name as you sat down and pulled it over yourself, reaching for the mug of fresh coco to warm your hands. You weren't even bothered that you left your phone in the bedroom or the fact that you still hadn't gone grocery shopping like you planned too after work, but then again, you knew Scarlett probably had already covered that as well.
"Here you are my love" Scarlett smiled as she handed you a dish of your favorite meal that smelt amazing, she always was able to cook it to perfection. "Thank you, baby! It looks amazing!" you replied, suddenly remembering just how hungry you truly were having last eaten at lunchtime.
The two of you ate over small talk before finally deciding on a movie to watch, The Mother. Scarlett was more into the movie while you struggled to stay awake, especially when you were cuddled up with Scar and her fingers running through your hair. You were more focused on the sound of her heart beating and feeling the way her stomach moved against you as she breathed in and out, she was like a natural relaxant.
Soon enough you felt your body drifting off into a slumber, you tried your best to stay awake to finish the movie, but you couldn't fight the fatigue and eventually Scarlett heard soft snores coming from you. She pulled the blanket up to cover you more and placed another kiss on the top of your head, "I love you" she whispered even if you couldn't hear her.
Falling asleep in the arms of somebody you loved so dearly was a feeling of home in itself. You felt safe, loved, valued and seen. All things Scarlett never failed to make you feel, even with her celebrity status, she always made it clear that nothing ever felt like home than being at home with you.
By morning, you woke up in your shared bed, Scarlett still asleep beside you. She had carried you to bed shortly after the movie had finished but you were so tired, you didn't even feel a thing. You couldn't help yourself but kiss the blonde's cheek softly before slipping out of bed and making your way to the kitchen. You were right, Scarlett had taken care of the grocery shopping, you grabbed all the ingredients you needed to make some French toast and freshly squeezed orange juice.
You were squeezing the juice when you felt two arms wrap around your waist, "good morning" Scarlett's raspy voice pulled a smile from your lips. "You were supposed to stay in bed" you chuckled, "I wanted to surprise you with breakfast in bed!" you added.
"I'm sorry, I missed you. I went to snuggle you, but you were missing, I thought I lost you" She joked, making you both chuckle at her poorly made joke.
"Well, act surprised, breakfast is served" you turned in her arms and smiled softly before holding up some French toast to her lips, she took a bite and hummed at the taste, "best French toast I have ever had!" she complimented.
"The chef only takes compliments in kisses" you smirked with a raised brow. Scarlett pulled you closer and kissed you softly. This was home, to you and to her.

Taglist: @red1culous | @bentleywolf29 | @splatasha-jumpinoff | @lissaaaa145 | @high--power | @parkerdaramitzzzz | @mmmmokdok | @wackymcstupid | @kiwiana145 | @observeowl | @nattyolw | @ripofflizzie | @goofy-goonie | @makegoodchoices | @apollo2907 | @wandaroman0ff | @dumb-fawkin-bitch | @lovelyy-moonlight | @santana1437 | @ahintofchaos | @fluffyblanketgecko | @inluvwithfictionalwomen | @jaymieflorissssssss | @tita001 | @youralphawolf72 | @natashamaximoff69 | @hehehehannahthings | @pandaemonium111 | @secrettoallofyou | @romantic-slaps-on-the-asss | @marvel-fan-2021 | @mmmmokdok | @riveramorylunar | @ripofflizzie | @scarsw1fe | @toldthatdevil | @itsmv3 | @katiemay-025 | @aphrcdtes | @natsxwife | @maria-403 | @boredandneedfanfics | @wandamaximoffspuppup | @xox-little-troublemaker-xox | @music-4ever |
I need to just...reblog this...thanks...

Ahhh, my gorgeous psychopath. You are the reason I am watching this.

CatCFember - Day 15 - Parents ▸ DID introjects, not fanart
Our system has introjected more of the CatCF parents than it has 'kids', and we'd been meaning to finish their alter cards for tIW for ages...
so we decided to double up CatCFember today. momsquad.
wasn't happy w ahstories. what the fuck was that. it made me homophobic. anyway so I decided to write Scarlett & ruby meeting. might make a part two, might lick a clit. well have to see how much I like the third ep
I grab the gin from under the sink--because Troy thinks he’s able to keep his alcoholism a secret by hiding bottles in the most generic places--and run upstairs to my room, on fire. Electric. I drink as I run and it burns my already sore throat, and within the frenzy inside my head I catch myself thinking about how good a cigarette would feel right now. Burned. Searing Maya’s skin, adding a beauty mark like Marilyn Monroe right above her pouty lips--she wanted to be a model, right?
The knife in my room isn’t clean. It’s tainted with the meat I found in the garden--little animals I carved to see the bones. To make things with. They squirm and I feel ethereal as my knife plunges into their tiny chest. I’m the one who makes the fucking choices and I’m the one who decides who feels pain and I’m the one who picks who lives and who dies and I’ll chose for Maya and she’ll squirm like the chipmunks and bunnies and all the cute little creatures that died because of me. Because I chose it. Because I am so fucking powerful that I am able to weild the decision most people are too intimidated to stare in the face. It all comes down to me and my mood. Maya’s life now falls into my scales--her heart and a feather--and I’m waiting for the balance to settle into her fate, and I choose her destiny and for a moment, for just a moment the universe is in the palm of my hands.
A little chrome switchblade I ordered from Amazon when I was fourteen. Well used and well loved, I call her Peggy Sue. Holding the knife, pushing the blade out with my thumb, I take another swig before setting the bottle at my feet. She looks rusty but I know it’s just the dry blood. I think of being the master of the universe as I bring the blade down on my arm.
“Heh, wait.”
Interruptions. Interruptions. Someone is interrupting the fucking greatest moment of my life and has the audacity to chuckle while she did. Before it could register that I should be the only female in the house, I clutched the knife harder--my knuckles white--and started trembling.
“What?” I don’t look away from my arm, I see it as Maya’s. “Get the fuck out.”
“Like I would ever! After that little monologue of yours, I’m way too invested to suddenly leave. Or, to see you leave, I guess fits a little better.”
My head shoots up. In the threshold of my bedroom is a girl I’ve never met before, with raccoon eyes and knotted brown hair. She’s dressed in a biker jacket, zipped closed, and leather pants. My eye twitches at the leather, like she was wearing them for the sole purpose of mocking me, like she knew.
I point the knife over her shoulder. “Get the fuck out.”
I stalk towards her. “Get the fuck out.”
She’s grinning. As I get closer, I notice a horrible stench emitting from her jacket. It takes me by surprise and I stagger back, holding my nose and gagging. I never smelled anything like it, it was like sulfur came from her clothes in waves, burning anything it touched. I cough, only to find a similar taste lingering against my tongue, and this time I think I actually will puke.
She steps towards me. “No.”
“Who the hell are you?!” The smell was a cruel torture in of itself, but her smile, and the way she looked at Peggy Sue, told me she still had other plans in mind.
“What were you gonna do with that?” She asks.
“With what?” I rub my watery eyes. “Christ they’re burning! Did you fucking roll in shit?”
“The knife. What were you going to do with the knife?”
“The knife.” What? I look at it in sudden puzzlement. What was I going to do with it? Startled out of my pleasure, none of what I was thinking made any sense. I look at my arm, it wasn’t even the same shade as Maya’s-
The girl shoves my chest, grabs the knife and laughs. She points the blade at my neck. “That was too easy!” She teases me with puckered lips. “My sweet little dreamer, didn’t Momma ever tell you to get your heads outta the clouds?” I back against the wall. “All the action happens down below.”
She pounces and I scream for my dads.