Oh He Is Considering It - Tumblr Posts

5 months ago
set of 6 gifs of worf and will riker.

GIF 1: worf in the foreground, riker in the background they are standing in worfs quarters on the enterprise. this shot is from the belly upwards but it is still clear that they are wearing the long dress uniforms typical during this era, and worf is also wearing a special kind of formal sash. they are both facing the right of the screen. gruntingly, worf says "they look like dresses", prompting riker to turn his head with a shocked expression.
GIF 2: riker says "that is an incredibly outmoded and sexist attitude. i am surprised at you", and walks off to the left.
GIF 3: riker is now standing by the door. he turns around half way, lets his eyes wander down (and by down i mean down worf's body, who is off screen right now) and concludes: "besides, you look good in a dress"
GIF 4: now a shot of from the other angle, of worf standing in front of a mirror. he is looking at his reflection, but turns around upon hearing riker's words.
GIF 5: riker again. he smiles his best and biggest riker smile (tagent warning but ever since I saw this one post on here where someone referred to this as "impish eye twinkles" i can't stop calling it that in my mind. yeah! anyway, he does the whole impish eye twinkle smile routine here)
GIF 6: worf again. he turns back to the mirror and takes a moment to really look at himself, then sighs.


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