Oh To Hold One In My Hand Like A Little Bird - Tumblr Posts

6 months ago

Phidippus workmani lass, grooming after finishing off a very large grasshopper 💛 This species is the first Phidippus I ever saw. They're endemic to Florida and Georgia and are always a treat to see in the savannah habitat they seem to love. Gold Lumps.

Large floofy Phidippus jumping spider on a twig, left palp grooming her left eye, exposing her bright emerald green chelicerae. She has gold and black legs and a white face.
The floof grooming her right eye with the right palp
The lump grooming her left 1st leg by running it through her mouth while she makes eye contact with you
Side view; her chonky booty is orange on the sides, black with white spots on top

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