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1 year ago

Pal (Billy Hargrove Bingo fill)

Square: B3, "Just look at me"

Title: Pal

Rating: General

Word Count: 16,916

Ship(s): None (just Billy bonding with his new friend the demodog)

Major Tags: Homesickness, loneliness, underage drinking, mentions of animal cruelty, implied/referenced child abuse

Additional Tags: billy finds a demodog and thinks it's just a weird dog, and befriends it


Billy meets a dog at the junk yard. It's a weird dog. Big, hairless, deformed - the thing doesn't even have a face - but Billy doesn't want to go home and the dog doesn't seem to mind him being there, at least not after he feeds it. So he comes back. Feeds it again. Keeps it company. He names the dog Pal.

Read it on AO3

Written for the @billyhargrovebingo

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