Older Dean X Younger Sam - Tumblr Posts

6 months ago

inspired by @bitchface24-7 's post,

as I'm a "the boys" fan, I love Jensen's look in the show and now I've been introduced to supernatural I can't stop thinking about older man!dean and late teen!/young adult! sammy together

also dean having that hot american soldier boy voice cause I looove it

Inspired By @bitchface24-7 's Post,
Inspired By @bitchface24-7 's Post,

they go together so well mmmmmm

I just know he'd fuck sam so good

• last year of highschool sam who meets dean at a motel some friday nights where dean is just a romantic and then it devolves into hot, dirty sex

• OH OH sam egging him on - “you really fuck like an old man.” and dean fucking that brattiness out of him. “what was that bitch?” dean spits and grips sam's shaggy hair, not caring if it really hurt and speeds up his thrusts, sam focusing on heavy balls slapping against him, which turns him on even further.

• maybe dean letting go of his grasp in sam's hair and then just as sam rests his head down, he's suprised by dean wrapping his thick hand around sam's throat. squeezing and dean bends down, “now you listen to me, you whore.....”

• dean pays for the stay and asks to treat him to a fancy meal next weekend with which sam happily accepts.

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