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У меня опять тут скетчей накопилось,давайте выложу что бы не было пусто
I've got a lot of sketches here again, let's put them out so that it's not empty
I'm so fascinated by languages with different levels of formality built in because it immediately introduces such complex social dynamics. The social distance between people is palpable when it's built right into the language, in a way it's not really palpable in English.
So for example. I speak Spanish, and i was taught to address everyone formally unless specifically invited otherwise. People explained to me that "usted" was formal, for use with strangers, bosses, and other people you respect or are distant from, while "tú" is used most often between family and good friends.
That's pretty straightforward, but it gets interesting when you see people using "tú" as a form of address for flirting with strangers, or for picking a fight or intimidating someone. In other languages I've sometimes heard people switch to formal address with partners, friends or family to show when they are upset. That's just so interesting! You're indicating social and emotional space and hierarchy just in the words you choose to address the other person as "you"!!
Not to mention the "what form of address should I use for you...?" conversation which, idk how other people feel about it, but to me it always felt awkward as heck, like a DTR but with someone you're only just becoming comfortable with. "You can use tú with me" always felt... Weirdly intimate? Like, i am comfortable around you, i consider you a friend. Like what a vulnerable thing to say to a person. (That's probably also just a function of how i was strictly told to use formal address when i was learning. Maybe others don't feel so weird about it?)
And if you aren't going to have a conversation about it and you're just going to switch, how do you know when? If you switch too soon it might feel overly familiar and pushy but if you don't switch soon enough you might seem cold??? It's so interesting.
Anyway. As an English-speaking American (even if i can speak a bit of Spanish), i feel like i just don't have a sense for social distance and hierarchy, really, simply because there isn't really language for it in my mother tongue. The fact that others can be keenly aware of that all the time just because they have words to describe it blows my mind!

somewhere before the beginning of the world— a meeting
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people with brown or black eyes should be allowed to do anything like get everything they need for free and get away with murder. okay whatever you want beautiful
Do you think in like, an urban fantasy setting, with a modern lab and chemistry knowledge you could brew super specific potions? Imagine getting a C on your lab final for Potions 238 because you didn’t balance your equation correctly and accidentally added 4 mols of salamander blood when you only needed 2. You lose points for incorrect titration, leading your potion of invisibility to last 10 minutes instead of 20. Would you treat each magical component as its own element/ compound or would you have to break it down into organic molecules? What does “enchanted” MEAN in terms of reactance!!! These are the real questions!!
Of all names in manga, I like Haikyuu names the best because they manage to fit the characters while still staying actual not completely out of the blue names, so here are (some) of the name meanings :
日向 翔陽, Hinata Shōyō. 'Hi'日 means sun or day, while 'nata'向 means to face, defy, confront or tend towards to. Together, they're used to say "a sunny place", but it's interesting to think that Hinata with his jumps is also defying or being draw to the sun.
'Shō'翔 is the radical of 翔る、which means to soar, to fly, to run or to dash. It also used to be in 翔ぶ、but it's not used anymore (it has been replaced with another kanji which... You'll see lmao), which means to jump or to leap. 'yō'陽 is generally meant to say "sunlight" but only when it's pronounced 'hi', while when pronounced 'yō', it means the Yang, so the positive, or an open space. Hinata has a very sunny name :').
影山 飛雄、Kageyama Tobio. There's two kanjis for "shadow", both pronounced Kage, but the one used in his name is 影, which has slightly different meanings. It means shadow, silhouette, reflection, presence or star/moonlight. Silhouette is cool, since Kageyama has always been this great king that everyone knows of, presence is interesting ("as long as I'm here..."), and the moonlight one shows that he's a counterpart to Hinata's sunlight. 'Yama' 山 means mountain. Now, Kageyama is a very common Japanese last name, but together they form the mountains shadow, or a shadowy mountain... So the name has like "impressive great king" connotations.
'Tobi' 飛 is one of the most used kanjis in the whole manga. You know that kanji I talked about earlier, which used to mean to jump or leap ? Well, it was replaced by this one. So the first kanji in Hinata's first name was replaced by the first kanji in Kageyama's name in the verb "to jump, to leap, to fly". It's also the kanji that's used in Karasuno's banner, Fly. 飛ベ。'O'雄 is very common in boy's first names in Japan (it's also used in Natsuo from mha for example). It means masculine, leader, superiority or excellence. So it's pretty weighted since Kageyama is this representation of complete natural superiority and talent.
月島 京, Tsukishima Kei. The first kanji of his name, 'Tsuki' 月 (do not exchange with Yamaguchi's nickname Tsukki, which is written in hiragana and not in kanji) means moon or month. It's both a reference to his personality and to be Hinata's counterpart, and it was already discussed in the anime. 'Shima' 島 means island, and it might be a reference to his isolated nature ? Also interesting to note that it has a strong resemblance to 'Tori' 鳥, the kanji for bird.
'Kei' 京 is just one of the kanjis pronounced Kei, which apparently sucks for him cause his first worry of the moment was that everyone was gonna ask him how to write his name since it was a new year :'). Like, I'm not kidding, there's 16 kanjis pronounced Kei. This one, anyway, means capital or 10^16. It's the second kanji in Tōkyō (東京), and I have no idea why the Japanese have a word for ten thousand billion.
山口 忠, Yamaguchi Tadashi. Finally, my favourite ! Yama still means mountain, and 'Guchi' 口 means mouth. It was chosen because of Yamaguchi's arc, which was about greed and pride, to show his unending greed : he's ready to swallow a mountain basically.
'Tadashi' 忠 means loyalty, devotion, faithfulness. It was probably chosen as a sign of both his loyalty to Tsukishima and to Karasuno !
I'm gonna stop at those four for now, but if you want others just say so, i'll get right on it !
Sister's Keeper Pt 4
Summary: MC wasn’t pleased about being forced out of their home and into the Devildom for this so-called exchange program, however, they were pissed that their little sister Harper was brought with them. MC wants nothing more than to make sure their sister stays alive and safe while in the Devildom, but first they need to figure out why these Demon bastards won’t stop gawking at her.
Previous Part, Series Masterlist
You hadn't managed to fall back asleep after what happened in the attic.
The man looked at you pleadingly once more as you let out a heavy breath. “So you’ll help me?”
Caution and fear were swirling dangerously in your gut, your very instincts screaming at you that something was off about this entire scenario, but the human-nature inside of you couldn't help but sympathize for the prisoner. You would be devastated if you were ever separated from Harper.
If you could help this man get back to his family, and gain some security for your sister in the process, you would count this as a win.
You eyed Leviathan as he quietly scooped food onto his plate and scurried back to his room to eat in peace.
You were torn from your thoughts as an elbow jabbed into your side. You whipped around to see Mammon frowning over at you. "What's got ya all dazed this morning? Please tell me we're not back to the not sleepin' 'cause there's big scary mean demons everywhere thing again?"
You shrugged and refilled Harper's glass of orange juice; the little girl smiled thankfully at you as she accepted it with both hands.
"Just thinking about a dream I had," you mumbled quietly, glancing over at the door once more. "What's with Leviathan? Does he always skip out on group meals?"
Satan rose an eyebrow at the sudden question. "He's just always been like that."
Harper grinned as she practically climbed onto the table to grab one of the sugar-filled chocolate chip muffins sitting in the center of the table. "Maybe he just needs a friend, like a Mammon did!"
Mammon spluttered as he dragged the seven-year-old away from the muffins. "Wha- I did not need a friend! The Great Mammon needs nobody!"
"Yes, you did! You were all grumpy before we started playing and you got to know MC!" Harper argued as she squirmed out his hands.
Mammon glared down at the child. "No I wasn't"
"Yes, you were!"
"Quiet!" Lucifer snapped as he massaged his temples. "For Diavolo's sake, Mammon you are fighting with an actual toddler. Please, for once in your life, act your age."
Satan rolled his eyes. "Harper is not a toddler. Human toddlers are between the ages of one and three years old. Harper is seven. You'd think as the spearhead of the exchange program you'd know that," he loudly took a sip of his coffee and pointedly looked at his brother.
"Yeah!" Harper cheered as she plopped back into her own chair, a muffin successfully clasped in her hands. "I'm really big! I'm seven!"
Lucifer narrowed his eyebrows at the blond as his grip tightened around his own coffee cup.
Beel nervously looked between the two and quickly turned his attention to you. "But to answer your question MC, Levi prefers to be alone more often than not," he spoke loudly enough to interrupt any argument that Lucifer may have been about to make. "He's more introverted than the rest of us. He likes his video games more than he likes people."
You quietly nodded and played with your food in response — so the man upstairs wasn't lying about Levi's interests.
Harper beamed at the new information. "I like video games!" She turned to you with a bright grin as she tugged on your sleeve. "Can we go play with him? Please? Pretty please?"
No. You wanted to tell her no. To stay as far away from him as possible. You barely knew Leviathan yet, and going into his territory without a plan was just plain stupid. You had no idea how the recluse demon would react to having a kid come into his space, and quite frankly you didn't want to find out.
But you had a mission.
You smiled softly at your sister and ruffled her hair. "I'll talk to him about it, but no promises."
The table went uncomfortably quiet at your response as Harper giggled in victory. Asmo tilted his head at you, "You're actually considering it?"
You sighed heavily, purposefully keeping your eyes on your plate and very much away from the all too curious and prying eyes of the five demons around you. "It's not like we're going anywhere. If the two of us are going to be stuck down here, it would only do more harm than good to keep Harper isolated to a select circle of people for that length of time. I'll ... I have keep her in mind," you sent him a sharp look as you caught a smirk climbing its way onto his stupid face. "This doesn't mean I trust any of you. It just means that I'm trying to consider other options."
You could feel Lucifer's eyes drilling into the side of your head as Asmodeus giggled. "Admit it! You're finally starting to warm up to us!"
You rolled your eyes and leaned back in your chair. "If that's true then maybe I'm finally developing Stockholm syndrome."
Harper blinked at you in confusion as she bit into her muffin. "What's that? Are you sick?"
You huffed in amusement as you took note of your sister's overly stuffed cheeks and gently wiped the crumbs from her face. "It's nothing. I'm just being silly," you stood up as you wiped your hands onto a napkin. "We should get ready for RAD. Come on, Harper." You held out your hand, and grinned as Harper eagerly scrambled down from her chair and ran took your hand tightly into her own.
As you left the room, you still couldn't shake the feeling that the eldest brother was onto you.
Knock, knock, knock.
Levi's eye twitched as he sped his way through an attack combo with lightning-fast reflexes. He smirked as the Boss he had been working toward all night let out a thunderous roar in sync with the vibrations of the remote in his hands. He was so close. A few more clean hits and he just might-
Knock, knock, knock. "Leviathan? Are you in there?"
Levi's breath hitched at the sound of an unfamiliar voice invading into his room. His eyes flittered off-screen for a second and suddenly an all-too familiar groan rang through the room as red light bled from his screen.
By the time Levi looked back to the screen, the words "Game Over" sat mockingly in front of him.
The demon growled and threw his remote onto the ground as rage and shame boiled under his skin. He stormed over to the door and ripped it open. "WHAT?!" He snapped. His serpentine eyes were practically glowing with resentment. "What do you want huh?! What could you want so badly that you had to mess up my winning streak?!"
His lip curled as you, the small pathtetic normie that you were, gulped in fear. "I ... um ..." You dared to glance down at your palm. "T-The uh password is the Second Lord, right? Or the uh, Lord of Masks or um ... something like that."
Levi's eyes widened more with every word you spoke. That was sacred information; an answer to a question that he hadn't even asked you. Meaning only one thing — there was a traitor in his midst. His nails dug into his door frame as he glowered at you. "How in, Henry's honorable name, does a stupid normie like you, know that?"
You huffed as you averted your gaze from him. "RAD. I make an effort to attend, and when you attend things like school you meet ... people," you slowed to a stop as your eyes finally caught his. Leviathan took pleasure in watching the blood drain from your complexion. Served you right. "I-I um ... S-Solomon. Met him today. Thought he'd be more normal, was a little disappointed. But ... at least he doesn't have fangs," you murmured the last part to yourself as you nervously eyed Leviathan's mouth.
Levi scoffed as he straightened his posture and raised an eyebrow at you. "Should've known. There's no way you know anything about the masterpiece that is Tale of the Seven Lords. You probably watch some mainstream crap a-a-and freak out over the overly-muscled apes that they show on the screen. Like anyone but Beel and Diavolo actually look like that."
He turned around, ready to head back into his den and completely ignore you and your ridiculous normie face for the rest of the day. He had to start completely over on that boss fight, afterall, not to mention figuring out what to do about the traitor and-
"Oh! Tale of the Seven Lords! That's Simeeon's series, right?"
Levi stopped in his tracks. He slowly turned his head to glare at you. "What did you just say?" He spat calmly despite the utter disgust that he was feeling.
You tilted your empty, little head, completely oblivious to the blasphemy you were speaking. "I met Simeon and Luke today too. The angels aren't so bad and Simeon and I discussed hobbies that we do to decompress after the kids go to sleep. Simeon said he was the author of that series. He, uh, writes under a pen name though, Christopher Peu-"
"Peugot." Leviathan breathed. He shook his head as he ran his hands through his hair. "No. No, no, no, no. There's no way that's true. You're just trying to mess with me because I'm a lame otaku. Christopher Peugot is a human. H-He's ... He's ..."
The more he thought about it, the more it made sense.
Leviathan felt his chest heave as realization began to sink in. Before you could even blink, suddenly the man had launched into his demon form and pinned you against the wall.
Your screams rang in his ears as you fought against him. "Why do you get to know that?!" He snarled. "You don't know anything! You could never appreciate TSL the way that I do! I have all the collector's editions of the books and the movies! I have the actual mask that was worn by the Lord of Shadows on set! I'm the biggest fan there is for TSL! Why does some nobody normie get to be the one to figure out who Christopher Peugot is?!"
"Let go of me!" You shouted as you attempted to claw at his arm. "I don't fucking know, you psycho! I just asked! Maybe if you actually talked to real fucking people-" you were cut off as his hand tightened around your wrist.
He couldn't help but grin as he felt your bones creak beneath his grip. "You humans always think you're so tough," he grumbled. "We'll see about that," he shoved himself away from you and scowled. "Tomorrow you and I are going to have a little contest," he crossed his arms over his chest as you clutched your now-bruised wrist to yours.
He could almost laugh at the attempt of a glare that you shot him. "What the fuck? Why?"
He snorted — normies really were so dumb. "To prove who knows the most about the Tale of the Seven Lords. Obviously. When I win, you'll have to do all the camp-out lineups for merch and all-nighters for limited edition pulls for me for the entirety of your stay in the Devildom."
For a second, he could see a fire of resistance in your eyes. But then, something struck you. Something caused a disgustingly determined gleam to shine in your eyes. "Fine. But if I win, you have to make a pact with me."
For the second time within the last fifteen minutes of talking with you, his heart fell to his stomach. He should've seen this coming. You had already bewitched Mammon and Satan, of all people. If this were an RPG, Levi had no doubt that you would be an enchanter. This was probably what you had planned all along — and of course he was enough of a moron to fall for it.
"Fine," he gritted through his teeth. "But you won't win! Like I said, I'm the biggest TSL fan in the world! There's no way you can beat me!"
The hair on the back of his neck stood up as you smiled smuggly at him. "We'll see,"
*** It feels so good to be writing this series again! I got forgot how much I love it!! Levi's arc will continue in the next part, but for now thank you so much for the love and support ❤️***
TAGLIST: @thegrimgrinningghost @henry-and-the-seven-lords @satans-beloved-riv @cosmixbun @sufzku @obey-mes-treasure @kissed-by-a-dementor @justtiarra @mammoneybb @poly-bi-mf @burrixino @rul-of-demise @pumpkins-mainside-blog @acousticpen @sucker-for-angst-and-fluff @itskrispy @10paradox10 @vallison-rea @ivoryclive @newfangled-artistry @pumpkinpatchkid @crzyimp @peachifiedenbyfaux @greenlit-mess @k1ngan0n @chirikoheina @tanspostsblog @kadythethief @mootofuu @fun-ghoul-neela @l0v3r666 @siniy606 @porgs-are-space-puffins @suzofobm @chirikoheina @nebulosalumine @pen-ink-therapy @urmomhetero @subaroon @hajimeslover @attackonhoseok @darkfaethedestroyer @amaya-writes @blankfornow @nexxy-is-lonely @sutsuxan @hobin-gnoblin @hatsunemiku2025 @idiotic-canadian @cubandevil04 @unicornhorse160 @dweeb-central @r-0-tt-3-n-m-1-lk @keqingsfavbestie

he’s fed up with your bs 😔

Gaze upon my magnificent visage.
So I was going through the season taking some screen caps for a different piece of meta when I stumbled on something interesting: the record Aziraphale listens to.

So in 1934, Shostakovich wrote an opera called Lady Macbeth of Mtsensk. It was popular but after Stalin himself deemed the work corrupt he wound up banned by the Soviet Union. This had a huge impact of Shostakovich's life and was a very dangerous thing to have happen to you. There are even stories of him sleeping in stairwells to avoid arrest. So by 1937 he released the Symphony No. 5 in D minor. It is a piece written to get him back into the good grace of the authorities and as such it is informally called A Soviet Artist’s Practical and Creative Response to Just Criticism. This worked. Which on the surface makes sense but I urge you to go listen to this song. It starts out very angry. Then retracts itself into a very hesitant sonata. And then the music cuts into a harsh pattern of notes. It's cuts are jarring and there's something just slightly off in nearly all the melodies. Notably, most symphonies shift to a major key by the end. This one, despite spending a great deal of time leading up to the shift into one, refuses to. It's all false triumph. It's all about pretending to folk under the authority's pressure without actually making something that would glorify it. And it worked. Stalin approved of him again.
This was what Az was listening to. Az who is about to make a series of not quite right choices that to the right eyes look like him bowing back again under authority's pressure. He's listening to a song built to deceive those with power over the composer into letting him back into the fold. Whatever Metatron did to him and whether Aziraphale was magically and/or mundanely manipulated (I suspect and) I don't think it entirely took hold.
Glaze is out!
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