Op Im Gonna Cry - Tumblr Posts
% cupid’s arrows

pairings: yangyang x gn!reader || wc: 0.9k || warnings: light swearing || inspiration: kpop isacs
the cheers from the sidelines fade away to nothing but a dull buzz as you zone in on your goal, and all you can see is the centre of the painted target in front of you. a deep breath; a single second. that’s all it takes for you to release the string and watch as your arrow hits the smallest red circle.
semi-finals, down. you lower your bow, your face a picture of satisfaction. striding off the archery range towards the crowds, you scan the sea of bodies. so many faces, but you’re only looking for one.
he pops up behind you and grabs your shoulders before spinning you around to face him.
“hey,” he smirks, studying your face. you swat his hands away in annoyance.
“hey,” you echo his previous statement with much more contempt.
“you’ve improved.” this is paired with a tilt of his head, as though he’s surprised at your sudden progress.
you roll your eyes. “well yeah. i wasn’t stupid enough to break my arm, so i had more time to practise, yangyang.”
he grins at you and gives you a high-five, which you gladly reciprocate. “too bad i can’t participate. i would totally crush you.” yangyang is your best friend, and you met through archery. it’s a shared passion.
“finals in ten minutes. you ready?” he asks, scratching his chin.
shrugging your shoulders, you bite your gum. “well. as ready as i’ll ever be, i guess.”
a ghost of a smile flits across yangyang’s lips. “you’ll do fine.” as he says this, he reaches out and places something in your hair. his skin connects with yours, and it’s as though bolts of electricity are running down your spine. you scrunch up your nose and move away from his touch, but he still manages to get whatever it is tucked behind your ear. when he’s done, you take it out, intending to inspect it closely.
your eyes widen when you see what it is. “a… flower?” a small yellow flower rests in the palm of your hand, its petals a velvety texture.
yangyang scoffs, slightly offended. “what did you think it was, a cockroach?”
“hmm. wouldn’t put it past you, for sure.” you look at it a while longer, admiring the way it lies so gracefully. it kind of reminds you of the way yangyang looks when he shoots, his back straight and muscles flexing as he pulls on the string.
yangyang’s hand blocks your view as he sticks it out, demanding, “give it back if you’re not going to use it. i picked out a nice one.”
for me? you almost say, but you stop yourself in time. nobody needs a rejection from their long-time crush right before an important competition. instead, you cup the flower with two hands, bringing it closer to your chest. “no.”
“why? it’s going to go to waste if you keep it anyway.”
“i like it now.” you stick your tongue out at him.
it’s his turn to roll his eyes and he smacks you playfully, trying to get the flower back. “can you at least let me put it back in your hair?”
you hesitate for a moment, but decide there’s nothing to lose. “...fine.”
you give it back to him, and this time, when he puts the flower in your hair again, you don’t flinch. actually, the feeling of his fingers against the skin of your cheek is nice. you make a mental note never to let him find out how much you enjoy his touch.
the second he finishes, the two of you look up as the announcer calls for all competitors in the finals to enter the field. amongst the shouts from the throngs of people around you, you put your fingers up in an L-shape on your forehead. “later, loser!”
just as you’re about to leave, he takes a step forward and throws his working arm around you, burying his nose into your neck. “what are you doing?”
he doesn’t say anything to that, only whispering into your ear, “good luck, sucker.” you chuckle at his antics, willing your heart to slow down. increased heart rates do not bode well for archers.
he lets you go and you give him one last glance over your shoulder before you walk back down to the archery range.
when it’s your turn to shoot, you can feel your hands shaking. not good. then you think about yangyang watching you from somewhere in the crowd, and you think about how all your life has been spent trying to beat him at archery. now, you’ve finally got a chance to prove your skills to him, and there is no way in hell that you’re going to let that slip through your fingers.
you nock your arrow and draw back your arm, and when the string is almost stretched to the fullest, your hand touches the flower sticking out from behind your ear. remembering yangyang’s words and his goofy smile, you take a deep breath and exhale slowly to steady your arm. one eye shut for a better aim, you adjust, and release the string.
the arrow flies straight and true. bullseye.

© marklilies, 2021. all rights reserved.