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3 years ago

The Curse of Choice

I recently reached 50 followers, so as a thank you im doing another event called

The Curse Of Choice

Image Above: purple backgrounds with the words "the curse of Choice'

It's another Match up event but with a little bit of choice.

The premise is that I will match you with two characters, I will also write a short story about the characters fighting or pinning over you, and them being jealousy

The Curse Of Choice

The rules/ explanation

like any other matchup, you will send me information about yourself that you think is important (if you don't know what information to send in then you can use the guide at the end of this post)

The many difference in this match-up is that you will be matched with two characters. You also have the choice to decide which characters you want to be in love with you. Because the main part of this is the drabble about you and the characters

Along with your information, you can clarify what kind of drabble you would like. All drabbles will be about two characters being in love with you but you can decide how. You can choose between a

Fight drabble where the characters have a non-physical fight over you

Double Trouble Drabble: Two POV, one of each character and how they love you.

Jealousy drabble: Similar to Double Trouble but instead of their thoughts being about you it's about their jealousy toward the other character.

The last note about this match-up is endings, you can request different endings.

Ambiguous ending: the ending that let you chose how it ends

None ending: You end up with neither characters

I choose ending: choose which charater/s you end up with

Poly ending:You end up with both characters

The Curse Of Choice

Below is the list of what I want to see in your match-up request, the green highlights are what I pay attention to when matching people. Pink is what I absolutely need. White is extra that will help me, especially in the event that I match you instead of you sending the characters.


What Fandom do you want matchups from? For this Event, you can only request one fandom

Mystic Messenger

AOT(only characters that are in seasons 1-3)


Haikyuu ( not well versed in minor characters, I've only watched up to season 2)


A fact or two about yourself that you like or find unique, physically or personality-wise

Top love language?

Things you want in a relationship?

Cute things you want to do with a romantic partner?

Gender Preferences and any other preferences ( like Pro-hero or Villain)?

Who do you kin?


Favorite anime?

The Curse Of Choice

Request example for match up and drabble

Hey, I want to request a match-up and drabble from the mystic messenger fandom. I use he/they pronouns and I'm a Gemini and entp and I also kin Bakugo. I think that I'm a pretty good artist, specifically watercolor. Most of the time I'm playing on my switch so in a relationship I want someone to play with me or at least not be mad at me playing 24/7 that would be great. I think quality time is my top love language. and I need someone who will accept my clinginess. I think a really good date would be making a pillow fort and watching devil is a part-time ( my fav anime) together. I don't have any preferences for people but I wasn't a jealous drabble with an ambiguous ending.

Request for just a drabble

Hey, I want a jealousy drabble with 707 and Yoosung with an ambiguous ending. I use he/they pronouns, other facts about me are that I like playing games, specifically the switch, and I also think I'm pretty good at watercolor and other artistic activities. I love quality time and I think dates, where we can be ourselves without problem, is amazing. Like building a pillow fort and watching our favorite shows like the devil is a part-timer.

The main difference is that in the non-match ups I do not need as much information, innless you want it to be more personalized.

The Curse Of Choice

This event will not have a time limit but a request limit of 15 so send them in before some one else takes your possible match up

12/15 so far

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