Open Wide - Tumblr Posts
Dabs always make me drooly as fuck. Means after I do them my mouth is so ready to be used.
Do with this information what you will.

TW: guns, CNC, blood, and degradation - read on at your own risk. NO MINORS!
**I am life long gun owner & an aggressive advocate for gun safety & operate under RACK. Do NOT play with guns my Lovelies… unless you damn well know what you’re doing at all times.**
Il trying to decide between which of two scenarios to enact first:
1. You know you’re in trouble so you, sorry little pup that you are, strip down at the bedroom door; hoping to distract my ire in some small way. It doesn’t work, I don’t even acknowledge you and continue to load the first, then second and third clips. You drop to your knees and crawl to me, stopping at the bottom of the bed and wait & wait & wait until I’m done. I look at you for a long moment, my expression as cold & hard as the steel in my lap.
Setting aside two of the clips, I slide the third one home and chamber a round. My thumb playing with the safety, the only sound in the room as I watch you watching me. You scoot a bit closer, up along the side of the bed and whimper softly, an attempt at further apologies. Within reach now, I trace the barrel up the side of your neck, along your jaw line, over your chin to your lips.
“Open…” and slip the cold steel between your parted lips as you swallow hard; eyes wide, uncertain, scared and excited at the same time - you can’t tell if the safety is off or on. “Suck me off til I cum you pathetic excuse for a Pet & we’ll see if you can earn another goddamn chance, another fucking pass, another useless day.”
2. You let yourself in, the house is unusually dark - no lights of welcome wait for you over the kitchen stove, living room, or that you can see upstairs. The hunt is on, so to speak … are you staying or leaving?
You make your way through the shadows from the garage door towards the stairs; as you pass by kitchen you might catch sense of movement before I’m on you. I growl softly, almost a laugh, pushing you forward so you stumble so I can bend you over the arm of couch, shoving your face into the cushion so your delayed yelp of surprise is muffled as you feel cold steel tip of the barrel just below your ear.
“You’re trespassing…” you try to push back - the urge to fight, to survive outweighing common sense, to stand up or get away & plead, to breath as you’re smothering against the cushion; but I’m taller, stronger, angry & in control as I grip your hair and your hear the soft click of the safety, up down up down up again. “Trespassers are nothing but toys to use, to break, and to throw away. I’m going to enjoy splitting you apart before I get rid of you.”
You wiggle beneath my grip, muffled words that I can only assume are pleadings turn to a whimper as I press my body against yours to hold you still; you can feel the length of my largest, thickest cock against your ass and thigh through our clothing.