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3 years ago

Bonding over friends denseness in regards to love. Amazing

"I don't think he heard a word I said."

Dialogue Prompt | Paragon | Nate Teagan & Ryan Reese


"Did you get a chance to talk to Shaun?" Nate asked, stepping into the kitchen.

Reese turned around, dish towel in hand. He slung it over his shoulder and leaned against the counter. "Yeah, I talked to him."


Reese laughed without humor. "I don't think he heard a word I said."

"Of course he didn't," Nate sighed, shaking his head. The fire paragon sat at the kitchen table and wondered, "What the hell are we going to do with those two?"

"I'm not sure, Teags. Maybe we could just let them figure it out themselves."

The silence lasted about three milliseconds before the two men busted out into full on laughter. It was a miracle the cabinets didn't rattle with the force.

"Figure it out themselves, that's a good one Reese."

"Yeah, I guess after four years it's unlikely, huh?"

"Just a bit."

"Well, we can't force them to ask each other out."

"But god, wouldn't it be so much easier if we could?"

"Yeah," Reese chuckled. "Yeah, it would."

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