Palmweide - Tumblr Posts
Mixed impressions Nov 15-20, 2014
And here’s yet another wrap-up of the photos I took during the week. Highlight was last Saturdays guided tour through the Sonnenbunker (war shed), but unfortunately publishing the photos from inside is prohibited by the owner, so there are just some views from outside. Some pictures were taken during a Black&White “challenge” I took part in.

jQuery(document).ready(function() { jQuery('#id611-AlpinePhotoTiles_container').addClass('loading'); }); // Check for on() ( jQuery 1.7+ ) if( jQuery.isFunction( jQuery(window).on ) ){ jQuery(window).on('load', function(){ jQuery('#id611-AlpinePhotoTiles_container').removeClass('loading'); var alpineLoadPlugin = function(){ jQuery('#id611-hidden-parent').AlpinePhotoTilesPlugin({ id:'id611', style:'bookshelf', shape:'vertical', perRow:8, imageBorder:0, imageShadow:0, imageCurve:0, imageHighlight:0, lightbox:1, galleryHeight:0, // Keep for Compatibility galRatioWidth:800, galRatioHeight:600, highlight:'#64a2d8', pinIt:0, siteURL:'', callback: function(){jQuery( '#id611-AlpinePhotoTiles_container a.AlpinePhotoTiles-lightbox' ).attr( 'rel', 'alpine-fancybox-safemode-id611' );if(jQuery().fancyboxForAlpine){jQuery( 'a[rel^=\'alpine-fancybox-safemode-id611\']' ).fancyboxForAlpine( { titleShow: false, overlayOpacity: .8, overlayColor: '#000', titleShow: true, titlePosition: 'inside' } );}} }); } // Load Alpine Plugin if( jQuery().AlpinePhotoTilesPlugin ){ alpineLoadPlugin(); }else{ // Load Alpine Script and Style var css = ''; var link = jQuery(document.createElement('link')).attr({'rel':'stylesheet','href':css,'type':'text/css','media':'screen'}); jQuery.getScript('', function(){ if(document.createStyleSheet){ document.createStyleSheet(css); }else{ jQuery('head').append(link); } if( !jQuery().fancyboxForAlpine ){ // Load Lightbox jQuery.getScript('', function(){ css = ''; link = jQuery(document.createElement('link')).attr({'rel':'stylesheet','href':css,'type':'text/css','media':'screen'}); if(document.createStyleSheet){ document.createStyleSheet(css); }else{ jQuery('head').append(link); } alpineLoadPlugin(); }); // Close getScript }else{ alpineLoadPlugin(); } }); // Close getScript } }); }else{ // Otherwise, use bind() jQuery(window).bind('load', function(){ jQuery('#id611-AlpinePhotoTiles_container').removeClass('loading'); var alpineLoadPlugin = function(){ jQuery('#id611-hidden-parent').AlpinePhotoTilesPlugin({ id:'id611', style:'bookshelf', shape:'vertical', perRow:8, imageBorder:0, imageShadow:0, imageCurve:0, imageHighlight:0, lightbox:1, galleryHeight:0, // Keep for Compatibility galRatioWidth:800, galRatioHeight:600, highlight:'#64a2d8', pinIt:0, siteURL:'', callback: function(){jQuery( '#id611-AlpinePhotoTiles_container a.AlpinePhotoTiles-lightbox' ).attr( 'rel', 'alpine-fancybox-safemode-id611' );if(jQuery().fancyboxForAlpine){jQuery( 'a[rel^=\'alpine-fancybox-safemode-id611\']' ).fancyboxForAlpine( { titleShow: false, overlayOpacity: .8, overlayColor: '#000', titleShow: true, titlePosition: 'inside' } );}} }); } // Load Alpine Plugin if( jQuery().AlpinePhotoTilesPlugin ){ alpineLoadPlugin(); }else{ // Load Alpine Script and Style var css = ''; var link = jQuery(document.createElement('link')).attr({'rel':'stylesheet','href':css,'type':'text/css','media':'screen'}); jQuery.getScript('', function(){ if(document.createStyleSheet){ document.createStyleSheet(css); }else{ jQuery('head').append(link); } if( !jQuery().fancyboxForAlpine ){ // Load Lightbox jQuery.getScript('', function(){ css = ''; link = jQuery(document.createElement('link')).attr({'rel':'stylesheet','href':css,'type':'text/css','media':'screen'}); if(document.createStyleSheet){ document.createStyleSheet(css); }else{ jQuery('head').append(link); } alpineLoadPlugin(); }); // Close getScript }else{ alpineLoadPlugin(); } }); // Close getScript } }); }
Click on the photos to zoom, visit Picasa for full-size pics and location data and also if you don’t see any photos above because you’re viewing the post on tumblr and the photos are embedded via a WordPress widget.
And here are the Instagram pictures of these days:
Last sunlight before entering the cold war shed

Ein von Sebastian Bremicker (@sebrem77) gepostetes Foto am Nov 11, 2014 at 9:17 PST
Black&White challenge: I was nominated by @tbotbo79 to post b/w photos one each during the next five days. Who dares to be nominated?

Pic 1/5 Tree in front of #Sonnenbunker #bwchallenge #inkwell #tree #Dortmund #autumn_impressions
Ein von Sebastian Bremicker (@sebrem77) gepostetes Foto am Nov 11, 2014 at 2:58 PST
Black&White challenge: I was nominated by @tbotbo79 to post b/w photos one each during the next five days. Who dares to be nominated?

Pic 2/5 Usambara violet from my window sill #bwchallenge #inkwell #flower
Ein von Sebastian Bremicker (@sebrem77) gepostetes Foto am Nov 11, 2014 at 5:15 PST
Random flower pots, 15.11.14 #mayfair #autumn
Ein von Sebastian Bremicker (@sebrem77) gepostetes Foto am Nov 11, 2014 at 6:11 PST
Mid-#November and still blossoming #flowers

Ein von Sebastian Bremicker (@sebrem77) gepostetes Foto am Nov 11, 2014 at 6:15 PST
Black&White challenge: I was nominated by @tbotbo79 to post b/w photos one each during the next five days. Who dares to be nominated?

Pic 3/5 I think I might just be a bit too fond of #trees

#bwchallenge #willow #autumn_impressions
Ein von Sebastian Bremicker (@sebrem77) gepostetes Foto am Nov 11, 2014 at 1:44 PST
Day 18 – I still prefer to have a babyface

#letitgrow #noshavenovember #bw
Ein von Sebastian Bremicker (@sebrem77) gepostetes Foto am Nov 11, 2014 at 4:53 PST
Black&White challenge: I was nominated by @tbotbo79 to post b/w photos one each during the next five days. Who dares to be nominated?

Pic 4/5 A sign pointing to the back of the street "Auf Wiedersehen und Gute Fahrt" (good bye and a good trip) – but for whom?!

#bwchallenge #inkwell #sign
Ein von Sebastian Bremicker (@sebrem77) gepostetes Foto am Nov 11, 2014 at 5:35 PST
Black&white challenge – I have been nominated by @tbotbo79 to post b/w photos one each during 5 days. Who else dares to be nominated?

Pic 5/5: Throwback Thursday – this tape sits in the non-working player all the time, I even don't know who copied the LP or CD to it

#throwbackthursday #bwchallenge #tape #pinkfloyd #thewall
Ein von Sebastian Bremicker (@sebrem77) gepostetes Foto am Nov 11, 2014 at 11:45 PST
You will find your own way… #trees #autumn #autumn_impressions
Ein von Sebastian Bremicker (@sebrem77) gepostetes Foto am Nov 11, 2014 at 4:47 PST
Pair of #autumn #trees #bw #inkwell #autumn_impressions
Ein von Sebastian Bremicker (@sebrem77) gepostetes Foto am Nov 11, 2014 at 4:56 PST
Stretching eastwards #tree #autumn #mayfair #autumn_impressions
Ein von Sebastian Bremicker (@sebrem77) gepostetes Foto am Nov 11, 2014 at 5:02 PST
It's that time of the year again

#weihnachtsmarkt #Dortmund #xmasmarket #reinoldikirche
Ein von Sebastian Bremicker (@sebrem77) gepostetes Foto am Nov 11, 2014 at 1:51 PST
Why do I have to think of Princess Fantaghiro?

#weihnachtsmarkt #Dortmund
Ein von Sebastian Bremicker (@sebrem77) gepostetes Foto am Nov 11, 2014 at 1:57 PST
A little angel #weihnachtsmarkt #Dortmund #sutro
Ein von Sebastian Bremicker (@sebrem77) gepostetes Foto am Nov 11, 2014 at 2:01 PST
Snowhite and a couple of dwarves #weihnachtsmarkt #Dortmund
Ein von Sebastian Bremicker (@sebrem77) gepostetes Foto am Nov 11, 2014 at 2:05 PST
Mixed impressions Nov 15-20, 2014 was originally published on sebrem's musings
Impressions Nov 24-28, 2014
November played very nice in general, so again I could not stop my “trigger-finger” on my smartphone camera

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Visit Picasa for full-size pics and location data and also if you don’t see any photos above because you’re viewing the post on tumblr and the photos are embedded via a WordPress widget. Most of the pictures are also on Instagram.
Impressions Nov 24-28, 2014 was originally published on sebrem's musings
Snowy Dortmund, Jan 30, 2015
So I woke up this morning and everything was white, I had to leave the house early but my “breakfast date” was quite late (45 minutes to be exactly) so I had plenty of time to take some pictures

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Click on the photos to zoom, visit Picasa for full-size pics and location data and also if you don’t see any photos above because you’re viewing the post on tumblr and the photos are embedded via a WordPress widget.

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Click on the photos to zoom, visit Picasa for full-size pics and location data and also if you don’t see any photos above because you’re viewing the post on tumblr and the photos are embedded via a WordPress widget.
Some of the pictures are also on Instagram:
Some #snow on the #tracks of S2 in #Dortmund – everything seems to run smoothly here. #sutro I think I'm the only person who's #happy having to wait 45 minutes for their #breakfast #date, this gave me ample opportunity to take some pictures of the snowy surroundings of Dortmund main station. Tonight I'll upload the complete series, not finished for today yet

Ein von Sebastian Bremicker (@sebrem77) gepostetes Foto am 30. Jan 2015 um 12:16 Uhr
The #sun is hiding behind the #winter #clouds again, here it did a hell of a job to thaw most of the #snow – I took more photos during lunch break, will post them tonight

Ein von Sebastian Bremicker (@sebrem77) gepostetes Foto am 30. Jan 2015 um 6:33 Uhr
Snowy Dortmund, Jan 30, 2015 was originally published on sebrem's musings
#DOüberrascht, Feb 5, 2015
Just some photos of one day

I use the #DOüberrascht tag to support the campaign.

jQuery(document).ready(function() { jQuery('#id599-AlpinePhotoTiles_container').addClass('loading'); }); // Check for on() ( jQuery 1.7+ ) if( jQuery.isFunction( jQuery(window).on ) ){ jQuery(window).on('load', function(){ jQuery('#id599-AlpinePhotoTiles_container').removeClass('loading'); var alpineLoadPlugin = function(){ jQuery('#id599-hidden-parent').AlpinePhotoTilesPlugin({ id:'id599', style:'bookshelf', shape:'vertical', perRow:4, imageBorder:0, imageShadow:0, imageCurve:0, imageHighlight:0, lightbox:1, galleryHeight:0, // Keep for Compatibility galRatioWidth:800, galRatioHeight:600, highlight:'#64a2d8', pinIt:0, siteURL:'', callback: function(){jQuery( '#id599-AlpinePhotoTiles_container a.AlpinePhotoTiles-lightbox' ).attr( 'rel', 'alpine-fancybox-safemode-id599' );if(jQuery().fancyboxForAlpine){jQuery( 'a[rel^=\'alpine-fancybox-safemode-id599\']' ).fancyboxForAlpine( { titleShow: false, overlayOpacity: .8, overlayColor: '#000', titleShow: true, titlePosition: 'inside' } );}} }); } // Load Alpine Plugin if( jQuery().AlpinePhotoTilesPlugin ){ alpineLoadPlugin(); }else{ // Load Alpine Script and Style var css = ''; var link = jQuery(document.createElement('link')).attr({'rel':'stylesheet','href':css,'type':'text/css','media':'screen'}); jQuery.getScript('', function(){ if(document.createStyleSheet){ document.createStyleSheet(css); }else{ jQuery('head').append(link); } if( !jQuery().fancyboxForAlpine ){ // Load Lightbox jQuery.getScript('', function(){ css = ''; link = jQuery(document.createElement('link')).attr({'rel':'stylesheet','href':css,'type':'text/css','media':'screen'}); if(document.createStyleSheet){ document.createStyleSheet(css); }else{ jQuery('head').append(link); } alpineLoadPlugin(); }); // Close getScript }else{ alpineLoadPlugin(); } }); // Close getScript } }); }else{ // Otherwise, use bind() jQuery(window).bind('load', function(){ jQuery('#id599-AlpinePhotoTiles_container').removeClass('loading'); var alpineLoadPlugin = function(){ jQuery('#id599-hidden-parent').AlpinePhotoTilesPlugin({ id:'id599', style:'bookshelf', shape:'vertical', perRow:4, imageBorder:0, imageShadow:0, imageCurve:0, imageHighlight:0, lightbox:1, galleryHeight:0, // Keep for Compatibility galRatioWidth:800, galRatioHeight:600, highlight:'#64a2d8', pinIt:0, siteURL:'', callback: function(){jQuery( '#id599-AlpinePhotoTiles_container a.AlpinePhotoTiles-lightbox' ).attr( 'rel', 'alpine-fancybox-safemode-id599' );if(jQuery().fancyboxForAlpine){jQuery( 'a[rel^=\'alpine-fancybox-safemode-id599\']' ).fancyboxForAlpine( { titleShow: false, overlayOpacity: .8, overlayColor: '#000', titleShow: true, titlePosition: 'inside' } );}} }); } // Load Alpine Plugin if( jQuery().AlpinePhotoTilesPlugin ){ alpineLoadPlugin(); }else{ // Load Alpine Script and Style var css = ''; var link = jQuery(document.createElement('link')).attr({'rel':'stylesheet','href':css,'type':'text/css','media':'screen'}); jQuery.getScript('', function(){ if(document.createStyleSheet){ document.createStyleSheet(css); }else{ jQuery('head').append(link); } if( !jQuery().fancyboxForAlpine ){ // Load Lightbox jQuery.getScript('', function(){ css = ''; link = jQuery(document.createElement('link')).attr({'rel':'stylesheet','href':css,'type':'text/css','media':'screen'}); if(document.createStyleSheet){ document.createStyleSheet(css); }else{ jQuery('head').append(link); } alpineLoadPlugin(); }); // Close getScript }else{ alpineLoadPlugin(); } }); // Close getScript } }); }
Click on the photos to zoom, visit Picasa for full-size pics and location data and also if you don’t see any photos above because you’re viewing the post on tumblr and the photos are embedded via a WordPress widget.
Some photos are also on Instagram:
A #cloud so #fluffy I just wanna lie down on it

Ein von Sebastian Bremicker (@sebrem77) gepostetes Foto am 5. Feb 2015 um 6:46 Uhr
Reflections of #sunset in the #clouds – also: #powerline (of the tram)
Ein von Sebastian Bremicker (@sebrem77) gepostetes Foto am 5. Feb 2015 um 8:05 Uhr
Everything I like in one shot #sunset #clouds #trees #city #architecture #lights – #DOüberrascht

Ein von Sebastian Bremicker (@sebrem77) gepostetes Foto am 5. Feb 2015 um 8:20 Uhr
New location Westenhellweg 93 #Dortmund – fresh interior design, very stylish inside! (photography not permitted) #DOüberrascht
Ein von Sebastian Bremicker (@sebrem77) gepostetes Foto am 5. Feb 2015 um 10:22 Uhr
Lamps and LED #illumination at 'Leeds Square' (Platz von Leeds) #night #winter #DOüberrascht
Ein von Sebastian Bremicker (@sebrem77) gepostetes Foto am 5. Feb 2015 um 10:38 Uhr
#DOüberrascht, Feb 5, 2015 was originally published on sebrem's musings