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The Papas, DND and VTM
As some of you know, I am an avid TTRPG liker, watcher, player, etc. The idea of the Papas (and the Ghouls) playing a campaign has always been very fun to me, so I consulted with the council (my wives @bonesy-doodles and @parabunny).
And so, I present to you, the Papas and their set ups for Dungeons and Dragons and Vampire: the Masquerade!
So, Primo is overall very much the traditional Dracula of the bunch. He's all dark and mysterious and probably actually evil (by some metric), despite the garden tending and the (poisonous) plants he takes care of. He for sure is a roleplay guy but will kick ass in combat.
In DND, he would definitely attempt to play a Dhampir Warlock or Artificer. Artificer especially would allow for alchemy and a lot more fucking around with spellcasting - therefore making it both challenging and engaging and for Primo to pull some insane shit during session. He could also just multiclass Warlock/Artificer, definitely pact of Fiend, Undead, or the Great Old One. The Dhampirism is for vibes, okay. It just fits.
As for VTM, he would be Malkavian or Nosferatu, but the oracle aspect of Malkavian makes it all the more ominous. There is also Hecata and Tzimisce! Either way, he's one of the more ancient, traditional vampires. Primo would play VTM and say, "I am Cain." (bones said this) Much to the chagrin of the Master of Ceremonies.
Primo is also a dice hoarder, he has so many sets and he has a specialized dice bag for it too. It's embroidered.
Secondo is very - how you say - wild? He would bring chaos to the table I fear, but he does it in character rather than like being a frustrating player. While he does read the rules well, he does it to get around them I feel.
In DND, he'd play a fighter class, probably just straight up Fighter or Barbarian. And he'd play bigger species like Dragonborn and Orcs! So basically the tank and also main hitter. But for a little bit of religious aspects, an Oathbreaker Paladin would be perfect for him. It has those angsty, turned back on my god vibes as well as the tankiness of melee classes. a Barbarian Paladin multiclass would hit hard methinks.
VTM wise, he'd definitely be Ravnos. I considered Toreador and Gangrel, but I think Ravnos fits the best. He loves (un)living on the edge and rather than the high art vibes that Toreador embody, it's a lot more, well, wild! And also cool. Very rogue-ish and plays by his own rules.
I think he likes fun dice that are like, metal specifically. Some of them are more dark, gothic designs and then some of them are just super fun.
Alright, this guy for sure is a roleplay-heavy player. Yeah combat is fun and all but only to get shit done. He loves taking his time curating his character's aesthetics and their motivations and all. He will stick to the bit, do not try him.
That being said, of course he's playing a Bard in DND. He would play either a Tiefling or something of the Elf variety. College of Eloquence would be what I'd assign to him. The bardiest bard to bard, you know? However!! He could also play a Warforged, specifically one with Art Deco elements and that could also reference Frankenstein. It always comes back to Frankenstein with him.
To riff off of the artistry of bards - Terzo would be a Toreador. They're known for being artisans. They're beautiful and charming, seductive...all of which fits the bill for the type of character Terzo likes to play. On the other hand, he could very well play a Brujah. They're known as rebels, warrior-scholars. Terzo would play a vampire that's very Vampire Chronicle-esque.
He's also pretty superstitious about his dice, like if one of them rolls badly he will retire it.
I think Copia also enjoys the roleplay aspect of TTRPG's a little more than the combat but he gets super giddy whenever he hits a critical hit or takes someone down.
For DND, he would play a Tiefling Cleric. He's got that vibe that he enjoys both the aesthetics and the idea of Tieflings conceptually! Personally I think he always has a Tiefling PC on hand at all times, like it's just his thing. Other than Cleric, he might also take Druid for Wildshape, so he could turn into a little rat. Otherwise, he might also enjoy Sorcerer (magic nepotism /hj). Who has time to learn spells? Not him!
VTM though, it'd be funny if he played a Lasombra. Definitely hilarious considering their whole social-climbing thing and the administrative aspect! Tangentially, the Ministry Clan would also be kinda ironic. I just think he plays that sort of vampire that is less Ancient but more like What We Do In The Shadows vampire.
He likes having dice for each of his characters, he might reuse some, but he prefers having one set for one PC.
They all play an Oops! All Tiefling Bard Game, at some point. It is so stupidly fun.
There have been fights over in-game choices. Many of them. It's okay, they get through it.
The Ghouls do play as well! I have not figured out their own preferences yet, but trust, they get to have their TTRPG time.
OC tidbits
My OC, Sibling Nephtys would run games like Monsterhearts (college ver) and Monster of the Week.
Bones's OC, Sibling Rigorian, would run Dungeons and Dragons.
Para's OC, Bunny, would run Vampire: The Masquerade.

Finally done with the Papas!!!! This took me so long to finish,,,, some many guys,,,,, But hey, they're hot as shit!!!
Please, tell me who's your fave of the bunch, I'm tooootally not biased towards Popia,,,, Totally not,,,, Promise :D
Here is the time-lapse I promised, and all the individual closeups on the Papas will be under the cut!

I ♥ Papa III's pose. He was the kid who posed for the camera every time he saw one growing up. Copia: "Does this look cool? Yeah? (Dear Satan I hope this thing doens't break on me...) What? But I WANT them to look at my..."

Ghost masterpost! Here are all the peices together for you to enjoy
The First, Second and Third sons...
Papa Nil/Nihil has three sons: Papa Emeritus the 1st, 2nd and 3rd. 'Papa Emeritus' is a title, and we were never told their birth names. So for all we know, those are very likely their REAL, actual birthnames. "Papa! Congratulations, it's a boy! What would you like to name him?" "I don't know what to name him. He is my first son. So... First?" I dare you to read that and not hear it in his voice! LOL

Heya! So I know I said that I most likely wasn't going to post here but I found a reason. I did the sketch yesterday and did the digital stuff not long ago. Let me tell you i love how it turned out, but it was a PAIN to send this to myself (since this piece was on my tablet) It would be really nice to have feedback so don't be shy to say something.

Finally done with the Papas!!!! This took me so long to finish,,,, some many guys,,,,, But hey, they're hot as shit!!!
Please, tell me who's your fave of the bunch, I'm tooootally not biased towards Popia,,,, Totally not,,,, Promise :D
Here is the time-lapse I promised, and all the individual closeups on the Papas will be under the cut!