(partial Jk) (my Korean Is Tragically Next To Nonexistent For That) (god Said I'd Be Too Powerful If I Knew My Heritage Languages) - Tumblr Posts

my favorite fellow peeps who make themselves sick over the tragedy of the high cloud quintet and especially yingxing who became blade
I bring ya the Korean original musical Frankenstein (프랑켄슈타인) by Wang Yong-beom and Brandon Lee
It's loosely based on the Mary Shelley novel and actually goes almost balls to the wall off the rails unhinged plot-wise, but it does it so WELL and it's made me absolutely insane over the past three days or so and I didn't even like the novel so you know it's good
I'm not fluent in Korean (though I do understand a fair amount) but the songs slap so fucking hard (y'all music truly needs no translation for its emotions to be felt)
And for those songs that do have translations on YouTube,
basically, for the uninitiated to either piece of media,
disaster gay(s) decides resurrecting someone they loved from the dead is a good idea and ofc that goes horribly wrong for them and ruins their life and kills/destroys everyone they held dear and changes them irreversibly and they become everything they feared :)
A few songs + English subtitles to get you started (23:16):
Also it's actually being performed rn in Korea since this is the 10th anniversary of the musical
So a couple of the main actors were interviewed recently by an entertainment show and they got to each perform a song from the show (linked below) (no subtitles unfortunately, but there are other videos of these songs on YouTube by other people that DO have subtitles) (I just thought these were best visual + audio quality)
The Great History of the Creation of Life Begins by Shin Sung-rok (위대한 생명창조의 역사가 시작된다 by 신성록) (5:30)
Victor Frankenstein sings abt defying God and shit while creating his creature/monster from his dead (boy)friend
BANGER ass set & special effects
I am the monster by Park Eun-tae (난 괴물 by 박은태) (6:18)
About the monster's loneliness and longing to be loved but even his body is not his own and he's been rejected by his own creator :(
Also THE Park Eun-tae's vocals and acting (worth a watch for that alone)
TW for fake blood & stitches just in case