Peachy-jhope - Tumblr Posts
Oc’s for an upcoming Hogwarts au
Still a dumbass
Plays quidditch
Says she’s baby but is not in any way baby
Her list of people who like her is short but not the shortest
Says she doesn’t care, cares a lot
High-key chaotic
One time someone called her a mudblood and she broke their nose
Do not mess with her sister
Just,,,,,, don’t
She protec but she also attac
But most importantly she fight bacc
Lily jean
The most hufflepuff person to ever exist
Makes cookies a lot
Like a lot
Has not had a boyfriend longer than 2 months
Her list of people who like her is the longest
It’s like 2 pages front and back
Is it because she gives out cookies to random people? Maybe
Is one of the nicest people you will ever meet
She is baby
Wears doc martens with her uniform
So take that as you will
aggressive energy
Has no list of people who like her
Not because people don’t like her like that
Because she writes all the lists
People would have to tell her and they won’t
Also plays quidditch
She and Stella have a friendly rivalry
“Friendly” rivalry
They still are friends though
Can and will fight you at any opportunity
Is secretly soft for her friends
Frat boy energy
Will flirt with anything and everything
Subtlety? Never heard of her
Has never played quidditch but cheers on her friends a lot
Voted most likely to cheer so loud she gets horse
Her list of people who like her is 2nd longest
That may or may not be because of Her flirting
(It’s totally because of her flirting)
Loves animals
Is top of her Care of Magical Creatures class
Also hufflepuff
Happy always
Is a prefect
Doesn’t know how she got to be a prefect
If you pass her after curfew there is a 50% chance she will let you pass if you seem nice
Or if you give her food
Has a longer list because of that
Also volunteers at the library
Is one the few that the librarian actually tolerates
Is friends with so many people
It is not uncommon for her to treat 1st years like her children
Almost all 1st years would die for her
Like list (teaser)

Ash writes lists. Not of grocery items that she needs, not Christmas lists of what she wants, she writes lists of the people who like her friends.
All of her friends know that they have lists, they have not seen their own lists, though they have seen the lists of who likes their friends. One day, Ash loses one of the lists. The thing is she can’t find it where she dropped it. This only means one thing one thing. Someone has found it.
Yoongi was just walking when he found the list. He didn’t mean to find it, he definitely wasn’t looking for it. But when he picks it up, two things strike him. One, the title, in bold letters ‘People who like Stella’. Two, the names on the list. There are four, but when he sees the last one, he feels like all the air has been ripped out of his lungs. It’s right there, printed in ink. In neat letters, the ink dark black, Min Yoongi.
Like list - Pt.1

Yoongi hands were shaking as he held the paper. He was sitting on his bed in his dorm, he had been for the past 30 minutes. He keep reading and re-reading the paper, trying to find out what to do. “Hey, You going to dinner?” Yoongi jumped at the sound of a Slytherin ( who’s name he couldn’t remember for the life of him ) piping his head in the formerly quiet room. “Yeah, just give me a sec.” Yoongi said, quickly shoving the paper in his pocket.
As he made his way down to the great hall, Yoongi couldn’t stop himself from looking for Stella. His eyes scanned the room for a minute before he saw her. She was mid-laugh, sitting with her friends, and Yoongi sat at a table about 40 feet away after getting a small dinner. He reached into his pocket, and his hand grasped the piece of paper. He knew that the most ethical thing would probably to either tell the other people on the list, or do the more embarrassing and in his opinion, worse, thing and give the list to Stella. There where reasons that he came up with about why he shouldn’t do that, the most obvious one being the fact that if he did, he would be exposing not only his crush on Stella, but also the other people’s on the list’s crushes. That was at least how he justified it to it to himself, it was mostly because he didn’t want Stella to know about his crush on her.
Finally, Yoongi came to a conclusion, sitting there, eating his small dinner. He had to tell the other people on the list. There were 3 other people on the list, and honestly, they might have a better idea on how to deal with this. Yoongi had absolutely no idea how to deal with this in any way, if it was just him on this list, he would be extremely tempted to just keep the list and never give it back, but that was not the case. So, with his mind made up, Yoongi walked back to his room. Tomorrow, he would have to tell the people on the list.
Quick Question
If a take a melatonin gummy and then drink a cup of coffee, do they counteract each other, or will I die?
I need to know this for science

I would die for Hobi