Jung Hobi - Tumblr Posts
Pairing : Jungkook X Reader
Genre : fluff, angst, crack
Summary : “Let me geuss, your parents are dead and you're family with one of my mates so that's why you're staying with us for a while?”
“Um, no. Sorry. Just running for the authorities and your window was open.”
WARNINGS : a lil bit of graphic stuff in certain chapters, but it isn't too bad, some terrible angst here n there

0: Prologue
1: Him
2: Her
3: Supermarket
4: Problems
5: The Truth
6: The Truth pt.2
7: College
8: Homework & Sehun
The Serpent's Shadow || J.HS || 9
Pairing : Jung Hoseok X Reader
Genre : Angst, prob fluff at some point
Summary : But how could the Serpent ever know? What's happening behind his back? In his own Shadow? Without looking back?
This story is IN the Harry Potter time line!
( Deathly Hallows Part one & two)
Wordcount: 1k
The Serpent's Shadow Masterlist | Next

There's spells being fired all around you.
Good and bad clash in the form of killer spells and teams moving around together. Mr Weasley and someone who you forgot the name of are standing at the other side of the hallway, the elders firing away at any death eater who comes.
There's adrenaline pumping trough everyone of you.
" Y/N! Hoseok! Go downstairs and help the others, we'll manage here." Mr. Weasley sends away the two of you.
You do as he say and help out downstairs, firing away at death eaters who dare to cross your path.
The two of you end up in a hallway, where Draco suddenly apparates into, you're quick to point your wand at him.
He only looks at you confused before turning to Hoseok.
" I've found Potter. Let's go." Draco says, still giving you confused looks.
" I'm not going with you." Hoseok tells him.
Draco looks even more confused.
" You know that they'll kill you if you won't help." Draco sneers.
" I'm very much aware, yes. But I know my friends won't allow it." Hoseok tells the other.
Draco shakes his head before apparating again.
And so the two of you are continuing the battle, side by side. Trough time, the two of you move to the front yard, where the battle is heaviest.
There you spot Jin and the rest of the boys.
It doesn't take long before all nine of you are fighting along each other's side.
Just outside your vision, Yoongi is about to get hit by a bat of a troll, something that Hoseok doesn't miss. Without second tough, he jumps in front of it.
When he wakes up again, he's in the Great Hall a flimsy white sheet. He's quick to get up, but is quickly pushed down onto the sheet by you and Jimin.
" Hoseok! Are you okay?!" Taehyung yells, tough this time no one around them minds his loud voice.
" Well, if you keep yelling at him, he might not be." Taehee hisses at her twin, her deep brown eyes glaring at her him.
Taehyung smiles sheepishly in return.
" Is everyone alright?" Hoseok asks, slowly sitting up despite you and Jimin telling him not to.
He smiles at you,a sign to show he's really okay.
" Waah, you're injured and yet you still cares more about us, what a guy." Seokjin exclaims dramatically, putting a hand on his chest.
" What happened to the battle? Is it over? Did we win?" Hoseok's quick to unload all of his questions on all of you.
" Woah, woah, calm down hyung. There seems to be a temporarily stop to the fighting. We don't think it's over tough. Harry Potter also seems to be missing." Jimin fills him in.
Hoseok nods.
In the next few moments, you and your friends enjoy the rare peaceful moment in silence, relishing in each other's company.
Until it's over, again. And there's suddenly people going outside, all of you following.
You, Jin and Jimin try to convince Hobi to stay and rest here, but he doesn't listen and comes with all of you anyways.
" Is that?-" Taehee asks, looking at Hagrid with someone in his arms.
" Harry Potter, is dead!" Voldemort exclaims happily, followed by Ginny's screaming.
It sounds like a painful scream, one of a lost lover.
You lace your fingers with Hoseok's, and hold on tightly.
He looks at you for a moment, before focusing back on the scene in front of you. He tugs you a but closer.
" Silence, stupid girl! Harry Potter is dead. From this day forth, you put your faith in me." Voldemort tells her.
No one is impressed by this.
He tells his followers the news again happily, an annoying laugh also leaving his mouth.
" And now is the time to come forward and declare yourselves to me." The man speaks as if it's a once in a lifetime opportunity.
No one moves.
One of his followers tries and get people to join too, still, no one does.
And then Draco Malfoy's parents call for him, and everyone's looking at him.
However, the boy doesn't move, until his mother calls him.
Draco looks at Hoseok for a moment before going.
" You knew him didn't you." You whispered to Hoseok, who nodded.
" He and I are rather alike, the only difference is that we have different beliefs." He tells you, his eyes sadly following the other male's form.
Draco gets an awkward hug, and then Voldemort's looking at Hoseok.
" Hoseok! Come back here! What are you doing over there?! You're one of us." Hoseok's father calls him, and everyone switches gazes to him.
He doesn't move tough.
But then his mother's calling for him too.
" Come here, son." She calls him softly.
Hoseok still doesn't move.
Jungkook softly clears his throat.
" You know, you can go. We'd never hate you hyung." The younger tells him softly.
You loosen your grip on his hand slightly, but as you loosen your hold, he only grips tighter. You get the message, he's not going anywhere. You tighten your hold again.
" I'm staying, Jungkookie." Hoseok smiles softly at the younger, his voice a whisper.
Hoseok obviously isn't moving, and his parents look at him murderously, tough they don't say anything, you get the message; watch your six'.
Neville is the first to walk over, except he doesn't.
He's somehow calm and collected, and gives a speech about all the people who died.
He truly has a good way with words.
And then he's suddenly pulling a sword out of a hat, and then Harry's suddenly alive too.
And the battle rages on again.
Except it doesn't last long.
Before you all know it, Voldemort's snake is killed, and Voldemort himself is dead too.
The battle is over.
And you all made it out alive.
[ A/N: Hey, missed me? Also, sorry if it sucks, action scenes are difficult to Write for me.]
WANTED || J.JK || 6
Pairing : Jungkook X Reader
Genre : fluff, angst, crack
Summary : “Let me geuss, your parents are dead and you're family with one of my mates so that's why you're staying with us for a while?”
“Um, no. Sorry. Just running for the authorities and your window was open.”
Wordcount: 1.3k

The first thing you realize when you wake up is that you're very comfortable. In fact, you're even more comfortable then you already were at Jungkook's place. There wasn't the feeling of the ground underneath the matress. Instead it felt like you were laying on a bed.
The first response you have to the feeling of being wrapped in comfort is that you snuggle deeper in by turning on your side. But once you do that, a stinging pain erupts from your side and memories of when you were last awake rush back in your mind.
You sit up while gritting your teeth, your eyes scanning the room. Your eyes widen as you realize that you're in Jungkook's room.
Did he really help me even after those guys tried to hurt him? You think.
You're about to get up before you hearing voices and footsteps nearing the room. The door opens and before you know it you're ingulfed in a big hug.
" You're awake." Jungkook's soft voice greets you as he gently holds you.
You barely process what's happening before he pulls back, a smile on his face.
" Hi, how do you feel?" Jungkook asks.
" Like I've been stabbed." You say bluntly.
Jungkook giggles as Hoseok also enters the room.
" Y/N, good thing you're awake. Are you hungry?" He asks, smiling gently as if you're an animal who scares easy.
" Only a little. And stop tip toeing around me. Both of you. I'm only a bit hurt, I'm not some rabbit who'll hop off if you're too loud." You huff.
Hoseok full out laughs at that, going right back to his usual cheery persona.
" We will. I'll make you a sandwich. You stay in bed." He tells you before he's gone.
It's quiet for a moment between you and Jungkook before you speak up.
" You helped me." You state.
Jungkook looks at you with a weird expression.
" Of course I did. What else was I supposed to do? Leave you?" He asks, looking at you as if it's ridiculous.
Tough it is, but you're not very aware of that.
You shrugg, averting your gaze.
That tells Jungkook enough.
You really did think that he'd leave you there.
" Jin hyung's a doctor. He stitched your wound up. According to him you need a lot of rest and food." He tells you.
You look at him with a questioning gaze.
" He doesn't want to kick me out?" You ask.
He shakes his head.
" No. No one does. Tough we're all now a little skeptical if I'm honest. You owe us one big of an explanation. I've told the hyungs all I know about you and about yesterday, but I only know so little about you." He drops the bomb in an acceptable way.
In fact, he dropped it so neatly, he's very proud of his own answer.
" I geuss that that's fair. At what time is everyone home? I don't want to explain stuff six times." You sigh.
Jungkook smiles and takes a hold of your hand while Hoseok walks in with three sandwiches, one for each of you.
" So..." Jungkook says slowly as he looks at everyone in the room.
All men were now finally home, and everyone was seated into the livingroom to hear your story.
They all look at you, but so far your eyes haveonly gotten a bit hazy and you've been biting your lip for so long that Jungkook's sure that it'll be swollen.
" Speak peasant." Taehyung suddenly says dryly as the chaotic nature of all of them starts peeking trough again.
" Yaah! Taehyung! You do not-"
" What is wrong with you?! Let the girl take a breath for a moment!-"
" I swear nothing ever goes in one go with this family.-"
" Holy shit did you hear that? Yoongi just addressed us as his family."
" ENOUGH. SHUT IT ALL OF YOU." It's Jin who's yelling out over all of them, his usual kind face stoic and adding up to your nerves.
" Hey. It's okay." Jungkook says softly as he looks at you, taking your hand in his.
" Okay. Okay. What do you want to know?" You ask, now exchanging looks with all of them.
" Jungkook meantioned that you're somewhat illegal? I think it's fair you explain that first." Jin says with a stern gaze.
Internally you sigh, because that's the part what has a long explanation in order for them to understand.
" Okay. Well, uh, I'm not illegal. I know I mentioned before that I was running for the authorities. But that's not entirely true. I'm just kind of running for this psychopathic dude who thinks he owns me and he happens to have connections in the police force." You tell them honestly.
Now all of them look even more confused.
" Wait, so you're not a criminal?" Jimin asks.
You shake your head.
" No. I keep saying that so Jungkook won't accidentally meddle in my shit, but now that Hyunjin's shown up. I kinda owe him." You shrug.
Jimin opens his mouth to ask another question, but Yoongi beats him to it.
" Who's the 'psychopathic dude' you mentioned?" Yoongi asks.
You gulp.
" Donghyun."
" What?! How did you get involved with him?" Yoongi asks.
" Who's Donghyun?" Jungkook asks confused.
" A rookie drug dealer. But he's got a lot of money on his hands. Because of that and his ties with some police men, he's pretty good at what he's doing." You explain.
" How did you get involved with someone like him?" Jimin asks.
You sigh before starting to tell them your story.
" Well, it all kind of started in middle school. My best friend and I were always a fan of parties and alcohol. And then at one of those parties we met some of his friends. We never wanted to get involved in drugs tough, so we didn't do that part. But we did go to their parties where everything is just a lot worse than the parties we were used to. And then I met him. At first we kind of just saw each other around and we didn't bother with each other, but then my best friend started hooking up with people and I don't know what she did but she just kept wanting more and then she got involved with Donghyun and his friends. I just kept going with her because I was afraid I'd lose her. I didn't realise that I already lost her back then. Between all the annoying horny boys was always Donghyun who appeared to be this gentle, nice dude. And so I became good friends with him. Then he invited me over to his house and actually introduced me to his parents as his girlfriend. And I'm not some kind of pushdown so I deadass just told his parents in front of their faces that we weren't a thing. But Donghyun just kept saying that we were and so I went home but he started coming there too and then he started to bother my parents so I ran away. I just, ran.... And then I found you guys." You tell them the truth.
" I didn't think he was that deep in with you." Yoongi admitted.
" Me neither." You wishpered, looking at the floor.
" But you have no place to stay apart from here, right? She can stay with us until this Donghyun situation dies down right?" Jungkook asks, looking up hopefully at his brothers.
All of them turn to look at Jin, while he's staring at you, and you're staring at the ground.
There's a beat of silence before he answers.
" Fine. You can stay. But you're gonna have to pay bills and such like the rest of us tough. Once you're healed, you're gonna have to look for jobs." Jin tells you as you look up at him with a suprised expression, tough it's quickly replaced with a smile.
You were allowed to stay.
House Of Cards || K.SJ || 12
Pairing : Kim Seokjin X Reader
Genre : Angst & fluff
Summary : When a war threatens the world of Mythica, the four greatest tribes are forced to work together in order to defeat the darkness. You and Jin are from two different tribes, two different backgrounds and are expected to stand together in order to save everyone you love. Will you two put aside your diffrences in order to save the world or will you fail?
Wordcount: 0.7k
Info Chapter | House Of Cards Masterlist | Next

Two months later
Leading a group of people into hiding, while simultaneously trying to create a proper plan to make a move to take back you country turned out to be more difficult than expected.
Your group had slowly put Tae's plan into action, but that didn't change how hard it is to catch one.
Things didn't grow any better either. It seemed more and more people were starting to like living like this, underground.
It really isn't tough.
It's tiring for both you and Jin, the two of you leading side by side. Sefra ended up taking part of the lead too, but this didn't last long, and before any of you realized, she was out of the picture like the coward she is.
So, to keep it simple, everything around you and Jin was stress, and the search for a Necro is still dead. ( A/N: fuck I'm funny- please get the pun.)
And right now, another team of two had turned up empty handed.
" We've got to try something different." Yoongi says, as you, Jin, Namjoon, Taehyung, Jimin, Hoseok and Jungkook are sitting in a circle.
" I agree." Hoseok says.
You huff, deep in your toughs.
Apparently knowing exactly what you want to say, Jin plucks the words out of your mouth before you can speak them.
" That's nice. Except how? No ones ever reported looking for a Necro before."
" Maybe we should ask some of the tribes' hunters?" Jimin suggests.
" We already did, none of them seem to know on what to do." You tell him.
Namjoon suddenly clicks his fingers, an idea sprouting in his mind.
" Why don't you and Jin hyung go?" He says as if it's obvious.
And it is, except the two of you are kinda leading this unofficial make shift tribe at the moment.
" Don't get me wrong, that's probably a good idea, but what about this make shift tribe? We're leading them for most part." You pointed out.
" Don't worry about that part, kid. Joon' and I can take over." Yoongi nodded at you.
" First of all, stop calling me a kid, I'm old. Second of all, you sure that you of all people are in on telling granny's and uks that this is not their new permanent home every single day?" You asked him.
" Don't worry about it. I'm the best person ever with other people." Yoongi said confidently, tough most of you knew that isn't the case.
" Didn't you tell me about how you let this kid cry on purpose?" Hoseok deadpanned.
Yoongi glared at him.
" Shut up, that was only once. And the kid was annoying. Besides, the only thing I did was take one of his toys cause he kept hitting me with it."
" I agree with that though, that kid was annoying as Jungkook at 4 am." You agree, unnecessarily pulling Jungkook into the conversation.
" Hey, wait- why am I suddenly part of this?" Jungkook blinked.
You shrugged.
Slowly but surely, you all started talking about random stuff and memories, the conversation going as smooth as it usually did.
" Ah, I've missed this." Tae says after a moment of silence.
" Same. It's been so long since we managed to talk like this." Jungkook smiled.
However, the sweet moment of peace in your minds was broken as a middle aged woman walked up to you all.
" Seokjin, we've spotted something not all too far off our hiding spot, what do you suggest we do-" She must be a patroller
Before Seokjin could open his mouth, Yoongi beat him to it.
" Seokjin and Y/N will have to prepare for their journey, but the rest of us will help you, can you tell me what exactly you've seen?" Yoongi says as he stands up from his spot on the floor and goes to talk with her.
" Well, I geuss we beter spread the word, you in Jiminie?" Taehyung turns to Jimin with a smile, who nods in response.
" Of course TaeTae." And so the two walk off.
Jin and you switch gazes and snort.
" Let's pack?"
The Serpent's Shadow || J.HS || Epilogue
Pairing : Jung Hoseok X Reader
Genre : Angst, prob fluff at some point
Summary : Keep your friends close, but keep your enemies closer.
This story is IN the Harry Potter time line!
( Deathly Hallows Part one & two)
Wordcount: 0.5k
The Serpent's Shadow Masterlist |

11 Years Later
" Nayeon?! Hurry up! We're going to be late sweetie!" You yelled to your daughter who's about to go to Hogwarts for her first year.
" Coming mum!" She yelled back from upstairs.
As if on que, Hoseok, your husband, comes down the stairs too, holding one big suitcase.
Soon enough your daughter comes down too, and a monute later you're all piling in the car.
" Hey dad, is Slytherin scary?" Your daughter asks as you're all seated and driving.
Hobi hummed.
" In a way yes, but things get better once you find the right friends. No matter what house they're from." He tells her.
She hummed.
The rest of the car ride was spent in silence, until you were all at King's Cross.
" We have to do what now?" Nayeon looked at you as if you had grown a second head as you told her.
" You won't bump into the wall sweetie, you'll go right through it. Beyond that wall lies platform 9 3/4." Hobi smiled gently at her.
" Nayeon! Are you ready to finally come to Hogwarts?!" A voice suddenly intercepted.
You all turned to the side to see Seokjin approaching, allong with his wife and 14 year old son.
" Um.. Yeah, do we really need to run through a wall?" She asked unsure.
Kyungsook nodded with a smile, taking her hand.
" Let's go together!" He smiled before he pulled her allong, both of them dissapearing as they run through.
You and Hoseok blinked at each other as Seokjin laughed allong with his wife.
" Just wait, they will probably end up together one day." Jin's wife smiled softly.
Hoseok scoffed.
" I don't even esnt to think about it. She's only 12. She's my little girl." He whined as you pushed your daughter's cart through, him following.
The other two were quick to join.
On the other side of the wall, both kids were waiting.
Soon the train blew, signaling that they would leave in a minute.
Your daughter ran up to you and your husband, giving you a big hug.
" Bye, mum, dad. Don't miss me too much." She smiled softly.
" Of course we will." You smiled back at her.
" We will sweetie. And please do write us twice a week. Oh, and stay away from boys, you're too young for that." Hoseok told her.
She rolled her eyes.
" Don't worry, I'll be fine! " She beamed before greeting the two of you and walking off with Kyungsook.
" She's all grown up, isn't she?" You smiled proudly as you two watched her sit down with Kyungsook and some of his friends.
" She is." Hoseok sniffed, his sensitive ass being close to crying.
You glanced at him and wrapped your arm around his waist.
Moments later, the train blows out it's last sognal, and soon enough it's driving away.
Hoseok sniffed away his last few tears as Jin and his wife came over.
" So, now that the kids are out, want to do something fun? " Seokjin suggested.
A Royal Love Story || K.NJ
Pairing : Kim Namjoon X Reader Genre : Fluff, a sprinkle of angst somewhere too Summary : Namjoon has often imagined being the prince in Cinderella, yet he never imagined that his version would have horses in it too. Wordcount: 9.3k [ A/N: Sorry for the shitty summary lol. Anyw, Enjoy!]

You're a royal staff member of your country and you're head of the royal horse care.
Namjoon is the second born prince of South Korea.
You two aren't really meant to meet, but accidentally do when Namjoon and his family come over for the coronation of the princess of your country, Jisoo.
Unlike the rest of the royal staff members who come to greet him and his family, you aren't there.
Not because you're sick or anything, but simply because you forgot and were busy with the horses.
Namjoon meets you when he walks off into the fields of the palace, where you let the horses graze.
The first thing that catches his eye is how good the horses look.
They look a lot more healthy than the horses in his palace, he realizes.
"Hello sir, are you lost?"
It’s the first thing you say to him.
It takes Namjoon a moment to realize that you're talking to him and a moment longer to realize that you don't know that he's a royal.
" Ah, no. I went to take a walk around the palace for a bit of fresh air." Is what he finally answers.
He sees you nod and turn back to your own business, which appears to be cleaning up horse tack in the small building near the grazing fields.
He looks at you for a moment before one of the horses in the back of the graze field spots you, and starts neighing.
At first he thinks that the horse is about to charge at him as the animal heads his way in a calm gallop.
But then he's left perplexed as he watches the horse stop near where you are standing, dragging one of his legs over the ground to get your attention.
You complain in your own native language to the horse after a moment as you come out from the tack building, tough Namjoon doesn't know what you say.
He watches in admiration as he sees how you pet the horse and how the horse reacts to you, unlike the horses in his palace, this horse looks a lot happier.
" That's a lively horse." Namjoon comments, trying to start a conversation.
" Yes, he certainly is. His name is Winter." You smile at him.
" I assume you work here?" He smiles.
You nod.
" Yes, I'm the head caretaker of the stables. I assume that you work for one of the royal families who have arrived?"
Namjoon's breath stutters for a moment, you really didn't know.
" Yes, I'm one of the prince's advisors." He ends up telling you.
" Cool. What country are you from? I don't think I've seen you before."
" I'm from Korea."
He watches as you nod along to his words before your expression looks like something akeen to having forgotten something.
" That's what I forgot this morning! The royals from Korea were arriving today! Wait, that means it's the 24th! Excuse me sir, I have to go. There's a new delivery of horse tack waiting and the delivery guy can't get in without a signed paper of mine. Bye!"
And then you're sprinting away.
Namjoon blinks as he looks after your form, that was quite a meeting.
You obviously didn't recognize him, and he's happy with how relaxed you are because you think that he's also part of the staff.
He ends up going to the stables a lot more often in his time off.
He ends up learning a lot about you, and unintentionally about your horse too.
For instance, your horse is a picky horse, and only lets you ride him with little to no trouble.
The black and gray arabian horse is happy to be pet by everyone, but doesn't allow everyone in his stable and certainly not everyone on his back.
He also almost loses his sanity when he gets chased by one of the chickens of the stables and you laugh as he comes running to you while being chased by a chicken, yelling that it wants to kill him.
You laugh and pick the chicken up as she tries to run past you.
" What did you do wrong to Nugget?"
" You named it?" Is Namjoon's only response as he turns to you when he realizes the chicken is now just complaining in your arms.
You smile and nod.
He smiles back evilly.
" The name suits her, she should become a few chicken nuggets."
Namjoon's social skills with women were never really good, but this was particularly terrible, he realizes as he doesn't see you laugh at his joke.
Instead you look at him with a deadpanned expression before putting the chicken down and letting it resume it's hunt.
He does miss the tiny smile that grows on your face as Namjoon is out of sight.
The time after that when Namjoon goes to visit you, he's surprised that Chaeyoung is there too, Jisoo's younger sister.
The both of you are just smiling and talking like normal teenage girls.
You both look like typical horse girls right now while you're both brushing your own horses.
Chaeyoung spots Namjoon before he can turn away.
" Prince Namjoon? Are you looking for something?"
And you look surprised, while Namjoon starts feeling nervous.
" Ah, no. Ehm, I'm just walking by and-"
" Prince?" You ask, obviously confused.
" Oh, right. Y/N, this is prince Kim Namjoon the second born prince from South Korea, Prince Namjoon, this is L/N Y/N. She's our head caretaker of the stables. He's one of the princes you've missed the arrival of." Chaeyoung whispers the last part to you.
" Wait- you're a prince? You told me you're the prince's advisor." You say, now very confused.
Chaeyoung gulps and starts to feel awkward, so she decides to let her horse out in the meadow to give you two space.
" Why did you lie?" You ask, you don't sound hurt, just confused.
Cause' why would he lie over something like that? It's something you're bound to find out.
" I was planning on telling you at some point, but I like the way you treat me. I don't want that to change. I feel like a normal 25 year old. I knew you didn't know who I was as soon as you spotted me that day, so I decided to just lie." Namjoon gulps, feeling like a little kid caught stealing candy.
You nod before turning your back to him, carrying on with brushing your horse.
" So, am I still allowed to call you Namjoon or do you rather have me call you your majesty?" You ask him, and he can feel the teasing edge in your voice.
He smiles and relaxes.
" So, are you going to the ball?" Namjoon asks you a few days later while the two of you are sitting in the stables at night.
You shake your head.
" No, I'm not invited."
" Oh, and if I'd manage to get you in, would you come?" He asks hopefully.
" Probably not, sorry. I have nothing to wear to an occasion like that and that's really outside of my comfort zone." You smile a little embarrassed.
Namjoon nods, unaffected.
" And if I get you a dress? A real pretty one. And I'll stay by your side the whole night, would you then come?" He tries.
You chuckle and shake your head.
" Nope. Why are you so set on getting me there anyway?"
He bites his lip, pondering if he should tell you the truth or tell you that it's a suprise and that you could only know if you show up.
He decides to go with the truth.
" All royals are attending the first dance during the ball for the coronation. I wanted you to be my dance partner."
He doesn't look at you while he's telling you, instead staring at the mare who's just eating hay.
You blush, touched by his answer.
" I'm sorry, and although that does sound nice. I'll just end up feeling uncomfortable at the ball anyway. But we can have your first dance of the night right here if you want?" You smile at him as you get up, holding out your hand.
Namjoon usually isn't a dancer, but he doesn't see why not, and so he takes it.
That night he really feels like a guy his age, as he dances the most random and awkward dance moves with you.
One thing was sure, you both suck at dancing.
And even tough th both of you did, the moment was still very precious for Namjoon, and though you're not aware of it, the moment is precious for you too.
The day of the ball is boring for Namjoon.
His dad, the king, tries convincing him into dancing with the Italian princess who will be present tonight, but Namjoon really doesn't want to.
He goes to visit you in the early afternoon, but you're very busy, because there will be even more people than there already were, so you were supposed to have all your chores done by the time the first guests arrive.
He decides that he'll look for you later.
The main part of the afternoon is spend with dance practice, and him trying not to step on his dance partner's toes.
Which he does several times, but he doesn't really find it in himself to care, she was getting paid to put up with him after all.
By the end of dance practice, his instructor Hoseok is thinking about just breaking one of his legs and using that as excuse to not dance at all.
When Namjoon looks in the mirror that evening, he realizes that he's not really happy.
He's not depressed either, just not happy.
He doesn't want to be put under all these social standards of looking good and acting good and just being perfect.
He takes a deep breath before entering the ballroom.
He ends up dancing with a random princess from China.
She is pretty, he admits. And nice too, but she's not...... You.
His breath stops for a moment when he realizes he's got a crush on you.
After the dance he excuses himself saying that he isn't feeling too well.
That's all a lie however, and he's really just going to you.
He hopes that you're still at the stables, but he's feeling disappointed when he sees all the lights turned off.
At first he thinks you're already off to bed, but then he hears hooves and he knows that you never leave the horses outside at night.
He goes to the meadow meant for riding and he's surprised to see you riding your horse without any tack.
He ends up watching you ride for a while.
Until the moment the moment is ruined and someone else approaches the meadow.
In the most chaotic way possible.
Yelling while sipping wine and barely walking on his two legs.
Namjoon feels his heart stop for a moment as Winter raises his front hooves in the air, leaning heavily on his behind legs, the horse spooked by this new stranger
He calms down when Winter's front hooves touch the ground again, and you're still seated.
" Prince James, why are you here instead of enjoying the party?" You ask, not dismounting your horse.
" Realized the pretty girl wasn't there. Decides to come look for her. Aren't I cute?~" James, one of the two princes of England, must know you to talk to you like that.
Namjoon doesn't like it.
You cannot disrespect a woman like that, that's just, wrong.
" No, you're disgusting, honestly. Please go back to the ball." You ask him, and Namjoon sees that look in your eyes and knows the meaning, you're afraid of the prince.
" I don't think I want to-"
He spots a rope halter lying on one of the fences and decides to try and help you out.
" Hello, fancy seeing you here. I assume that there are no troubles?" Namjoon rolls in smoothly, wordlessly handing you the halter.
You seem relieved at his arrival and slip off your horse, gently putting the halter on Winter.
James seems a little less pleased with Namjoon's arrival.
He mumbles out an excuse before leaving, almost falling in the bushes as he walks off.
" I thought you went to the ball?" You asked once James was out of sight.
Namjoon shrugged with a dimpled smile.
" I was, but it was boring there. Decided to come here instead."
You smiled at his answer.
The both of you went to lead Winter back in his box and walked a little bit around the stables, just talking.
" You know, it seemed as if you knew James. Have you met him before?" He asked at some point.
You shrugged and nodded.
" Sort of. My parents used to work for his stables until I was born, the court here was impressed by how good the horses look and promised my parents a finer stay on the royal grounds, they agreed to go here instead."
" So, you're born in England?" Namjoon asked.
" Yeah. And I used to be friends with James, but he became too spoilt." You answered.
Namjoon nodded in understanding, he knew more royals like that.
" So, are you coming to the coronation?" Namjoon asked.
You nodded with a smile.
" Of course I am, everyone is invited."
" That's great! Than I'll probably see you there tomorrow, right?" He asked with a shy smile.
You nodded.
" Definitely."
For the first time in what felt like forever, Namjoon cared about his outfit.
He wanted to look good in front of you.
He knew he had a bad taste when it came to clothing, but luckily his younger brother Taehyung didn't, and so he decided to bother him.
" Oh, what do I owe this pleasure too, your dear royal highness." Taehyung dramatically bowed as his older brother stood in front of his door opening.
" Stop being so dramatic, drama queen. And I need your help with something." The elder rubbed his neck and looked at the ground, feeling shy.
" Let me guess, you found out that stable girl of yours is coming to the coronation and you want to look good?" Taehyung teased with a smile.
Namjoon looked at him in suprise.
" How do you know that?"
" Know what? Your little crush on her or the reason why you're here?" Taehyung smirked.
" Both."
" Well, I'm pretty sure everyone knows about your little crush because you spent more time with her than you ever did with me or anyone else, and I knew she was coming to the coronation too and my genius brain managed to get that all together and came to a conclusion." Taehyung said proudly.
" Wow, I didn't think your two brain cells could manage." Namjoon teased him.
Taehyung let out an offended 'hey' before getting to work and going to Namjoon's closet.
Because they weren't at home, they had a limited amount to choose from, but Taehyung was determined to let his brother look handsome.
He was supposed to look good after all, especially since he wanted to impress a woman.
Meanwhile you were in your little house trying to decide on what to wear.
You too wanted to look good, your crush was also coming to the coronation and last time you checked, you were kind of unofficial dating.
You two haven't spoken in a while as other royal families had stayed over and you were busy, but you hoped he didn't forget about you just yet. ( He also works in the palace, but he's a butler.)
For some reason, you also found yourself hoping to look good in front of Namjoon.
Whenever you thought of him, you felt shy and warm.
The gentleman has certainly charmed you for sure, but you did not know him well enough to consider him as a romantic interest.
You shook your head and focused back at the task at hand.
You decided to go with a simple red dress, with thin straps and off shoulder ruffles.
It was innocent, but sexy.
The coronation was beautiful, and you couldn't believe how your best friend was now a real queen.
" Your majesty." You curtsy with a teasing smile as she approached you.
" Aish, stop it you." She smiled as you giggled in response and hugged.
" I can't believe you're a queen now." You told her proudly.
" I know, I can't either. I'm really afraid I'll mess something up." She said honestly.
" That's understandable. I don't know the feeling of standing in your shoes, but I'm sure you'll do great. Besides, even the greatest people make mistakes sometimes. They'll just have to learn to not stand still by it." You reassured her.
" Thank you for being my best friend." She smiled.
" Also, pretty butler at 5 o' clock." She winked before slipping away.
You bit your lip nervously and turned around, happy to see him after so long.
You smiled as you spotted him and approached him.
" Hey, long time no see, huh?" You greeted him.
" Yeah, hey. Certainly a long time yeah." He smiled awkwardly back.
Was something wrong?
" I assume it's been busy in the palace?" You try to start a conversation.
" Yeah, indeed. Not like you understand." He muttered the last part.
You raised your eyebrow at his attitude.
" Is something the matter?" You asked him.
" Yeah, no.- Look, I should apologize. I know we had something, but I have a girlfriend now. And I honestly don't want to deal with you." He huffed bluntly.
Ouch. Now that's a pang in your heart.
" Oh. I'll be go-"
" Hey baby, who's this?" A woman approached the two of you, most likely his girlfriend.
" Just a horse girl." He said it as if it's a bad thing.
You couldn't believe him right now, you felt the need to cry, but refused to cry in front of him.
" You're pathetic." You chuckled while shaking your head with glossy eyes before walking off.
" Spotted her yet?" Jin whispered in his younger brother's ear as he was still searching.
" Yah! Don't scare me like that." Namjoon huffed.
" Isn't that her?" Jin asked, ignoring his complaint, while pointing to a direction.
Namjoon followed his hyung's finger to see where he was pointing, and indeed there you were.
He watched as you chuckled while shaking your head before walking away from a couple.
You looked beautiful, he didn't know just how good you looked in a dress, and coincidentally, the dress was his style too.
" Y/N!" He called, hoping to catch up with you.
" Yah! No thank you for your hyung?" Jin complaint from behind him.
" Thanks hyung!" Namjoon yelled back over his shoulder.
Jin shook his head smiling, his brother was whipped.
" Y/N, wait up!" Namjoon yelled, hoping that you heard him, but you kept walking.
" Y/N?" He asked as he finally reached you, and put a hand on your shoulder.
You jumped at the contact and turned around, only now he noticed your glossy eyes.
" Oh, Namjoon. Hey. Sorry, my head was elsewhere." You showed his a forced smile.
" Hey, are you okay? Your eyes are glossy." Namjoon asked.
" Sorry, it's not everyday you find out that your crush turns out to be a dick." You smile bitterly.
Namjoon didn't know how to feel when hearing that.
He was obviously not the person you were talking about, because he didn't ( and would never) break your heart, but now you were sad and he didn't like that.
On the other side of it, he now knew that there would be a free spot in your heart, and he's willing to fight for it.
" Let's take a walk. I'm here for you." He said as he wiped a tear that fell from your eye, moved a lock of your hair behind your ear before eventually taking your hand and leading you through the market whitin the palace grounds.
You told him everything.
From the part where you started gaining feelings for him, to where you two kind of had something, to where he turned out to be a dick.
And Namjoon listened patiently to all of it.
" Honestly, I just wish that I could leave this place but I have no guarantee that I will ever get a job half this good ever again." You groaned at the end of it.
An idea clicked in his mind.
" But what if you can?" He whispered, stopping with walking.
" What?" You asked confused.
" Come with me. We have stables too, and the horses back at home don't look as happy as they are here. So I'm sure my parents will be fine with it." He suggests.
" I don't know." You think.
" Just think it through for a few days, the pay won't be as great as here and instead of a house on the castle grounds, we've got an apartment building for staff, but if you really want to leave, just come with me. I know my stables need improvement anyway." He smiles.
" I will." You smile back at him.
After another moment of walking peacefully in silence, the two of you resume walking in the market.
You spent the next few days without Namjoon, and end up thinking a lot about what he said.
By the end of the third day, you made up your mind.
You will go with him.
Not because you're not on good terms with your ex crush anymore, but because you want to.
You want to work somewhere different, somewhere with a challenge.
And you want to stay with Namjoon.
Going with him is easier than you had expected, sure you'll have to learn the language, but finding a replacement was pretty easy as you had all the routines written down for when you were on a day off. One of your most trusted employees will take over your work, while you'll take the same position in Korea.
Your goodbyes were a little teary, but you knew that this wasn't the last time when you'd see your friends.
Your ex-crush's face was incredibly amusing to see too.
According to Namjoon, you were just as important as he is, and so you ended up in a seat on his private jet to Korea.
Winter was on another plane, but will arrive as the same time as you. ( You had to admit that you were a little unhappy with having your horse on a plane, but the drive to Korea was much longer and would be likely less comfortable for the animal anyway.)
During the plane ride, you were sat beside Namjoon in a luxe plane chair, treated as if you were royalty yourself.
Namjoon was all too happy with how you easily got along with his parents and brothers.
Once you're there, you're instantly out exploring, for the first few hours with Namjoon, and a few hours without.
You note on how bad the horses look. They look a little underfed, and unhappy too.
You're happy to know that you'll be properly taking care of them now.
The next day is directly off to work.
Where you talk with the head caretaker who's apparently very inexperienced in taking care of horses.
You're surprised that he even managed to land a job here, this high up.
Namjoon doesn't manage to talk with you for the next two weeks, as you're both pretty busy.
He's busy with classes and formal stuff, while you're busy with creating a different diets for all horses in the stables.
Some horses had too little power food, and some too much.
You have to replace a lot of horse tack too, and some horses actually need some medical treatment.
For instance, the crown prince's horse, RJ, needed quite some medical assistance. ( Which is obviously scandalous, considering it's a royal horse.)
Some of the horses the King and Queen have for guests are already too old to be riding, yet they're very high spirited, and so you choose to send them off to a horse pension.
After the second week, Namjoon tries to visit you in some of his breaks and free time, but you're still very busy.
It's around another two weeks later when things have finally calmed down for you and you visit him in his office.
The stables aren't too far off, and so you manage to locate yourself in the castle.
Though you don't really know how to go from there.
After 20 minutes of walking around aimlessly, you turn around to find someone who's able to lead the way.
" Y/N dear? Is that you?" The voice of the queen sounds from behind you.
You turn around in surprise, quickly bowing in respect before properly greeting her.
" Your majesty, how good to see you." You smile at her, talking to her as if she's an aunt of you.
" My dear, it's good to see you too. I haven't seen you in a while. Is there too much work on your shoulders to be able to breath?" She asks as she starts to stride alongside of you.
" No your majesty, things were just a bit messy but now that everything's sorted out, I can breathe again." You tell her calmly.
" Ah, I see." She smiles gently.
" How are you your majesty? Had it busy yourself too?" You ask her.
She glances at you before answering.
" Ah, it's been a little stressful. But nothing I can't handle." She tells you honestly.
You nod along to her words.
" I can only imagine." You tell her.
" Are you busy right now?" She asks you as the two of you stop in front of a door.
" No your majesty, is there something I can do for you?" You ask her.
" Would you fancy talking to me over tea? You don't have to of course." She asks, obviously curious.
You smile and nod.
" Sure your majesty."
And so the two of you chat for another 30 minutes. Sure, you were originally going to Namjoon, but talking with his mother is certainly not bad either. Unlike the queen of your home country, Namjoon's mother is a high spirited and curious woman.
" Mother." Someone walks in and nods in greeting to the woman across from you.
"Y/N?" The same voice asks with a surprised, but gentle tone.
" Hey Joon, I was actually on my way to you before I bumped into your mother. " You smile at him.
Namjoon takes in the pleasant sight in front of him with a surprised smile. One that reaches all the way to his dimples.
It's the first time he has ever seen his mother so comfortable to be talking with another woman, not even a princess could bring her in this deep of a comfort zone.
" I assume you want to steal her away from me?" His mother smiles at him before he can actually think of a reply.
He nods.
" Yes, but I can wait if you're having fun together." He tells her.
She shakes her head with a happy smile and shoos the both of you out of the room.
" Nonsense. Have fun together."
You and Namjoon look at each other before the both of you start chuckling.
" I don't think I've ever seen my mother this comfortable around other people." He tells you with a smile.
" How so? She's a pretty fun woman." You tell him honestly.
Namjoon shrugs and holds his elbow out for you to take as he starts walking towards his office, not that you know what it means, as you are a non royal.
You walk alongside him, oblivious to the look he's giving you by not linking your arm in his.
" Not sure." He takes it upon himself to link your arm trough his.
You blush at the contact, and look puzzled at his action.
" It's a way royals usually walk together. You might've seen my parents do so before." He smiles nervously, hoping you get the hint.
He was already crushing on you, hard. But now that he sees how you get along with his family, he's sure of it. He doesn't need a princess to be happy, he needs you.
" Oh, so like this is how you'd walk with princesses and noble women?" You ask.
Namjoon wants to facepalm at your response.
" No, no- Royals walk like this with they're- You know what, nevermind, I just like to walk with you like this. Also, I don't walk like this with a lot of people." He ends up getting flustered at his own answer.
" So, how's the work at the stables going?" He asks, changing topic before you can say something about his behavior.
It works, and the two of you end up talking for the rest of the day in his office, snacking away at his secret snack stash and at some point actually having dinner there too.
" Damn, you're whipped." Are Hoseok's words the next evening.
Namjoon is currently sat with his friends ( his brothers Jin and Taehyung, the royal advisors Jimin, Yoongi and Jackson, dance teacher Hoseok and stable boy Jungkook who they grew up with)
" Yeah I know. But she only just got off an unofficial relationship, I think I need to wait before I can ask her out." Namjoon tells the rest.
" Woah, hold up, my last braincell can't understand this. Unofficial relationship?" Jungkook asks.
Namjoon nods.
" Yes, her crush turned put to be a dick-"
" Joon, I'm sorry to point it out but I get paid for it- don't cuss-" Jackson butts in.
" - they were her exact words tough." Namjoon mumbles.
" If those were her words than she'll move on pretty fast right? I mean girls cuss out their ex when they're officially done with them do they not?" Jimin wonders out loud.
" I think Joon's right, he should be patient-"
" Yoongi, do you actually know stuff about romance?-"
" Shut it brat." Yoongi cuts off Taehyung with a good natured glare.
" I can't wait to see if she stands out to the public." Jin says randomly.
All eyes turn to him, confused by his words.
" The parade is in a two weeks. Considering she's head of the stables, she'll probably be there too right. " Jin points out.
The parade which Jin was talking about is once a year every year, it's a parade in traditional style meant to not forget where the country's origin lies.
Usually Namjoon didn't really like the parade due to the old traditional music and having to sit still for hours, but if it meant that you were there too, it might be a little more bearable.
The rest of the week goes by in a wink. Everyone is mostly busy with preparations and stuff alike. You and Namjoon only have little moments in between to talk and meet up, despite living on a two minute distance.
It isn't until two days before the parade that he has a free spot in his schedule to meet up with you. You don't have a spot free, but he's bothered you enough to know that you're usually able to talk while working.
" Hey Kook' seen Y/N around?" Namjoon asks Jungkook who's cleaning up one of the horses' their stable.
" I think we just had some stuff for the decorations on the tack in, so I think she's working with it in the tack room." He tells the elder with a smug smile before turning back to work.
And so Namjoon walks towards the tack room. While he walks by the stables, he can see the change of the horses. They look healthier, and his very own horse Koya was actually happy to see him for once ( the mare was usually in a bad mood). Winter recognized him too, and happily greeted him and both horses happily accepted the treat he had brought for them.
" Hey. Things look better here." Namjoon greets you as he walks into the tack room.
You look up from the mess you've made on the table, where an array of white, yellow, black, blue and red decorations are spread out.
" Hey. Long time no see." You smile as you greet him with a hug.
He returns it all too easy, his nose greeted by your gentle body mist.
" So, what's this all about?" He asks, motioning to the huge amount of traditional styled tack decorations lying about.
" Decorations for the horse tack. I'm currently sorting everything out." You smile at him.
He blinks at the mess on the table.
" This is sorted out?" He asks.
" Some of it. There's the stuff for Koya by the way, the only thing missing is her norigae but I've heard that she's supposed to wear the same one as you. I was planning to go by your office to ask you for it later, but since you're here anyway...?" You tell him, pointing to the white and red tack.
" Yeah of course. Is this winter's tack?" He asks you, motioning to the yellow and black tack which is lying beside Koya's.
" Yes. I'm only missing a norigae, so I might go to the market later today." You tell him.
Namjoon's eyes shine with an idea as he hears that. Maybe he can sneakily get you to wear his custom norigae too? That way you'd both be matching in a way too.
" Hey, if you want, we can go and get the norigae right now?" He asks you, bringing his idea to life.
You look at your work in tough before nodded.
" Sure, that way Koya's tack is all complete." You smile at him as he holds out his arm to you.
This time you don't look confused, you take it.
You miss the way Jungkook's eyes widen when the two of you walk by him, you also miss the vibrant smile on Namjoon's face as he looks at Jungkook.
Instead of leading you to his office like usual, he leads you to a different part of the castle, where the royal' family's personal chambers are.
" Hey, um, are you sure that I'm allowed in here? I don't want to cause trouble." You tell him.
He nods, unlocking his door and stepping aside to let you in first.
" Yeah, it's me who you're with, so it's all cool. Also, you're allowed here always. I'll give the guards a heads up so they'll know it too. If I'm not at my office, you'll most probably find me here." He tells you as he lets go of you arm and instead laces his fingers with yours, leading the way with a gentle smile.
His quarters are bigger than your apartment in the staff building, there's a hallway, a door to the bedroom, a door to his walk in closet, a door to the bathroom and an opening to the livingroom.
" Quite a big apartment you have Joonie." You tell him as you look all over the place.
He doesn't even realize what you're saying, the only thing that reaches his ears is the nickname you've just called him by.
" Joonie?" He asks with pink ears.
You smile with a blush.
" Oh, I'm sorry, your royal highness." You tease him.
He laughs with you, and shakes his head.
" I think I like Joonie better." He winks at you before opening the door to the walk in closet, pulling you in with him.
In the room there are rows upon rows of clothing, each sectioned. There's casual, nightwear, outdoor activities, formal and traditional.
He opens one of the doors of ( what you geuss to be) a closet full with accessories.
You're not wrong, and he pulls out a wooden box with elegant carvings, putting it down on one of the dressers and opening it.
" Pick which one you think looks best by Koyas'." He tells you as he motions to the norigae in the box. Unlike the rest, there isn't a lot of it.
Koya's accessories are white and red themed, like all royal horses' are, and just to your luck, Namjoon owns one which would suit it, the design actually much the same as the Koya's actual tack.
" This one looks nice." You tell him as you point to the white and red one.
" You can take it with you, I know you're a neat person anyway." He smiles, nervous for his own question.
" Anything which you like?" He asks you, the tips of his ears turning pink once again.
You turn to look at him with wide eyes.
" What? I'm not allowed, you know?" You tell him, your eyes holding a sadness he can't explain and turning your head away from him.
" They don't need to know." He tells you softly, lifting your chin up gently.
You blush. Hard. At his actions.
You don't make a move to look at the norigae either, and so he takes it upon himself to do so.
He takes a yellow and black one and shows it to you, the decorative accessory more of an art work.
" What about this one?" He asks you.
You shake your head.
" It's too extravagant.... If you're really okay with it, can I borrow this one?" You ask him, motioning to a minimum decorated yellow one.
" Of course." He smiles as he takes that one off and the same one in black, handing both to you.
" One for your horse, and one for you." He smiles cheekily, not looking into you eyes, but instead putting both of them into your palm.
When he looks up at you again, there's a soft look in your eyes, filled with something he can't explain.
Suddenly the room's a little hot, and his hands start to feel clammy.
Were you two going to kiss?
However, he's left a little disappointed when you clear your throat, clearing the tension with it.
" I should get back to work." You say.
He snaps out of his trance and nods.
" Yeah. Same." He responds lamely.
You look at him again before making your next move.
" Thank you." You say softly as you kiss his cheek before walking away.
The small kiss on his cheek is all Namjoon can think about for the next few days, up until the day of the parade.
The day of the parade starts off hectic as per usual.
There's Jimin and Taehyung being serious for once ( which makes them very suspicious.) There's Yoongi looking for Seokjin every five minutes, the royal advisor tired of chasing after the future king every day. And then there's Jackson who let Namjoon sleep in for a bit.
Jackson ( Namjoon's advisor) has always been able to balance everything perfectly. Today is no different. Though Namjoon wakes up fairly early, and therefore decides to start the day by himself, he does inform Jackson of where he is and what he's doing.
He knows in the back of his mind that he doesn't really need to, about everyone knows that he's at the stables if he's not in his office or private chambers.
The stables are a mess and very busy. In fact, it's so chaotic that Jungkook doesn't even realize that Namjoon's standing there, who's standing outside and readying the carriages.
It takes around 10 minutes before Jungkook actually notices the prince, who's leaning against a stable wall.
" Oh. Morning hyung. How long have you been standing there?" Jungkook greets him, bowing his head.
" Not too long. An-"
" Y/N's at the main stables, she's was working on getting Mangs' mane braided last time I checked." Jungkook smiles at his hyung who's speechless.
" Thanks." He says puzzled.
A few minutes later he's at Mang's stable, and you appear to be working on Chimmy's braids now. There's a Bluetooth box in the corner of the stables, playing one of the many songs you've let him hear before.
In comparison to the rest of the stables, it's pretty chill here. It's just you, and a few of your coworkers, who're preparing the tack of the royal horses. Namjoon can spot the norigae you've picked out for Koya standing proud on his bearing strap.
" It seems you've got the situation under your control." Namjoon tells you, making you turn around.
At the sound of his voice, your coworkers immediately greet him with respect, and Namjoon nods his head back to each of them.
You smile and greet him with a hug.
" Yeah, we've been preparing for a week now so we didn't have to do everything last minute for a reason. How're things going in the castle?" You ask him as you move back to Chimmy, going back to braiding.
" Pretty good actually-" He's cut off by the vibrations of his own phone, and he barely excuses himself as he takes it.
" Namjoon, Where are you? I have called you six times already. Your stylist arrived ten minutes ago. Hurry up to your closet!" Jackson's voice screams trough the phone.
" Oh, um, it appears I have to go. I'll see you at the parade?" He asks.
You nod at him, and as he leaves, one of your coworkers turns to you with a silly smirk.
" So, you and prince Namjoon, huh?" He hears her teasing voice, which causes him to leave with pink ears.
The rest of the time passes by in a heartbeat, and before he knows it, he's standing in front of the castle, waving at the press and citizens.
Soon after he's with the rest of the royal family in the royal carriage, and he can see you on Winter on the side, ready to ride off with him.
He secretly wishes that you're seated right beside him, though he knows that that's for now a lot to ask.
Winter's norigae is also proudly displayed, as is yours. He's surprised at how neat Winter's posture is. The horse's head is usually held high with his ears forward, ready to explore the world. Right now his head is bent like the dressage horse he's supposed to be.
Then everyone is setting off as scheduled.
Taehyung's eyes catch someone looking rather suspicious to the side after about an hour or two.
The male was wearing all black, standing out from the colourful festive. He wasn't smiling or cheering, just stood completely still.
He looked at the figure more carefully, not wanting to create drama out of nothing.
He changed his mind as the suspicious male catches his eyes, and smirks at the prince.
He turns to Jin, who's sitting beside him, but before he's even fully turned, there's suddenly a loud bomb going off.
Everyone sets into panic, especially the horses.
Namjoon is worried about not only his people now, but especially his staff and more important to him, you.
He can only watch as the person who's driving the carriage sets the horses loose, and is left perplexed when you run after it with Winter.
And then he's demanding to get off the damn carriage because he wants to help you.
There's the distinct yelling of his title trough his mind, but he doesn't pay any mind to it. All he can focus on is helping you.
" Prince Kim Namjoon! Listen to your king and-" His father's sentence is cut off as he closes the carriage door behind him and walks off into the forest he's seen you disappear into.
He doesn't make it far into the forest before one of the guards is pulling him back to his family, who're now sitting in a bulletproof car.
"Namjoon, what are you thinking?! You've not only put yourself in danger by stepping out of the carriage but us too! Not to mention the citizens. What's wrong with you?!" His father screams at him in anger.
Seokjin and Taehyung are worried upon looking at the panicked look on their brother's face.
"She's out there."
His mother understands what's happening by hearing that sentence.
He's in love with you.
His father gets it too, and sighs before looking at his wife, both of them sharing worried glances.
His father panics, and decides that Namjoon is to stay in his chambers for the rest of the night.
Instead Namjoon sneaks out, making his way to the staff dorms. He halts at the door, not sure on which number to ring.
After all, he's never been at your place.
Luckily for him, one of the maids who just finished her shift spotted him, and asks him if she can help him.
" Any idea what Y/N L/N's house number is?" He asks her sheepishly.
She smiles and nods.
" Yes, but if you're looking for her, She's still at the stables, inspecting the horses." She tells him.
He blinks at her before thanking her and running off.
It's around 23' at night now, and the incident was around 17' in the afternoon.
Worry fills his eyes as he spots you in the stables.
You're now talking with the horses' vet, but your clothes have blood on them.
He's got no idea if it's yours or the horses, but he just hopes that it's neither.
He hears you and the vet greet each other a goodbye and rushes to your side.
" Hey, are you okay?" Is the first thing that he asks you.
You jump as you turn around, your tired eyes making contact with his.
" Woah, you scared me there. And yeah, I'm fine, just a few scratches." You wave him off, though the blood on your shirt tells him another story.
It's not seeping through dramatically, it's mostly dry, but Namjoon can't help but worry as your undershirt is matted with dirt and there's lines of blood on it too, as tough You've been cut.
" Are you sure that it doesn't hurt? We can take you to the doctor in the castle? I'm sure he won't mind-"
" I'm fine Joon, honestly. The cuts aren't something I can't treat myself." You smile at him tiredly yet in a reassuring way, something that touches his heart.
" Thank god. Also, why're you still here? Are the horses injured?" He asks you.
You sigh and nod, walking over to Rj's stable.
" Some yeah. Especially Rj, he's always been a bad jumper, especially today when he ended up stuck on a fallen tree trunk. And it was about 19' when I had managed to get all the horses with the rest of the staff. I dismissed them all after that and decided to help the vet myself." You tell Joon as you look at the white horse who's leaning heavily on three of his legs, the fourth being stitched and bandaged.
" You didn't even eat dinner yet?" He asks, eyes wide.
You shrug and nod.
" Yeah, but it's fine, don't worry about it. Now if you don't mind, I really want to go home. So I'll be locking up the stables, if you still want to talk, feel free to come with me to my humble home." You tell him as you collect your stuff and turn towards the entrance.
He's quick to catch up to you, wordlessly taking your stuff for you.
Moments later he's stood in the kitchen, exploring your cabinets on what to make you while you're in the shower.
You've told him to make himself comfortable while you'd freshen up, but he wants to make you something so you didn't have to make yourself dinner.
However, Joon can't cook, as he has never been taught. From the three princes, only the eldest knows how to.
And so he ends up following a recipe, which doesn't turn out great either.
And so when you step out of the shower, you hurry to the kitchen due to the smell of fire.
You're very surprised to see the prince just standing there, in front of the stove, looking more confused than panicked.
He's scratching the back of his head and you hear him mumbling "Is it supposed to smell like this?"
His question is quickly answered by you hastily turning off the stove and turning on the extractor.
" You don't cook very often do you?" You ask him dryly, folding your arms over one another.
He's lowkey disappointed by his failure of being husband material, and it shows on his face.
" Sorry. I wanted to make you dinner so you wouldn't have to after such a long day." He tells you guiltily with a small pout, which turns you soft.
You smile at him due to his antics.
" That's real sweet, but I was planning on simple ramen." You tell him.
And so the two of you end up making ramen together ( as he's very set on letting you do as little as possible.)
About thirty minutes later, the two of you are seated on the sofa, each a bowl of ramen in your grasp as he's looking for a good movie, and a blanket thrown over your laps.
The distance between you two is smaller than it's appropriate for a prince and his staff member, and you both love it.
Moments later, the two of you are done with dinner, and Namjoon watches worriedly as you sleepily blink at the screen and keep switching positions, unable to find a comfortable one.
" You know, if you're uncomfortable, you can lean on me, I don't mind."
The words leave his mouth before he can think about it twice.
No words leave your mouth before you're snuggling against him, legs thrown over the couch, folded sideways, blanket pulled up to your chin and your head resting on his shoulder.
He's only too happy with your reaction, and wraps an arm around you in response, pulling you even closer.
The two of you watch most of the unimportant movie in silence, until Namjoon hears your light snores.
The sight that greets him makes him just realize how deep in he is once again.
You're literally drooling on his shirt, yet he still finds your visuals pleasing to the eye.
He's whipped and he knows it.
He turns off the tv before moving you to the bedroom.
He really didn't plan to sleep over, but once he's dropped you off on your bed, ( literally, almost falling on top of you himself) you don't let go of him.
And so he just sleeps over, and he's happy he came in sweats and a sweater.
The next morning, you wake up without an alarm, you wake up in the prince's arms.
Which leaves you very flustered.
Because as far as you're concerned, you're supposed to take the morning shift at the stables today.
The first thing you do is check your phone, something you haven't done since you called the vet for the horses.
You're greeted by kind messages of the other staff from the stables, and they let you have a day off as you were working from 6 am to 11 pm yesterday.
And so you set on making breakfast.
Meanwhile Namjoon's slowly waking up in your room.
Luckily for him, he's off duty until around 15', and it's now about 10'.
Pleased with the time, he reaches out for you, only to realize that you're not there.
He's not really in the mood to stay lazy in bed, and so he comes to join you in the kitchen.
The sight that greets him there makes him feel fuzzy, again.
You're not even doing anything specific, just flipping pancakes while you're wearing this huge shirt and sweats, your hair pulled up in the most unorganized bun he's ever seen.
But he loves it. He really does.
" Morning." He murmurs lowly in your ear as he hugs you from behind in greeting.
You jump, but relax soon after.
" Morning sleepyhead. Slept well?" You ask him.
He smiles.
" I did but when I woke up you weren't there anymore." He pouts.
Meanwhile his parents were figuring out on what to do.
" Well, what do you suggest? Our boy is in love. And what's wrong with that? She's a nice woman." The queen tells her husband as they're talking in one of the yards, enjoying the weather.
"Of course there's nothing wrong with that, but she's a peasant. He'd be breaking tradition, and I don't want anyone using that against him, nor do I want someone to use the woman's former title against her." The king tells her.
His wife looks at him in surprise.
"You don't have anything against her?"
" Of course not honey, why would I?" The king asks her.
" You didn't really seem to like her in the carriage ride." She tells him pointedly.
" I admit, I had to think about it, but she's indeed nice. and Namjoon's obviously in love with her." The king said with a small smile.
" Then I suggest we let it be up to him."
When Joon came back home, a fortunate surprise was waiting for him, the 'okay' of his parents.
When he heard so, he was shook, but happy out of his mind.
Soon his group of friends knew it, and not too long after, his staff too (though they lowkey were already).
Next up he started planning everything out, and with everything, I mean like too much.
He's starting to think about on how to ask you, and on what to wear, whenether to take you on a date or straight up ask you out.
It's not until a few days later that he admits his feelings.
The two of you are simply cuddled up together, doing absolutely nothing, simply talking about life and complaining about Yoongi's horse riding skills.
It's already late at night, and it only settles the mood.
It doesn't go according to plan though, instead of being cute and asking you out with a fancy sign and everything, the two are laid on the couch, you in his arms as the two of you lay saggedly against one another. And he literally goes;
" Did you know that I have the biggest crush on you?"
It's not planned, he didn't even mean to say it.
It just happened.
All you did was laugh at a really bad joke he made, and it just came out.
He blushed hard, as you now get up to face him.
" Wait, are you serious?" You ask him, eyes wide.
He swallows, and stays silent, not entirely sure on what to say. It takes him a moment before he answers.
" I, uhm, yeah. I do."
He says it so cutely you have to keep yourself from chuckling at him.
He adjusts his position, now sitting up too, except he's leaning his back against the couch.
You don't take too long to respond, instead being pretty quick.
" You mean, I could've asked you out a whole while earlier, and you would've said yes?" You ask him.
He nods, at first normally, softly, then suddenly vigorously.
" Of course I would! Have you seen yourself? You're one heck of a woman!" He exclaims.
Now it's your turn to blush.
" Okay, uhm, wait- I know this pick up line and- I think you got your pronouns wrong, instead of he/him it should be you're/mine." You pop suddenly adding to the moment.
Joon laughs at that, throwing his head back.
He bites his lip once he's calmed down again.
" I mean, I guess you're right. In a way.- Mind if I kiss you?"
The two of you are suddenly moving fast, very fast, but neither of you are bothered.
The two of you have been good friends since a while back anyway, and this really didn't bother either of you.
You've simply waited way too long for each other either way, it appeared.
" Oh, yes. Please do-"
You can barely finish, before he's pressing his lips to yours.

A very boujee-looking Hot Pink!J-Hope moodboard.😘
No plagiarism or reposting please!

Hobi lockscreen + home
Like or Reblog if you use

I would die for Hobi

Bangtan being aesthetically pleasing all over the world is what I live for.
Aishh why this is so beautiful ??? 🪐✨
@cryxtalsnow thank u for that (i tried written in english, sorry 🙇🏽♀️)

ㅤ ͏ ͏ ͏ ͏ ͏ ͏ ͏ ͏ ͏،ꜱᴏᴡᴏᴏᴢᴏᴏ × ʜᴏꜱᴇᴏᴋ ღ

Já viram o presentinho que o 허비 nos deu no Weverse?? Hehe 👻Boo
Ya'll are going to sit there and APPRECIATE THIS BEAUTIFUL MAN.

tell me why I smiled for the photo yall I'm actually down bad

cutie enjoying the sunset 🌅
he is just sunshine and puppies and love and light and everything good in the word

some highlights of hobi’s live
Heart 2 Heart // jhs

pairing: Hoseok x reader
genre: fluff, drabble, College!bts AU
word count: 1.3k
summary: Your TA is kinda hot and you have a cold
note: I just wanted to write some fun Hoseok fluff…I miss him :333 Have a great week everyone, ily ! -dubu

You hugged your sweater closer to your shivering body as you made your way into the room. Your music blasting through your headphones distracting you from the pneumatic symptoms you were experiencing.
It’s your last class before you can finally go home for the day. The semester wrapping up in the blink of an eye. You walk to your usual spot in the room. Taking a seat in the chair closest to the door.
You were exhausted, you attended 2 classes prior to this one, and barely had time for a lunch break. You regretted even coming today. Hearing your friends’ mocking voice in your head.
“Y/N? Y/N!” You felt someone tap your shoulder. Removing your headphones in annoyance.
“Are you okay?” a familiar voice asked. You turned and locked eyes with Taehyung, your classmate and long time friend.
“Do I look okay, Tae?” You asked sarcastically, sniffling in response to his question. He lightly shook his head, taking the only seat next to you.
“Well, maybe you should have stayed home like I said last night,” he quipped with a cocked brow. A nagging expression sewn to his face.
“I need to turn in this paper. I worked too hard to wait until next week, Taehyung.” You confessed hesitantly, trying to sound normal.
“Yeah right,” he said pulling out a messy blue binder.
“What’s that suppose to mean?” You asked defensively. He shrugged in response, pulling out his essay.
“Oh look there goes your actual reason for showing up,” Taehyung said motioning towards someone walking through the double doors.
You tried to glance discreetly, a blush creeping on your cheeks as you stared at the bubbly man. The cream oversized button down he wore looked spiffing on him.
“Shut up,” you said kicking Taehyung under the table. He stifled a laugh, handing his paper to you so you could look over it.
“Good afternoon, everyone!” Hoseok said cheerfully, walking around the large brown desk to lean on it. He was met with a few unenthusiastic hello’s and a grunt from Taehyung.
“Well, Professor Kim won’t be able to make it today. So I’ll be taking up your essays and checking them.” He announced carefully.
“Thank you for working hard this year.” He said looking around with a smile.
His eyes momentarily pausing on you a few seconds too long. You bit your lip in response, praying you didn’t look like a yearning fool.
“I’ll be around to collect them in 10 minutes. Take your time settling in,” he said sweetly, clasping his hands together punctuating his words.
“Here, read over mine then,” you said passing Taehyung your essay from your Miffy folder. He nodded absentmindedly, placing an earbud into one ear.
You peered over at Hoseok, unknowingly locking eyes with him. You bit the inside of your cheek, looking away in embarrassment. He smiled at your actions, chuckling to himself.
Shortly after your revision, Hoseok began walking around to collect everyone’s assignment. He mingled his way from table to table.
Leaving a trail of warmth and kindness behind, he ended his rounds with you and Taehyung.
“Here, I can’t promise what’s on there.” Taehyung said pertly, giving Hoseok a gummy smile.
“And yours?” Hoseok asked gently, reaching for your paper. He smiled down at you in delight, loving the way your eyes didn’t stray from him. You handed him your work shyly, coughing a little.
Taehyung smirked at the interaction before him. Flipping through his binder as if he weren’t paying attention.
“Thank you, Y/N.” Hoseok said removing the paper from your hand. You nodded, too nervous to speak.
You felt Taehyung lightly kick your foot under the table, urging you to converse. The air seems to hold its breath, mirroring unspoken words between you.
With visible hesitation, Hoseok takes a step back, holding out on his true intentions. His retreating steps carrying him back to his desk.
Taehyung turned and looked at you in amusement. You shook your head at him, daring him to speak. He raised his hands in surrender, letting one last rebuttal slip past his lips.
“You’ll never get anywhere with that attitude, Y/N.”
You woke up the next day with an earthquake of a headache. Your stuffy nose plugging all hopes of comfortability.
You hastily let Taehyung know that leaving bed won’t be possible today. He responds quickly, assuring you that your rest is most important.
“Your boyfriend might miss you,” he texts teasingly, “I’ll be over after class.” You roll your eyes at his first message, trying to push away the thoughts of Hoseok. Rolling over for a well needed nap, you turned off your phone.
Taehyung placed his bag in your seat next to him. Claiming the spot as if you were just arriving late. He scrolled through his phone, not noticing the shadow in front of him.
“Hey, Taehyung?” Hoseok said lowly.
“Hmm?” Taehyung hummed, eyes still glued to his phone screen.
“Will Y/N be here today? I’m just wonderin-“ Hoseok questioned before he was cut off.
“She’s out sick, but she’ll be here Monday. Don’t worry.” Taehyung reassured the concerned man, unmoving eyes glinting with mischief.
The following 3 days go by in whirlwind. Monday afternoon resting in the palm of your waiting hand. You were the first to arrive in class, taking your corner chair unconsciously.
You spent majority of your last class sneakily glancing at Hoseok. Juggling thoughts of courting or cowardice. Professor Kim’s words drowning in a sea of disregard.
Before you know it, he bids everyone a good day and upcoming break. Congratulating you all for completing his class successfully.
Hoseok quips in with an amiable farewell, thanking everyone for welcoming his assistance with open arms.
Students filed out of the room gradually, muttering amongst themselves about arbitrary events. You trailed behind Taehyung, zoning in and out of your discussion about lunch.
He probed you for an answer, stomach growling on cue. You pulled your eyes from the floor, telling him to walk faster.
“Hey! Y/N, can I talk to you for a second?” Hoseok asked, grabbing your arm before you could cross the threshold.
“Oh, sure.” You said skin warming at his touch. You told Taehyung you’d meet him at his place later and suddenly you were alone in the lecture room.
You both walked over to the professors desk, setting your bag on top. Hoseok took a few deep breaths before pulling a small gift bag from his backpack.
“I got you something, Y/N. You’ve worked really hard this year and I wanted to reward you.” He confessed timidly, handing you the purple gift bag.
Your smile lit up in an instant, feeling mounds of gratitude for the hard work you’ve put in this year.
“I was going to give it to you Friday, but I thought today seemed perfect.” He began bashfully, “Our last class, but hopefully not my last time with you.”
You bit your lip nervously, your heart pounding at his every word. His hair falling perfectly on his forehead, cheeks glimmering in the dim lighting.
“Thank you Hoseok, you really didn’t have to do this.” You said opening the bag politely in front of him. You couldn’t contain the squeal of delight that escaped your pouty lips.
“Oh my gosh! A Miffy plush, I love it.” You said excitedly hugging the slender man. His hands automatically found their way to your lower back, hugging you instantaneously.
You pulled apart in embarrassment, not meaning to be overly affectionate. Hoseok’s expression changing to that of disappointment when you pulled away.
“I noticed how fond of Miffy you are.” He said coyly, rubbing the back of his neck. “I might have gotten myself a little keychain too.”
He reached around his bag, showing off the keychain that looked exactly like your gift. Your cheeks grew hot and a small smile graced your lips.
“Are you saying you want to see me again, Hoseok?” You asked playfully, cocking your head to the side at him. He let out a cute laugh, looking around in amusement.
“Yes that’s exactly what I’m saying, beautiful.”
A helping hand // jhs

Free you my heart 😪
pairing: dom!hobi x f!reader
genre: smut, drabble, unedited
word count: 360
warnings: cunnilingus
note: Happy Easter ig? Just something I wrote spur of the moment 😅

“Hoseok, please” you begged pathetically, a tear slipping down your already wet cheeks. You were trembling on the bed, your pink sheets soaked and messy.
“Please what, y/n?” He said sickeningly sweet, running his finger along the slit of your sensitive pussy. “Use your words pretty girl.”
He started kissing along the inside of your left thigh, chuckling at the exasperated breath you let out. Your body was spent, you were 3 orgasms in and practically limp.
“Can’t handle more, hobi” you mewled weakly, running your shaky hands through his disheveled hair. You tried pushing his head away from your body but he only resisted.
“Oh but you can, baby” he cooed, furrowing his brows in mock worry. He placed a hand on either of your shins, pushing your legs upward. He positioned himself closer to your waiting core. Listening attentively to your cute whines of desperation.
He leaned down licking a strip up your slit, kissing each side of your pussy lips. Eyeing your glistening cunt like a mad man, hobi peered up through hooded eyes. His long lashes casting a small shadow across his cheeks. Smiling at the sight of your ruined body, he lowered his head. Placing his nose directly on your pussy, inhaling loudly.
Your cheeks burned red, legs starting to ache in the tightly folded position he placed you in. He began tongue fucking you mercilessly. Obscene slurping noises filled the room, your whimpers turning into broken cries. You felt your arousal dripping down your legs continuously. The knot in your stomach forming almost immediately.
“Mmm—“ he hummed against your soaked core, moving away to take a quick breath. He didn’t waste another second diving back in. Spitting on your cunt in a swift motion.
“Whose pussy is this?” He questioned hotly. Using a free hand to rub across your pussy. He looked at you hungrily, milking another orgasm from you with his fingers. You felt your pussy clench around his fingers, repeatedly calling his name in response.
“So gorgeous,” he breathed heavily, watching your cunt contract around his idle fingers. He ran his fingers along your folds placing them in his mouth happily.