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A Helpful Ally || Tommy Shelby x fem!reader

Summary: After yet another "disagreement" with people he "works with", Tommy meets you on his way home, already knowing that you will not let him handle things on his own.
Warnings: none
Word count: 740
Authors: Bear & Cass
A/N: today’s prompt: Recovery

As a result of yet another fight he had gotten into, Tommy had an intense pain in the side of his chest. Normally, he would not have gotten to your place, but he met you on the street on his way home and after being asked too many questions, he agreed to follow you to your house. "I told you, Y/N, I'm fine, it's nothing."
"No, Tom. I'm done with your excuses. Get inside on your own, or I'll drag you in myself," you growled, frustrated with his nonsense. It was obvious he didn't look good, yet he remained stubborn, as always.
With a loud sigh and rubbing his temple, Tommy stepped into your flat and slowly took his thick, black coat off, hanging it on a wooden hanger standing by the door.
"Tommy, you look like shit this time. What happened?" You asked as you walked into the bathroom to get whatever you needed.
"Just a little disagreement," he told you simply, and headed to your living room.
As you grabbed a bottle of whiskey for him, you muttered, "Little you say? It looks like a big argument where you got beaten up to me." Tommy took a seat on a couch and followed you with his blue eyes. "Might be considered a big disagreement."
"Undress," you ordered, handing him the bottle.
He accepted the bottle but put it on a coffee table standing in front of the couch. "I don't need it."
"If you say so," you nodded and sat down. Once your equipment was on the coffee table, you began slowly unbuttoning his vest and shirt.
He let you do that, his gaze never left your face. "You're not a nurse. How do you imagine patching me up?"
During the course of undressing him, you told him, "Well, my aunt is a nurse, and she showed me a few things, perfect for situations like this."
The wound wasn't deep, which made you sigh in relief. "The little disagreement doesn't involve a knife, I thought," you offered him a glance and curled your lips in a mischievous grin.
To prevent himself from groaning, Tommy clenched his teeth together as you ran your fingers along the edges of his wound. Looking at him briefly, you began cleaning the wound carefully so that it would not get any worse.
Tommy sat calmly, breathing steadily despite the sharp, burning pain that spread throughout his body whenever you touched the wound. "I appreciate it."
"Tommy Shelby appreciates something? That's something new," you said as you carefully wrapped the wound. "You ain't leaving this house today, I hope you know that."
His eyebrow was cocked. "What do you mean?"
Your reply was simple, "You're staying with me tonight. I'm not letting you walk around like this."
"Y/N, it's far from necessary."
"There is a wounded person in my house. I apologize for that, but I will decide where you stay. I will also take into account that this will not be the first time you stay here overnight," you winked at him as a smile spread across your lips.
A mischievous grin appeared on his lips as he recalled your naked form curled against him during one of his many overnight stays at your apartment. After treating his wound, you kissed his cheek before getting up.
His hand briefly stroked your cheek.
"I'll put the stuff away. You can go to the bedroom, I'm sure you remember where it is."
Tommy heeded your advice, and soon he was lying on your bed with his hands under his head.
When you joined him in your bedroom, you commented, "For once, you listened to me. This was something new for you."
"Will you now play a nurse for me, Y/N?" He asked, raising one of his eyebrows.
"Mr. Shelby, I have no choice but to keep an eye on you since you like to get yourself into trouble so much," you bit your lower lip, gently caressing his cheek.
He smiled at you. I really appreciate your kindness and sweet gesture, Y/N."
Turning your head away slightly, you tried to hide the blush that crept onto your cheeks. "Oh, Tommy, you're such a sweet talker!"
Tommy caught your chin between his thumb and index finger and pulled you close to him; after brushing your noses together, he whispered softly, "I can be sweet for people I deeply care about, Y/N."

A Whiteout || Tommy Shelby x wife!reader
Masterlist ❄

Summary: Tommy enjoys spending time with you during a whiteout.
Warnings: none
Word count: 713
Authors: Bear & Cass
A/N: today’s prompt: Stuck Inside a Snowstorm

Tommy gazed out the window pane into the raging snowstorm that was turning his house snow-white. However happy he was, although he loved winter, part of him longed to wrap the trees in woolens and make woolen garments for those who could not find shelter in his own home. Although he used to be considered a dangerous man, he was only doing what any man would do - protecting his loved ones and ensuring a decent living for them.
"Isn't it beautiful? There's something magical about all the snow falling down and covering the earth," you whispered, holding a mug of freshly brewed coffee in your hands as you walked into his office. You handed him the mug as he turned to you.
With a quiet and short thank you escaping his lips, Tommy accepted the mug, returning his attention to the world outside the window. "You're more than right, Y/N."
"It's just a shame we're stuck in here," you sighed before taking a sip of your drink. In fact, you didn't mean it that way - despite its beauty, winter was cruel enough to lock people inside their homes. Even though you disliked the low temperatures, you didn't complain. Tommy was always out running his shady businesses, while you stayed home and waited till late at night for him to return home to join you in bed. A chance like this to spend more time with your husband was like gold to you. "Come, there's the warmth of the fireplace in the living room. It's all nice and cozy."
Your pleas soon prompted Tommy to join you in front of the fireplace, where the fire danced happily, its tongues licking wood locks placed there by you.
With a smile, you set down your cup and wrapped your arms around his arm, enjoying his closeness.
When the clouds were a woolen gray shawl above the town, Tommy could still feel your shared happy memories and your presence itself emanated warmth, warming his soul up.
The moment was nice, but you needed something more. A brilliant idea suddenly struck you, and you got up from your place.
As you walked to Tommy's gramophone, you picked out a vinyl and put it on; it was a nice slow song, and it would be perfect for dancing to. "Tommy?"
In a flash, Tommy grasped your idea - he got up from his seat, set the mug down on a wooden table, then approached you and gripped your waist with one hand, placing the other on your hip as he started slowly rocking with you to the rhythm of the music.
"It is just like our wedding day," you whispered, nuzzling his chest. "Perhaps getting stuck at home because of the snow wasn't so disastrous. I can finally spend some time with my husband."
He spun you slowly while his fingers caressed your back. "I know. I enjoy snuggling up next to you throughout this cold season."
"It's too bad you're not doing it more frequently. I miss you when you are out, doing God knows what all day."
He reminded you with a soft tap on the bridge of your nose, "Only because of my business do we have what we do. I'll try to spend more time with you, I promise."
"I know Tommy, I know. I just miss you so much. Not to mention that I am worried about you."
Tommy's grip on your waist grew tighter as snow fluttered outside the window. "You're the stunning wife of mine, and I adore how near we are getting."
As you pulled him into a gentle kiss, you chuckled softly, "I'd love to get even closer if I may be honest."
Tommy rubbed his face into your hair and mumbled, "Snow came down as heaven's sunlit glitter to bring our earth to a fresh sheen. Didn't it come as a remedy for our longings? For us wanting to be close again? Just you and I?"
You took his hand in yours and quietly said, "I think you're right. I've got an idea." Gently pulling him toward the staircase, you suggested, "How about spending this cold time in our comfy, warm bed together?"
A seed of anticipation sprouted as a tiny grin spread across his lips. "That's some brilliant idea."

A Setting Sun || Tommy Shelby x fem!reader

Summary: The sunset is a beautiful sight for you and Tommy Warnings: none
Word count: 720
Author: Bear

On the horizon, a red and gold sunset blossomed.
With your hand safely tucked under his shoulder, Tommy watched the redness cover the sky as it darkened with each passing minute.
You walked arm-in-arm with Tommy Shelby, the leader of the notorious Peaky Blinders gang, through the chilly winter park. You were both bundled up in thick coats, gloves, and hats to ward off the biting cold. Despite the weather, you felt your heart warm at the sight of the sunset that lay ahead of you.
Keeping your voice soft as you improved the scarf around your neck, you asked, "It's beautiful, isn't it?"
Tommy replied with a short nod of his head, omitting unnecessary words in the process.
As you entered the park, the sun was just beginning to dip below the horizon, casting a warm orange glow over everything. The sky was a canvas of pink, orange, and gold, painted by the setting sun. The bare trees that lined the park were silhouetted against the colorful sky, their branches reaching out like delicate fingers.
Tommy led you to a quiet corner of the park, where you could watch the sunset in peace. You couldn't help but shiver as the cold air whipped around you, but you felt grateful to be sharing the moment with Tommy. You huddled close together, watching the sky turn from orange to pink to a deep, moody purple.
"While I wouldn't consider myself romantic, I love how the hues change ever so slowly," he said out of the blue, his eyes fixed on the horizon line.
"Yes, you're right, love," you whispered somberly, resting your head on his shoulder and watching the sun slowly sink beneath the horizon.
As the sun sank lower and lower, the colors in the sky intensified, the clouds reflecting the fiery hues of the setting sun. You felt a sense of peace wash over you, as though all the troubles of the world had melted away. You were content to simply be with Tommy, watching the winter sunset with him by your side, without speaking any meaningless words. As you knew, he was rather a strong silent type, but you didn't mind it at all; in the end, you fell for his personality.
Tommy looked down at you, his eyes softening as he took in your beauty. He brushed a strand of hair out of your face, his touch gentle and tender. "Happy Valentine's Day," he whispered, his voice low and husky.
You smiled up at him, your heart swelling with love. "It's perfect," you said. "Thank you for bringing me here."
"I love you," Tommy told you, gently kissing your right cheek and slowly caressing your back.
The strong scent of his cologne lingered over your nose as you replied, "I love you too, darling."
Tommy smiled back at you, a hint of mischief in his eyes. "I have another surprise for you," he said. "But first, let's enjoy this moment together."
You watched the winter sunset together in silence, the only sound the gentle rustling of leaves in the wind. As the last sliver of sun disappeared below the horizon, you felt a sense of sadness wash over you. You didn't want the moment to end, but you knew that with Tommy, there was always something exciting waiting around the corner.
As you looked at him with a spark of curiosity in your eyes, you said, "You said you had something more prepared."
A little nod came from Tommy and he glanced at you. "Are you really interested in knowing?"
"Of course I am!" You patted his shoulder and straightened your back.
Tommy's lips twitched just enough to show he was enjoying his thoughts, whatever they were. His senses were heightened by your proximity, but he remained silent, allowing himself to be lost in the moment for a little longer. Tommy turned to you, his eyes dark and intense. "Let's get out of here then," he offered, his tone nothing but a whisper in the darkness. "I'm taking you to a fancy dinner and we can continue our Valentine's Day evening at home later."
You felt a shiver of excitement run down your spine. You knew that with Tommy, anything was possible. Together, you walked hand in hand into the night, ready for whatever adventures lay ahead.