Peri Fairly Oddparents - Tumblr Posts
could you draw Peri comforting Dev?

someone teach me how to write-
Version without text↓

Some other sketches from my rewatch of the sequel

these two was accidentally placed like that
but i think it was fate-

I fluffing swear I am so happy that i drew that-

Three of them searching for the compromise with Da Rules and loopholes is half of their day -

continuation of this post ...Kinda?????

But yea Peri-Weri gave in and now they`re all competing in "Who will find the biggest amount of loophole moments in the whole book"
What do you think Dev would think of Peri’s phase on the Terrible twos episode?
I think Dev will be thrilled-

Perirep 😏😚

I better leave the lovebirds alone-
need some villain peri being a dad to dev content because even if he's evil that fairy is a FATHER 🗣👏 (love your art btw always keep drawing your amazing <3)

I bet Peri`s villain ark would be something abt how Da Rules shoud be re-written cause..... Ya know.. t i m m y

Next post!
Small outfit ref under the cut!

This outfit was an accident i swear-

continuation of da post !

Irep wasnt really buying that exuse even tho it`s kinda true... Missing moments of Peri ignoring Da Rules and other small changes is a tragic event, ya know!

Do you think Irep would like Peri’s change in personality? It isn’t the first time he attempted to turn him to the dark side.
perhaps having a similar dynamic like the one seen on the Terrible twos? I can see Irep having to act as the more responsible parent on dev’s behalf now that Peri is more indulgent and chaotic. He’d be pretty pissed about it for sure.
Peri's change was very pleasing for Irep, his counterpart finally not shutting down every "bad" wish! He is willing to grant what their godchild wants!

Tho he feels Peri is a bit clingy with Dev-
your villain peri arc… it’s so… BEAUTIFUL!
that FED me and I will continue to gobble on that delicious masterpiece!!😍😍
Awwwwww! TYSM! feel free to bite this sketch with three of them watching the explosion!

i have to digest the fact that this is becoming an AU that needs some plot
and I suck at writing
*wiping away tears* this is the most beautiful thing i`ve ever drew aside from my pregnant FOP oc

[start of the october]
[3rd day]⬅ [You are here] ➡[5th day]
Day 11- Magical backup !
i probably shoudn`t announce it so happy

[start of the october]
[10th day]⬅ [You are here] ➡[12th day]
I kinga like the og sketch i`ve made on my philosophy classes more

yay i remembered that i have something other than 3 inktobers

-How come Dev is still prefer your company over mine? What`s your secret?
What`s the context of the au and the sketch? w h o k n o w s / me 2 weeks ago maybe knew-/
I just think that Peri wouldnt comprehend the fact that HE, "the charming one" of the terrible twosome, who could win over anyone even as a baby... can`t have the same connection as IREP have with Dev, cause even Peri`s charm can`t beat the personality similarities between these two
I absolutely adore your villain Peri arc you have going on. I love normal good boy Peri but, I also really adore the thought of him having enough of everyone's shit and snaps and becomes a bad boy villain to make all those who wronged him and his godchild suffer for their misdeeds. Keep up the pure awesomeness.

this guy has been living in my mind rent free lately, there r so many thoughts abt him there, especially about him and Dev, if they don’t get back together in season 2 I’ll snap I augh

Kitty can has cheezeburger /q

he was forced to eat cement when she was 6

”His chest was like a star.
Stars flicker and burn with energy and fire
A source of power condensed tightly into a single orb.”
A fanart for the amazing fic @paranormal-peri

Augh, The m. 🥺