Tp - Tumblr Posts

4 months ago

yay i remembered that i have something other than 3 inktobers

Yay I Remembered That I Have Something Other Than 3 Inktobers

-How come Dev is still prefer your company over mine? What`s your secret?

What`s the context of the au and the sketch? w h o k n o w s / me 2 weeks ago maybe knew-/

I just think that Peri wouldnt comprehend the fact that HE, "the charming one" of the terrible twosome, who could win over anyone even as a baby... can`t have the same connection as IREP have with Dev, cause even Peri`s charm can`t beat the personality similarities between these two

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Desserts - Strawberry Dessert - Chocolate StrawberriesStrawberries Dipped In Melted Bittersweet Chocolate

Desserts - Strawberry Dessert - Chocolate Strawberries Strawberries dipped in melted bittersweet chocolate are simple and elegant.

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6 months ago

Cute beige summer crop top with clouds knitted with the intarsia method with 3,5mm needles

Here's the knitting process

Cute Beige Summer Crop Top With Clouds Knitted With The Intarsia Method With 3,5mm Needles
Cute Beige Summer Crop Top With Clouds Knitted With The Intarsia Method With 3,5mm Needles
Cute Beige Summer Crop Top With Clouds Knitted With The Intarsia Method With 3,5mm Needles
Cute Beige Summer Crop Top With Clouds Knitted With The Intarsia Method With 3,5mm Needles
Cute Beige Summer Crop Top With Clouds Knitted With The Intarsia Method With 3,5mm Needles

Used a very neutral beige as my main yarn and a more warm toned white for the clouds

Cute Beige Summer Crop Top With Clouds Knitted With The Intarsia Method With 3,5mm Needles

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8 months ago
Not Much Has Changed Actually IYKTYK

Not much has changed actually … IYKTYK 😈😎

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7 months ago

I don't think that the Scaled and Icy album should've gotten as much hate as it did, it just sounded a little different but they pulled it off. I myself really like Bounce Man

Speaking of Bounce man, does Mexico officially exist in the Twenty One Pilots lore??

I Don't Think That The Scaled And Icy Album Should've Gotten As Much Hate As It Did, It Just Sounded

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Honestly Trench has me so shook i’m so proud of the boys and i cried so much. Neon gravestones is so fucking beautiful and I just absolutely fucking love the whole album. \\-|| stay alive frens

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6 years ago

Me looking through all of Seunghyun’s Instagram posts for the 99245th time

Me Looking Through All Of Seunghyuns Instagram Posts For The 99245th Time

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5 years ago
Me Ready To Shower T.O.P In Love And Support When He Comes Back This Month

Me ready to shower T.O.P in love and support when he comes back this month

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5 years ago

Not to be dramatic or anything but I would die for this man

Not To Be Dramatic Or Anything But I Would Die For This Man

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5 years ago

You Know You’re Obsessed With Bands When...

- You’re counting down the days to a band member’s birthday

- You’ve read more bandom ship fanfiction than you care to admit

- You have an album on your camera roll literally called “Emo Trinity Memes”

- You constantly check the web for anything new

- The last three concerts you went to were all by the same band

Feel free to add any more :)

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3 years ago

Laser Tag - Adam Stanheight / Dominant Reader

A/N There was an online prompt that inspired this. I wanted to write two, one where there was a sub reader, and one where there was a dom reader. I posted the sub one yesterday. Thank you, please enjoy.

The sun was shining outside, slanting through the oval windows at the top of the walls. You felt relaxed, and totally in control as you thought about HOW you got into these circumstances. Earlier, you and your boyfriend had been out swimming in the nearby lake. It was on your long walk back with Faulkner, that you passed the laser tag sign in bright letters, inviting you to it’s doors. You couldn’t stop yourself from checking it out.

You dragged Adam with you, a playful look in your eyes. You had an idea as soon as you saw the sign. Stanheight didn’t like to go too far out of his comfort zone, which was something you could empathize with; you’d been like that too at one point in your life. But this wasn’t about getting him out of his comfort zone. It was about using his comfort zone against him. He’d have to step out of it, if he wanted to win. Not to mention, he was really adorable when he got all… ‘warmed up’...

You loved seeing Adam Stanheight get flustered. It was really cute! It tended to happen when he was under some kind of stress, which usually came from being out of his comfort zone. This was a good way to get him agitated, not to mention it would just be a great way to spend the day.

However, playing had been harder to do because you needed a team of fourteen people; seven on each team. You weren’t really sure how you’d done it. All it took was some mention of extra money for a private game, and the owner was all about that. He allowed you inside very, very, rapidly.

Thinking about it now, you had realized that Adam did seem slightly reluctant to step inside, but he kept his composure. He was really good at doing that. You were trying to get him to be more open with you. You wanted him to talk to you about his feelings. It had yet to happen, unfortunately. But hope never ran out.

Now though, you couldn’t wait to begin. The game had started a few minutes ago, and you were sure that Adam was probably overthinking, and trying to strategize. For being an overthinker, he was pretty skilled at strategy games. You crept into the laser tag arena, your eyes stretched wide, scanning for any kind of movement. It was hard to see in here due to the lack of light, but that was the point, wasn’t it?

Around your wrist was a watch, displaying all of your lives to you, and on your head was a band displaying the same thing to the other players. A laser gun was supplied for a weapon, of course.

You felt secure that you could win this. Most likely you would, seeing as how well you could keep your cool under pressure. The same could not be said for your boyfriend.

You turned a sharp right corner into a dark hallway and followed it around in a long twisty loop until you found yourself on the other side of the arena. The arena itself was in the middle of the branching hallways. This whole place was made to hold ten or fourteen people, so finding anyone in here would be difficult with only two. But you liked a challenge.

The floors and walls were black and shiny, reflecting the sunlight that shone through the high windows. From your place inside the hallway, you could make out the arena. It was a large circular space in the middle of the room, surrounded by half walls all the way around. Platforms were scattered all about, none of them were connected to each other. You could climb on some of them with ladders, and others with stairs, but all of them were above the main arena in some way. There were half walls on the platforms as well, to suffice as some kind of shelter.

You considered your options. Higher ground seemed like an iffy course of action, even if you could hide behind the walls. Your opponent wouldn’t be ABLE to find you, at least that was the hope, but then again there was only one way down. And if you found yourself trapped with the opponent, you’d be easy prey, especially if they were blocking the escape route. You decided it was best to stay on the floor, where your mobility wouldn’t be limited; there could always come a time when running became the better choice.

Now was the tricky part. Did you present yourself or not? You were safe right now under the cover of the hallway, but you couldn’t stay here forever. Someone had to win this game of laser tag. You lifted your laser gun up, clutching it firmly in your hands, and then boldly stalked into the open.

As you did, you spotted exactly who you were looking for in the darkness of one of the hallways. “Oh, Adam,” you called out amiably. “Why don’t we fight face to face?”

Adam took his shot, much to your disappointment. Your headband buzzed and your watch flashed wildly. You were slightly amused that Adam managed to get a shot on you.

“I’m impressed,” you said sweetly, stepping behind one of the half walls. “I wasn’t expecting you to get the first shot on me.”

Adam mumbled something back, but it was too quiet for you to hear.

That was my fault, you admitted. I was practically asking to be shot… But this isn’t over. I won’t let him win this. But cockiness doesn’t get you anywhere either. You reminded yourself calmly. I’ll have to be more careful. This shouldn’t be hard. Adam will slip up soon anyway.

You sunk back into the shadows, and wound around the long way. If you could come up behind Adam, you’d have the element of surprise.

Crawling on your hands and knees, you fumbled through the dark corridor. At the end of it was Adam Faulkner. You could see him from this angle. He had his back to you, clutching the laser gun to his chest.

You smirked to yourself. Adam could be scatterbrained, and obviously he could be a little clumsy too, but you loved him all the same. You stopped moving and took in the sight before. It wouldn’t take long for Adam to see you, but he wouldn’t notice you for a couple of minutes.

Adam’s lithe body pressing against the wall was enticing. His body language told you that he was just slightly uneasy, but not uncomfortable. His hair was still damp from swimming in the lake earlier, which made it look fluffy. There were… many ideas going through your mind of what you could do to him while he was pushed so closely to the wall, and none of them were winning laser tag. You tried not to get excited.

Focusing, you raised the gun into the air. You aimed for the band on his head, and took a shot. Two, actually. The two red lights flashed and you leaned back as they blinked out. You smiled proudly at Adam when he turned around, looking flustered. “Y/N!” He exclaimed. “I… I didn’t know you were there.”

Your gaze flashed down his body, taking in every single detail. How his white shirt hung loosely on his body, and his black flannel hung open. The way he pointed the laser gun at you even though he was nervous. How he pretended to be confident when he was actually fairly agitated. You could see it all in his movements, and his expressions.

He shot at you, but his nerves made him edgy. He missed. You couldn’t help feeling slightly attracted to that. “Relax…” you murmured. “You can’t perform anything under pressure.”

You brought up the gun, but Adam laughed. “Yeah. We’ll see.” He made a run for the opposing hallway that was on the other side of the arena. You let him get away. You could take your time with this.

Two to one… I think we know who’s winning.

You followed him out, quickly. This led to a rushed game of laser tag. Stanheight tried to stay behind the cover of the half walls, and you tried to stand back and keep track of him. You both ran around each other for a good five minutes. Sometimes one of you would round a corner and find yourselves way too close to the other, and then go bolting in the other direction. Adam was smiling by this time. There was a glint of happiness in his eyes, and his cheeks were red from running around. You liked that - a lot.

At one point a shooting fit erupted from both of you. Neither of you made a shot, though Adam nearly got you several times. The laser beams sliced the air back and forth and spiraled into walls, but never quite touched the assigned target. It unsatisfied you, but now that Adam was warming up, he wasn’t that much of an easy target. You regretted underestimating him.

“Y/N,” Adam said at last. “Let me win so we can go home.”

You cocked your head to the side, suspiciously. “What are you saying? You aren’t having any fun? Come on, you look like you're having a blast. Your body language says it.”

Adam shuffled his feet awkwardly. “No. That’s not what I meant. I-I was trying to make a joke.”

His timidness made you giddy. You laughed. “Oh, I see. You want me to let you win.”

Adam chuckled nervously. “Uh… Yeah, I guess.”

You lunged for him, but Adam dove backwards, slamming into the entrance doors with a thud. You could hear the painful clash as Adam’s back was thrown into the doorknobs. You flinched for him. “Shit. That hurt,” Adam mumbled.

“Are you okay?” You asked hesitantly.

“I think.”

“Good.” You lifted yourself up so that you were looking down at Adam, and whispered, “Having a good day?”

“Y-Yeah,” stammered your boyfriend.

Putting him under pressure was cute. You loved how it made him react. “Yeah?” Adam nodded, but didn't say anything. You kissed him gently on the lips, then pulled away slightly. Adam looked at you longingly. “Good. That’s very good. I’m glad. Today was supposed to help you feel better. Is it working?”

Adam sank into the door, and gazed at you like a lost puppy. “Yes…”

You smirked at him. Adam had practically melted into your arms. He had a look of desperation on his face. “I love you,” you told him.

Adam groaned. “I love you, too, baby.”

“Hmmm,” you hummed out, satisfied. “I’ll bet you do.”

You kissed him again, and Adam deepened it immediately. He was trying to get every piece of you, but you didn’t allow that. You only gave him a little bit of what he wanted. Adam struggled on the door for a couple seconds but you pushed him down. “Comfortable?” You purred in his ear.

Adam moaned into your mouth. “Y/N… Please…”

“Now’re you ready to go home?” You asked teasingly.

“Uh… W-What would we do at home?”

You raised a smug eyebrow. “Well, I know what I would be doing.”


You only licked your upper lip. The answer was standing right in front of you. Your gaze flashed down Adam’s body. Then you leaned down for a third time, and connected your lips to his lips.

It was a passionate kiss that lasted for a long time. Beneath you, you could feel your boyfriend wriggling frantically, attempting to get closer to you, attempting to provoke a more furious reaction from you. You weren’t giving him your all, and he knew that. You wouldn’t take this seriously until you were at home. This was just to work poor Adam up.

In the midst of your making-out, you very promptly raised the laser gun into the air. In one swift motion you pushed the gun to Adam’s headband, and won the game.

There was an announcer on the headband, and it’s words resounded around the room chaotically. “headshot!”

You stepped back gently, leaving Adam’s mouth lonely. His band was flashing, as was his watch.

Adam glanced at you miserably. “Wait.”

“Game over…” you remarked wittily, and bit your lower lip flirtatiously.

Adam rolled his head back onto the door. You could tell that he had gotten carried away in the moment, and recovering was going to be hard.

The door was pulled back randomly, and you grabbed Adam’s wrist and yanked him towards you so that he was leaning on you for support; you didn’t want him to fall over. He leaned into you dizzily, trying to regain his composure. Somehow he got more attractive when he looked like that. You had to grit your teeth, to keep yourself from doing anything you’d regret. You handed your laser tag gear to the security guard.

“You’re the first,” the security guard growled. “I will never allow my boss to accept private games again.”

“Thanks,” you said smartly. “We enjoyed it. Didn’t we, Adam, baby?”

Adam stumbled after you. He had taken off his laser tag gear as well. “Huh? Oh, yeah. We did.”

You said gracefully, “You look like you need some taking care of. Are you ready to go home?”

Adam nodded instantly. “Yeah.”

You nodded back. That didn’t surprise you in the slightest. Adam was staring at you with a look of utter passion on his face. “You want something?” You asked seductively.

Adam nodded again.

“Can you wait ‘till we get home?” You inquired softly.

Faulkner let out a long sigh. “Okay.”

You smiled proudly to yourself. Your boyfriend was long gone by now. He had fallen into your trap a long time ago. “Get in the car,” you instructed. Adam trudged off, and you followed behind him, checking him out along the way.

The ride home was short, though you were pretty sure Adam couldn’t agree with that statement. Poor Adam, he was struggling at the moment, but that look on his face… The one where he stared at you like you were the only good thing in the damn world. That gave you power, you ate it up. Once you made it to the apartment a flurry of hurried actions occurred. The following events were… unsuitable to describe to the outside world, but one thing was obvious: Adam was definitely the one being dominated, and you wouldn’t have it any other way.

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1 year ago
Mochi Tops The Top

Mochi Tops The Top

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6 years ago
To The Top #picodelasnieves #grancanaria #blackandwhite #blancoynegro #young #top #isle #canaryislands

To the top #picodelasnieves #grancanaria #blackandwhite #blancoynegro #young #top #isle #canaryislands #wild

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6 years ago

I’m a top so horny bottoms HMU

Both! Im Switch! And You? Tell Me!

Both! I’m switch! And you? Tell me!

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11 years ago

22 Horniest Videos of 2013

Happy belated New Year, everybody!

Here, to have a great start in 2014, is a list of the 22 best, horniest and hottest videos I posted on this tumblr during 2013. Have fun… and a great jerk!

22. This Graduate just wants to jerk off so badly, but he's not getting around to that.

21. Two straight guys in a car. The driver's horny for his fellow and his fellow is curious for him.

20. If you're in the marine, you're there for one another. This drunk marine just wants to help out his mate and accidentally gives him a blowjob.

19. Roommates. Sometimes you just need to get to know each other a little more and spontaneous sex is a great way to do that.

18. Fratboys are in college to have some fun! They prefer girls, but if these aren't available they'll do it with each other just as well.

17. This guy gets so horny during soccer practice he jerks off afterwards and cums on a soccer ball.

16. A great breeder at work. A friend of them is filming them having sex, another friend is taking photos.

15. This guy was all alone in the university library that he got completely naked and jerked off.

14. Life in Israeli barracks must be amazing — Fucking around with your mates, literally fucking around with them!

13. Fraternity X gives us a great look in their horny fratlife and shows us a gangbang that is necessary to become part of their fraternity.

12. This kid is sitting in class and just jerks off. Everyone's there and the teacher is talking, but he doesn't give a fuck.

11. This guy has just jerked off in the lockerroom and now he hazes his friends by aiming his load on them and shooting all over the floor.

10. These kids just wanted to have a quickie during lunch break when they notice that they're being watched. But they don't care, they even get hornier.

9. When no girls are allowed at a school, what are horny, pubescent boys doing? Of course they're trying out each other!

8. You can't see much here, but you can see a sauna with two naked men. And when one of them starts to jerk things begin to develop.

7. Three straight Russian guys: One sucks the other one off, the third guy's filming. However they got their friend into sucking him off you can hear their surprise that it actually worked!

6. When the party's late and just a few guys are left and everyone's so drunk that they're getting naked, things just develop.

5. Whatever happened here, this man knows how to play with his drunken straight friend.

4. This sporty guy doesn't care that all his friends are sitting next to him. When he's having a hot Skype talk he just goes for it and jerks off!

3. These two guys had such amazing sex that their friends, who were fucking each other next to them, just took out the camera and filmed them.

2. This was the very first post here: This guy couldn't stand the boring field trip he was on. So, he sneaked away and jerked off in the middle of the wood. But he took his friend with him and made him film that. It's just 24 seconds, but the guy is so horny that every second is unbearably hot.

1. And the hottest video of 2013: This girl makes her boyfriend suck off his friend. Both are straight, but she doesn't care. Turns out, her boyfriend is a great sucker and even keeps on sucking when his friend already came. No drop's wasted. You will never forgot his girlfriends »Yeeeeesss!« at the end!

These are my Top Videos from 2013. Which are yours?

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