Personal Pst! - Tumblr Posts

9 months ago

horrible news: in order for you to finish a wip, you have to work on that wip and not the 2543524 other wips you were brainrotting over instead of that one. more investigations at 7.

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9 months ago

Hi!! I've been a quiet follower of your work for some time now (I'm pretty skittish about reaching out to other fans and creators, but it's not for lack of love or enthusiasm!) and that sentiment extends from haunt me, to your crown of madness series, and even your daily haarlep posts (which I did in fact look at a LOT when I was too busy with finals and school projects to replay the house of hope scenes to listen to haarlep monologuing)- the haarlep thirst got me down so bad and in a lot of ways your depiction of them in haunt me is responsible! like what was originally "aww, haha! bratty cambion and his lifelong partner in psychosexual warfare, how cute!" Went to "🥺🥺❤️‍🔥❤️‍🔥❤️‍🔥" so fast it was emotionally jarring. I fell in love with them through your portrayal of them! And in the process, your tav too!

And all that is just to say I really appreciate your work and I saw a few of your update posts where you expressed worry about length and the ratio of hurt to comfort and I just wanted to drop in and say that you have readers who are with you for the long haul and that your mental health and not getting burnout takes precedence! I for one enjoy anything that you put out even if it's not writing and while I do anticipate your story, as a consumer to another consumer, you're putting all this work out here for FREE- like churning out actual *novels* in your own spare time (i checked and with the additional 20k from your prev haunt me is clocking it at over 100k now???? You're a BEAST for this in the best way possible) and that's not to be understated! You take however much time you need and tell your story how you want it told! there is no pressure at all, you no doubt got real life stuff going on and the fact that you're choosing to share your work with the world is something that fellow bg3 fanfic readers are so lucky to have, but are not entitled to! You are great and I'm rooting for you even if it's privately from the bg by being a huge lurker!

Thank you so much! I completely understand the skittish to reach out/lurker mentality. I think this is the first time I have been social in quite a while. BG3 has somehow got my introvert/semi-agoraphobic tush out again. 😊 So, I do appreciate you jumping out there and reaching out.

Your words are too kind, and they lift my heart. I am always happy to meet others who suffer the same affliction and love the menace...and are in the same Haarlep black hole that (I feel) is never ending! Haunt Me was initially supposed to be a one shot...and the intrusive thoughts regarding that au universe spiraled. I have the ending typed up already and its just moving all the idiots in that direction...its taking longer than I initially thought to flesh out all the details (so I appreciate your support and patience). The 'daily dose of haarlep' posts started as a daily mood booster, so I am glad you enjoy them as well!! 🖤🖤🖤 (I got a bit distraught when the posts of them started to dwindle a bit - but i understand that the fandom waves ebb and flow)

I promise my mental health has the endurance of one of those horrific cockroaches during a nuclear fallout. (The burn out from my MFA is over after tomorrow, for the time – so I can get back to basking in the glory of BG3 and the Fiends with you all fully)

You are making my dark soul blush and I appreciate your support!

Here is some more Haarlep as tribute! (I have not had time to draw yet, and photoshop game edits are swifter on the dishing out atm)

Hi!! I've Been A Quiet Follower Of Your Work For Some Time Now (I'm Pretty Skittish About Reaching Out

I also hope you are taking care of yourself and having a wonderful weekend.

(PS – I honestly did not expect anyone to like my Tav character – so I am glad she is a mini hit between the Fiend Sandwich) 😅🖤

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9 months ago
Detail: Dante And Virgil In Hell, 1850, By William-Adolphe Bouguereau.
Detail: Dante And Virgil In Hell, 1850, By William-Adolphe Bouguereau.
Detail: Dante And Virgil In Hell, 1850, By William-Adolphe Bouguereau.

Detail: Dante and Virgil in Hell, 1850, by William-Adolphe Bouguereau.

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9 months ago
theemptyislost - Lost in the Empty

theemptyislost - Lost in the Empty
theemptyislost - Lost in the Empty

Hand painting the fine details and I did not anticipate how lengthy the process is. But slowly working on this now that the semester is out.

(Can't leave him dismembered for Mephistopheles for too long 😭)

They Didn't Have Haarlep...So I Am Going To Get My Own 3D Printer To Make Them. I Get

They didn't have Haarlep...So I am going to get my own 3D printer to make them. I get to paint this nepo-baby.

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9 months ago

Got caught up editing some wips and the frequencies are:

Work in 2ish hours going to try to get some sleep. -_-

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8 months ago

I'm a HUGE fan of your works, I'm particularly fond of Ptolamaea and your Labyrinth piece for Sarah and Gareth, but I am also in a chokehold with Haunt Me----all this to say that if you ever wanted to do a flashback or side piece for Haunt Me detailing the first-first night when Haarlep and Raphael first spirited away Tav and, well. Got carried away before realizing how bad her condition was. I'm VERY curious about that. If you're not interested just disregard this, I still love all your works and am eager for more of all of it!

First, thank you! <3 <3 <3

Its nice to hear my writing is enjoyed, especially Ptolemaea and Bound Blade. These two including the HM universe are my babies currently.

Side note: I DO have the next chapter of Bound Blade burning a hole in my WIPs but I need to edit that one real-ish myth wise and internal plot madness wise - I have been a bit caught up in Haunt Me and another side works.

ALSO....I actually have some of it typed out in my HM file as a reference (how did you know. lol) - I was unsure how long I wanted the prequel to be, but I don't think it will go quite that far down the time line of the RM/HM universe, so I gotchu once we get HM wrapped up a touch more (it keeps spiraling even though I already have the ending typed out).

I appreciate you reaching out and the verbal support!

I'm A HUGE Fan Of Your Works, I'm Particularly Fond Of Ptolamaea And Your Labyrinth Piece For Sarah And

p.s. I am sorry its taking a bit longer. - so here is a random screenshot of Haarlep and Tav's toes.

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8 months ago

Tagged by @adevilyoudo - sorry, i had work so this is delayed, but thank you for the tag. <3

The Game: what does pinterest think of u?






 Tagged By @adevilyoudo - Sorry, I Had Work So This Is Delayed, But Thank You For The Tag.
 Tagged By @adevilyoudo - Sorry, I Had Work So This Is Delayed, But Thank You For The Tag.
 Tagged By @adevilyoudo - Sorry, I Had Work So This Is Delayed, But Thank You For The Tag.
 Tagged By @adevilyoudo - Sorry, I Had Work So This Is Delayed, But Thank You For The Tag.

Tagging @aevallare, @haru-sen @atrueneutral @ineadhyn and anyone else who wants to partake.

(no pressure....but also...suffer the pinterest attack with me - if you have one. 🖤)

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8 months ago

Tagged by @atrueneutral, thank you <3

“We would not want any prying eyes to see you in such a state.”

No pressure, ever -> @adevilyoudo @ineadhyn

Tagged by @pricemarshfield ❤️ for the ‘Last Line’.

“Then let us begin.”

No Pressure tagging @theemptyislost , @bitethedevil , and, of course, anyone else who would like to participate!

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8 months ago

Dearest Archdevil Supreme,

Raphael - Haarlep if possible,

I am ready to make that deal.


A lowly mortal

PS. The soul is ripe, the desperation is rich.

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7 months ago

I just wrote 8 pages when I haven't written in months and was beginning to think I'd never be able to again. Idk what it is, but I am sharing and manifesting this energy for every writer who sees this. May you write 8 quality pages effortlessly and find joy writing once more

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7 months ago

Tag game

Thank you for the tag @taskignored!

Some things about me

Favorite color: Black and dark gem colors - especially emerald green and phthalo green (thank you @adevilyoudo for pin pointing that for me)

Last Song: Cradle of Fears - TRVTH, Ritual Drops

Currently Reading: I have not been reading much but am slowly working my way through some House of the Dragon Fanfics and Thirteen Storeys by Jonathan Sims *needed to reset from BG3 so I could write again*

Currently Watching: Re-watching The Dark Crystal: Age of is Legend -> gonna go through the movies responsible for the glitter dearth of the 80's.

Currently Craving: more coffee...and possibly sleep...a trip back to Slovenia or Spain indefinitely.

Coffee or Tea?: Coffee > all else.

Terrorizing @haru-sen, @alphagravy, @dark-and-kawaii, and @ineadhyn ***but no pressure***

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7 months ago

Today is a day. Just let me lose the rest of my sanity in cringe worthy smutty prose and drown in the bottom of this iced coffee with 5 added shots of espresso.

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7 months ago

ok...managed roughly 5k in words for Strangelove Ch2 and edited about 2k for HM's ch15 (I WILL mash Haarlep's and Raphael's face together in word format). Calling it for tonight.

Ok...managed Roughly 5k In Words For Strangelove Ch2 And Edited About 2k For HM's Ch15 (I WILL Mash Haarlep's

Its slow progress but progress. I hate the depression demons. Here is to hoping I can slay them and kidnap this muse.

Ok...managed Roughly 5k In Words For Strangelove Ch2 And Edited About 2k For HM's Ch15 (I WILL Mash Haarlep's

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