Perturabo - Tumblr Posts

i made this based on real talk with my friend after a huge mental breakdown. it kinda asked for it.
Bo's a good boss, really.
40k shower thought: I bet perty has the galaxy’s sickest vape rig

Surprised I haven’t seen Peter Turbo in this meme format yet
Had a friend ask me, hey, can you draw Perturabo making this face? and sends me this fucking picture

So uh.. here

Expressions are fun
How would my "he who hunts monsters" alternate heresy go?
loyalists: Guilliman, Ferrus Manus, Sanguinius, Mortarion, Dorn, Corax, Magnus, Angron, Khan
Traitors: Horus, Vulkan, Lorgar, Fulgrim, Curze, Perturabo, Leman, and the Arch-traitor Lion 🙂
α/Ω: Alpha legion is still the fricking alpha legion.
How alternate heresy 2 came to be: skipping all the 1s that are on the "same" side as in canon. Vulkan got tricked into Nurgle's garden, Leman got so mad and furry that he fell to Khorn, and the monsters on Lion's home world had more of an æffect on him allowing chaos the seep through the cracks. as for Loyalists, the emperor helped Morty kill the necromancer, Magnus was less rant-y while Russ was more angy, and Angron wasn't attacked by the Eldar but was instead semi-raised by them (With an army of eldar and gladiators, angron overthrew the high-riders and smashed all their totally not khorne stuff).
I should mention there was a climactic showdown between Leman and Angron, think their cannon fight in reverse, but the red angel absolutely scares the wolf piss out of the khornate vikings.
Lucius: like in canon
bjorn the fell handed: Khorn
Tu'Shan: Nurgle... this hurt me to type
"Cypher": leads the 'angels purified' chapter of loyalist marines
Maloghurst: Tzeenche
Azrael: undivided
Collecting all the Bosom Drawings in one post: