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Ironically enough, the founding fathers were more like me than nationalist or puritans.

Bahaha 🤣

I love irony.

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5 months ago

Johnnytober 2°: Dance Floor Killer

I did say there not going to have only smut. Also, manhunt fics are rare so why not add a little more?

Johnnytober 2: Dance Floor Killer

"Get the psycho!"

Danny ran through the nightclub, bright lights blinding him as he tried to cram his way between the crowd. Leo had forgot this place was going to be this packed! It seemed like half of this city was in this hole, or maybe it was just the tight space. Who enjoys this?

His thoughts were interrupted by a harsh shove to the dancing floor, getting some people and a table to the ground with him. Daniel got up, trying not to put his hands on the broken glass bottle shards and looked at his aggressor.

"I enjoy drinking your blood, vermin~" a freak with a black ss like uniform and a BDSM horse hat walked to him with a whip. Not the best choice of weapon in Danniel mind.

"Cmon Danny! Fuck him up!" Leo yelled from above, unmistakable by the green jumpsuit. How did he get there?

Thoughts were better for later, now Danny grabbed the broken bottle that was in half, leaking with some cheap alcohol.

The wip smacked against Danny side, forcing his arm up as the degenerate kept hitting him. When it seemed his stamina ended, Danny jumped to thrust the bottle in the freak neck. It didn't complete go in, forcing blood out as he tried striking back. He was week, coming wobbly as Danny dodged to the side, begging to stab the freak side multiple times.

Arteries and probably a couple organs hit, the man fell to the ground, jolting slightly. People had moved back, some staring at the scene while other sheered, probably coked out of their minds. Was this entertainment to them?

A club hit Danny head and forced him to the ground, one more of the freaks had appeared, barely clothed with BDSM gear. The club threatened to hit Danny head but he jumped back, the wip being the only weapon in his hand.

"Cmon daddy, you want to play~!? Let's fucking play~!!"

Danny hit the bastard with the wip, aiming in the head for some effect, but the freak only moaned as he reared his bat back for a attack.

Danny looked behind in search for something better, a table being the immediate solution. Small circular one with a pole, he grabbed it and defended right in time for the freak attack. His arms screamed in pain, his head throbbing and certainty bleeding, but he needed to continue. This time Danny took his turn, rearing to hit the man's head. The table broke with a hard crack, followed by a cry of pleasure.


Danny gritted his teeth in pain and anger, trusting the now broke pole turned spike into the man's chest, a surprised gasp coming from him as Danny pushed him back and into the ground, forcing the man to slide through the pole until in the ground.

"Now that's a fucking kill! Cmon Danny this way!" Leo yelled, as he went down to the stairs that led up, going up before Danny can pick his pace.

He ran, eyes on the back of his head as people keeping screaming in ecstasy, their voices and the music drowning his own thoughts.

Johnnytober 2: Dance Floor Killer

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11 years ago
I Forgot I Drew This. Baha! Its A Drawing Based On Hiding Behind A Bush; It Explains How Shy People Feel

I forgot I drew this. Baha! It’s a drawing based on hiding behind a bush; it explains how shy people feel around attractive people. But, then I thought it may look like creepy bush perviness. But, here it is. Pervs.

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