Peter Parker X Venom!reader - Tumblr Posts
Malevolent As I’ve Ever Been
Pairing: Peter Parker x Venom!reader
Synopsis: Venom!reader in scenes of no way home

First police interrogation
“Oh good, you’re here. Thanks for coming in, miss L/n.” The first officer said as he sat across from you in the interrogation room.
“You forcibly removed me from my home.” You said flatly.
“I’m officer Stacy.” He continued. “I’m sure you know why you’re here.”
“I’m sure I don’t.”
“Have you requested a lawyer?” He asked you.
“I don’t need one.” You shrugged. “I haven’t committed any crimes.”
The detective gave you a strange look before opening up the Manila folder. He spread the contents of the folder out on the table and slid them towards you.
“Are you aware that you’re connected to the murders of Dora Skirth, Carlton Drake, Cleatus Kassidy, Frances Barrison, Roland Treece, Maria Gustavo, Sam Medina, and the disappearance of Detective Patrick Mulligan?” Officer Stacy asked you. You stared at the photos in front of you, momentarily caught off guard by your past. Not wanting to look phased, you gave a simply shrug and folded your arms.
“Yes, I am aware.” You said simply. “But connected is not that same as convicted, my guy.”
“Right. Can you explain this photo?” Officer Stacy asked as he slid a picture of you in mid air as you hopped a fence at the Life Foundation. You recognized it as the time you broke into the foundation and first bonded with Venom, but Officer Stacy didn’t need to know that.
“That’s not me.”
“That’s not you?” He raised an eyebrow.
“No.” You shook up head. Officer Stacy sighed and pulled some more pages out of your unfortunately thick file.
“You are also connected to the San Quentin prison riot, the St. Estes fire, the motorcycle chase in San Francisco that left several injured and dead, the explosion at the Life Foundation, and the collapse of the Grace cathedral. Just to name a few.” Officer Stacy continued. You silently stared at the pile of evidence that had been culminating against you and folded your arms.
“I would like a lawyer.”
In an interrogation room a few rooms over, Peter was being questioned by a group of police officers. He was already freaking out and felt even more anxious when he saw May walking through the station.
“Why is my aunt here?” Peter asked. “She had nothing to do with this. She wasn’t even in London when it all happened.”
“Relax, Parker.” An Officer snorted. “We brought your Aunt and friends in for some questioning.”
“You brought my friends in? But they’re completely innocent.” Peter insisted.
“We are questioning Ned Leeds and Y/n L/n right now to see if you’re right.” Another officer spoke up, making Peter’s heart stop.
“Wait, you left Y/n alone with a bunch of cops?” He asked with wide eyes.
“Don’t worry. The big bad police officers are not gonna hurt your little girlfriend.” An Officer laughed meanly.
“Yeah, I know.” Peter scoffed. “My little girlfriend is gonna hurt the big bad police officers.”
Back in your interrogation room, you had several police officers plastered to the wall with Venom’s tendrils. You had Officer Stacy dangling upside down in front of you as you asked him some questions of your own.
“Where is Peter?” You demanded.
“We can’t tell you.” He wheezed, face going red as all the blood rushed to his head.
“Then I’m gonna swallow you whole and shit you out!” You growled as your sharp teeth came out. An officer broke away from the wall and made a break for the door but you quickly snatched him up.
“Where do you think you’re going? No one’s leaving until you tell me where my boyfriend is.” You warned as you pulled the officer over to you with a long black tendril.
“He’s detained. You can’t see him.” The officer said in a strained voice as your tendril tightened around him.
“There’s no such thing as can’t.” You said as Venom enveloped your body. You opened your mouth and were about to bite his head off when you heard a familiar voice.
“Y/n!” Peter called through the doorway. Venom immediately went back inside and you dropped all the police officers to the ground.
“Peter!” You smiled sweetly and ran out of the room. You hugged him tightly and kissed his face as the officers you’d been holding captive rubbed their arms and heads.
“Are you okay? May told me they just showed up without warning.” You frowned as you rubbed his cheek comfortingly.
“I’m okay.” He assured you. “Are you okay?”
“I’m fine. Can’t say the same for the cop who tried to handcuff me.” You grimaced and nodded towards an Officer that was walking with a limp.
“We bit his ankle.” Venom told Peter.
“Yeah. Full disclosure, I may be detained overnight. Fuller disclosure, I think I’m a wanted criminal. But we can talk about that later. All that matters right now is you.” You sighed and pulled Peter into another hug.
“I’m so sorry about this. How did they even get you here?“ Peter mumbled against your shoulder.
“They showed up at my door and I cooperated.” You shrugged.
“We had to shoot 6 elephant tranquilizers into her.” Officer Stacy grumbled as he walked past you. You gave him a death stare and pulled one of the remaining darts out of your butt.
“I’m just glad you’re okay. Can we go home now?” Peter asked you.
“You can. I am actively being arrested.” You kept your smile as one of the officers put your hands behind your back.
“Oh my God.” Peter said as he watched you get handcuffed.
“It’s okay. I’ll be out in 24 hours. They really don’t want you biting cops. Who knew?” You laughed as they led you away.
Meeting with a lawyer
“Well thank you, Mr. Murdock. I feel a lot better about this now that Peter’s out of legal trouble.” May sighed and rubbed Peter’s back.
“Can we talk in your room for a second?” You bent down and whispered in Peter’s ear. He thanked Matt one more time before following you to his bedroom.
“What did you want to talk about?” Peter asked nervously as he sat down on his bed. After everything he put you through lately, he had a feeling he knew where this conversation was going. Instead, you locked his bedroom door and pushed him back onto his bed. Before he had a chance to ask what you were doing, you were kissing him. He happily kissed you back and let all the drama of the week melt away. You made out on his bed for a while, only pulling away when you needed air.
“Sorry for the ambush. You looked like you could use a distraction.” You chuckled as you rested your chin on his chest.
“I really needed that.” He smiled softly. “Thank you.”
“It’ll be okay, Pete.” You assured him and kissed his cheeks. “I think Mr. Murdock clearing your name is the first step towards things going back to normal. I know this is really hard for you right now but it won’t be hard forever.”
“You’re right. I just hate that it’s hurting so many people. You and Ned didn’t get into college because of me. May has to look for a new place to live because of me. It all got so out of hand.” He sighed and looked away.
“It’s not your fault. You didn’t know your identity being exposed would have this affect.” You said as you combed your fingers through his curls.
“Still. It feels like it’s my fault.” He sighed. “I wish there was more I could do to help. Maybe you can write an article on how unfair MIT is being and get people to call them out.”
You were silent for a minute and rolled off of his chest. Peter looked at you curiously as he pulled you into his side.
“The Daily Bugle kinda fired me.” You admitted as you gave Peter a weak smile.
“Because of me?” He frowned. “They can’t do that.”
“It’s okay. I understand why they did it. I can’t intern at the Daily Bugle and write articles about Spiderman when I’m dating Peter Parker. They would all be biased since I love you so much.” You teased him and kissed his cheek. Despite your efforts to convince him that you weren’t upset, Peter’s frown didn’t budge.
“I’m so sorry.” He sighed. “This is so unfair. I know how much you love to write.”
“It’s fine.” You waved your hand. “There will be more jobs. I already got an interview at the coffee shop at the end of the block. If they ask though, my name is Laura Vatraction.”
“You’re way too talented to be pouring coffee. You should be writing.”
“I’ll write again one day.” You assured him. “Plus, I might love pouring coffee. It could be my new calling.”
“It’s not fair. You shouldn’t have to face the repercussions for my mistake. I’m public enemy #1. Not you.” He grumbled as he stared up at his ceiling.
“If you’re public enemy #1, then I’m public enemy #2. Simple as that.” You said as you brought his face back to yours. He still looked guilty, so you rolled back onto his chest and kissed his face until he stopped frowning.
In the Undercroft
“There was a huge power surge by some phone lines a few miles from here.” Ned read off his computer.
“That must be the guy I saw on the bridge.” Peter realized.
“Okay. You go find the flying green gabagool. I’ll stay here with Ned and…these guys.” You said as you gestured to the villains in captivity.
“Why would you stay here?” Ned wondered. “Shouldn’t you and Venom help Peter?“
“I’m staying here because if doctopus or Barney and friends break free, you’re gonna need some protection.” You replied as you pointed to Doc Oc and the giant lizard.
“No offense, but how would you possibly protect him from us?” Doc Oc asked you from within his cell. Before you could answer, Venom enveloped you and ran over to Doc Oc’s cell.
“What did you say to us, metal octopus man?” Venom growled. “We are the Lethal Protector. We could protect Ned from 10,000 of you. Do you think you and you tiny sunglasses would stand a chance against us and our bulging muscles?”
Venom finished her sentence by pointing an accusatory finger at Doc Oc. She quickly went back inside your body when she was done yelling, leaving you with your finger still pointed at him.
“Oops. Sorry about that.” You laughed sheepishly and put your finger down.
“I’m sorry, did that thing just come out of you?” Doc Oc asked in shock.
“You’re judging me?” You scoffed. “You’re in a floor length trench coat and your fursona is a steampunk octopus.”
“My what?” He titled his head and asked.
“Baby, please don’t explain furries to him right now.” Peter groaned as he pulled on his mask.
“Sorry. Good luck on your mission”. You gave Peter an apologetic smile and blew him a kiss. Once he was gone, you turned back to Doc Oc.
“This isn’t over.” You warned. “And for your information, I have a parasite.”
Meeting the three Peter’s
(I’m gonna use real names to make it less confusing)
“Aw.” You smiled softly as you watched the three Peter’s work in the lab.
“What?” Peter wondered.
“It’s three you’s.” You gushed. “You guys all look so cute in your suits. I need a picture.”
“Honey, not now please.” Peter asked kindly. “We’re really busy. We gotta get those cures done and-“
“Cheese.” Andrew held up a peace sign and smiled for your camera.
“Peter 2 and 3 are cooperating. Why can’t you be more like them?” You playfully scolded Peter. He rolled his eyes before smiling as well.
“So cute.” You grinned and snapped pictures. “So cute.”
“You should show them our suit.” Venom suggested from inside you.
“That’s a great idea!” You gasped and put your phone down.
“What did you say? And to whom?” Andrew looked at you curiously.
“Sorry. I actually wasn’t talking to you. I was talking to the parasite inside me.” You said as if it were the most normal thing in the world.
“What?” He repeated as he exchanged a look with Tobey.
“Don’t worry about it.” You waved your hand. “I have to go get into my suit. I’ll be right back.”
“She has a suit?” Tobey asked Peter.
“It’s a long story.” Peter prefaced. Just then, you walked back into the room in your all black Venom suit.
“Now we all match.” You smiled as you did a little spin.
“Oh wow.” Andrew nodded. “Goth Spiderman.”
“Wait, where did you get that?” Tobey asked when he recognized the black suit.
“Venom made it for me. I honestly think it’s made out of my skin.” You cringed a little as you held out your arms.
“Did you say Venom?” Tobey asked as he touched your suit. Peter watched the physical contact but said nothing.
“Yeah.” You lit up. “You know Venom?”
“Yeah. I had him for a little while.” He recalled. “Those were dark times.”
“Really? You had Venom?” You gasped. “I can’t believe she didn’t kill you. Wait, did you say he?”
“We are gender fluid.” Venom cut in as she came out in her snake like form. Tobey and Andrew looked at Venom in shock, but Peter and Ned were unfazed.
“Huh.” You nodded. “I did not know that about you.”
“I can’t believe you guys are friends.” Tobey remarked. “My venom made me do all these weird, crazy things.”
“You’ve eaten people too?” You whispered with wide eyes.
“What?” Tobey backed away. “You eat people?”
“No.” You said quickly as your eyes darted to the side.
“Yes.” Venom admitted, making you sigh in defeat.
“Oh my God what?” Andrew looked at Peter with a dropped jaw. “Dude, your girlfriend eats people?”
“I try not to think about it.” Peter said as he shut his eyes.
“So this thing just lives inside of you at all times?” Tobey asked.
“Pretty much.” You shrugged.
“And you get along?” Andrew wondered.
“Oh, no.” You chuckled. “She constantly tears down my self esteem. They keep me safe though.”
“That’s nice.” Andrew smiled weakly. “As someone who has never had a venom, as you two put it, I’m curious. How does it work?”
“Do you guys want to try? I could put it inside you.” You offered.
“Oh my God.” Peter hung his head in shame at your choice of words. He already didn’t like his variants fawning over you, and now you were making innuendos.
“No thanks.” Tobey took a step back. “I’ve already had it inside me.”
“Other Peter, what about you? Do you want it inside you?” You asked.
“Yeah, okay.” He nodded. “You could put it inside me.”
“My aunt just died.” Peter reminded everyone.
“Give me your hand. It’s gonna feel a little strange at first but you’ll get used to it.” You said as you took Andrew’s hand.
“I’m so nervous.” Andrew laughed nervously as you turned his arm over.
“Don’t be nervous. I’ll be right here.” You assured Andrew as Venom crept up his arm before disappearing into his skin.
“I hate everything about this.” Peter mumbled to himself.
“Woah. I feel it.” He looked at you incredulously as Venom bonded with him.
“Is it okay?” You asked him.
“It’s kinda cold.” He admitted. “Ow! What was that?”
“Venom! Do not bite his kidneys!” You said as you snapped your fingers.
“I think that’s enough for now.” Andrew shuddered and practically threw Venom back at you.
“Fine by me.” You mumbled as Venom absorbed back into your skin. You looked around at the three Peter’s, taking into account how attractive each of them were. You smiled a little to yourself as you got an idea.
“Hey do any of you guys know what eiffle towering someone is or-“
“Y/n.“ Peter cut you off with a disappointed sigh.
“I’ll stop.” You nodded and looked down in shame.
The final battle
“Ned, I can’t just stand here and watch. I gotta help them.” You said as you and Ned watched the three Spidermen fighting through the portal.
“But Peter told us to stay here.” Ned reminded you.
“Yeah. But he didn’t tell us that.” You replied as you turned into Venom. You ran out onto the scaffolding and jumped into action. When you climbed into the crown of the statue, you found the sandman inside.
He started coming at you, so you rushed at him. You tried to bite his head off, but your teeth went right through the sand. He tried to punch you in retaliation but his fist turned to sand the minute it made contact with your shoulder. You looked at each for a moment, both realizing how pointless your fight would be.
“Let’s not.” You decided, and he agreed. You climbed out of the crown and saw Ned hastily moving his arms in a circle.
“What are you doing? Close the portal.” You told him as you changed back into yourself.
“I’m trying. It’s not as easy as it looks.” He whined as continued trying. His panicked expression melted into one of pure fear as he looked at something over your shoulder.
“Dude, the giant lizard is coming at us. Run!” Ned cried and ran further into the lab. You turned around just as the lizard caught up to you. It grabbed you by the shoulders and roared in your face, making you burst out laughing.
“Bitch please.” You laughed before changing into Venom and roaring even louder. The lizard let out a whimper and ran away from you, so you began to chase it. You tackled it and both of you fell through the middle of the scaffolding, landing on a couple of wood planks below. You wrestled and clawed at each other for a while until the lizard grabbed Venom and threw her off into the sea.
“Seriously? Every time?” You called after Venom. The lizard snapped at you but you put your foot up to hold it back.
“Jokes on you. She’s gonna find her way back to me in the knick of time and-“
Before you could finish your sentence, he slashed you across the face with his claws.
“Ow! You bitch!” You scoffed as you covered your face. You smacked him across the face and then back hand smacked him while he was still recovering from the first one.
“That’s right. I don’t need a symbiote to kick you in your lizard balls.” You growled before lunging at him. You landed on his chest and started to choke him out. It didn’t take long for him to overpower you and flip you on your back.
“You won’t be able to stop me.” He growled.
“Ew. You talk?” You choked out.
“Once I get my hands on that box, I’ll be able to go home and turn the entire city into reptilian hybrids.”
You stopped fighting him for a minute and looked at him curiously.
“Wait, that was your evil plan?” You scrunched your nose. “You were gonna turn everyone into lizards?”
“Yes.” He growled.
“I mean, that’s kinda lame don’t you think? Like why would you even do that?” You shrugged, making him choke you harder.
“I wasn’t being mean. I was genuinely asking. Why would you want everyone to be a lizard? What would that accomplish?” You asked as he strangled you. The lizard retracted his claws and plunged them into your stomach, looking down in confusion when he didn’t feel them go in.
“Dummy.” You snickered. “Can’t you tell I’m wearing an impenetrable suit made out of alien goo?”
“That won’t stop me from biting off your face.” He said as he licked his fangs.
“You got me there.” You laughed nervously and turned your face away as he opened his mouth.
“Y/n!” Andrew called as he swung by. “Catch!”
He tossed Dr. Connors’s cure at you and you caught it with one hand. You quickly shoved it in his mouth just as he got as biting down, making the gas explode out of the bottle. He slid off of you and slumped back onto the ground as he began to turn back into his human form.
“Where am I?” He asked you.
“What does it look like dude?” You sighed, unamused. “You’re on the Statue of Liberty in another dimension. Try to keep up.”
Dr. Conners stared at you in disbelief as you got up and dusted yourself off.
“If we’re done here, my boyfriend and his inter dimensional counterparts need my help.” You clicked your tongue and shot finger guns at him before walking away.
Andrew saving you
Your hands just missed Peter’s as he plunged down to save you. Venom was still nowhere to be found so if you hit the ground, you weren’t gonna survive it. Andrew noticed you falling as flashed back to the last time he saw Gwen.
“No!” He cried and dove off the scaffolding. He caught up to you and wrapped his body around you like an armor. He shot a web up and held you tightly as his feet landed on the ground.
“Are you okay?” He asked you as he held you in his arms.
“Am I okay? I just fell of the freaking statute of liberty! No I’m not okay!” You shouted as adrenaline flowed through your body. Andrew gulped and nodded a little, understanding why you’d be shaken up.
“Sorry uh yeah I’m fine.” You said once you caught your breath. Andrew teared up a little and nodded again, finally hearing the words he needed to hear.
“Are you okay?” You asked when you noticed the tears running down his face.
“I’m okay.” He told you as a smile broke through on his face. You stared into each other’s eyes as you caught your breath, both of you still shaken up.
“Should we kiss?“ You asked after a beat of silence. You and Andrew both contemplated it and even started to lean in a little.
“No.” You said in unison and he set you down.
After reuniting with Venom, you saw Tobey crumbling to the floor as Andrew struggled to hold him up. You ran over to them as fast as you could to help.
“Is everything okay? Are you okay?” You asked Andrew.
“I’m okay. He’s not.” Andrew said as he looked at Tobey in a panic.
“Oh shit.” You frowned. “What happened to you?”
“Oh, you know.” Tobey smiled weakly. “I got stabbed.”
“Hey, hey hey. Don’t worry.” You smiled and knelt beside him. “I can heal you. I just need to stick my alien inside you.”
“What?” He sat up and winced. “No. Absolutely not.”
“Shhh. It’s okay.” You cooed. “Just let me stick my alien inside you.”
“Do not stick anything inside of me.” Tobey deadpanned.
“Shhh. It’ll help. Let me put my goo in you.” You winked at him and placed your hand over his stab wound.
“Oh God.” He tilted his head back so he wouldn’t have to see it.
“It’s gonna be cold at first. Then it’s gonna feel really, really warm.” You warned him before letting Venom go inside.
“Is it in?” He asked and looked down.
“It’s in. It’s definitely in.” Andrew nodded as he knelt beside you guys.
“I feel it.” Tobey grimaced. “Gross.”
“There you go. All better.” You smiled once the wound was healed. You looked up to see Peter watched you with a disgusted face.
“Are you okay sweetie?” You asked as you stood up.
“Other than the fact that I just watched my girlfriend stick her alien inside a version of me from another dimension right after I nearly murdered a man for killing my last living relative, I’m doing okay.” Peter nodded. You smiled sadly and pulled Peter into a kiss as Venom crept inside him to heal his wounds. When you pulled away, you saw Norman Osborn sitting on the ground behind him with a look of utter despair on his face. You went over to him and sat on the ground beside him, both of you looking out at the water as the sun began to rise.
“You have some pretty deep cuts there, doctor. I could help with that.” You said softly as you looked at him. Norman tore his attention away from the water and looked at you curiously.
“Why would you help me? After everything I just did to you and your friends. Why even speak to me?” He asked you. You gave him a soft smile and put your hand on his cheek, letting Venom seep inside to heal him.
“I know what it’s like to have a monster inside of you.” You told him. “One that makes you do things you would never do. But I’m friends with my monster. I’m sorry you couldn’t be friends with yours.”
Norman smiled softly as you as you moved your hands to heal a cut on his arm, then his leg.
“Thank you for being nice to me.” He said to you. “Even though I’ve done really bad things.”
“It’s okay. I’ve done really bad things too.”
“As bad as killing an orphans only living relative?” Norman sighed and looked over at Peter.
“I’ve eaten 9 people.” You told her.
“Well I never did that. That’s fucked up.” Normal replied, making your jaw drop.
After the spell
Peter walked into your coffee shop with his note in his hand. He nervously folded in and put it in his pocket as he approached the counter.
“Hi.” He greeted you with a nervous smile.
“Hi.” You smiled back, feeling a strange pit in your stomach as you looked at him.
“Peter? Peter Parker?” Venom asked inside your head.
“What?” You asked out loud.
“What?” Peter asked you.
“Sorry.” You gave him an embarrassed smile. “Not you.”
“We know this guy. We know him really, really well.” Venom told you.
“No we don’t. Hush.” You turned your head to whisper to Venom before looking back at Peter.
“What can I get you?” You asked him.
“Just a small cup of coffee, please.” He asked politely. He could tell you were talking to Venom and wondered what you were saying.
“Sure. I’ll get started on that right away.” You smiled at him before turning around. You poured his coffee into a cup and went to turn around, but Venom locked your knees in place.
“Put sugar in it. He likes sugar.”
“He didn’t ask for sugar.” You whispered.
“Peter is shy. And he loves sugar.” Venom said as an inky black tendril came out of your side and grabbed a packet of sugar. You looked over your shoulder to see if anyone was watching and when you looked back, Venom had emptied five packets of sugar into Peter’s coffee.
“Stop it. He’s gonna get sick.” You whispered harshly and quickly put a lid on the cup.
“We know his coffee order.” Venom told you, sounding annoyed that you were doubting her.
“No we don’t. I’ve never seen that guy before.”
“Fine. Ask him yourself.” Venom said before yanking you towards Peter.
“Woah!” You gasped as you stumbled towards the counter. Peter bit back a smile, knowing Venom was puppeteering you.
“Hi. Me again. Would you like any sugar in your coffee? I accidentally put a sugar packet it in. And then I accidentally did that four more times.”
“That’s okay.” Peter chuckled. “It’s perfect actually. I usually put 5 sugars in. I like it it sweet.”
“Told you.” Venom said smugly.
“Shut up.” You said and rolled your eyes.
“What?” Peter asked you.
“Sorry. I’m so sorry.” Your eyes widened. “I don’t have an explanation for that one.”
“It’s okay.” Peter laughed again. “It happens.”
“Here. Sorry about…me.” You said as you handed him his coffee.
“Don’t be sorry. I like…you.” Peter said through a shy smile. You returned the smile before typing his order into your monitor.
“That’ll be $1.40.”
“He keeps his wallet in his back left pocket.” Venom told you. “It’s a Velcro Aladdin wallet.”
You watched curiously as Peter pulled a Velcro Aladdin wallet out of his back left pocket and handed you two dollars.
“Here. Thanks for the coffee.” He said as he handed you the money.
“Cute wallet.” You smiled and nodded towards his wallet.
“Thanks. It was a gift.” He smiled softly as he remembered the birthday when you gave him the wallet.
“He’s cute.” Venom commented.
“Shut up.” You giggled as you thought the exact same thing. Peter looked at you curiously and you slapped your hand over your mouth.
“Sorry. Not you. I was talking to myself.” You lied.
“It’s okay. Have a nice day, Y/n.” He nodded towards your name tag as he put a dollar in your tip jar.
“Oh, thanks.” You smiled and nervously played with your uniform.
“Have a nice day too, Venom.” Peter said as he walked towards the door.
“Bye Peter.” Venom called back.
Bonus scene
“I can’t believe this.” You sat on the floor and put your head in your hands.
“It’s not that big of a deal.” Tobey sighed as he subbed his eyes.
“It’s a huge deal.” You raised your voice. “This is the worst news I’ve ever received.”
“You’re offended all of us by saying that.” Andrew said as he gestured to the other two Peter’s.
“I don’t care.” You shouted as you stood up. “You mean to tell me my variant is a white man named Eddie Brock? A white man?!”
“Why’d you have to tell her that?” Peter asked Tobey in a whine.
“I thought she knew.” Tobey shrugged.
“A white man?! A freaking white man? Is he at least cool?” You asked as you shook Tobey by the shoulders.
“He was a journalist.” Tobey smiled weakly in an attempt to make you feel better.
“Oh my God.” You groaned loudly. “Was he at least successful?”
“He’s freelance.” Tobey grimaced, making you groan even louder.
“What about Venom?” You asked. “Was he good to Venom?”
“He died protecting Venom from a pumpkin bomb.” Tobey told you, making you relax a little.
“Oh. Okay.” You nodded in satisfaction. “That makes me feel better. What did he look like?”
“Frosted tips.” Tobey told you. “And we wore a lot of leather.”
You let out a slow groan as you sat back down on the floor and curled into a ball.
Tag List 🏷
@awesomebooklover17 @thebookwormlife @imanativeofswlondondahling @serendipitous-amor
@lavender-writer @whatareyouhidingpeter @takenbyheartstrings @ultrunning @imyourliquor-youremypoison @andreasworlsboring101
@letsloveimagines @peterparkoure @a-villain-vying-for-attention @justcallmehitgirl @jackiehollanderr @mara-twins @maryjanee23 @geeksareunique @emmamarshmellow @unbelievableholland @flixndchill @sovereignparker @thisisthebiplace @every-marveler-ever @undiadeestos @caelestii-e @eridanuswave @itscaminow @fiantomartell @solarxmoonchild @canyouevencauseicant @illwritetomorrow @thehappygrungelife @saysomethingspiderman @smilexcaptainx @quaksonhehe @kelieah @seasidecrowbar @lovelessdagger @electraheart-3174 @unbelievableholland @yourtypicalhotmess @horanxholland @thesuitelifeofafangirl @marshxx @heyheycharlatte @nooneinvitedfascistbarbie @tomshufflepuff
@maybemona @alexxcorona113
In Case You Don’t Live Forever
~chapter one rewritten~
Pairing: Peter Parker x Venom!Reader
Synopsis: you are Peter’s greatest love and Spider-Man’s greatest enemy
Masterlist and Series Masterlist

“Married?” You squeaked as your eyes grazed over the words on the card a hundred times without retaining any of the information. As you momentarily forgot how to even read, you had to rely on the words coming out of Andy’s mouth.
“Yes, uh, married.” He awkwardly cleared his throat. “Dani and I are getting married over the summer.”
Keep reading