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10 months ago

In Amity Park, you pour your cooking oil down the drain. Wes was not told that this action was inappropriate anywhere else.

It served two functions; the melted plastic bits would bring about the Blob Ghosts that liked fixing things, thereby making sure they had some on hand in case the house got damaged by a ghost attack, and the blockage would slow down the other, more ravenous Blob Ghosts; the ones that ate trash.

Except that "trash" really meant "anything inanimate", and it was better to hold those off with a distraction while summoning the helpful Blobs.

When Wes was doing what he normally did, his new roommate almost broke his legs vaulting over the counter to stop him.

"What are you doing?!" Jimmy shouted, voice cracking. "You'll melt the plastic bits and clog the pipes!"

"....Yes?" Wes didn't understand.

Then he did.

"Oh! You don't have the-okay. So how do I get rid of it here, then?"

"No, go back. We don't have the...what?"

Wes sighed, put down the pan, and pulled up a copy of the NDA he'd signed to be able to leave Amity Park.


Jimmy, somehow, convinces him to break the NDA on the grounds that NDA's are not legally binding if the corporation or group that made him sign it were doing anything illegal.

Then Jimmy convinces him to say everything about his town again, but to his reporter friend Clark Kent.

Somehow, that evolved into Wes visiting his parents and smuggling both Jimmy and Clark into Amity Park.

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10 months ago

Danny puts up with a lot of stress, okay. His coping mechanism is....okay, it's a little weird, he's not gonna lie.

It is widely known that he has a human form and a ghost form; it is not widely known that his ghost form can do pretty much whatever he wants it to.

This includes making it smaller. Changing the ghost tail to a fish one. Making the suit be scales instead of a suit.

He does it so many times he now officially has three forms, and one of them is purely for himself and no one else.

His stress relief is to go to the aquarium, switch to the tiny merman form, and hide in the rocks of his favorite exhibit; the shark exhibit.

He stays in the back, away from the people visiting it's sight, and just vibes. He's even made a small cave the sharks can't fit into a tiny little nest.

No one would expect him there. No one would be looking for him there. He was free to just...take a moment.

Well, so he thought.

Because the humans visiting did see him. Multiple times.

They took pictures.

Now the Amity Park Aquarium is in some deep shit with Atlantis, because there's documented proof that they're keeping a literal baby mer in there as a spectacle.

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9 months ago

Danny reincarnates into a test tube, with a grief-stricken Timothy Drake staring at him in shock. The 100th cloning attempt worked.

Danny, having been dead for a very long time, decided to reincarnate, because I love that trope.

He reincarnated into the clone baby of Kon that Tim was trying to make. But Tim couldn't ever get over the hurdle that kept making the clones inviable, so the 100th was just half his DNA and half Kon's.

Danny is the son of a teenage father, who is grieving the death of his other father, and apparently a lot of other people if the ghosts surrounding the teen hero have anything to say.

Danny had reincarnated for a go at a lazy, nice life. Just relive being mortal for a bit.

Instead, he's kidnapped by Ra's Al Ghul to force Red Robin to take care of the Council of Spiders.

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9 months ago

Danny's Nest

Tim gets sacrificed in a ritual to summon "the ALL powerful conqueror, Phantom". And by sacrificed, I mean Tim really dies and Danny is forced into his body forcefully.

There's no coming back from that. Not even after the cultists are stopped.

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9 months ago

Danny is at a Ghost Hunting Convention in Gotham with his parents. He hates his past self for thinking that going to Gotham was a good idea.

He's in a tank, full of water, with a curtain draped over it as the Joker waxes poetic about how Batman is too late and blah, blah, blah.

Danny has bigger problems than Batman's pissing contest with Joker.

His parents are on the outside of the water tank he's been stuck in for the last twenty minutes. As a Halfa, he just stopped breathing, no big deal.

But they don't know he can do that.

He needs to do something so that they don't think he's a ghost, and going intangible is out because, obviously, that would make him a ghost.

...Hadn't Clockwork said that his status as a Halfa made him...flexible? On what he looked like?

That meant shapechanging, like Amorpho.

It would be really, really hard to explain, but also, better than being mistaken for a ghost.

He squeezes his eyes shut, hopes he doesn't come out of this looking like a horrifying version of clayface, forces himself to change.

The skin on his neck ripples, his legs fuse like when he's in his ghost form, and the sensation is so strange he gasps...and he can breathe.

The curtain is still over the tank of water.

Danny is glowing.

There are freckles that are glowing a soft green that dot his arms and...tail.

He's a mermaid. Merman.


Maybe he can say it was a recessive gene?

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9 months ago

Damian, as Robin, is about to be sacrificed to summon a Powerful Being. Except instead of a Powerful Being, a kid his age pops into existence as though he was shoved forward.

The kid looks around, startled. He's got a black eye and he's holding a length of rope, presumably what had been restraining him.

"Uh. Is. Is this the afterlife?" The kid asks, bewildered.

"...No, this is Gotham. We were trying to summon Pariah Dark?" One of the cultists answers, also confused.

"But I was being sacrificed to summon Pariah Dark?" The kid says, brows furrowed.

The cultists pause in their attempted murder of Robin and hurriedly reconvene, taking their eyes off of the kid. They're muttering about how maybe there was another cult doing a sacrifice at the same time, and things got switched up. Should they sacrifice both of the boys?

Damian, though. Damian never takes his eyes off of the new kid.

Unlike the cultists, he's not an idiot. He knows a liar when he sees one. That boy is no sacrifice.

That boy is the being they summoned.

He waits for the being to show it's true colors. And waits. And waits.

'Hurry up!' Damian mouths to it.

'I am trying!' It mouths back, motioning at it's feet where it's been wearing away the containment sigil.

'Well try faster!'

'That's not how it works!'

'How hard is it to mess up chalk?'

'Well then you come here and you do it!'

"Maybe I will," Damian spits outloud, done with this farce.

"Uh, do you two need a moment or...?"

Damian answers the cultists question by kicking her in the face as he cuts himself loose.

He will rescue both himself and the demon they dragged into this world.

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9 months ago

Tim, 18 and bored out of his mind in his big CEO office, is interrupted by a scrawny teenager.

"Hey, I heard Wayne Enterprises gives out like, grants and stuff," the teen starts, clearly awkward and blushing green. "I need money to hire lawyers to put away my creepy GodFather for misuse of a mind-controlling Meta Ability and also stalking."

Tim shelves that.

Takes a look at the teen, probably Damian's age or thereabouts, that just floated through his wall of windows at over 30 stories.

White hair, floating, green eyes (lazarus green what the fuck), jumpsuit (he's never seen that logo and is already memorizing it), fidgeting.

Tim takes what the teen just said off the shelf.

"And your godfather is...?"

"Can't say without giving away who I am."

"Okay. How is he 'creepy'?"

"Keeps trying to brainwash me into being his son, or tries to clone me, keeps sending goons after me, keeps trying to win over my mom, won't stop cosplaying as dracula, and I don't really know off the top of my head. I made a list, but it's like...somewhere."

Tim took a deep breath.

Held it.

Let it go.

That reminded him way too much of Ra's.

Held out his black Amex.

"Go crazy."

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9 months ago

Danny is a clone; his parents had closely monitored and tracked his DNA donor carefully, until they were able to get ahold of some hair and blood. He's a clone of Wonder Woman.

Wonder Woman only finds out after Danny donates his blood for a medical experiment for extra cash, and the genetic testing they do on it pings one of Batman's many, many programs.

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9 months ago

Danny, on a work trip with his parents, is tired and maybe a little cranky and also all of his joints hurt. Sleeping in the GAV is not great. As in, it just doesn't happen.

So he pops his neck.

Or, he tries to pop his neck.

He sighs and grabs the bottom of his jaw and the top of his head and forces his neck to pop.

Except he miscalculated.

He's broken his own neck.

As a halfa, it's fine, he just needs to force/hold it in place and wait twenty minutes for his healing factor to kick in. But when he moves to do that, a pair of red-gloved hands interrupt him and put him in a bracing hold.

"Don't worry kid, ambulance is on it's way!" The Flash reassures him, not budging an inch. "I know it feels like you can just pop it back into place, but it's actually pretty broken right now, and you could doctors will makes sure you're okay!"

Danny watches in despair as his family disappears into the crowd, having not noticed that he was being held up, and tries to think of a lie to make the hero let go without resorting to using his powers in front of the many, many livestreaming phones that have turned towards him.

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9 months ago

Guardian Angels are actually Guardian Ghosts, and it's sort of mandatory military service.

Vlad managed to dodge his, by way of proving he had no morals and therefore no ability to guard. He doesn't know this yet, but it's a huge mark against him in terms of reputation.

At the moment, this doesn't really apply to or bother him.

When he fully dies, though, and reputation is all he has? It'll be very important.

But going through a Guardianship is important to ghosts for many reasons; it instills a sense of responsibility, gives them a connection to a world they left behind, and helps them increase their powers.

LunchLady? Successful Guardianship.

Walker? Ultra successful Guardianship.

Skulker? Technically successful Guardianship.

Now it's Danny's turn. The Observants held off on assigning him because a ghost needs to legally be an adult in Ghost terms, and Danny's half human.

So, when he graduates High School, a letter appears on his bed.

On top of that letter is a green sticky note that just reads;

"Yes, they're serious. Yes, you have to do this."

The letter outlines his duties and responsibilities to keep his charge alive, and the exception to the rule they're making with him due to his mortality.

He is being assigned this person for four years, instead of that person's lifetime. Long enough to make an impression, short enough to enable Danny to live his life.

Danny's new charge?

Bart fucking Allen.

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9 months ago

DPxDC Writing Prompt??!!

I know this isn't my usual fare but I just... It popped into my head and I'm going to release it into the wild and see if anyone wants to play with the idea!

After Danny becomes a Halfa and keeps having weird problems with his powers, his parents catch on in like 3 days. HOWEVER their first thought absolutely has nothing to do with ghosts! They just think he's a Meta and start trying to figure out which of them he got the gene from and whether they can activate it in themselves.

They get less and less obsessed with ghosts and become non-evil Meta enthusiasts. They just want to know more! They try and start a website like to try and track where Meta genes come from and offer free DNA testing kits and shit.

This ends up with a huge misunderstanding and someone from the Justice League goes to Amity assuming they're up to no good and plotting to track down and experiment on the Metas who order their kits.

Bonus if they break in and find Danny in the lab and think he's being held prisoner or something.

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8 months ago

After Kon came back from being slightly dead, he didn't actually have a place to stay. Until he did.

He had fallen asleep in a park in some town in Illinois, dressed in his civvies, and was woken up by a lady and a man wearing hazmat suits.

At first he'd thought he was gonna be, like, experimented on and stuff, but they were actually really chill and practically dragged him along into their house.

They gave him a room, told him what time dinner was, and told him to stay as long as he needed to.

He met the couple's kids, Danny and Jazz, and kind unofficially adopted. But it's cool! He's totally Big Brother material, and helping to wrangle a six and eight year old is something a Super can definitely do!

Years and years down the line, he gets a phonecall from a frantic fourteen year old Danny, saying just one phrase.

"Kon I think I fucked up. I think I'm dead."

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8 months ago

AU where the GIW was really pulled together to contain Amity Park, not ghosts.

Because Amity Park is alive in all the ways a city shouldn't be, and has the capability to be a world ending threat.

Well, not really, but the GIW doesn't really understand that.

When the Portal opened up, it made Amity Park a living, thriving thing. Constantly expanding, constantly evolving, constantly changing. Buildings pop up and no one knows where they came from, streets get rearranged all the time, and only the locals seem to be able to make any sense of it all.

Honestly, the GIW thinks that Jack and Maddie Fenton contained the portal, not that they opened it. The GIW think that ghosts are like the city's immune system, and need to be culled in order to prevent Amity from getting strong enough to spread.

Because without any of the residents realizing it, Amity Park tripled in size by devouring the surrounding areas. People in close by neighboring cities woke up one day to a fully urbanized area completely surrounding theirs, slowly over the course of that day forgetting that they were ever in any other city.

So to contain a living city that spreads like a disease, the GIW do what they think is needed to cut it down to size. Wanton public destruction, killing off the city's immune system, trying to sever people's connection to the city, through slightly unethical means of human experimentation.

The city responded by sending stronger and stronger "Ghosts".

The GIW petitioned the US government with evidence that the city could, potentially, overtake the entire world. That there would be no land left for farming, no rivers or oceans left to fish. A total global catastrophe.

The US government agreed.

Now, when they're worried that Amity spread out or that another city is gaining abilities like Amity, they call in the GIW to investigate.

The problem with this is that the GIW really don't understand what's happening.

Amity Park is a living city, but she only grew as much as she felt she needed to before she stopped. Ghosts are not her immune system, they are just neighbors from another Realm. People aren't "unnaturally connected" to her like a hivemind, they can just understand when she tells them to run or hide.

But the GIW don't understand this at all.

Then certain officials, ones who's job is to visit cities and check for unnatural growth like Amity's, hone in on another city.

The GIW are called in to investigate Gotham.

Gotham, alive like Amity but far more reclusive and private, Does Not Like This.

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8 months ago

Danny, due to being illegal because he exists, along with many other things, does not like cops. He makes a youtube channel that youtube can't take down, where he, as a ghost in full view of everyone, stalks and narrates cops like he's Steve Irwin.


"Right, watch as the pig, in it's natural habitat, eats another donut. Like all other members of this particular swine family, they need to refuel constantly, to keep up energy to hunt minorities. They're unique in the animal kingdom, because they hunt for the pure thrill of it, as opposed to doing it for food. Watch now as it devours it's fourth donut in a row."

Dick was trying to ignore the glowing meta that was recording him eating donuts in his uniform.

His little brother was Tim. This was nothing. He could ignore it.

The meta kid's stomach grumbled, as he was going on about how the donut shop was a cop-sorry, pig's-natural environment.

Dick sighed.

"If you knock it off I'll buy you donuts for yourself."

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8 months ago

Danny, when he was little, was repeatedly taught to never trust strangers. Not because they were strangers, but because they could be Fae in disguise, which everyone knows are really ghosts in disguise, and they'll try to steal his name.

So when Danny finds himself all of four, with vague memories of who he is but it isn't all there, and there's a weirdo in a mask asking for his name?

He lies.

"I'm Jack." He says instead, and has no idea why the masked man freezes.

Or; Danny gets deaged, because I love that trope, Tim finds him, and thinks that Danny is a clone of Jack Drake or it's just straight up Jack from the past. Plot twist; Tim's not wrong. In an alternate universe, Danny would have been named Jack, and his last name wouldn't have been Fenton, it would have been Drake. The blood test confirms it; this is a tiny, confused Jack Drake.

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8 months ago

Short DPXDC Prompts #566

Everyone in Clark’s department keeps on calling the new intern Clark’s son and honestly yeah, he can see the resemblance. He simply chalked it up to coincidence and left it at that… until he saw Danny hovering a few feet off the ground to grab a clean mug from the communal kitchen. His co workers might be into something

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7 months ago

DC x DP Prompt: Bruce is bad at emoting but at least ghosts are empathic (too bad bat kids are not)

Was reading Twincognito on AO3 when I stumbled across this gem again:


" “Danny, Tim. I was just…checking in. Is everything alright?” Curse his inability to make meaningful conversation when it wasn’t a life or death situation.

They glanced at each other and shrugged.

Then Danny hauled himself out of the bed and walked over to Bruce.

Bruce tried not to let too much excitement show on his face. "


Now I really want to read a story where Bruce adopts Danny post Meta trafficking and is being his usual emotionally constipated self. His kids keep getting mad at him because he's treating their new meta brother who was trafficked poorly (generally being stilted in conversation with him, walking away hurriedly mid-conversation, avoiding Danny when he's feeling really awkward, etc). They think Bruce is discriminating against Danny for being a civilian, meta, dealer's pick, but really it's just Bruce being horribly socially awkward. Danny knows this because of ghost empathy and find the whole thing hilarious. The whole thing comes to a head with the Bat Kids staging an intervention in the Bat Cave.

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7 months ago

It wasn’t supposed to be a secret.

If you died while with the league, you will no longer be acknowledged to have existed, especially if you died during a mission. A disappointment will not be remembered.

The bats and birds don’t like speaking about the people they have lost, so they don’t. If someone ask about the dead, they will tell the person they don’t talk about that.

So how was Damian supposed to know that he should have told his father about his dead brother?

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7 months ago

Ra's al Ghul, caught in a rare moment of weakness, is being pulled apart piece by piece.

A pair of mad scientists, just the kind of deranged he would hire normally, had built weapons that were...far more effective on him than he'd anticipated. Also, he hadn't been there to fight them at all. They were a true unknown, coming out of nowhere equipped to deal with the Demon Head himself.

Ironically, from what they had started shouting, he wasn't who they were hunting.

He'd been knocked unconscious by what could only be described as pure dumb luck.

He woke up strapped to a table, as those selfsame scientists started peeling him apart with scalpels.

His torture is interrupted when a young boy walks into the basement, sees what his torturers are doing to him, and screams.

Then the boy pivots, and off the top of his head, creates a distraction to pull his parents away from trying to see how Ra's works.

It's admirable; someone so untrained able to think so quickly. It's clumsy; the equivalent of a child pointing at something and screaming as a distraction.

It's just what was required for the boy to remove his restraints and hand him...a vial of the purest Lazarus Water he's ever seen.

"You're already like, really liminal, so it shouldn't kill you, just heal you. But you need to drink it fast, before they come back!"

And like that, it clicks.

The mad scientists are hunting someone as 'liminal' as him. Their son's eyes are glowing green.

Normally, Ra's would drink the Lazarus Waters and slaughter the scientists and anyone they were allied with.


This is a debt.

He'd been waiting for the two scientists to leave so he could free himself, but this boy had stepped in.

Now he owes the child.

He can tell just by looking at the boy that killing his parents is not going to be considered paying back the debt.


This boy is in clear and present danger with those two lunatics about.


As the adult, is it not Ra's responsibility to make sure the boy is safe, whether he wants it or not?

Instead of killing the scientist parents, he knocks the boy unconscious and takes him to Nanda Parbat.

After all, there is nowhere safer than under the Demon Head's protection.

Just to be sure, he adopts the boy as his grandchild.

Now nobody will dare to touch the little hero.


Danny wakes up in an assassin compound so soaked in Ectoplasm that he can't phase through it, and the ectoplasm in question is so contaminated that it's making him sick, so he can't punch or blast through it either.

He's trapped in a gilded cage by a madman who's insisting that it's all "for Daniel's own good", and his only chance at escaping is telling the little kid, Damian, stories about Amity. Stories about his friends and family.

Stories that he can't make obvious are cries for help, but entertaining enough for a kid to pay attention to.

Stories that will, hopefully, make it to the kid's father.

Who is, apparently, the Goddamn Batman.

Somewhere along the way, the kid starts calling them brothers. It sounds like the kid believes it with his whole heart.

And Danny...Danny's too selfish to correct it.

He lets Damian believe that Danny is his older brother by blood.


Damian has an older brother, hidden away in Nanda Parbat, who is sickly and weak, and to whom the Demon Head himself is indebted.

Damian has always thought that Danyal was in the best place for him; away from the unnamed hunters that Grandfather said stalked him outside of the compound.

Recently, though, Damian is. Rethinking this.

Why was Danyal so sickly? Why did he always look so sad and desperate?

Perhaps it is time to tell father of his sickly older brother who physically could never meet Grandfather and Mother's standards to meet the Bat.

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7 months ago

It wasn’t supposed to be a secret.

If you died while with the league, you will no longer be acknowledged to have existed, especially if you died during a mission. A disappointment will not be remembered.

The bats and birds don’t like speaking about the people they have lost, so they don’t. If someone ask about the dead, they will tell the person they don’t talk about that.

So how was Damian supposed to know that he should have told his father about his dead brother?

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