Phantom Of The Opera Oc - Tumblr Posts

9 months ago

I'll draw the outcome. 🤷‍♂️

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9 months ago

I have saved this till now.

When you finally get to the scene you’ve been waiting to write

When You Finally Get To The Scene Youve Been Waiting To Write
When You Finally Get To The Scene Youve Been Waiting To Write
When You Finally Get To The Scene Youve Been Waiting To Write
When You Finally Get To The Scene Youve Been Waiting To Write

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9 months ago

What a wonderful thing

To have loved at all.

My many years within the dark

Unwanted, feeling small..

But you had many colors

That flickered in the dark

And in a patter, hopeless patter

That lit aspark my heart.

It was a feeling, now familiar

It was a feeling, I was not ready

Just recovered: sent a spiral

Face a-flush and heart unsteady

Love, oh, love,

Do we ever mean to fall so deep

Within its pit?

To long to hold, and kiss, and cry

My heart was having none of it.

I will not love, not now, not yet

I will not love, unsure, unset.

I was not meant to fall in love!

Not here, my god, not now!

I was not meant to ever love,

Oh, can you show me how?

What A Wonderful Thing

Happy Pride month, all!

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9 months ago

I may or may not be making more Julien doodles

I May Or May Not Be Making More Julien Doodles


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9 months ago
I Spent Two Months Sculpting A Box With Him On Top Of It.

I spent two months sculpting a box with him on top of it.

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8 months ago
I Saw This On A Pinterest Advertisement. Found It Fitting.

I saw this on a pinterest advertisement. Found it fitting.

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8 months ago

I found another thing.

I Found Another Thing.

He does this in the last chapter I posted(God, that was forever ago.)

I Saw This On A Pinterest Advertisement. Found It Fitting.

I saw this on a pinterest advertisement. Found it fitting.

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8 months ago

For the ask game! :3

3, 14, and 19

Hi hi, friend! Thank you for asking! ☺️💛

3- What would their song to each other be??

Ooohh! I have a few!! This may vary in the future, but as of this VERY moment.

Erik's to Julien:

Julien's to Erik:

14-Where would they go on a 3AM adventure?

The rooftop of the Opera, or if it was a day Julien had off, he'd take Erik to the ocean. I could see them sneaking off into the woods to watch fish in the creek. Maybe a cáfe? Mundane things that Erik hasn't gotten the chance to do.

19-Who's the better dancer?

Julien has two left feet(being poor and not being able to afford lessons/go to dances didn't help his case), so by default, I'd say Erik. Julien just moves a little weird. He does fine enough in shows where the dance is choreographed, but it usually takes him several hours at home to figure that out.

I think Erik, with his attempt at being a proper gentleman, is wonderful at the dances of the time. He'd attempt to teach Julien and end up dumbfounded at the extent of his troubles. He would be constantly looking down at his feet,

"Ah! Nono, that's the worst thing you could do!" They'd briefly pause, "Look up. At me."

He'd never fully get the hang of it, I don't think. Julien never gets over the nerves of looking into Erik's eyes.

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8 months ago

☆ For the ask game! 6, 15, 18 💛

Hi, hello friend!! Thank you for asking!! 🥺 I feel like you always end up with the rambly answers. 😅 Sorry.

6- What little quirks do they love about each other?

Julien finds it incredibly endearing when Erik gets particularly frustrated with a piece and lets both his hands and head fall against the keys with a loud clang of notes. Mostly because this is often followed by Erik dragging his feet to where ever Julien may be and laying his head in Julien's lap.

He likes to watch Erik mumble while he is revising. He enjoys the way everything about him seems to be a melody, down to the rhythm that he steps in.

Julien always finds himselves laughing at Erik's dramatics and later picks up on some of those mannerisms. Erik might swish his cape for emphasis and flair, and Julien will do the same later on with his coat.

Erik loves Julien's ability to find value in everything, and I think this is where their situations differ. They have both been dealt terrible hands, judged by those around them for the foundations of who they are and their appearance. Where Erik(understandably) mourns the tragedies he experiences, Julien tries to find a sliver of silver lining in everything(if only to keep himself sane). All this to say, he loves the optimism.

Erik is often left in awe of how Julien never stops moving. Even when he is supposed to be idle(sitting, resting, laying down) he is bouncing his legs and fidgeting with his shirt and rubbing one foot against the other. He sees it as a way of Julien's life spilling through its confines.

He loves that he always greets him with some form of physical contact. He's initially intimidated and skeptical, but soon, he begins to accept those handshakes, ans hugs, and kisses on the cheek..

He loves the way he sings to himself(though he wishes he did so in more appropriate places). On the occasion he improvises lyrics, there's a chance they end up in a later song Erik writes. He adores the way Julien eyes light up in recognition.

15-Who has a hobby only the other knows about?

Julien tries to whittle. He's not very good at it. He wanted a physical trinket of Erik's face but couldn't do it justice. Erik keeps every "failed" attempt, much to Julien's dismay.

18-Who wears the 'I'm with stupid' shirt?

Erik. He had originally intended to wear the "I'm stupid" one, but Julien refused to let him.

Julien plays it up by spelling it 'im stuped'.

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7 months ago
More Rough Sketches Cause I Guess I'm On A POTO Kick Today.

More rough sketches cause I guess I'm on a POTO kick today.

Experimented with Julien's hair.

I want to animate something again. Maybe Erik's cape?

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7 months ago
The Page In Slightly Better Quality.

The page in slightly better quality.

More Rough Sketches Cause I Guess I'm On A POTO Kick Today.

More rough sketches cause I guess I'm on a POTO kick today.

Experimented with Julien's hair.

I want to animate something again. Maybe Erik's cape?

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6 months ago

The Ocs of the Opera

The Ocs Of The Opera
The Ocs Of The Opera
The Ocs Of The Opera

Julien, @mandms-blog-of-silly 's Thalia, and @achildsfirstsorrow 's Leontine.

I'll ink them and take better pictures tomorrow.

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6 months ago
An Archive of Our Own, a project of the Organization for Transformative Works
An Archive of Our Own, a project of the Organization for Transformative Works

I'm not sure if I ever posted 5 on here, so here's the both of 'em.

Okay. I'm going to bed now.

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6 months ago
I Think I Butchered Them. Especially Leontine.
I Think I Butchered Them. Especially Leontine.

I think I butchered them. Especially Leontine.

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