Pillowtalk - Tumblr Posts

8 years ago

Camren #118 #camren #camrenisreal #camrenislife #camrenshipper #camilacabello #camilaourprincess #camilaislife #camilizer #camilizersforever #lauren_jauregui #laucyisnotreal #fifth_harmony #harmonizers #harmonizerforever #loveyouforever #reflectiontour #sex #zayn #kiss #pillowtalk #shawnmendes @camila_cabello @laurenjauregui @fifthharmony @zayn @shawnmendes

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10 years ago

Found that my pillow has a date stamp on it "With normal use you should replace your pillow by NOV 2015" seems like a handy feature, but what is normal these days?

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Illustrated Gif Of The V Cute Zayn Malik From His New Video ForPillowtalk @zaynmalik

Illustrated gif of the v cute Zayn Malik from his new video for “Pillowtalk” @zaynmalik

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