Pilot Kelson - Tumblr Posts
Jack: Pop quiz. Pilot: Go. Jack: How much I owe you for helping me out? Pilot: A gazillion. Jack: Who’s the major old-school happener? Pilot: Piiilot. Jack: How much longer we a team? Pilot: Forever. Jack: Beep… perfect score, gold star.

Yall I need someone to yell about jake gyllenhaal with pls dm me I'm repressing all my inner rambling about him and it's giving me high blood pressure
Please dm me about jake gyllenhaal I think the obsession is becoming terminal. My friends and family are sick of me thirsting over his old magazine photoshoots
Yall I need someone to yell about jake gyllenhaal with pls dm me I'm repressing all my inner rambling about him and it's giving me high blood pressure
Detective Loki is one of my top favorite Jake characters 🫶🏽 Rusty is my other favorite!! He did such an amazing job in presumed Innocent 🖤
My favorites are pilot kelson and Elwood Dalton! I have a real soft spot for super campy over the top movies. But I did really enjoy Rusty and presumed innocent, he's so pathetic for pussy it's amazing. Poor guy is so smart but he only thinks with his dick.
Hiiii maybe you could do a bsf's to lovers fic with either Donnie Darko/Pilot Kelson? With a confession 😲😲
I would love thatttt
I love that idea so much!! Donnie and pilot are so adorable (maybe I just like twinkie Jake g lol) they would def be the sweetest bsf to lovers story. I imagine Donnie drawing you a lot and writing ur name in his notebook over and over, like borderline creepy but super cute, so classic Donnie. And pilot is just my precious little guy I love his dumb ass self so much he's so sincere in his weird way. I will probably write headcanons about this scenario for both of them, so keep an eye out for that! Thank you so much for the request, it makes my day!