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“young adult dystopian novels are so unrealistic lmao like they always have some random teenage girl rising up to inspire the world to make change.”

a hero emerges
Reminder to Click for Palestine today!
Click for the other causes as well if you can!
We have three big ones and one smaller though terrible one. Others were just straight up not enough of a problem we forgot them ( we have only slightly impaired, shared memory and that’s mostly cause adhd and plural weirdness )
1. Someone being essentially and unfortunately obsessed with a derivative of Moons source caused coming out as plural to a otherwise amazing group of three we considered close friends to have to turn into cutting them off because he couldn’t get that treating Moon like Moons the fictional character exactly and can be moulded into whatever story like them is not the greatest for fostering closeness and nobody else would talk about our plurality so we couldn’t just ask them to talk to him. Unfortunately prolonged because we were so close and kept going “one more chance” until it became clear nothing was changing for too long
2. After one of our members coming out as part of a system and a fictive of a character of interest, it went fine till a server merge into a pre-existing one which people were really careful about turned into a nightmare when Moon, as Moons first personal interaction in the new server was to try and matchmake/queue-play with a member of the server and in the middle of it people started asking inappropriate questions including the new servers owner. Trying to resolve it met us with blame shifting, plurality gatekeeping, tied fakeclaiming allegations and a nice “oh and I don’t think anyone believes you” “and yeah by the way you shouldn’t be in the server because of that and this probably going to continue” and nothing was done about it despite and especially considering the server owners were partners. We had to cut off so many people it’s not even funny
3. We were in a server we felt really comfortable in for the longest time without somehow mentioning our origin and got to be friends with everyone, including another system. Come to find out, they’re very vocally and radically anti endo and while we weren’t there to say anything turned a lot of people there that type of anti endo too, including the owner. We didn’t say anything for a while HOPING they’d change, part due to not having other servers to talk to most people in but eventually got two other servers we could and ended up leaving that one as we were tired of walking on eggshells there
4. Simple one and last mentioned- join a support server out of want for help for something- find out its vehemently and radically anti endo to the point of dogpiling people who even mention they’re endo before a rule was put up against it. Theres even a head mod who’s anti endo???
Moon takes the brunt of the blame for the first two and we haven’t really been able to help Moon get over it fully. Times healed a bit but it still hurts Moon
Sorry this is so long compared to the rest. It’s funny, for as much fakeclaiming we’ve avoided somehow we got sucker punched with three big other situations that stick with us HARD and one that’s just- really disheartening and weird
considering how prevalent pluralphobia / ableism against systems is, i feel like it doesn't get talked about enough to the point where i'm not sure if singlets even realize how rampant it is.
so, new reblog game for those willing to talk about it — if you're plural, reblog this post and tell me in the tags / add on etc. an example of singlets being bigoted towards you on account of your plurality.
i'll start: someone i was acquaintances with and had spoken to once or twice was, behind my back, threatening to sexually assault and murder me over the existence of a fictive of mine.