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Looking around her, the sprite looked around her, quite confused. She used her translucent pink wings to float just off the ground, noting how repulsive it was. Everything was rotting and festering, going through various stages of decomposition. It made her want to pinch her noise but she decided not to since there was a looming presence above her.
A small gasp left her mouth as she saw the rotting creature. It was massive and she was already small to begin with. About the size of a short human, but still paling in comparision to Plaguebringer’s mass. The sprite smoothed down her dress as she looked at the ground, still making sure she did not land on it in fear of contracting something from the filth. “I-I’m a sprite. I don’t really know how I got into this dimension,” she stuttered, a red flush surfacing on her face. She dared not look at the beast in fear of offending it, not knowing if it was hostile or not.
twistedtroublemakers is infected
Plaguebringer had never seen such a peculiar character before. The walking infection tilted her dragon head and stared down at the stranger. She could sense that not all was write about them, there was something off about the person. Something she couldn’t quite pinpoint. “And you are?” She asked in a cold, but curious, tone. She was giant, her leathery wings folded neatly over her body, despite the fact that almost everything was rotted. She held an odd image of beauty even though she was a deity of pure pestilence.
“What exactly are you?” She added soon after as she tossed a hunk of decayed meat into the throbbing wound in the land– the Wyrmwound. This place, the Scarred Wasteland, was very deserving of it’s name.

@dergtober Day 6: Deity — featuring Plague Momma :3