Eyo it’s my FR sideblog
64 posts
Kyrogue-fr - Flight Rising - Tumblr Blog

@dergtober Day 6: Deity — featuring Plague Momma :3

@dergtober Day 5: Map — featuring the adventure duo, Atlantis and Trife

@dergtober Day 4: Pirate — featuring my sea monster Obelisk, Atlantis
dergtober day 2: merchant
I drew one of the swip faes !!

Three newly hatched (and bedazzled) Genderfluid Auraboas available!
Find them here

@dergtober Day 2- Merchant
Rowe here is a smuggler and loan shark Perfectly Legal And Ethical Merchant. You should get a loan from her. It will be fine
After WEEKS of saving and scraping, I finally managed to fully gene my pumpkin XXX moderns into the gorgeous Pumpkin Harlequin Aethers of my dreams

Now we wait for the babies :3

I want this story to be written
I don’t want this story to be written by anyone but me
I don’t want to write this story

pixels commissioned by Caitiff!

@dergtober Day 3: Runes — featuring Yao, who is not impressed with the sender’s penmanship on this package he has to deliver

Intruders unwelcome in the foxfire bramble

Dergtober Day 2: Merchant
This is Nashia, sky ship captain of West Winds Trading Co.! Her Enchanting Libra uses the scales to ensure trades and purchases are made for a fair price!

@dergtober Day 2: Merchant — featuring my Skydancer, Feather-Gaze

@dergtober Day 1: Flight — featuring my Banescale dragon, Trife

I really like drawing banescales, it's a shame that they aren't so popular!