Planetary Magic - Tumblr Posts
The Power Of Friday

Friday is ruled by Venus. An easy way for me to remember this is to call Friday by it’s Italian name which is Venerdi . If you would like me to include the pronunciation for the Italian Venerdi translation in my post let me know in the comments. Hopefully this is helpful to y’all too.
What do I mean when I say that Venerdi is ruled by Venus?
This means the attributes of Venus tends to influence the overall energy of the day
2. What are the attributes of Venus?
Beauty, Love, and Luxury
3. What can we do to utilize this energy?
By doing activities that involve these three attributes. A beautifying activity like getting or doing your own nails. A self-love activity that our body, mind, and spirit like a self-care inspired bubble bath. Also, a luxury activity like going out to a nice restaurant and dressing up formally.
Keep in mind these are only examples, take some time to create activities that feel right with you. Also, these activities do not need to break the bank.
Venerdi has many meanings for me, one being it was the day I was born. Also, I happen to be a Taurus: sun sign in Vedic astrology. Taurus planet ruler is Venus, if some of y’all wanted to know. So, Venerdi holds a special place in my heart. On this day, I take action by honoring my yoni energy by saying loving affirmations like “I love my yoni & my yoni loves me”. What is a yoni? I’m glad you asked! Yo·ni/Noun /HINDUISM: the vulva, especially as a symbol of divine procreative energy conventionally represented by a circular stone. Yoni definition I usually take a self-love infused bubble bath while saying affirmation to myself & yoni. For the beauty attribute of Venus, I try to style my hair differently for each week. A luxury activity I do now is watch the show Dynasty on Nextflix, It’s a more of a visual activity for me because I just image how my life would be if my husband & I were characters on the show. Maybe I’ll turn it into a fanfiction one day, so keep your eye open for that if y’all are into fanfiction.
Bonus Treat: The show Dynasty is a remake of an old soap opera that I just started watching.
Challenge Of Venerdi: I will always say Research, study and create a self-love activity to do on Venus day.
Ciao Ciao,
Thank y’all for y’all for taking the time to read my post & journey. Likes, comments, and follows are appreciated & welcomed.

The Power Of Wednesday

💫Wednesday is ruled by Mercury, the planet of communication. In in italian it called mercoledí (Wednesday), it’s easier for me to remember the days of the week in Italian and what planet correlates with that day. Hopefully, it will be easier for you too, now you know this helpful tip.
💫First, you must know what Mercury attributes are;so you can to know what I focus on doing on Mercoledí for my craft. Secondly, I’ll tell you why I focus on these activities and practices based on Mercury attributes & energy. Third, I’ll give suggestions on what activities and practices you could do to help hone in Mercury energy on Mercoledí.
Cominciamo (let's begin)
Mercury’s Attributes List:
Social media
💫Now you know what Mercury’s Attributes are, let me tell y’all what activities and practices I do to hone in on that Mercurian energy. First, the activities I do is catch ul with friends & family via call,text, or email. Secondly,I do post on my blog or a chapter of my fictions. Lastly, I learn how to sing nursery rhymes & disney songs in my native Hawaiian language. I also take time to study/research my Hawaiian culture because I know very little. The fact is I am sad about that so I intend to change it. Plus, I meditate, give gratitude, and give thanks to my ancestors & the hawaiian goddess Pele.
💫Do your own research before implementing any activities or practices to fully understand what and why you’re doing it. Fun fact: I will always encourage y’all to do your own research too. feel free to fact check my information too because I am also still learning along this journey. Fun fact 2: flights are cheaper on Wednesdays. Fun fact 3: Your posts are more likely to go viral on a Mercury day or Mercury hour. We’ll get into the planetary hours on another post for now. I would like to focus on the planetary days.
Mercury inspired affirmation: “I learn & retain information easily”
Have a great Mercoledí ! Comments, likes, follows are appreciated & welcomed.

Happy Mercury Day!
Communication Is Key, use it to your best ability

The Power Of Thursday

Thursday is ruled by the planet Jupiter. Hopefully, this is helpful to y’all . Here’s the reason why translating these days of the week into their counterpart of the Italian language. Leave a emoji of a fall leaf in the comments if you understand why I use the Italian days of the week now.
What do I mean when I say Thursday is ruled by the planet Jupiter?
It means the aspects of Jupiter tend to influence the day’s overall energy
2. What are the aspects of Jupiter?
Abundance, growth, philosophy, good luck for opportunities
3. What can we do to utilize this Jupiter energy?
To study & grow your inner knowledge through books, podcasts, lectures etc. Always make sure you take the time to fact check and research.

For me, what I do to utilize Jupiter energy: I do my best to use the luck of the day to apply for jobs and/or careers I’m interested in. I focus on my online business I’m currently building like my blog. I’m looking to add more activities to the list of things I do on thursday.
Bonus Treat: I enjoy reading self-help books more than watching lectures.
Challenge for Thursdays: Research & Study your interest and schooling. Of Course! Also remember to take breaks to prevent burnouts.
Ciao Ciao,
Grazie y’all for taking the time to read my post & journey. Please like, comment and follow me to get updates when I upload a new post.

That's all folks see y’all next live stream today at 10pm est.
Planets & Intent
A quick guide on which planets to utilize in magick based on intent.
Banishing: Sun, Saturn, Pluto
Beauty: Venus
Binding: Saturn, Pluto
Cleansing/Purification: Sun, Moon
Communication: Mercury, Jupiter
Confidence: Mars, Jupiter
Courage: Sun, Mars, Jupiter
Creativity: Moon, Venus
Cursing: Saturn, Neptune, Pluto
Divination: Moon, Uranus, Neptune
Dreams: Moon, Neptune
Energy: Sun, Mars
Fertility: Moon, Venus
Happiness: Sun, Jupiter
Healing: Sun, Moon
Hex-Breaking: Saturn
Independence: Mars, Uranus
Invisibility: Moon,Neptune, Pluto
Legal Matters: Saturn
Love: Venus
Luck: Mercury, Jupiter
Manifestation/Power: Sun, Moon, Mars, Pluto
Meditation: Moon, Neptune
Mental Clarity: Sun, Uranus
Mental Power: Uranus, Neptune
Peace: Moon
Prosperity/Wealth: Sun, Mercury, Jupiter
Protection: Mars, Saturn
Psychic abilities: Moon, Uranus, Neptune
Relaxation/Calming: Moon, Neptune
Sexual Relations: Venus, Mars, Pluto
Spell-breaking: Saturn, Pluto
Strength: Sun, Mars
Success: Mercury, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn
Travel: Moon, Mercury
Wisdom: Mercury, Uranus, Neptune, Pluto
Wishes: Sun, Jupiter