Cosmic Witch - Tumblr Posts

8 months ago

Sunny Creativity Tarot Spread

Sunny Creativity Tarot Spread

Since the Sun influences creative energies, I’ve decided to create the Sunny Creativity Spread for insight on one’s creative abilities and how to improve them.I hope it helps you through your creative journey! Blessed be!

1.) How is my creativity at the moment?

This is the state your creative part of you is doing. Is it good? Is it bad? Is it inexperienced?

2.) How can I describe the works of art my creativity has made?

This question asking about the quality and uniqueness of your drawings, painting, poetry, photographs, anything creative. Is it good? Does it need some work? What’s the style of your work?

3.) What inspires my creativity?

Inspiration is pretty much key to your creativity. But what inspired you to create that piece? It could be a friend, family member or even yourself that inspires you! Also other artists and strangers could inspire you too.

4.) How can I be more creative?

Just for future reference or current reference when you get a creativity/artist’s block, you can get insight from this card on what you can do to try to unblock those creative energies!

5.) What does my creativity show others about me?

When you create things, what are others seeing about you through your creations? 

6.) What should my creativity focus on more?

This is something important that your creativity is not focusing on during the creative process when it should. It will help guide you to become better working with your creativity, so be sure to write it down.

7.) What should my creativity focus on less?

This is something your creativity tends to focus on the most that isn’t that important. It could possibly be holding you back from your true potential in your creativity.

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If you think that I’m going to blame everything that goes wrong in my life due to the planets being in retrograde,

then you are absolutely correct

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🌟 cosmic witch starter pack 🌟

some resources to get you started with cosmic witchcraft:

what is a cosmic witch?

cosmic witchcraft 101

cosmic altar & room ideas

must haves for the cosmic witch

astrology: brief zodiac overview

planetary correspondences

star grounding

celestial warding

spiral meditation

celestial music

black hole spell

black hole decoy spell

starlight charm

planetary charm jars

planetary tarot spread

zodiac essential oil blends

cosmic witch vibes

cosmic witchcraft masterpost

cosmic deities:













aura quartz

crystals associated with planets

plants to grow/use in your craft:

cabbage & red romaine lettuce (nasa is growing some on the international space station!)



star anise


fruits & vegetables associated with planets

a good blog that posts about cosmic witchcraft: @lunaesteria

and a cosmic witchcraft playlist.

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1 year ago

Aloha Everyone,

You may call me Glam-enchantress! I would love to share my journey through cosmic,glam, water magic. Also how I am able to intertwine the two to strengthen my mind, body and magic.

Aloha Everyone,

I am a student at heart because there is always something new to learn or in corporate into my life. Also I am a teacher at heart because I love sharing my knowledge and expand everyone’s mind to thing beyond. This only happens when people are open and willing to learn.

My goal is to share my journey and help people who want to learn and improve themselves physically, mentally, and spiritually. Though I am studying cosmic,glam, and water magic . I am by no means an expert in this field. When I practice my craft it works for me & it may or not work for you.

I have struggled with honing my craft & accepting the magical being that I am. This why I created this blog to share my journey and hopefully help others to start or continue their own journey.

Aloha Everyone,

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1 year ago

The Power Of Tuesday

The Power Of Tuesday

Tuesday is ruled by Mars. An easy way for me to remember that Tuesdays are Mars day: call it "Martedi" which is italian for Tuesdays. Hopefully, this is helpful to y’all also.

1. What do I mean when I say that Martedi is ruled by Mars?

It means the attributes of Mars tend to influence the days’ energy.

2. What are the attributes of Mars?

The attributes are aggression, passion, and action

3. What can me & y’all do to utilize this energy?

Take action on that chore y’all were planning to do yesterday do it today. Use the aggression of Mars energy to get a great workout in. Learn that dance routine you were so passionate about doing.

The Power Of Tuesday

Martedi, for me, is my day! I try to workout for 30 mins, utilizing that aggressive energy of Mars. I posted this blog post today, which is how I utilize taking action on my plans. Also, I am passionate about writing this blog and my fictions. Plus, the joy that it brings me when I post on my blog and fictions, feels wonderful to me. It’s really a perfect duo for me because all these activities are magical.

Challenge Of The Day: I will always say this RESEARCH! & learn about working with the planet’s energy y’all are interested in. Do an activity that utilizes Mars energy and tell me how it went in the comments.


Thank y’all for taking the time to read my post & journey. Likes, comments and follows are appreciated & welcomed.

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1 year ago

The Power Of Wednesday

The Power Of Wednesday

💫Wednesday is ruled by Mercury, the planet of communication. In in italian it called mercoledí (Wednesday), it’s easier for me to remember the days of the week in Italian and what planet correlates with that day. Hopefully, it will be easier for you too, now you know this helpful tip.

💫First, you must know what Mercury attributes are;so you can to know what I focus on doing on Mercoledí for my craft. Secondly, I’ll tell you why I focus on these activities and practices based on Mercury attributes & energy. Third, I’ll give suggestions on what activities and practices you could do to help hone in Mercury energy on Mercoledí.

Cominciamo (let's begin)

Mercury’s Attributes List:


Social media




💫Now you know what Mercury’s Attributes are, let me tell y’all what activities and practices I do to hone in on that Mercurian energy. First, the activities I do is catch ul with friends & family via call,text, or email. Secondly,I do post on my blog or a chapter of my fictions. Lastly, I learn how to sing nursery rhymes & disney songs in my native Hawaiian language. I also take time to study/research my Hawaiian culture because I know very little. The fact is I am sad about that so I intend to change it. Plus, I meditate, give gratitude, and give thanks to my ancestors & the hawaiian goddess Pele.

💫Do your own research before implementing any activities or practices to fully understand what and why you’re doing it. Fun fact: I will always encourage y’all to do your own research too. feel free to fact check my information too because I am also still learning along this journey. Fun fact 2: flights are cheaper on Wednesdays. Fun fact 3: Your posts are more likely to go viral on a Mercury day or Mercury hour. We’ll get into the planetary hours on another post for now. I would like to focus on the planetary days.

Mercury inspired affirmation: “I learn & retain information easily”

Have a great Mercoledí ! Comments, likes, follows are appreciated & welcomed.

The Power Of Wednesday

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1 year ago

The Power Of Friday

The Power Of Friday

Friday is ruled by Venus. An easy way for me to remember this is to call Friday by it’s Italian name which is Venerdi . If you would like me to include the pronunciation for the Italian Venerdi translation in my post let me know in the comments. Hopefully this is helpful to y’all too.

What do I mean when I say that Venerdi is ruled by Venus?

This means the attributes of Venus tends to influence the overall energy of the day

2. What are the attributes of Venus?

Beauty, Love, and Luxury

3. What can we do to utilize this energy?

By doing activities that involve these three attributes. A beautifying activity like getting or doing your own nails. A self-love activity that our body, mind, and spirit like a self-care inspired bubble bath. Also, a luxury activity like going out to a nice restaurant and dressing up formally.

Keep in mind these are only examples, take some time to create activities that feel right with you. Also, these activities do not need to break the bank.

Venerdi has many meanings for me, one being it was the day I was born. Also, I happen to be a Taurus: sun sign in Vedic astrology. Taurus planet ruler is Venus, if some of y’all wanted to know. So, Venerdi holds a special place in my heart. On this day, I take action by honoring my yoni energy by saying loving affirmations like “I love my yoni & my yoni loves me”. What is a yoni? I’m glad you asked! Yo·ni/Noun /HINDUISM: the vulva, especially as a symbol of divine procreative energy conventionally represented by a circular stone. Yoni definition I usually take a self-love infused bubble bath while saying affirmation to myself & yoni. For the beauty attribute of Venus, I try to style my hair differently for each week. A luxury activity I do now is watch the show Dynasty on Nextflix, It’s a more of a visual activity for me because I just image how my life would be if my husband & I were characters on the show. Maybe I’ll turn it into a fanfiction one day, so keep your eye open for that if y’all are into fanfiction.

Bonus Treat: The show Dynasty is a remake of an old soap opera that I just started watching.

Challenge Of Venerdi: I will always say Research, study and create a self-love activity to do on Venus day.

Ciao Ciao,

Thank y’all for y’all for taking the time to read my post & journey. Likes, comments, and follows are appreciated & welcomed.

The Power Of Friday

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1 year ago

The Power Of Friday

The Power Of Friday

Friday is ruled by Venus. An easy way for me to remember this is to call Friday by it’s Italian name which is Venerdi . If you would like me to include the pronunciation for the Italian Venerdi translation in my post let me know in the comments. Hopefully this is helpful to y’all too.

What do I mean when I say that Venerdi is ruled by Venus?

This means the attributes of Venus tends to influence the overall energy of the day

2. What are the attributes of Venus?

Beauty, Love, and Luxury

3. What can we do to utilize this energy?

By doing activities that involve these three attributes. A beautifying activity like getting or doing your own nails. A self-love activity that our body, mind, and spirit like a self-care inspired bubble bath. Also, a luxury activity like going out to a nice restaurant and dressing up formally.

Keep in mind these are only examples, take some time to create activities that feel right with you. Also, these activities do not need to break the bank.

Venerdi has many meanings for me, one being it was the day I was born. Also, I happen to be a Taurus: sun sign in Vedic astrology. Taurus planet ruler is Venus, if some of y’all wanted to know. So, Venerdi holds a special place in my heart. On this day, I take action by honoring my yoni energy by saying loving affirmations like “I love my yoni & my yoni loves me”. What is a yoni? I’m glad you asked! Yo·ni/Noun /HINDUISM: the vulva, especially as a symbol of divine procreative energy conventionally represented by a circular stone. Yoni definition I usually take a self-love infused bubble bath while saying affirmation to myself & yoni. For the beauty attribute of Venus, I try to style my hair differently for each week. A luxury activity I do now is watch the show Dynasty on Nextflix, It’s a more of a visual activity for me because I just image how my life would be if my husband & I were characters on the show. Maybe I’ll turn it into a fanfiction one day, so keep your eye open for that if y’all are into fanfiction.

Bonus Treat: The show Dynasty is a remake of an old soap opera that I just started watching.

Challenge Of Venerdi: I will always say Research, study and create a self-love activity to do on Venus day.

Ciao Ciao,

Thank y’all for y’all for taking the time to read my post & journey. Likes, comments, and follows are appreciated & welcomed.

The Power Of Friday

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1 year ago

The Power Of Wednesday

The Power Of Wednesday

💫Wednesday is ruled by Mercury, the planet of communication. In in italian it called mercoledí (Wednesday), it’s easier for me to remember the days of the week in Italian and what planet correlates with that day. Hopefully, it will be easier for you too, now you know this helpful tip.

💫First, you must know what Mercury attributes are;so you can to know what I focus on doing on Mercoledí for my craft. Secondly, I’ll tell you why I focus on these activities and practices based on Mercury attributes & energy. Third, I’ll give suggestions on what activities and practices you could do to help hone in Mercury energy on Mercoledí.

Cominciamo (let's begin)

Mercury’s Attributes List:


Social media




💫Now you know what Mercury’s Attributes are, let me tell y’all what activities and practices I do to hone in on that Mercurian energy. First, the activities I do is catch ul with friends & family via call,text, or email. Secondly,I do post on my blog or a chapter of my fictions. Lastly, I learn how to sing nursery rhymes & disney songs in my native Hawaiian language. I also take time to study/research my Hawaiian culture because I know very little. The fact is I am sad about that so I intend to change it. Plus, I meditate, give gratitude, and give thanks to my ancestors & the hawaiian goddess Pele.

💫Do your own research before implementing any activities or practices to fully understand what and why you’re doing it. Fun fact: I will always encourage y’all to do your own research too. feel free to fact check my information too because I am also still learning along this journey. Fun fact 2: flights are cheaper on Wednesdays. Fun fact 3: Your posts are more likely to go viral on a Mercury day or Mercury hour. We’ll get into the planetary hours on another post for now. I would like to focus on the planetary days.

Mercury inspired affirmation: “I learn & retain information easily”

Have a great Mercoledí ! Comments, likes, follows are appreciated & welcomed.

The Power Of Wednesday

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1 year ago

Happy Mercury Day!

Communication Is Key, use it to your best ability

Happy Mercury Day!

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1 year ago

Affirmation Of The Day

"I communicate easily and effectively with others around me"- (This is in honor of the planet Mercury)

Affirmation Of The Day

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1 year ago
Sky Above
Sky Above
Sky Above
Sky Above
Sky Above
Sky Above

Sky above

Earth below

Peace within.

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1 year ago

This is super beautiful!

Witchcraft Types: Cosmic Witch
Witchcraft Types: Cosmic Witch
Witchcraft Types: Cosmic Witch
Witchcraft Types: Cosmic Witch
Witchcraft Types: Cosmic Witch
Witchcraft Types: Cosmic Witch
Witchcraft Types: Cosmic Witch
Witchcraft Types: Cosmic Witch
Witchcraft Types: Cosmic Witch

Witchcraft Types: Cosmic Witch

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1 year ago

Affirmations Of The Day

"Everyday and Everyway I am becoming more and more successful"- (This is in honor of Jupiter)

Affirmations Of The Day

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1 year ago

✨ Grimoire Pages: Cosmic Witch ✨

 Grimoire Pages: Cosmic Witch
 Grimoire Pages: Cosmic Witch
 Grimoire Pages: Cosmic Witch
 Grimoire Pages: Cosmic Witch
 Grimoire Pages: Cosmic Witch
 Grimoire Pages: Cosmic Witch
 Grimoire Pages: Cosmic Witch
 Grimoire Pages: Cosmic Witch
 Grimoire Pages: Cosmic Witch
 Grimoire Pages: Cosmic Witch
 Grimoire Pages: Cosmic Witch

here are the Cosmic Witch pages of my grimoire! i did A LOT of research for this one but i still wanted to keep it a very brief overview so i wouldn't overwhelm myself xD

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1 year ago

The Power Of Saturday

The Power Of Saturday

Saturdays are ruled by the planet Saturn.

The weekends are the only days in the English language that start with their planet ruler's name. This makes it easier for me to remember what planet correlate with the weekend days no french translation needed. I came up with a new community name the Cosmic-Care Campers so let me know what you think of that? Leave a star emoji 💫 in the comments if you like this community name! If you like Comsmic-Care Royals leave a crown emoji 👑 in the comments! If you think i should keep brainstorming community names comment an thinking bubble emoji 💭

What do I mean when I say Saturdays' are ruled by Saturn?

It means the aspects or traits of Saturn tend to influence the day's overall energy

What are the aspects or traits of Saturn?

Structure, restrictions, discipline

What can I do to utilize this energy?

Shadow work through journaling, dancing or meditating. Weekly Reset- make a list of to dos for the week ahead. Also cleaning your house, work area or email.

For me what I do to utilize Saturday's Saturn energy: I clean out my email into categories files. Also I delete the ones I don't need until I'm between 0-5 in my primary file. I make a todos of things I need to get done for the week ahead.Then I give them different due dates so I'm not overwhelmed. I try to clean my house a section at times with breaks in between each room. This is what works for me, if you find a Saturn inspired activity that works better for you do it!

Challenge of the week: Try cleaning your house, work area or email on a Saturday. Tell me how you feel afterwards?

Honorable mentions: Thank you for following


Grazie y’all Cosmic-Care Campers for taking the time to read my post & journey. Please like, comment and follow me to get updates when I upload a new post.

Likes, comments and follows are appreciated, recognized, and welcomed

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