Platonic Batfamily - Tumblr Posts

1 year ago

Imagine toddleryn refusing to eat their veggies. They keep swatting the spoon away, making a mess, and then uses the bat glare at whoever is feeding them.

Comment what you think their reactions will be

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9 months ago

Batfam with baby reader imagine

Warning:poor writing

Baby shot kidnappers

You were in your crib with something you found in Jason's stuff. No one knew you had it.

All of a sudden, 2 strangers came in through the window.

Kidnapper1: Come on, let's just get the kid, leave, and soon we'll be rich.

Kidnapper2: it just feels to-

Kidnapper1: wha-

Babyyn: šŸ‘€šŸ”«

Kidnapper1: h-hey there, littleone, what do you say we put the gun down šŸ˜°

Babyyn: pulls the trigger twice*

Kidnappers: AAAAAAAAHHHHH, *got shot in leg, fall to the floor, and starts crying *

Babyyn: Happy baby sounds

Batfam bursts in, ready to attack, and then see what happened.

Tim: Where did yn get the gun?

Everyone looks at jason

Jason: they might have taken it without me looking, šŸ˜…

Bruce: tired dad sigh* take care of these 2, *picks up babyyn * come here, sweetheart, *takes gun and gives it to jason * I believe you caused enough trouble for today

Damian: goes to babyyn and whisper * good job

Babyyn: Happy baby sounds

Dick: DAMIAN!!

Damian: what

The rest of the batfam is too tired to argue

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5 months ago

Smalltown! Neglected! Meta! Reader x Yandere! Batfam

Part Four

Part One ā˜ļø Part Two ā˜ļø Part Three ā˜ļø Part Five ā˜ļø Part Six ā˜ļø Part Seven

Warning: Obessive behavior, Yandere tendencies, su*c*de/death.

A/N: Finally adding warning labels. Weā€™re getting somewhere. Iā€™ve had some of this written out, but had to add some stuff in to drive it home. Readerā€™s coping skills are failing, but everyoneā€™s starting to get obsessive. Also, Iā€™ve been fighting myself on drawing art for this. (Iā€™m a bit out of practice.)

Smalltown! Neglected! Meta! Reader X Yandere! Batfam

Reader has basically called befriending Damian and Jason a lost cause.

Bruce still avoids reader. And, everyone else is still busy with what Reader assumes is Batwork. (Which is fine, Reader is fine. Itā€™s not like theyā€™re stuck in the manor pacing the halls every damn day.)

Cass and Dukeā€™s get back from their respective missions. They werenā€™t gone too long, but theyā€™re come back a bit roughed up. They debrief with Bruce and then have to go back to being civilians.

Reader is waiting to comfort them. Not to confront them. Readerā€™s more concerned with how Duke has a mild limp and how Cassā€™s knuckles have some bruising than them ditching. Plus, reader is still not completely sure that her family is Gothamā€™s vigilantes. They need to confirm.

But, Duke and Cass both appreciate Reader checking on them and not asking questions. Cass suspects Reader suspects something, judging by Readerā€™s body language. But, itā€™s nice for someone whoā€™s naturally soft to be soft with you.

Duke appreciates how Reader treats him so, normally. In a way it reminds him of his childhood, when things were easier. He has a normal friend now, completely mostly free of Gothamā€™s crazy.

Reader is happy their back, but disappointed that they wonā€™t be going to the school gala. In fact, a few family members make comments about how it sounds like a waste of time.

Bruce, however, is actually happy Reader is excited. And, Reader gets even more excited when one of their new friends ask to be their date. Readerā€™s date is so genuinely excited about going to this Gala with Reader. (Uh-oh, thatā€™s not good.)

Some of Readerā€™s other friends, the more haughty and wealthy ones, tell Reader that they shouldā€™ve picked someone moreā€¦ refined. Which Reader defends that their Date is perfectly sweet and good looking to boot.

But, this leads Reader to decide not to tell anyone in the family about their date. They donā€™t want to hear the same thing from their Gotham family. Reader does inform BFF, younger brother, and Nana of their date. For some reason, BFF was a bit disgruntled, and even Nana tried to convince them it was probably best not to go. Younger Brother was encouraging reader to have fun. (But he was whispering into the phone, and asking Reader if he could come visit them soon. Please. People are acting weird here. Is everything okay, do you need me to come home. No. No. Donā€™tā€” Itā€™s fine. I just wanna come visit you.)

But, reader was committed to going and enjoying their date and wearing their custom made outfit.

That night, Reader was given Bruceā€™s permission to get ready at one of their friendsā€™ houses. Reader was practically spoiled by their friends, it was almost a bit overwhelming. Their date meet them at the Gala escorting them inside and having a wonderful time. (I hope it last. Itā€™s not going to though. How sad.)

At the end of the night, their Date escorted them home. To end a near perfect night Reader got a kiss. A long and pretty heated kiss. Right in front of the Entrance camera.

Tim had pulled up the camera feed when Reader got home, at Bruceā€™s request, just to check on Reader. (He was going to do it anyway.) The entire family was winding down from Patrol in the Batcave when the feed came on. Leaving them all to get a front row seat to Readerā€™s little act of rebellion.

(Thatā€™s all this was, right. Just a little act of rebellion. This wonā€™t happen again, obviously. They wonā€™t fucking let it.)

Bruce is livid. It doesnā€™t help that Jason wolf-whistles to further enrage him. (Jason is making plans to break someoneā€™s leg though. Possibly the Dates. How fucking dare they corrupt you, thatā€™s his job.)

Stephane is honestly impressed, didnā€™t think Reader had it in them. (How cute! I wonder what we could get up to together.)

Duke, sweet Duke, didnā€™t want to see that. His (best) friend getting tongued down on camera. Heā€™s going to need bleach and therapy. (Why would you do that? When you can just game with him. Youā€™re his bro. Gross.)

Cassandra isā€¦ understanding. Reader has needs. Reader wants affection. Thatā€™s fine. But, not that one. Pick someone else. (Llet her pick, actually. You canā€™t read people like her, you need someone better. Someone you she can trust. She needs to approve of them first.)

Dick is more disapproving, but he understands. Still, this changes how he sees Reader. Sweet innocent helpless Reader has a wild side. (But still reader is clearly helpless, obviously they donā€™t know what theyā€™re doing.)

It also changes how Barbara sees Reader. Or confirms. Barbara runs under the assumption that Reader is more like Bruce than anyone realizes. (Sheā€™s not wrong, but itā€™s not in the way she thinks.) Bruce is a bit of natural flirt, he just hides it in his ā€˜Brucieā€™ persona. Reader apparently takes after that. (Damian sure didnā€™t.)

Damian, is disgusted, disappointed, and disapproving. He doesnā€™t doubt Father will scold you, but your date needs to be dealt with and all other suitors as well. (Heā€™ll take care of it. Heā€™s your brother, thatā€™s his job.)

Tim, however, is legitimately jealous. He wanted to see this side of reader first. He got a glimpse of it before, but he wants it for himself now that he sees the full thing. (Also, right in front of the camera? Did Reader know it was there? If they did, would they be okay with Tim filming them more? Just to observe, please.)

Tim immediately starts pulling up all the information he can about Readerā€™s date. Without Bruceā€™s prompting this time. Bruce does nod in approval before marching to the entrance. Intent on putting an end to this and giving Reader a firm talking to.

It goes, horribly. Date is forced to leave and Bruce tears into Reader. (What happened to the outfit I bought you? Why didnā€™t you tell me you had a date? I didnā€™t approve of this. I donā€™t care that youā€™re back on time or that youā€™re old enough, youā€™re my child! Mine! You get my approval first.)

Reader stays composed, barely. The good news is that the brutal scolding is the only consequence Reader faces. (Bruce is more upset about Reader not seeking his approval than doing something he disapproves of. Heā€™s your father. He should have a damn say. Would you have done this to DĢ“Ķ‘ĢŠĢ“Ģ–ĢžaĢ·Ķ—Ģ‡ĶŽdĢøĢ“ĢŽĢœĶĢ©dĢøĢ†ĢŽĢŖĢ©ĢŸyĢ¶ĢŒĢ›Ģ¼? Why are you doing this to him?)

The bad news, Readerā€™s dateā€™s life is over. With just a few clicks from Tim and approval from Bruce, Dateā€™s family company falling apart. Reported to the government, lawsuits filed by third-parties. Hidden debts needing to be collected NOW. Any misfiled taxes? Found and reported. And, most importantly, all calls and ways for Date to contact reader again, blocked.

Socially and financially, Dateā€™s life is ruined in less than twenty-four hours. Worst of all, Reader doesnā€™t know. Theyā€™re still on cloud nine about the night, despite Bruceā€™s lecture. But, come Sunday morning, two days later, things fall apart.

Date is reported dead. Apparent suic1de just the night before. The financial implosion of the family was named the apparent reason.

Reader is distraught, confused, and hurt. What happened? Whatā€™s going on? This canā€™t be happening. I donā€™t want to lose anymore people I care about. I donā€™t want to lose someone like Momma and Daddy again.

Readerā€™s Gotham friends console Reader, saying itā€™s not their fault. That Date struggled with thought before. Donā€™t blame yourself. (They werenā€™t worth your time.)

Surprisingly enough, itā€™s Dick that finds reader having a borderline breakdown.

Dick clings and coddles and coos, but this time. Reader clings back. Reader clings back tight. Desperate for comfort. Which is surprising for Dick.

Most of the family tends to brush off his attempts at comfort until they hit rock bottom. For once, this isnā€™t someone hitting rock bottom before they need him. This is someone thatā€™s just genuinely sad and overwhelmed and needs wants him.

Dick also ran under the assumption that Reader was allergic to affection, like Damian and Bruce. But, apparently, that wasnā€™t the case. Itā€™s a nice feeling. To have someone not fight him when he tries to be comforting. Someone who is happy to take it. Of course, he doesnā€™t stay long. Once Reader pulls themselves together heā€™s got to get back to Buldhaven, but this time he leaves a bit slower. (But, him leaving somehow makes Reader feel worse.)

Smalltown! Neglected! Meta! Reader X Yandere! Batfam

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5 months ago

Smalltown! Neglected! Meta! Reader x Yandere! Batfam

Part Five

Part One ā˜ļø Part Two ā˜ļø Part Three ā˜ļø Part Four ā˜ļø Part Six ā˜ļø Part Seven

A/N: Starting to realize I need to slow down, things are really getting complicated and I want everything to be included. Including proper warnings and important plot details and to really keep things more polished.

A/N: Also, going through the doubts on my writing, but we is gonna persevere, yā€™all. Iā€™m going to take some time to focus on Obsessions.

Warning(s): Yandere themes, Obsessive behavior, Kidnapping, Vomiting, Slight Stalking

Smalltown! Neglected! Meta! Reader X Yandere! Batfam

After running Dateā€™s life, Tim starts to investigate Reader full throttle. Before it was just something he did to relax between cases when he couldnā€™t shut off his brain. Now, he didnā€™t want to miss anything. Not a single detail. Heā€™d also been having trouble digging up an information on readerā€™s small town.

Apparently, they werenā€™t up to date on their technology. Canā€™t hack computers for information if the computers donā€™t exist. Still, it was nice to find out about Readerā€™s childhood. (Making notes for Bruce to add certain flora and fauna to the Manorā€™s garden and looking up any restaurants in Gotham that he could possibly take Reader too. You know, as friends.) But, Tim was nothing if not stubborn.

Reader, having a bit of whiplash from Dickā€™s comforting and sudden departure starts trying to fill their time by hanging out with Cassandra, Duke, and/or Stephanie.

They also call back home informing Nana about the Date incident. Surprisingly enough, Nana was sympathetic. (Though Reader couldnā€™t help thinking she was using that condescending small town sarcasm. Maybe theyā€™d just been in Gotham for too long?) Regardless, Nana lends a comforting ear and even talks about BFF and their older brother, Childhood Crush, to Reader in an attempt to distract them. Telling them what the two have been up to. (How much they miss you. They canā€™t wait for you to come home visit.)

Reader, however, is a tad more concerned with Younger Brother. Making sure to ask how he is fairing and if he could come visit them in Gotham for a bit. Just to give Nana and Grand Daddy a much needed break since their age is catching up with them. (Arenā€™t you so sweet? Caring so much for your real family.)

But, Nana brushes reader off. No need, heā€™s been hanging out with Childhood Crush and BFF. Theyā€™ve really taken him under their wing. (Theyā€™d make great a great partners. Donā€™t you think, dear?) It does arouse Readerā€™s suspicions, but when they call their Younger Brother, he soundsā€¦ fineā€¦ Said he was having more fun with BFF than Childhood Crush, but thatā€™s a given. (BFF knows Reader best, and wonā€™t let anything happen to him or Reader.) Theyā€™re probably overthinking things about things back home. (That pang of homesickness just doesnā€™t seem to go away.)

At school, however, things were changing.

Damian wasnā€™t lying to himself about scaring off Readerā€™s friends. A few started to avoid Reader suddenly. But, a few, mostly the wealthier ones, stayed close. Not at all bothered by Damianā€™s sudden campaign. Some even introducing Reader to their closer circles.

Readerā€™s happy to have more friends, but the loss of Date and Readerā€™s more down to earth friends weighed on them. Readerā€™s new group felt like an isolated bubble cage that encloses tightly around them (and wouldnā€™t let them go.)

Bruce has been pretty strict about who Reader spends time with since the gala. But, Reader, going stir crazy when Cass, Steph, and Duke, respectively, are to busy (have patrol and missions), decides to ask Barbara if they can hang out with her. (A stranger is better than nothing.)

Timā€™s seems to be too busy with whatever heā€™s doing. (Heā€™s technically spending time on Reader, rather than with Reader.) Reader loves Alfred, but theyā€™re always helping him cook. Dickā€™s gone off on some errand in Buldhaven or Gotham (Reader canā€™t remember, theyā€™re a bit annoyed by how finicky he can be with giving Reader attention.). Jason might actually choke reader if they suggest hanging out. And, Reader is still pissed at Damian for being a rude little shit (Plus, they suspect he has something to do with their friends leaving them. They just canā€™t prove it.)

Barbara agrees to bring Reader to work with her at the Gotham City Library. Fully expecting Reader to mostly stay to themselves or possibly sneak off. (As members of the family are prone to do.) She is pleasantly surprised that Reader actually tends to stay by her side. Of course, Reader goes and gets a few books to curl up with. But, they quietly chat with Barbara, occasionally assisting with task, and mostly just enjoy silent companionship.

Reader doesnā€™t expect Barbara to entertain them, they can entertain themselves. They just donā€™t want to be alone at the moment. (Reader hates being alone when theyā€™re sad. Hate. Hate. Hates it.) Barbara finds the silent and soft companionship to be a balm for the soul, so to speak. Thereā€™s no pressure. No duty. Just companionship. (Itā€™s eases her mind how Reader is willing to stay safe. Theyā€™re not being dramatic or doing something foolish. I can get used to this.)

After the day is over, Barbara reports how Reader behaved back to Bruce. (Didnā€™t wander, stayed close by, wasnā€™t rude or sarcastic. That Gala had to have been a fluke. It has to be those horrible friends of Readerā€™s corrupting them.) If anything, it builds a level of trust with Bruce that Reader can be cautious and they wonā€™t have to worry about them leaving. (Running away. Ha!)

Bruce decides Reader deserves a little more trust. (He wants to spoil his child.) Giving them more leeway to spend time in Gotham. But, only with members of the family. Which would be fine, if they were available. Thereā€™s, unfortunately, been an Arkham Breakout.

The entire family is on high alert for the next few days, especially since Joker escaped this time. (Hell, no. The family isnā€™t risking it. They wonā€™t allow it. If Joker does something to Reader heā€™s dead. Dead. Dead. Dead. Dead. Batman wonā€™t stop anyone for killing him this time if he dares.) The family prioritize his capture, even recruiting the Gotham Sirens and the Superfamily to get the job done. Itā€™s probably the fastest Jokerā€™s ever been caught. (Joker is definitely pissed over the matter. And, will be making it everyoneā€™s problem next time he gets out. What are you protecting Batsy? What are you trying to hide from me? Are we not friends?

Reader gets a brief introduction to Clark Kent during this ordeal. Before, Reader had only seen Conner and Jon around the manor hanging out with Damian and Tim respectively. (Conner would always try to flirt, which annoyed Reader. And, Jon was avoid on principle of being near Damian. Though, Reader was nice if they caught him alone in the manor. Which was growing more frequent recently.)

Clark is charmed, surprised by the Reader having grown up in a Smalltown. For Reader, itā€™s nice to meet someone who understands the longing for simplicity. Though Clark personally felt like he had something bigger to achieve outside of his town. Still they appreciate each otherā€™s mindset. (Clark also wouldnā€™t mind inviting Reader out to the Kent farm. It would be fun to annoy Bruce. Plus, Reader is clearly struggling in Gotham. Heā€™s not wrong.)

With Joker locked up, the family relaxesā€¦ Somewhat. They still have the rest of the rouge gallery to catch and have to work overtime to do it. Hardly any of them are seen outside the Batcave, which Reader is eighty-four percent certain is in the library.

Reader spends a lot of time pacing the halls. Looking at the paintings and furniture. Itā€™s lonely. Itā€™s like living in a house thatā€™s haunted by ghost youā€™re supposed to know, but donā€™t. (If I have to live in a house haunted by ghost, Iā€™d rather be haunted by the ones that loved me. I wanna go home. I want Momma and Daddy. I hate being alone. I hate it here.)

Stephanie, however, having made plans with Reader, finally gets a chance to take them out into Gotham. It takes a nearly a week, but they do manage to get out into the city together. Stephanie showing Reader all her favorite sights, pointing out landmarks and fun things. Itā€™s possibly the funnest day Readerā€™s had since coming to Gotham. Arcades, Ice Skating, food trucks, street performers, itā€™s all new and exciting.

Nothing good last in Readerā€™s life it seems.

In broad daylight, Reader is forcefully grabbed and thrown into the back of a truck.

Thereā€™s a massive down side to being Bruce Wayneā€™s child. You easily get taken hostage and held for ransom.

Stephanie is helpless. She can only watch it happen too far away to make it to Reader in time. The horror and fear on Readerā€™s face made her stomach turn violently.

She immediately called Barbara to start tracking the vehicle and the thugs, sending an alert out to the entire family.

Once done she couldnā€™t stop herself from letting the disgust and shame bubble from her gut out on to the pavement. Just the thought of Reader being hurt making her physically ill. (Give them back. How dare they take whatā€™s mine? Itā€™s my fault. I shouldnā€™t have left them alone. Theyā€™re helpless without me.)

Smalltown! Neglected! Meta! Reader X Yandere! Batfam

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