Plauge Marines 40k - Tumblr Posts
Can we— can we see my vision?— eye color swapsies 🥰🥰🥰

Idk something something thematic parallels any beloved or whatever— World eaters get plague marine green, Tzeentch aligned legions get slaanesh hot pink-, plague marines get tzeentch blue and slaanesh gets khorne red—
It’s fuuunnnn

Well it’s a good thing they like hugs!!!!!
Even better, 9/10 doctors recommend death guard hugs as a great cure for all your sadness!!
Though 99/100 doctors recommend death guard hugs if you don’t like having a functioning liver—

See?! Told you everything would be okay :), just showing off the new friend!

Lil B likes em a lot so sludge guesses he’s okay
Some doodles below the cut!
Sludge being them nasty selves :3 (don’t mind the little noise marine they’re for later-)

Sometimes chaos infects my brain…
Just a little guy 🥰
He just wants your blood for the blood god okay?

Now kiss—

Don’t tell his care taker—

How to introduce human to underlings

Memes referenced below the cut

I figured it was high time for some chaos posting sooo!!
Finally one of storvis’s guardsman can find a new line of work!

I think nurglings should get little tails…it would enhance them. A lot.
Gw pls—

Me too plauge marine. Me too.