Please Do Ask About Them Theyre All Very Silly!!!!! - Tumblr Posts

1 year ago

oc post!

so i wanna start talking about ocs more but i got no clue how to do this so imma put my iterator ocs here since currently i am most fixated on them!

DAWNS_ABOUND local group:

(from oldest to youngest)


>RB (Rotting Balance)

- big edgelord man

- has LOTS of lore

- is rather reclusive. Isn't online often but when he is all of the local group gets pretty tense as he doesn't have the best relations with them (he is deemed dangerous by his ancient whom he got abandoned why, and later the rot incident will add even more tension between him and his local group)

- was built to withstand the rot, the first and last prototype of this experiment due to the zap incident

- thinks he doesn't owe the world anything. if the world has been mean to him, then he'll be twice as mean back (so edgy omfg .....) (get this guy water he's very dehydrated btw) (blame his ancient for that) (oh his ancient's name is Reflections in Last Fracture, Speaks of Mirrors, however that is too long to write so i call him bob instead) (bob stands for big ol' bastard)

- has immense guilt for withholding life saving information from LF during the rot incident, tried to tell himself its not his fault but deep down he knows it is

- has the feistiest evilest red lizard scug mix that was named "The Mauler"

- has coded in "Restriction Protocols" that take away 50% of his water supply for the zap incident

>LiBL (Living in Blissful Light)

- iterator who also used to double as a malware creator before she stopped doing that.

- actually the reason she stopped making malware is because she knew it was very taboo, she did it in secret of course with only the members of her council knowing this.

- has a very strong sense of morals

- is trying to keep her local group together

- her council had to leave her to build CoG once she stopped doing malware, she still kept a portion of her colony but a large part of the colony moved to CoG when she was done being built

- has very good relations with her local group, basically the local sweet old grandma who might or might not be hiding skeletons in her closet (from her previous job as a malware creator </3)

- very distrusting and even more paranoid

>CoG (Crescent of Gold)

- golden child of the council (quite literally, she's decorated in gold with some of her structure's parts being painted gold too!!!)

- active malware creator who is disguised as a normal iterator, once again only her council and LiBL know this. LiBL actually was used to train her (against LiBL's best wishes)

- helps LiBL watch over the local group (pretty big local group, actually has 13 members, however i do not have that much ocs) (techincally the local group is 2 local groups merged but shhhhh don't tell anyone!!)

- has a very large and politically powerful colony, her Grand Master of Cabinets (basically like the council of the councils) always had beef with KARMAS_GATE group's Grand Master of Cabinets

- also has beef with RB post-rot incident

Second gen:

>MLtT (Marbles Lost to Time)

- were on good terms with pretty much almost everyone in their local group

- couldn't do much as their structure was never finished being built, ancients used to describe it as "an abomination of scaffolding and terrible business decisions"

- never stayed with the same group of ancient either, always got handed from one ancient to another

- collapsed pretty early, even before SoS's ascension, so i think if you were to tell them about how an iterator sent out a triple affirmative their mind would be blown

- managed to get out of the ruins of their structure, walked around hanging on for dear life, got adopted by scavengers

- trying to make it to the nearest communication array or group member to send out a signal that they're alright and alive

- actually did send out a signal similar to that before right after collapse, but it was automatically done by the structure, and was rather weak due to their ruined communication arrays. it was a distress signal, which got the attention of SUDoR and EoE

>EoE (East of Eden)

- oh he's so edgy too <3

- is currently trying to see what the hell happened to marbles because he noticed that they are no longer at their ruins, however cannot pick up signals from them as their antenna are damaged, thus they can no longer be tracked down easily

- 3rd rank malware hunter doubling as an average iterator, the group's anti-virus dude basically!!!

- was very good friends with marbles before they collapsed

- also was unfortunate enough to be friends with Eye of the Storm (what happens next will shock you) (3 am) (EoE gets used as a method for storm to have her work done, regrets it instantly)

- sort of distrusting, but will be fine with you as long as you aren't causing trouble!

Third Gen:

(all of these are basically built only a few cycles apart)

(me and my bestie have nicknamed them the Triple A Batteries <3) (they're all besties)

> LF (Lingering Fog)

- oh oh silly guy very silly guy who let the guy be so silly

- later gets the rot in the rot incident, there are two variants to this, one where he dies and one where he lives

- loved to joke around and be very silly pre-rot incident. Still remains silly post-rot incident if he lives, however is also a lot more tired and gets sick rather easily. the rot did a lot of damage to him

- tried and failed to befriend RB, thought RB was cool and mysterious despite the many warnings he got from other group members that RB was deemed dangerous by his ancient and should be left alone

- forgives way too easily and quickly for his own good

- helped create The Mauler, mostly just providing instructions

- also attempted to help RB get rid of his "Restriction Protocols", accidentally set off RB's paranoia and RB promptly locked himself away from everyone including LF. Later when LF's rot worsened, he tried to ask RB for help but got no response back

- besties with ash and smoke!

>AFfA (Ashes Falling from Above)

- i am not able to write much about them as they are not my oc!

- they are my friend's oc!! if you want more lore for them please ask @ardienothesieno (my bestie <3) - here is the link for ash lore btw!

@mothsakura did this for everybody else in DAWNS_ABOUND, so i thought i'd do one for ash as well!! ASHES FROM ABOVE gen 3 iterator, they/

>SUDoR (Smoke Upon Droplets of Rain)

- sad little thing ....

- anxiety arc is beating them up rn

- was good friends with marbles before their collapse, sent them a lot of neurons in response to their weak distress call

- really hopes that marbles is safe and alright

- smoke, stop worrying about everything challenge (impossible) (3 am)

- bonded with ashes over their backstories, became good friends!

- fog was silly and smoke let fog stick around so now they're good friends too!

- has two little critters that visit them often: The coward (slugcat) and the coward's companion :The Vengeful (scavenger)

- my first iterator oc actually!!

- tried to ascend by deleting all of their code in a fit of sadness, was talked out of it by marbles

- apologizes way too much Filler Characters: - Grim Speculations (some lore) - Visions of Issues Unforeseen (some lore) - Calling Voids (SO MUCH LORE!!!!! at this point more of a secondary character than filler!) - Quiet and Falling (no lore) - Broken Shards of Glass (no lore)


KARMAS_GATE group (north east of DAWNS_ABOUND group):


>FA (False Alarm)

- way too senile and old to deal with her local group

- she's the 8th prototype for the iterator project, so basically pre-gen 1

- can never do anything, max thing she'll say is "oh stop doing that please" if her local group is fighting again

- falling apart slowly and she's not happy with it (rest in pieces... iterator arthritis finally got her ....)

- not much lore about her yet

Late Gen 1/Early Gen 2:

>EotS (Eye of the Storm)

- evil thing

- terrorizes her whole local group

- never does their work either (this does have a backstory as to why actually!), always tries to weasel his way out of it by making someone else do her work for him

- spreads lies and misinformation and not in the silly and cute way :(

- a pain to deal with, even more of a pain to keep her from causing trouble

- very politically powerful ancients

- not much lore either

- oh is based off of a foxglove plant because he's just as toxic as one <3

- i love this evil thing

- rank 2 malware hunter but never does their job anyways so it doesn't matter Filler characters: - 6 Steps Forward - Harrowing Fallacy - Crawling Night

___ STATIONARY_CAUSE Senior: ?? Mid-Late gen 2: >A Piercing Cry - little malware bastard - hides behind a mask of 'oh i am so scary i know malware' but once he's outed as a malware creator and tracked down he becomes his true self: a crybaby coward - bootlegs code for a living, pretends to do work but actually just doesn't know how to - got tracked down and outed as a malware creator by 6 Daggers Dealt Mid gen 3: >6 Daggers Dealt - mean and bitter, her experience as a malware hunter has jaded her view on the world - basically the artificer of iterators, believes that every malware hunter should be deactivated (no questions asked) - never known to be merciful, even among other malware hunters - very protective of the people close to her, but has a terrible habit of jumping to conclusions.. which more often than not hurts the people around her. - she wasn't always like this, she once had two close friends (like a found family basically!), unfortunately said two close friends caught malware and collapsed shortly after. Filler characters: - Exclamation in Desperation (My sona!! some lore) - Towards the Direction of the Water (@17magpiesinatrenchcoat 's filler character!) - ?? - ??? - ???? ___

these are all of the iterator ocs so far! i plan on adding more, and if i change the lore or add another one i will edit this post!

the lore details are very vague on this so if you have questions do ask me about them!! i would love to ramble about the sillies!

do please ask specifically about what ya' wanna see tho, as theres simply too much lore to tell or remember in one ramble! <- none of the lore is written down :(

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