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video of cute jimin a day keeps the bad mood away
good morning i come bearing calvery headcanons
is half abyssian. is the son of two blacksmiths who fell in love. they were rivals originally but ended up combining their trade and working together. he has a brother named atlas who continues the family business
going off of this, he speaks abyssian. him and percy (who learned it from thade) speak it together (they shit talk people together this way)
hella strong intimidating vibes, but it’s because he’s EERILY quiet around most people. but when he gets to know someone he NEVER shuts up around them
big guy. he’s around 6’6 and is pretty built (muscle + chub). also fucking RADIATES heat since his mom was a magma variant of abyssian. didn’t inherit many abyssian traits however (including magic. he’s tried but he’s got nothing. however like the magma abyssians he Is resistant to fire)
the reason that calvery got betrayed by the rubberfishes is because he saved a kid (nathan) from skintaker. the two of them have a really strong father-son relationship and cal would do ANYTHING to keep him safe
speaking of the rubberfishes, he originally got tangled up with them because his father owed horace money. he joined the crew in hopes that in exchange for work, horace would forgive his father’s debt (spoiler: He Did Not)
cal’s slowly mellowed out overtime. he used to be super on edge and aggressive with the laughingstock, but he definitely cares a great deal for all of them
Any good Harley Quinn x Poison Ivy shipping fan blogs out there? Asking for a “friend” 😅👀🥵👉👈😍

can someone explain to me why no one talks about the sick episode in Amagi Brilliant Park?! it is literally the death of me every time. (cuz I totally haven’t watched the episode 20 times…)