Please God (erica Messer) Save My Meow Meows - Tumblr Posts
im so glad we're on the exact same page 🤝 . dude i have been BEGGING for years for them to just do a prequel series with ben savage and robert dunne. it would be so fun, and robert dunne genuinely deserves more work than he has😭 hes such a funny dude. like??? give us funny early-days BSU hijinks, give us hints to the main series. give us Actual Information about rossi and gideon (we know absolutely nothing about their life pre-BAU and thats a crime. and pre-war for dave. does dave even Have a family😭?)
you genuinely cannot do an episode like nelsons sparrow, have david rossi commit a genuine crime (downright murdering mallick) in cold blood and with intent, and Not Mention It Again. like "i miss gideon" brother you Fabricated Self Defense so you could avenge him. Brother He Named His Kid After You.
(i'm so regular about them). anyways give me better post-gideon content CME
Now that they've run out of Dave's ex-wives to bring back and have him fall in love with, they're bringing back Gideon's ex-wife?