Nelson's Sparrow - Tumblr Posts

2 years ago

What I love abt s10e13 Nelson's Sparrow, is that it's practically canon that 90% of the lingo for the BAU originated from Rossi and Gideon bullying each other and then going: hmm, that fucks, actually

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2 years ago

me : oh wow these two make an amazing pair! they were canonically best friends for decades that i wish we could've seen, there's just the right amount of angst with them falling out, the first half of the otp dies later in the series and their last act was a clue to their murder that ONLY THE SECOND HALF OF THE OTP WOULD BE ABLE TO FIND OUT, that second half quite literally risked dying just to kill the first half's murderer, even years after the second half's death the first half still relies on them heavily, its the perfect best friends to lovers (to strangers) trope-

the source material, only giving them less than an episode in the same room together : 👍

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2 years ago

thinking very much today about how the entirety of "nelson's sparrow" was probably like ripping open the stitches of an old wound, for rossi?

spoilers for "nelson's sparrow", ofc❤️

(yes of course the episode focused a large amount on reid's grief, and you could say the exact same thing for reid!... but literally Everyone Has. like. come ON ?????? did you SEE ROSSI'S FACE WHEN HE SEES STEPHEN AGAIN??? DID YOU SEE HIM ALMOST CRYING IN THE CAR WITH REID? BECAUSE HE WAS SO CLOSE!)

rossi had convinced himself he was okay with whatever feelings he still had left lingering for gideon as they drifted apart during his retirement, platonic or otherwise. either way, they were close close ! you can't deny that. gideon literally named his son after rossi 😭.

and then gideon died.

and, nearly immediately? rossi questions if gideon ever truly cared for him, as much as he cared for gideon.

"you know, back then, i would've bet my life we'd always be close...... but maybe we never were. maybe, after all these years, i just... rewrote our history."

(<3 kirstin vangsness killing me, as usual. i love when she writes so much. that is such a raw line dude)

back to my main point :

even WITH these feelings, these awful feelings of doubt? in the end of "nelson's sparrow", he KILLS to avenge gideon!

he could say he killed mallick in self defense. he could say he killed mallick because he was just outraged at the torture he'd put those poor girls through.

... but that wouldn't be true!

not completely, anyway.

see, i think?...

he killed mallick because of that picture gideon kept in his wallet.

he killed mallick because of the years and years of torment this monster put gideon through.

he killed mallick because maybe, just MAYBE, killing him would make the loss easier. (it didn't.)

rossi SAYS he doesn't see the unsubs they face as monsters anymore- they're just humans who made bad choices. killers, but not monsters. he compares it to underestimating an opponent on the battlefield.

... but that sentiment doesn't apply when they hurt his family. they're "cowards", "bastards", ANY name he can throw at them.

and that is so important to me.

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1 year ago

I have a lot of feelings about S10E13, but I'll make another post for my hossi feelings. First, this though:

Where is my BAU: The Origins show??

I Have A Lot Of Feelings About S10E13, But I'll Make Another Post For My Hossi Feelings. First, This

"We were the BSU back then, Behavioral Science Unit. They used to call us the BS unit."

I Have A Lot Of Feelings About S10E13, But I'll Make Another Post For My Hossi Feelings. First, This

Can you feel robbed of a thing if you didn't know it existed 50 minutes ago? WELL YEAH, I SURE DO! Look at how awesome they are! The acting is so stellar and it would be so damn interesting to watch and ahh. Their dynamic is so great 😭

I Have A Lot Of Feelings About S10E13, But I'll Make Another Post For My Hossi Feelings. First, This
I Have A Lot Of Feelings About S10E13, But I'll Make Another Post For My Hossi Feelings. First, This

"You're going to be a father."

I Have A Lot Of Feelings About S10E13, But I'll Make Another Post For My Hossi Feelings. First, This

"A signature."

"Oh a signature, I like that. Let's call it that."

I Have A Lot Of Feelings About S10E13, But I'll Make Another Post For My Hossi Feelings. First, This

"You can buy us a plane someday."

"You tell me, profiler."

"Takes one to know one, you're going to be a father too."

"Good work, agent."

I would watch so many seasons of this. @masterwords let's write a screenplay to send back in time to abc right after this aired 😭😂

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8 months ago

im so glad we're on the exact same page 🤝 . dude i have been BEGGING for years for them to just do a prequel series with ben savage and robert dunne. it would be so fun, and robert dunne genuinely deserves more work than he has😭 hes such a funny dude. like??? give us funny early-days BSU hijinks, give us hints to the main series. give us Actual Information about rossi and gideon (we know absolutely nothing about their life pre-BAU and thats a crime. and pre-war for dave. does dave even Have a family😭?)

you genuinely cannot do an episode like nelsons sparrow, have david rossi commit a genuine crime (downright murdering mallick) in cold blood and with intent, and Not Mention It Again. like "i miss gideon" brother you Fabricated Self Defense so you could avenge him. Brother He Named His Kid After You.

(i'm so regular about them). anyways give me better post-gideon content CME

Now that they've run out of Dave's ex-wives to bring back and have him fall in love with, they're bringing back Gideon's ex-wife?

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