“…the blue light problem from these new phones is getting CRAZY…”
Hyperspecific Poll: Childhood Edition! (“Childhood” means anything that happened when you were under 18)
Dentist pulled out a loose baby tooth and accidentally flung it across the room
Threw up on another child at daycare and then never went back
Got to take home and babysit your classrooms pet tortoise
Watched a parent use a golf club as a makeshift snake hook to move a venomous snake
Got bitten by a squirrel
Found out that you have a half sibling that no one ever told you about
Had to drop out of public school to become homeschooled due to mental health issues
Slept with Christmas lights in your bedroom because you were terrified of the dark
None of these
Multiple of these
(Mod, if any of these are too long you can just put a * on them and have a note at the bottom of the poll with the full question)