Please Make More Of These - Tumblr Posts

3 years ago

Gah I love this so very very much!!! I absolutely love Crosshair and Omega anything!!! I don’t know why but I love this pairing and wish there was more to this or a lot more like this out there!!!

Please please make more Crosshair and Omega Fanfictions but not with reader added/insert whatever lol. I love them so much!!!

Gah I Love This So Very Very Much!!! I Absolutely Love Crosshair And Omega Anything!!! I Dont Know Why
Gah I Love This So Very Very Much!!! I Absolutely Love Crosshair And Omega Anything!!! I Dont Know Why
Gah I Love This So Very Very Much!!! I Absolutely Love Crosshair And Omega Anything!!! I Dont Know Why
Gah I Love This So Very Very Much!!! I Absolutely Love Crosshair And Omega Anything!!! I Dont Know Why
Gah I Love This So Very Very Much!!! I Absolutely Love Crosshair And Omega Anything!!! I Dont Know Why


Rating: SFW/PG

Word Count: 1.2k

Pairing: none

Warnings: I mean its crosshair, and hes an angsty bitch with or without chip so ANGST. Also its fluffy :)

Summary: The bad batch has rescued their missing member, Crosshair, from the empire and removed his chip. How will his return to the group go, especially now that Omega has joined in his absence?

Authors note: Someone requested a touching moment between Crosshair and Omega with him returning from the empire and I loved that idea so im running with it. Thanks @gokyacetakal for the request!

tags: @mangoberry99

Crosshair came to slowly, the first thing he saw were bright lights above him. His hand reached to his head, expecting the sharp pain he usually felt on the right side. No pain came though. He only felt a medpatch on the spot that used to give him a headache.

“Crosshair? Can you hear me?” He recognized that annoying voice. It sounded like his intellectual brother.

“I think he’s waking up.” A deeper voice spoke this time. Crosshair opened his eyes and saw Tech standing over his body, data pad in hand. Hunter was on the other side of him, arms crossed and watching him. “How do you feel?” Hunter asked.

Crosshair tried sitting up, trying to remember what happened. “Why am I here?” He asked. He must’ve sounded testy. Based on the exchanged look between Hunter and Tech, they were trying to be careful about what they said.

“We came to bring you back.” Hunter said, looking back to him. “Never should've left you.” He looked slightly apologetic as he said it, but when he finished his face went back to his typical expression, brooding and betraying no emotion.

“And we removed your inhibitor chip,” Tech chimed in.

“My what?” Crosshair asked. He looked at Tech suspiciously, eyebrows knitted together.

Tech then launched into the explanation. All clones had inhibitor chips, which affected their cognitive functions, which had forced the clones to follow orders without questions. Crosshairs had been the only functioning one in the group.

Crosshair was processing for a moment, while the other two watched him.

“Is he up??” A loud voice boomed on the other side of the door. Crosshair immediately recognized it as Wreckers. He rolled his eyes. Here we go. He thought to himself.

Wrecker barreled through the door. “Cross! Hey buddy!” He shoved past Tech and Hunter and got to the edge of the bed, slamming his hands onto the rails. Crosshair looked annoyed, but he was happy to be back. He preferred being with the bad batch, his family, rather than those regs. And the Empires new troopers were even worse.

Echo walked in after Wrecker, eyeing up Crosshair. He stood at the other end of the room, the furthest away from Crosshair. “So, you feel like shooting any of us?” Echo asked. He seemed suspicious, and guarded too when he said it. Everyone else looked back to Echo, then to Crosshair again.

“Not yet I don’t.” Crosshair said, returning the suspicious gaze to Echo.

“Not even if you were ordered to?” Tech added.

They all paid close attention to him after Tech mentioned orders.

He realized they all weren’t sure if his programming was still affecting him. He shrugged. “Following orders is overrated.”

Wrecker looked confused at the word choice. Tech smiled briefly, then went back to the data pad, as if he were documenting Crosshair's behavior. Hunter nodded approvingly, and he looked more relaxed too. Echo eyed up Crosshair once more. He relaxed after a moment and took a few steps forward, seeming satisfied. “Welcome back Crosshair.” He said.

“Aww yeah!” Wrecker said, jumping up and punching his fist in the air. Then he put his arm around Crosshair “Good to have you back!” Crosshair pushed his arm off, but he was happy to have things more or less back to normal.

The door opened again, and a small figure stepped in. Omega. So much for getting back to normal. Crosshair eyed her. He noticed his comm unit strapped onto her forearm. He scowled at her as she entered. My replacement.

“So you kept her around.” He said, not being subtle about his disapproval. Echo stepped in front of Omega protectively, and shot a glance back to Crosshair. He wasn’t happy with that comment.

“She’s one of us. And she’s part of the squad now.” Hunter spoke, and Crosshair looked back at him. He spoke confidently, and raised his eyebrows to Crosshair as he stared at him. Be nice, his expression seemed to say. “Don’t worry, you’ll like her!” Wrecker whispered and pointed at Omega.

Crosshair shook his head, and went to stand up. “Hi Crosshair!” Omega peeked out behind Echo and waved, smiling at him. He watched her curiously. After a moment of her waving and Crosshair not returning the smile or wave, she walked up to him.

“You don’t seem so angry anymore. I’m glad you’re back!” She spoke a bit quickly. He raised an eyebrow. “It’s good to be back.” He said, testing the conversation.

“I didn’t take your bed, or touch your weapons or anything, I promise!” The words tumbled out, and Crosshair recognized she was nervous. He sighed. “Don’t look so scared.” He began walking past her and patted her shoulder as he went.

“You’re here, so you’re here. Welcome to the squad.” He turned over his shoulder to say the last part to her. He was a bit tense as he spoke, but he saw the rest of the squad’s attachment. He had to admit to himself her harmless and innocent demeanor was beginning to grow on him. He wanted to try and play nice, for everyone else’s sake.

Omega smiled widely. “Thanks!” He only stared at her curiously, still scowling a bit. “Come on boys. Let’s give Crosshair his space.” Hunter spoke, nodding to Crosshair. Crosshair returned the gesture. “Aww.” Wrecker said. He sadly shuffled out. Echo followed, then Hunter stood at the door.

“It is good to have you back, Crosshair.” Tech said to him, looking up from his data pad as he said it, then patted his shoulder. Crosshair patted his arm in return. Tech then left the room.

Omega looked like she was contemplating something. She turned and started to walk out, Hunter waiting for her. Crosshair turned and watched her movements carefully. “Crosshair?” she stopped and turned around, looking at him a bit nervously.

“What kid?” He looked down at her as he spoke, feeling her anticipation. She looked down shyly. “I was wondering… with your enhanced skill you’re a good shot, and I got a new weapon. I was wondering if you could help me with some target practice sometime.” She looked back up to him as she finished, shoulder shrugged a little like she was ready to apologize for asking.

Crosshair's eyebrows raised in shock, surprised that Omega would ask him for any help. He quickly wiped the expression off of his face, and relaxed a bit as he watched her demeanor. He was beginning to understand the team's attachment to her. “From what I saw, you’re not a bad shot.” He said. He distinctly remembered her shooting his weapon out of his hands. She lit up a bit as he complimented her. “We’ll see if you can keep up with me during my practice.”

Omega interpreted this as a yes, and she smiled with excitement. “Come on, Omega,” Hunter waved her over to the door. “See ya, Crosshair!” Omega waved and left. Hunter smiled at her as she walked past him to exit.

“Thanks Crosshair.” Hunter looked back up to Crosshair as he spoke.

“I guess you figured out kids after all.” Crosshair said, ignoring the thanks.

Hunter's eyebrows furrowed like he was deciphering the meaning behind what Crosshair said. He shrugged. “We did our best.” He exited and let the door close.

They did their best, huh? Crosshair contemplated what Hunter said.

I guess I will too.

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3 years ago

I absolutely LOVE this so very much!!! I love Crosshair and Omega Fanfictions because there’s something about these two beloved characters to me! I love their dynamic and how much Omega loves him without caring about herself.

She’s so selfless and Crosshair needs her and that kind of undying love and kindness towards him especially from his little loving sister!

Crosshair's Back! (And you can't stop me)

A/N: Okay, so this is an exert from my CrosshairxOC fanfiction I'm working on. The story itself is set after the events of the season finale, so I make happen whatever I want to happen. So here: I give you part of this chapter. Quick background: Crosshair was taken back by the Empire, but they found no use for him and were going to end him. The Batch turned around and came back for him, rescuing him from the Empire and ACTUALLY removing the chip. That's where this chapter picks up. I went for a dramatic feel. Hope I accomplished that. ^^'

Also, if you want to be tagged whenever I post the rest of the story, just let me know!


Warnings: None; lotta pain and regret, but a happy ending, I promise.

Word count: 846 (really short)

It hurt.

Everything hurt.

His head was pounding, his muscles burned. His legs ached as if he had been running mile after mile. His lungs begged for air, but every breath was excruciatingly painful. Every fiber of his being was screaming out in agony. And yet, for the first time in Lord knows how long, there was one ache missing. One tiny-but-sharp pain missing from the side of his head.

Instinctively, ignoring the pulsing burn that traveled up his arm, his hand found its way to his head. He braced himself as his fingers brushed that familiar spot, waiting for the tormented thought to rush through his mind. Good soldiers follow orders.

A bandage?

No skull-splitting headache ensued. Instead, he found himself pressing his palm to a small, soft bandage plastered onto his skull. The only voice in his mind was his own. There was no one else, telling him to obey orders, to follow the Empire, to hurt his brothers.

A groan escaped his lips. He forced his eyes to open, but immediately regretted it when a bright light flooded his vision. He hissed in a breath.


He tried again, slower. He was greeted by the face of a young, golden-haired child. Her brown eyes were filled with worry. Concern. Were those tears? Why did she look so scared?

“Crosshair! Can you hear me?”

“Omega?” Yes, that was her name. Omega.

Her eyes lit up. A smile spread across her face. “Crosshair! You’re okay!”

A chorus of voices that he couldn’t make out surrounded him. Pats to his aching shoulders, a set of hands helping him to a sitting position, all touches he could feel but not fully comprehend. He was disoriented, displaced. Until that child climbed up in front of him and threw her arms around his neck. Suddenly, his floating mind grounded itself in this girl’s hug. Everything came into focus and he could finally make out four faces he knew, oh, so well.

“How do you feel, Cross?” Hunter. He placed his hand on Crosshair’s shoulder.

Crosshair grunted in response. He felt again. That was enough. Even if it was pain he was feeling, it was still better than nothing.

“How’s your head?” Omega’s small voice was pleading. Gingerly, she reached up to touch the bandage, but he grabbed her wrist before she could. Her small body tensed and her eyes grew wide as his action. She stared at him until he loosened his grip. He let go of her hand entirely and his gaze blankly fell to the metal surface he was sitting on.

“You came back for me…” His voice trailed off. Even to himself, he sounded weak and pathetic.

“We did, Cross. We weren’t going to leave you, not again.” Hunter squeezed his shoulder. “I’m sorry we didn’t come back sooner. We should’ve—”

“No, no you shouldn’t’ve.” The sniper kept his eyes locked on absolutely nothing. He knew that one look at his brother’s face and he would crack to pieces. “The Empire… They would’ve…” He squeezed his eyes shut. Images of his rifle sights set on Hunter crowded his mind. “I would’ve… killed…”

“Crosshair, look at me,” Omega spoke with all the force of a commanding officer. She cupped his rough face in her soft, delicate hands and gently tugged him until he looked into her eyes. “It wasn’t you. You didn’t do any of that. It was the chip.”

“But… But I…”

“It wasn’t you, Crosshair.” Omega smiled at him, those eyes lighting up like a thousand stars. “We missed you.” Before he could protest, she hugged his flaming torso and buried herself in his chest. She gave him a light squeeze, being mindful of his many bruises.

He stared down at her in wide-eyed shock. She felt so warm, so alive. She was willing to hug him, to… to love him, even after everything he had done. What did he do to deserve that kind of undying loyalty? Absolutely nothing. He had tried to hurt his brothers, to force them to join the Empire. And yet, here was this little girl, clinging to him, as if she never wanted him to leave again.

“We did miss you, Cross,” Hunter spoke, his smoky voice low and sorrowful. “We’re sorry.” He joined Omega, wrapping his arms around Crosshair’s shoulders and Omega’s back. “I’m sorry.”

One by one, Echo, Wrecker and Tech fell in and pulled their long-lost brother into a warm embrace. Crosshair could do nothing but sit there, fighting every emotion that came welling up inside him. He was a soldier. He couldn’t give into this… He couldn’t allow emotion to…

He broke. The tears he tried to ward off came flowing out, and he hugged Omega tightly to himself. He cried into her shoulder, his own shaking with each sob, and his brothers held him closer. “We love you, Crosshair,” Omega whispered as she stroked his head.

Finally, he was back where he belonged, with his squad. He was with his family. And nothing, absolutely NOTHING was ever going to tear him from them again.

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3 years ago

Shared this already (not sure if it was from the same poster) I believe but I needed to do it again. I absolutely LOVE these two characters so much especially together (not sure why but they make me happy especially together). I believe that she makes Crosshair think in a positive/different way (she is the kindest and is one of the most compassionate people in all of the Star Wars universe. Also, she loves him even after he specifically told his men to shoot her or anything else that he did against her. I think/believe that Crosshairs chip is still in but just malfunctioning and not working like it used to. So I think he still loyal to the empire in most ways (saw that he can’t still be COMPLETELY loyal as he still killed his men whether to get them to join the empire. That is something against what “good soldiers” do in my opinion) but at the same time Omega makes Crosshair have more of a conscience if that makes sense any sense. If you make or find any Fanfictions or anything else with Crosshair AND Omega especially interactions with them...please somehow share them with me if possible. Thank you so much, I’m so obsessed with finding everything with these two in them! Sorry for the long explanation and request...hopefully it doesn’t bother anyone. May The Force Be With You!

Speaking Of Content I Desperately Crave. Bring Back Toasty Toothpick Man. I Will Not Rest Till The Bad

Speaking of content I desperately crave. Bring back toasty toothpick man. I will not rest till the Bad batch is a whole family again.

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3 years ago

Hopefully it is okay to reblog this again…just hoping that maybe someone new will see this and share any content with these two especially Fanfiction!

Someone please please please help me!!!! I cannot find barely anywhere (especially any that aren’t just a one shot) Fanfictions for Crosshair AND Omega. I’m looking for mainly ones that have just the characters from SW/TBB, not ones where the reader can insert themselves/make up the character(s) for themselves. If that makes sense at all (have TBI, traumatic brain injury and my sentences and words don’t always come out right/make the best sense).

I’ve read most on both Archive Of Our Own and FanFiction.Net is there anywhere else to find any? Or anyone that is currently working on any and/or finished work, etc :).

Apparently, I must be in a category mainly on my own with NEEDING these two and not getting enough of them. I’m SOOOO heartbroken over the finale! I don’t know why I’m so in love with these two characters and especially their dynamic together!!!!

Thank you so very very much in advance and if you are a big SW fan I would love to follow you! Always looking for pictures, Fanfictions, etc on this fandom especially for The Mandalorian and The Bad Batch!!! 🙏💜🧡💛💚😬🥺😍😻

Someone Please Please Please Help Me!!!! I Cannot Find Barely Anywhere (especially Any That Arent Just
Someone Please Please Please Help Me!!!! I Cannot Find Barely Anywhere (especially Any That Arent Just
Someone Please Please Please Help Me!!!! I Cannot Find Barely Anywhere (especially Any That Arent Just
Someone Please Please Please Help Me!!!! I Cannot Find Barely Anywhere (especially Any That Arent Just
Someone Please Please Please Help Me!!!! I Cannot Find Barely Anywhere (especially Any That Arent Just
Someone Please Please Please Help Me!!!! I Cannot Find Barely Anywhere (especially Any That Arent Just

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3 years ago

Anyone who follows me knows I am OBSESSED WITH CROSSHAIR AND OMEGA ANYTHING!!!!!!!!! This is absolutely well done and gives me all the feels and is approved by the obsessed Crosshair and Omega fan girl lol. I need MORE of this and ANYTHING Crosshair and Omega, pretty pretty pretty please help me and make more pictures/fan art but especially FANFICTION!!!!! Thank you for making this, made my day!!!

groguandthebadbatch - Untitled

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3 years ago

Just exactly what I needed as these are my favorite characters and pairing!

Little tbb fanfic (Omega and Crosshair)

(I kinda wrote this for @groguandthebadbatch after they reblogged my other fic so I was like "Fuck sleep" and quickly wrote this down, hope it doesn't have typos anymore. Have fun!)

"You're always so grumpy."

Crosshair didn't answer. He pretended to sleep. He didn't really know what to say, but Omega knew he wasn't sleeping. How could he? They were both kept awake by their thoughts. They were similar in ways he didn't even wanted to understand really.

"It's like you're hiding something", continued Omega.

Crosshair hesitated. "Like what?", he finally asked, not really out of curiosity, but to lead the conversation to an end.

"Not... a secret. More like... a feeling." She thought for some moments. "Hunter gets grumpy when he can't figure out something. Tech does too. But mostly it goes away when I talk to them."

"Is that why you talk and not sleep."


"We got a long day tomorrow. I won't carry you."

"I can walk."

Crosshair turned his head. Omega layed on the other side of the fire, hands crossed behind her head, looking up to the stars. A slight smile covered her face. It's something she almost always does. Smiling.

Crosshair chuckled. "I'd sure like to see how you see the world. Must be interesting."

He was sarcastic, but she didn't care. "It's nice", she says. "The world, I mean. All the planets and people and colours... there is just so much out there."

"There is a lot of bad stuff", Crosshair said after a pause.

Omega paused to. "Echo says we have to think about the good things", she finally said.

"You really do rely on what they say huh."

"Don't you miss them?"


"If you miss them."

Crosshair looked back at her. She stared at him too. She didn't smile anymore, her face was more concerned. Full of pity. He didn't like that she pitied him, so maybe purely out of stubborness, he said: "No."

"I would miss them terribly if I knew I could never go back to them. And I've just been with them for a few months. You've been their brother for years." She paused and sat up. "I can't believe you."

He tried not to look at her. He didn't wanted to blurt out his feeling infront of this young thing who were with his brothers now instead of him. But she had something on her that grew the strong urge in him to do exactly that: Tell her the truth.

Because the truth was a yes. Of course he missed them. But they made a choice he could not agree on. And they took her with them instead of him.

He should be angry at her for replacing him. His eyes turned back to her. He tried to find a single bit of something bad in her, something he could truly hate without it feeling like he betrayed himself. But all he could find was two caring eyes in the same colours as his were, and a smile that made him feel like an idiot.

Because he was. Osik. He turned his face to the stars again and closed his eyes.

How should he find something to hate in her at the exact same time he was trying to bring her back to Hunter? What did he try to proof to himself. He knew what Hunter saw in her, what he tries to protect so desperately. But Crosshair could not do that. He already bet all his coins, everything he had, on the wrong side.

The wrong side? Is that really what I am thinking now?

He opened his eyes again, just to stare directly in his sisters face.

He would have banged his head on hers if she would not have been quick and stepped away when he sat up. The words to yell at her for startling him got stuck in his throat somehow. For some moments, they just stared each other, face to face, waiting for the other one to do something.

"Fear?", Omega finally said. "Is it that? Are you afraid of something?"

"Your steps are damn quiet."

"Just like yours." She smiled in an odd way Crosshair couldn't really interpret. Like she did learn something new. Thankful, somehow.

"I'm not afraid of anything. Go to sleep. I ain't singing you a lullaby."

"You know what I am often afraid of? To be alone."

She didn't speak out the "Are you too?" but it stood between them like she did. They just stared at each other, eye to eye, waiting again.

Then her eyes suddenly got real tired. She started to look around like she waited for something. Crosshair sighed.


"I'm cold. I can't sleep."

"I already made a fire."

"It's still cold. Like, on the side where isn't a fire."

Crosshair fought the urge to sigh again. He pointed with his chin on his backpack. "There is a blanket in there."

Cheerfully but still tired, Omega kinda jumped to the backpack and opened it. "Where?"

"Under all the other stuff."

"Woah, is that a knife? Can I use that?"

"What? No! I -" Crosshair sighed again and got up. "Don't touch the knife. The blanket is under everything. Hold on, step back. Here, hold this." She gave her a bunch of things to hold and she smiled again. He pulled out a blanket. "Here. Put the stuff back."

She grabbed the blanket and went back to the place where she slept, laying down and snuggling in. He went back to his place too.

After he layed down and watched her some moments he asked: "Better?"

She just mumbled something into the blanket, already half asleep. Crosshair figured she was fine so he stared up at the stars again.

But after a while, Crosshair heard her voice again. She mumbled something he didn't understood so he didn't react, but she didn't give up and said it louder.


It was odd how she said his name. But in a way that was okay with him.

"What is it?"

Silence. A thoughtful moment.

"Nothing", she finally said, closing her eyes again.

But Crosshair turned his head back to her. He knew what she wanted to say. And he kinda was glad she didn't say it because he knew he would not have known how to react, that's why she might not have said it.

But he knew. Omega loved him. After all he did, even though she doesn't even knew him that good, she still does. And he had no idea what to do with that knowledge.

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3 years ago

Yay another Crosshair and Omega mini fic? Not sure what to call these but I LOVE it along with anything to do with these two. Need more Fanfictions for them!!!

Crosshair: *doing his thing, death-staring into the void, chewing on his toothpick*

Omega: *comes nearer, watching him a while, smiles at him*

Crosshair: ...

Crosshair: what do you want

Omega: Can I have a toothpick too?

Crosshair: ...

Crosshair: fine

Crosshair: *takes out toothpicks, hands them to her*

Omega: *takes one and puts it in her mouth*

Omega: *proceeds to chew and eat the thing like a pretzel stick*


Crosshair: Kid.

Crosshair: Kid, no.

Crosshair: *drags Omega to Hunter* take your child back

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3 years ago

I LOVE THIS SO MUCH SO FAR!!!! I need A LOT of Crosshair and Omega interactions in this pretty pretty please!!!! You are the best for tagging me too!!! READ HER WORK ESPECIALLY IF YOU ARE A CROSSHAIR AND OMEGA FAN TOO!!!! I’m also super happy it’s not a OC or OC romantic interest fic too…those make me not want to read as much…takes away from their awesome and fantastic dynamic!

Broken: Prologue

Read on Ao3

Chapter 1

A/N: Broken is a TBB Modern AU story I've come up with. Big kudos and shoutout goes to @chaoticvampirejedi for all the encouragement she's given me to work on this, and all the excitement she's showed whenever I told her about it. I hope this lives up to your expectations, Vamp!

If you want to be tagged when I post more of this, sign up here (and let me know if this link doesn't work).

So this is a Crosshair x OC story, and this all stemmed from a thought I had about what the boys would do for a living if they were in the modern world. I hope you all enjoy this!

taglist: @chaoticvampirejedi @pentowrite-wingstofly @groguandthebadbatch

“You ready to go, Sarge?” A baby-faced private asked as he poked his head in Hunter’s tent.

“Yeah, yeah, trooper. I’ll be out in 5,” Hunter answered, tucking his last belonging in his bag. The soldier nodded before ducking out.

“You better hurry up, Sergeant,” Crosshair drawled from where he sat on Hunter’s cot, a toothpick rolling around between his teeth. “Sounds like the kid’s getting impatient.”

Hunter glanced at his brother over his shoulder. “Watch the tone, Cross, or I’m liable to report you for giving attitude to your superior,” he said with a smirk.

Crosshair shrugged, mischief playing in his dark eyes. “A report like that wouldn’t mean much coming from someone who’s not my superior officer anymore…” He pulled out his toothpick and flicked it at Hunter. “Now would it?”

A chuckle escaped the sergeant. He shook his head, muttering, “Oh, Cross, I’m gonna miss you.” He slung his bag over his shoulder as the two of them sauntered outside. They were greeted by the baking Afghani sun and a soft breeze that blew dust around their ankles.

“Don’t worry. You’ll have the pleasure of my company again in two weeks.”

Hunter rolled his eyes. “I can hardly wait.”

Ahead of them, the private was waiting in a jeep, and an older soldier wearing a captain’s insignia leaned against the vehicle. “You all set, Sergeant?” the captain asked.

Hunter nodded. “Yes, sir, Captain Howzer.” He tossed his bag in the back of the jeep. “Ready and itching to get home.”

Howzer chuckled. “I don’t blame you. Army life gets a little tiring after a while, doesn’t it?”

“Actually, sir, I’m just excited to see my kid sister. There ARE some things I’ll miss about the army.”

“Well, the army’ll miss you, Hunter, take my word for it.” Howzer held out his hand, which Hunter heartily shook. “You’re a good soldier and you and your boys have been very successful. If you ever decide to sign on again, I’d be honored to fight by your side.”

“Thank you, Captain.” Hunter offered him a friendly smile. “I appreciate all you’ve done for me and my squad. And if I may speak freely, I feel better knowing they’re going to your command.”

“I’ll do my best by ‘em, Hunter. I promise.”

The men saluted each other. In the jeep, the private asked, “Well, Sarge? To the airfield?”

“One sec, kid.” Hunter turned to Crosshair. “Now, Cross, don’t cause any trouble for the captain, ‘kay? You’re only here till the end of the month, so go easy on him.”

A playful, crooked grin flashed across the sniper's face. “You know I don’t make promises I can’t keep.” He saluted his sergeant, but Hunter just rolled his eyes and pulled him in for a hug. Considering the circumstances, Cross decided not to protest the gesture. He squeezed his brother tight, and they patted each other on the back.

“I’ll miss you, Cross,” Hunter whispered.

Crosshair sighed. “I’ll miss you, too, Hunter.”

Hunter pulled away, holding him at arms’ length. “And seriously, try to stay out of trouble.”

“I will, Hunter. Don’t worry.”

One more hug and Hunter hopped in the jeep.

“Hey, Hunt?” Crosshair called over the start of the engine.


“Tell the others ‘hi’ for me, will ya?”

“You got it.”

“And…” His gaze fell to the ground before he lifted it back to Hunter. “Give Omega a hug for me… Please.”

A look of shock was quickly replaced by one of the softest smiles Crosshair had ever seen on his brother’s tattooed face. “I will, Cross. But I’d still better see YOU give her a hug when you join us, okay?”

“Don’t worry. Tell her I’ll give her one personally in two weeks.”

Hunter nodded as the jeep moved forward. “I will, brother. See ya soon!” He waved over his shoulder, the vehicle kicking up a trail of dust as it drove off towards the airfield.

Cross waved until the jeep disappeared over the crest of a hill. Howzer rested a hand on his shoulder. “You alright, Crosshair?”

The sniper nodded, pulling a toothpick out of his pocket and sticking it between his teeth. “Yes, sir. I’m alright.”

Only two more weeks…

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3 years ago

I LOVE ANYTHING CROSSHAIR AND OMEGA!!!! I have this obsession with these two and they are my favorite characters especially anything that entails them together (drawings, Fanfictions etc)!!!!

Wish I could find more people to write or draw something, I have ran out of Fanfictions involving them or any sort of scene with them in it! I have this perfect idea for a drawing I want (really want it on a shirt but don’t think it will EVER be possible lol) and I have about 3 modern AUs and a bunch of current and future ideas for stories.

I definitely can NOT draw, don’t know if you can even do a shirt with the drawing on it, and I can’t write anymore properly with bad Epilepsy.


Hiii so I’ve been in love w/ sickfics and the art they inspire for a long time! Ik I would be burned at the stake as a witch for this but could u do some sick omega art plz? I live and breathe sick meggie atm and ur art is so adorbs so I would love if u did that 🖤❤️🤍 also get hype for ep 13 cuz I believe that will be a sick omega episode ok thx byeee

Hiii So Ive Been In Love W/ Sickfics And The Art They Inspire For A Long Time! Ik I Would Be Burned At

I will always jump at an opportunity to draw soft family moments with the Batch.

I imagine everyone pitching in to help when she feels under the weather. Hunter rubs her back when she is nauseous. Tech makes sure she gets medicine, Wrecker carries her everywhere, and she normally falls asleep on Echo.

I also have read in several places about Omega wearing one of their spare blacks as an extra set of clothing. And I love the idea that when she is sick and needs to be in some comfy clothes she puts one on. Its way too big for her, but its soft and warm and smells like family.

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1 year ago



Context for the peeps:

My bromine is a professional photographer, but likes to take unglams of its friends.


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