Plus Becoming Himself Harder And Harder To Reach In The Center Of The Ever Expanding Vastness Of His Projection - Tumblr Posts
6 months ago
Tmnt2012 and what entities from The Magnus Archives I think would haunt them:
Raph - The Desolation
Leo - The Lonely
Mikey - The Flesh
Donnie - The Stranger
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i could absolutely see the hunt for raph!! hed be an absolutely terrifying and powerful avatar for it
i actually kinda went back and forth between the hunt and the vast for him
i leaned towards the vast mostly cos the visual of raph floating in the well vastness of a godzilla sized projection
towering over new york
was too tempting for the tarot card composition
and the like mental decent from ‘protective big brother. brother who is the biggest’ to ‘be bigger. protect more’ to
taking up the whole dang nyc skyline. trying to protect. but instead smothering everything and casting the whole city in the errie red glow
plus becoming himself harder and harder to reach in the center of the ever expanding vastness of his projection
(lil bit of a foothold for the Lonely thrown in there bc the fears do sometimes overlap
and blah blah blah something about being obsessed with protecting the world u love u end up not only hurting/terrorizing it
but also completely unintentionally abandoning the ones who love you most
there is a twenty-city-block thick wall between u and them and its only growing
they call for you but it is swallowed up by the distance. they reach for you but you are miles away.
they are reduced to just shapes upon the horizon. and the sight of them so far away only makes you need to grow bigger- to protect more
to keep them safe no matter how far they go (no matter how far you push them)
idk its very tasty self fulfilling prophecy and well meaning horror
ooooohh if he was an avatar of the hunt tho
or more specifically *Savage Raph* was
i wonder how many times hed just kinda blank out while patrolling
and come back to with blood on his hands and the lingering swoop of andenaline
way way way far from the route he was meant to patrol
had also kinda leaned away from the hunt cos i do think the aftermath would terrify him
but 1) idr how much the Entities actually cared if their avatars were scared - cos for the most part it was just a matter of time
till being an Avatar consumed them and then there would only be the joy/thrill/satisfaction of preting on victims & feeding the fear
and 2) thinking about Daisy and Trevor and other avatars of the Hunt
it really was more to do with the chase than the catch from what i remember
which hell yeah
the hamatos are all fucking adrenaline junkies u bet ur ass even fully conscious raphie loves a good chase across the rooftops