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9 months ago

🌹 — WIP Wednesday/WIP Intro — 🌹

A digital painting of a character from a fantasy novel standing in front of a black background. The only lighting in the image comes from the golden magical energy emanating like fire from the character’s hands. The character is a male elf with blue skin, yellow eyes, black slit-shaped pupils like a cat, and a somewhat stocky broad-shouldered build. He is completely bald and also has no eyebrows or eyelashes. His expression is somewhat grim and looking upward like he's worrying about something.
A title card for a fantasy novel with the words “Ambrosia Heights” written in an embossed light-colored serif font center frame. In the background of the image looms an ominous-looking house covered in dark ivy with a star-dotted night sky behind it.
A digital painting of a character from a fantasy novel standing in front of a black background. The lighting in the image comes from the magenta-pink magical energy emanating from the head of a magic staff the character is holding. The character is a human woman with blond hair, green eyes, and a somewhat smug or sarcastically confident expression. She is wearing a dark pink skirt, a brown leather bodice decorated with pink rose embroidery, and a white off-the-shoulder blouse with ruffles around the collar and sleeves. A silver necklace with a rose-shaped pendant hangs around her neck. The background of the image is framed by dark pink roses growing on thorny vines.

Art by me (@diabolical-blue)

Thanks for the tag @mysticstarlightduck! I have attempted to summarize this story and write bios for the characters scattered across several different posts and blogs, but I suppose it’s high time I just share one comprehensive, consolidated rundown of the whole project in one post. Reblogs are appreciated if any part of the story/characters/themes described below resonates with you. 💕

Tagging in return: @illarian-rambling @tildeathiwillwrite @willtheweaver @ramwritblr @finickyfelix

@minamaybe @elsie-writes @phoenixradiant @pluppsauthor @talesofsorrowandofruin

@tildeathiwillwrite @theeccentricraven @melpomene-grey @rachaellawrites @akindofmagictoo

@sunflowerrosy @leahnardo-da-veggie @kaylinalexanderbooks @corinneglass @honeybewrites and open tag!

Sincere apologies for any double tags or if anyone tagged has already completed an intro post for each of their WIPs; I try to read and make mental notes of all the ones I come across, but I may have missed some. I do want to see everyone's WIP intro masterposts though, so I'm tagging a bunch to hopefully nudge people in that direction <3 If I didn't tag you but you still want to make a WIP intro post, please consider yourself tagged and make one anyway so I can see it!!

Rules: Pick a WIP. Post something about it. On a Wednesday. Or whenever!

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Title: Ambrosia Heights

Genre: Fantasy, Adventure, Drama

Target Audience: New Adult (18-30)

Tags: #ambrosiaheights

(Please note: Most official content for this project, such as character bios, are posted to my side blog @ambrosiaheights. I use the tag mentioned above primarily just on my main blog @diabolical-blue for tag games, ask games, miscellaneous art, excerpts, and random info related to the characters or story world.)

Progress: As of May 2024, I am currently 87% done writing the first draft of my manuscript (40 out of 46 chapters completed).

Synopsis/What is it about?

While visiting Ambrosia Heights, the old English manor house that belonged to her ancestors, ten-year-old Emmaline discovers a strange, blue-skinned elf child lost in the nearby orchard. After she helps him return to his own world, Emmaline thinks all magic has left her life for good – until an unlikely series of events twenty years later transports her, now thirty years old and disillusioned with her life as an adult, to that very world herself.

Tossed unprepared into an alternate universe filled with magic, monsters, and medieval-era problems, Emmaline’s immediate instinct is to return home through the portal in this universe’s version of the manor. But when she encounters someone she thought she would never see again – the elf child, who has grown up to become a seven-foot-tall blue-skinned behemoth named Gregorius – she feels compelled to stay long enough to help him resolve the treacherous situation he is facing, which she might even be responsible for.

At first, Emmaline thinks her shy, staunchly pacifistic, painfully naïve friend would be lost without her pragmatic support…but she soon finds it will take both of their strengths to navigate the secrets, mysteries, and apocalyptic perils of the adventure they embark upon together.

What is the setting?

Ambrosia Heights is a portal fantasy that starts out in a “real world” type of setting before the main character is transported to an alternate universe version of England which was ravaged by an apocalypse long ago and seems to have gotten “stuck” in medieval times - with a magical twist.

The inspiration for this setting primarily came from the idea of combining two of my favorite video game franchises, Fallout and Elder Scrolls (“what if the apocalypse happened in medieval times instead of a 1950’s-inspired retro-future?”) with my own original ideas tying the concept together. For example, although I love the mythology and magic system and fantasy races from the Elder Scrolls games, the magic system and fantasy elements in my story stem from a much different origin and hopefully result in a unique final product that is distinct from both of its inspirations.

Outside of the realm of video games, this book also took bits of inspiration from a variety of literary and film influences, including: The Chronicles of Narnia, Lord of the Rings, Howl's Moving Castle, Jane Eyre, The Wizard of Oz, Once Upon A Time (TV show), Over the Garden Wall (TV show), Doctor Who (TV show), Pushing Daisies (TV show), Edward Scissorhands, Tangled, Beauty and the Beast, and The Hunchback of Notre Dame (1996 Disney film).

Here’s a little sneak preview of what this story’s setting includes:

Technology and magic intertwined

Alternate history shenanigans

Subverted fairy tale tropes (a bald person stuck in a Rapunzel-esque situation, a non-wicked stepmother, etc)

A complicated spectrum of faction allegiances in which nobody is entirely “good” and nobody is entirely “bad,” but a whole lot of people are heavily misguided and jump to incorrect conclusions about the other side(s)

Four-eyed badger-like creatures, elk-like beasts who see through their antlers, forests with GIANT trees, a terrifying monstrosity lurking deep underground, and more!

What does the title mean?

Though many aspects of the alternate universe are unfamiliar to the main character, one thing that’s the same - or at least is in the exact same spot - is the Ambrosia Heights manor house, acting as a physical “anchor point” between dimensions and even helping the main character figure out she’s in an alternate universe in the first place (the exteriors of both houses look similar, but the interiors could not be more different).

Thematically, the meaning behind this title (and the meaning behind the in-fiction location name itself) refers to ambrosia from Greek mythology, the food of the gods which would supposedly grant immortality to any mortal who ate it. Immortality, longevity, curses/blessings in disguise, and even a bit of an Ancient Greek aesthetic are present in select parts of the book, making the title on-theme even after the characters leave the titular location behind to venture out on their cross-country quest.

Those familiar with classic literature might also notice similarities between my book’s title and the title of the Emily Brontë novel Wuthering Heights. I originally imitated this title solely because I liked how it sounded, but then I eventually read the book itself and noticed a lot of unintended thematic parallels with my story as well. Thus, I’m okay with my book being a vague homage to Wuthering Heights, even featuring my own take on a “beware the consequences of revenge” kind of theme. (Unlike Wuthering Heights, however, there’s no incest in my book. So no need to worry about that! 😂)


The content in my writing is tuned to my own tastes; as such, there is little to no swearing, NO explicit sexual content (sometimes mild to moderate suggestive content, including romantic themes), mild non-denominational religious themes, and limited violence except for occasional moments of body horror and gore (only like, one or two scenes). Also worth noting is that any romance in this particular story is written entirely from the perspective of an asexual (but not aromantic) main character.

Though the “adult” content is fairly limited, this story does include plenty of mature themes and topics which may be triggering to some, including: child abandonment, family drama and generational trauma, mistreatment of neurodivergent people, aphobia, emotional abuse/neglect, depression, mentions of suicidal behavior, religious trauma, and assault/women in peril.

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Cast of Characters


What was once a wide-eyed, optimistic young girl with a deep love for fantasy stories and fairy tales has become a jaded and cynical 30-year-old woman who is wholly disillusioned with her unfulfilling adult life. Despite yearning for a committed relationship more than anything else, she believes such a thing will never work out due to her lack of physical desires and aversion to touch. She is loyal to and protective of those she cares about, but can also be quite stubborn and hotheaded, lashing out with her fiery temper when provoked. She also struggles to forgive those who have wronged her, tends to hold grudges, and in extreme cases, might even seek revenge. Despite this, she has strong empathy for people she can relate to, particularly people who come from backgrounds of isolation or neglect like herself. Her greatest fear is that she will end up alone, although nothing is more likely to make this come true than her own self-isolating and self-sabotaging tendencies.

Click here to read Emmaline's full character bio!


Gregorius is a seven-foot-tall elf sorcerer living in a world that generally despises both elves and magic users. However, he hasn’t let this affect his compassionate heart for others, his strong moral code, or his ardent determination to use his powers for good. He makes mistakes just like anyone else, but he tends to treat others how he would like to be treated and is highly forgiving, always willing to give others a second chance no matter what they have done. His intimidating stature, appearance, and magical abilities tend to drive others away, but those who take the time to get to know him will discover a sweet, gentle, somewhat naïve man who is always happy to make a new friend. He is fiercely loyal to those he cares about, but unfortunately, this can sometimes leave him vulnerable to manipulation and abuse if the other person has a mind to take advantage of his unconditional devotion and trust. Not unrelated to that last point, he has spent most of his life locked in a stone belltower on the grounds of the old abbey-turned-boarding-school Gravehurst Hall at the behest of his guardian, who claims her only concern is for his safety. His heart’s deepest desire is to move on from his confining situation, find a lifelong partner, and start a family - the family he always wanted to be a part of when he was growing up. At this point, he doesn’t believe that is very likely to happen, although a small part of him still clings to the hope that his dream could come true someday.

Click here to read Gregorius's full character bio!


No story is complete without a lovable animal sidekick! Felix is a type of creature known as a denstalker, whose size and personality are both in between that of a dog and a cat. His black-and-white fur is similar to the coloration of a badger or a skunk, and he has four big round black eyes reminiscent of a jumping spider. He starts following the main characters fairly early on and quickly becomes part of the “family” for the rest of the book.

Click here to read more about Felix and the denstalker species!

Jasper Maddock

As mayor of Haven Hill, one of the few towns in the Alderwild that is friendly to both elves and humans, Jasper is used to having a lot of responsibility on his shoulders to keep the peace. He prides himself on being proficient in magic, treating humans and his fellow elves equally, and being able to put just about anyone’s skills to good use in his well-organized township. With a sarcastic sense of humor and a bit of a lovable arrogant streak, Jasper is the benevolent if firm leader his people always wanted after suffering under the much more tyrannical dictator of the elven kingdom. In fact, most of his citizens are so satisfied with Jasper’s leadership, they are willing to completely overlook the potentially suspicious circumstances in which he rose to power...

Bronwyn Sanders

Bronwyn is the younger sister of Haven Hill’s mayor, Jasper (Sanders is her married name). Quite knowledgeable about the arcane arts, Bronwyn teaches magic at the town’s school, although she doesn’t get a lot of opportunities to use her skills outside of an educational setting anymore. She used to go adventuring with her fiancé, but in the aftermath of his death, she considers those days to be gone for good. Currently, she enjoys spending her free time baking and caring for animals, particularly the two steeds in her stables. She is also responsible for her chronically ill adult nephew Peter, who lives with her on their quiet homestead by the river.

Adelaide Alwyn

For such a petite and unassuming woman, Adelaide is easily one of the most intimidating people one might encounter in the Alderwild. Not only is she the Headmistress in charge of the prestigious boarding school Gravehurst Hall, she is also highly respected in the political landscape of the region, acting as an impartial and trusted host and moderator whenever the Wardens meet. In fact, with an even number of regional leaders in this council, it’s oftentimes her influence that ends up casting the tie-breaking vote. Some might see that as a rather alarming amount of power for one woman, especially one so emotionally cold and secretive about her past, to wield. But surely such a pious and respectable woman such as herself wouldn’t take advantage of a position of power like that. Right?


The much-feared and reviled king of the elves. Not much is known about Dominicus, especially outside of the closed-off and totalitarian elven kingdom. The only evidence of his legacy outside of the kingdom is the citizens of Haven Hill, many of whom risked everything to flee from his tyrannical rule.

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Plot in 15 bullet points

I was never tagged in this particular tag game, but I decided to use it as inspiration to share a rundown of the plot here! I'm challenging myself to use no more than FIVE words per plot point, not counting emojis. This also helps to prevent giving away too many spoilers.

1. Girl meets boy. Reluctant goodbyes. 👫 2. Twenty years later. Adventure begins. 🧭 3. Girl finds boy again (grown-up). 🏃‍♂️ 4. Disaster! Girl wants to help. 🕵️ 5. Furry friend found in forest. 🦨 6. Arrival in town. Someone’s cursed? 🧙 7. Girl discovers guy’s lies. EXPLODES 🌋 8. Heart to heart. 💞 MONSTER ATTACK 🔥 9. Searching enemy territory. Captured. Betrayal. 😱 10. Nightmarish experience. Trust broken. 💔 11. ESCAPE. Heartfelt apologies. Still upset. 😤 12. Rest stop. 😴 Trust slowly regaining. 13. Villain reappears. Revenge. 😈🔪 Unintended consequences… 14. Secrets. Confession. Reconciliation. Final battle. 👫 15. Happy ending! (Or is it? 🫢)

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Song Inspirations

This isn't a comprehensive list, but here's a collection of songs that remind me of some aspect of the story or even helped inspire certain parts, whether by way of the lyrics, the melody/instruments, or both. (Some songs I just like the sound and I think it fits the vibe, regardless of the lyrics or the song's original context.)

Also, these are roughly in chronological order for which parts of my book they would be relevant to. (Except for the first one, which is relevant to the whole thing.)

Hardest of Hearts - Florence + The Machine Goes On and On - Sleeping at Last Linger Longer - Cosmo Sheldrake X&Y - Coldplay Ghosts - Sleeping at Last Wasteland, Baby! - Hozier Pruned - Natalie Holt We Can’t Breathe - Future of Forestry Covers You - Future of Forestry Weights & Measures - Dry the River The Singing Towers - Murray Gold By Being With You - Cosmo Sheldrake Just Come Inside - Murray Gold

Bonus: A song whose vibes strongly remind me of the backstory for two important side characters...Loki Green Theme - Natalie Holt

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And finally, a quote from the book:

A quote from a book in white serif text on a black background with dark pink roses scattered around it. The quote reads: "Life would be a lot easier if everyone lived all the same experiences and felt all the same feelings as everyone else. Maybe some people think that's actually the case, but I can assure you it isn't. There's no such thing as a universal experience. There's always an exception. And if you're the exception, it's hard not to go your whole life feeling completely alone."

(The original context of this quote refers to the main character's frustrations with the incorrect/hurtful assumptions others make about her priorities, relationships, and desires as an asexual person. In a broader sense, however, this quote can also apply to anything that makes someone feel alienated from others, including but not limited to their sexuality, neurotype, gender, appearance, religious preferences, background, financial status, living situation, or really anything that leaves them feeling like they don't fit in with others. This isn't a "look at me, I'm so special" attention-seeking statement. It's an expression of genuine frustration and solidarity with everyone who knows what it's like to feel isolated or excluded due to factors beyond their control.)

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