Polygrumps - Tumblr Posts

9 years ago

A/B/O Dynamics + Game Grumps

I’m posting this because I want share this with others and not just myself

Ok so...

Suzy: Beta. Even though she feels like a more dominate person she just seems kind of beta chill like. Like she could be an alpha, but to me she’s just not fully there.

Arin: Alpha. He has the aggression and dominating like trait I find alpha’s to have. Like he’s not aggressive in a mean way to his pack way, but in a more protective don’t stand in his way manner. I also find him as more of the leader group. He also wouldn’t be the type to abuse his alphaness unless it was necessary.

Barry: Alpha. I feel like he could be a beta, but for some reason I get a more alpha vibe from him. Don’t know why. He just seems more calm alpha like.

Ross: Beta. Definitely a beta. 

Holly: Beta. Maybe omega, I haven’t got a good enough feel for her yet.

Kevin: Beta. A really, really adorable beta that almost always gets mistaken for an omega until others catch his scent.

Dan: Omega. To me Dan just seems to have that happy calming effect omega’s have. Also he’s adorable. Not to mention we see him so much curled up with a blanket and I can just see the rest of the pack (mostly Arin) being the ones to do that to him. Like they wanna keep their omega safe and warm. I can also see him being embarrassed by any omega-centered problems he has and trying to keep that from the pack (of course they figure it out anyways).  This could be because he’s not use to having a pack outside of Brian.

Brian: Alpha. He has a PhD too.

Bonus: Another thing with Dan being omega - The whole Sakura Spirit play through we’re Arin and Ross kept talking to Dan about him having boobs. I can see that as like a teasing pregnancy thing. Gonna breed their omega and such.

... *shrugs*

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8 years ago

Just think about Arin walking into the Grump space and seeing Dan bent over wearing the same booty jean shorts from the If We Were Gay NSP video (x).

..... or at least start a petition to get Dan to wear the booty shorts again... for science... plz

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8 years ago

Snuggle Pool

@egobangin-in-the-house-tonight (You magnificent creature)

So I was thinking about the amazing Ghoul Grumps AU, and I was thinking about how Danny and Suzy both loose their legs when they all creature. Then I started just thinking about them cuddling and being adorable and I remembered how some snakes like to lay in water and then I wrote a drabble/fic thing (it’s egoflapbang sorta)....

Arin wanted to snuggle. Like now. He needed it and Momo and Mochi were not cooperating. He gave them both a sour look before standing from the couch, stretching, and wandering off to find Suzy. His snake queen would defiantly cuddle with him. He searched high and low around the house calling her name, going from room to room until finally coming to the last door in their house. Of course.

He opened the door slowly peering in and smiling at the sight before him. Suzy and Dan were fast asleep, curled up tight together, their tails intertwined with Dan lying half on his side and Suzy using his chest as a pillow. They were lying in the special super-sized most adorable kiddie pool Arin had been able to find. It was pink with cute little smiley bunnies on it. They’d gotten the pool for Danny in hopes of having a better swimming option for their fishy friend. Bath tubs just weren’t large enough, the ocean was out, and public pools made Danny uncomfortable with the way others would stare at him. (Arin always tried to puff up his chest and scare them off but it rarely worked.) The water was deep enough to have Danny submerged enough to be happy, but shallow enough that Suzy head stayed dry.

He stepped into the room being careful of the pool and edged his way over to the spot near were their heads rested before sitting down and watching them both fondly. He wanted to join them, but after several failed attempts he’d learned the kiddie pool just wasn’t made for him. His claws had a tendency to pop the linear, and though duck-tape had managed to keep the pool going he figured there was only so much duck-tape they could put on it before it wouldn’t hold air anymore. So he sat outside the pool reaching out and petting the two curled together in the pool before laying down with his back to the pool keeping watch and waiting for the ones he loved most to wake up.

He’d force them to cuddle with him later.

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