Arin Hanson - Tumblr Posts

7 years ago
Absolutely Adored Ready Player 3! It Was Fantastic And It Had Me Smiling And Laughing For The Entire
Absolutely Adored Ready Player 3! It Was Fantastic And It Had Me Smiling And Laughing For The Entire
Absolutely Adored Ready Player 3! It Was Fantastic And It Had Me Smiling And Laughing For The Entire
Absolutely Adored Ready Player 3! It Was Fantastic And It Had Me Smiling And Laughing For The Entire

Absolutely adored Ready Player 3! It was fantastic and it had me smiling and laughing for the entire show. @therealjacksepticeye @gamegrumps thank you so much!

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4 years ago
I Love Watching The Game Grumps And I Just Wanted To Practice Expressions, So I Thought I Might Draw
I Love Watching The Game Grumps And I Just Wanted To Practice Expressions, So I Thought I Might Draw
I Love Watching The Game Grumps And I Just Wanted To Practice Expressions, So I Thought I Might Draw

I love watching the game grumps and I just wanted to practice expressions, so I thought I might draw both as well. Anyway hope you enjoy it! ✨

P.s.: Who else can’t get their merch? (I can’t cuz I’m not able to buy things online :)) )

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9 years ago

A/B/O Dynamics + Game Grumps

I’m posting this because I want share this with others and not just myself

Ok so...

Suzy: Beta. Even though she feels like a more dominate person she just seems kind of beta chill like. Like she could be an alpha, but to me she’s just not fully there.

Arin: Alpha. He has the aggression and dominating like trait I find alpha’s to have. Like he’s not aggressive in a mean way to his pack way, but in a more protective don’t stand in his way manner. I also find him as more of the leader group. He also wouldn’t be the type to abuse his alphaness unless it was necessary.

Barry: Alpha. I feel like he could be a beta, but for some reason I get a more alpha vibe from him. Don’t know why. He just seems more calm alpha like.

Ross: Beta. Definitely a beta. 

Holly: Beta. Maybe omega, I haven’t got a good enough feel for her yet.

Kevin: Beta. A really, really adorable beta that almost always gets mistaken for an omega until others catch his scent.

Dan: Omega. To me Dan just seems to have that happy calming effect omega’s have. Also he’s adorable. Not to mention we see him so much curled up with a blanket and I can just see the rest of the pack (mostly Arin) being the ones to do that to him. Like they wanna keep their omega safe and warm. I can also see him being embarrassed by any omega-centered problems he has and trying to keep that from the pack (of course they figure it out anyways).  This could be because he’s not use to having a pack outside of Brian.

Brian: Alpha. He has a PhD too.

Bonus: Another thing with Dan being omega - The whole Sakura Spirit play through we’re Arin and Ross kept talking to Dan about him having boobs. I can see that as like a teasing pregnancy thing. Gonna breed their omega and such.

... *shrugs*

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9 years ago

Just think about it...

Fellow Egobangers ... so like I'm verily certain I'm not the first to think of this but incase you haven't ... think about 36 year old virgin Dan. Like he created "Danny Sexbang" because 's embarrassed and uses it as a way to hide. And like he still has yet to have sex because he's too shy and embarrassed about it.

But then somehow/someway Arin finds out about it and decides to do something about it.

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9 years ago

Other Egobangers!

Can somebody please please please write a fic were Arin gets really angry at a game and goes into like a full on rage (like with throwing and hitting things) and Dan actually starts to be afraid of him. But then Arin realizes how much he’s scaring Danny and forces himself to calm down so he can comfort his Not So Grump.

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8 years ago

I always love it when Dan tells a joke and starts out only laughing slightly, but then Arin starts laughing which gets Dan to laugh more. Especially when Arin really starts laughing, which always gets them both really laughing.

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8 years ago

Just think about Arin walking into the Grump space and seeing Dan bent over wearing the same booty jean shorts from the If We Were Gay NSP video (x).

..... or at least start a petition to get Dan to wear the booty shorts again... for science... plz

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3 years ago

Me, a long time Danganronpa Fan, watching the Game Grumps play through of D2, seeing Dan fall in love with Gundham, saying he’s one of his new favourite characters and shipping him with Sonia:

Me, A Long Time Danganronpa Fan, Watching The Game Grumps Play Through Of D2, Seeing Dan Fall In Love

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11 months ago

My obsessions have been slowly merging together. And now I'm comparing Huskerdust with the Game Grumps...

Tell me if you get it

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1 year ago
So I Drew Eskel And Lambert Over Arin And Dan (Ep Is S2e1 Uno Anus Feat. Unus Annus Of 10 Minute Power

So I drew Eskel and Lambert over Arin and Dan (Ep is s2e1 “Uno Anus feat. Unus Annus” of 10 Minute Power Hour) a few months ago so here they are. I do have another one from this ep with Geralt over Mark and Dandelion over Ethan but I haven’t finished it.

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1 year ago

・I'm Thinking about adding Game Grumps to my masterlist 🤔🤔

Any of you guys watch game Grumps? I wanna know! :D

I'm Thinking About Adding Game Grumps To My Masterlist

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8 months ago

arin hanson-type dialogue

>the goblin leaps to attack!

>the goblin misses!

>the goblin has scraped his little knee!

>oh, his little knee!

>oh, his little knee!

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1 year ago
Hes Just A Little Guy! (im Talking About Arin, Not The Rat)

he’s just a little guy! (i’m talking about Arin, not the rat)

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11 months ago
I Fear That I Have Lost Control Of What I Create

i fear that i have lost control of what i create

the goblin has taken over

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11 months ago
Hes So Polite And Cute. Obviously.

he’s so polite and cute. obviously.

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9 months ago

arin hanson in drag makes me wanna chew through a door

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9 months ago

My queer ass live reaction to Arin officially saying he’s bi in the newest ten minute power hour…

My Queer Ass Live Reaction To Arin Officially Saying Hes Bi In The Newest Ten Minute Power Hour

Like I know we already knew from the bean episode but it was still up in the air at that point with plausible deniability. As a queer person I get really happy when internet veterans like Arin come out. Especially since queer people are becoming more and more targeted due to new moral panics that plague America.

Also because I know people will comment, this doesn’t change his marriage to Suzy, implying that Arin’s bisexuality doesn’t matter because he’s married to Suzy is really rubbing me the wrong way (I have been seeing a lot of this even in the bean episode). Men can be bisexual and married to women, these aren’t mutually exclusive.

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8 months ago



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