POOR SPLINTS :( - Tumblr Posts

1 year ago
This Au Is Spinning Round My Head Like A Microwave
This Au Is Spinning Round My Head Like A Microwave
This Au Is Spinning Round My Head Like A Microwave

this au is spinning round my head like a microwave

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OHH????? LORE AND INTRIGUE FROM THE VERY GET GO LETS GOOOO rb goofy silly magic man hears horrible news and has to put his feet on the ground is now a vital part of my brain chemistry BUT I WASNT PREPARED FOR SUCH AN URGENT MISSION GOSH POOR SPLINTS :( also hes ot the main character so i dont wanna focus on him too much but leo can and will always eat my brain the stress of being told ur father is ill likely dying and its so bad that your youngest brother is venturing off on his own to try and find any sort of solution but you cant help him and you cant go with him you are responsible for the water the rain the flow of the rivers themselves. you cant leave you have schedules and patterns you must keep and every living thing relies on you to keep them your father. nature itself is dying could defying ur duties help save him? or would it condemn the world to a faster death? how long should you carry on like normal? rotten fields bear just as few fruit as those left in drought without the churn of a river though the fish would die and the birds and bears would follow maybe you could spare some time- divert some rains to the south to check on your brothers journey but only a moment theres so much potential distance in this au and if they live for milenia its really not a big deal to not run into ur brothers for a year or two but like :( 'oh i dont wanna focus on leo' WHOOPS HES MY VESSEL FOR SAD I GUESS also triona i meant to say it earlier but ur environments here feel legit so magical??? like GORGEOUS