Post Covid Amelia - Tumblr Posts
Ok we starting this dump off with some Amelia doodles (ft. Amelia’s teen design + Post Covid)

Sorry for the delay between posts you guys :’)
I know there isn’t many of us at the moment (hopefully that’ll change as time passes by), but in honor of Amelia’s birthday (August 8th), I’ve decided to start an event as a 1 week countdown to her special day! I took inspiration from the creator of @tweekweek2023 (sorry for the tag! I also want to thank you for inspiring me to do this <3)
The event starts August 1st with the following prompts that you can either draw or write about! (some prompts heavily inspired by Tweek Week + You can choose either prompt or do both):
Day 1:
-Amelia dressed as your favorite character from your favorite musical
-Your interpretation of Amelia (like how u see her based on your headcanons and stuff)
Day 2:
-Favorite Amelia Variation (FBW, SOT, PD, PC, etc. + note about PD: Amelia’s design references for the Cowboy, Sci-fi, and Mystical units will be posted when I can finish perfecting their designs 💔)
-Amelia performing
Day 3:
-Genderbent! Kennelia
-Amelia hanging out with your favorite oc or canon character
Day 4:
-Free day (basically do whatever you want)
Day 5:
-Music Cover Amelia (draw Amelia in the album cover of a song that you think fits her)
- First date w Kenny
Day 6:
- Alt/subculture fashion Amelia
- Crossover Amelia (Amelia interacting with someone outside of South park)
Day 7:
- Amelia’s surprise party
- Amelia’s birthday cake
Again, Amelia’s references for adventure, mystical, and sci fi units in Phone Destroyer will be posted as soon as I finish perfecting their designs! In the meantime, I’ve attached a character sheet with Amelia’s main outfits and color palettes + a full body drawing of her Post Covid design to this post to be used as reference!
Send me an ask if you have any questions about the event ^^

Sorry for making you guys wait like a week after the poll ended!
This is the Post Covid Kennelia story:
TW: Prob cringe, self image issues, cheating
Since leaving South Park during Covid to go to college, Amelia has changed quite a bit. Obviously her skills within acting have significantly evolved, but she has also grown mentally. She’s a lot more confident and bold now, not as scared to say what’s on her mind. Not to mention her perfectionist tendencies are nothing like what they used to be, she’s given up on impressing her parents (she completely cut off all contact with them) and trusts her own skill set. After working hard for a bachelor’s degree in performing arts, she got an agent for herself and finally achieved her dream of reaching Broadway. After the success of her first production, she started getting calls left and right from people wanting her for acting, dancing, and even singing gigs. And so she proceeded to accept almost every offer she had received, allowing her to make a fuck ton of money and create a name for herself within the entertainment world. During one of her broadway productions she met a man named Oscar, he was tall and professional with a seemingly tender personality. The two co-stars had hit things off almost immediately, instantly becoming friends.
Eventually their friendship had developed into something more, love. When they finally started dating after their first production together, things were amazing. Oscar treated Amelia like an absolute queen, always checking up on her and providing a shoulder for her to lean on. Things were looking great for South Park’s beloved theater girl once he proposed to her after dating for 3 years. Her first wedding was an event that she could never possibly forget, it was grand and big. As she walked down the aisle in her dream wedding dress, a part of Amelia's gut couldn’t help but feel off that entire day for some reason. Even during her honeymoon, a very small part of her knew something was eventually going to happen. This didn’t end up being important since she basically ignored her gut feeling the entire time. Many years later, her marriage with Oscar began going downhill. Amelia’s husband had turned cold. Personality wise, he wasn’t as caring and tender as before and as for their love life...let’s just say it was hanging on by a thread. Oscar had become greedy in bed, only caring for his own pleasure. Their relationship had become one-sided in a way, Amelia became the only one trying to save it from breaking (so it wouldn’t ruin either of their reputations). Weeks before present time, one of Amelia’s closest friends from New York had sent her footage and screenshots of Oscar cheating on her with another woman. The following sent Amelia into a spiral of emotions and when she confronted him, Oscar bluntly told her that he started seeing this woman 2 years after they had gotten married and that he started seeing her because Amelia was “boring” and that he had only wanted to marry her for publicity and her looks. Never in her life had she felt so hurt and betrayed. Amelia immediately filed for divorce and kicked Oscar out of her house. As she is currently divorcing Oscar, Amelia came back to South Park to escape the paparazzi at New York and hopefully heal from the heartbreak she’s experiencing.
Ever since Amelia got into showbiz, she slowly became more and more insecure and “nit-picky” about her appearance. Yeah- she did struggle with trusting her abilities on stage as a kid, but never EVER had issues with her self image. She loved the way she looked, maybe even was a little self centered occasionally. But that all changed when she lived in New York and started her career. As she started to quickly grow to fame, paparazzi began following her and shit PLUS Amelia had to experience critics practically judging her every move. It was fine for a couple years, until the stress started catching up to her. There was a time where she was offered to be on the front page of a magazine, once the magazine was out, critics had a field day talking about her hip dips don’t look right and how the way she styles her hair makes her cheeks fatter than they already are. Amelia will never forget the way she broke down that day, she almost got fired from her production because she couldn’t bring herself to attend rehearsals. Soon enough, she started to panic if even the slightest bit of her appearance was off. Amelia began to hate her body, she only found comfort in her acting roles since it allowed her to “be someone else” for an hour or two before having to come back to the “ugly” reality. Her ex husband, Oscar, tried to help her in their first couple years of their relationship + marriage, but found that it was no use since she always went back to hating herself. This was apart of the reasoning behind why he began to cheat on her. Amelia became so insecure of her hip dips that she began to wear padding that allowed them to be hidden whenever she wears the pencil skirt seen in her design. Her insecurities only became worse after she found out about the 15 year affair Oscar had. Nowadays, alone in her once shared home, Amelia often thinks about how “flawed” her body is and how Oscar cheated on her.
Ok so if it wasn’t obvious, Amelia and Kenny had to break up in their mid twenties due to Amelia going to New York to pursue her lifelong dream. Kenny could’ve went with her, but he wanted to stay in South Park with Karen and his friends. He understood how much Broadway meant to Amelia, but couldn’t help but feel heartbroken. Once Amelia was gone, Kenny changed. The poor boy was devastated, the only girl he truly had a connection with was gone. He spent a lot of the first few months talking about her and crying, LOTS of crying. These two used to be so close, they were basically attached at the hip. Everyone was convinced they were gonna be the first to get married (After Tweek and Craig ofc 🙄), but after word went around that Amelia had to leave, everyone felt bad for Kenny. A nice little detail I like to add is that he always kept a photo of them together in his pocket and had a whole photo album dedicated to her on the phone she surprised him with for the last birthday they spent together. Moving on, I would say before he began to turn his life around he also slept around a lot and began to drink a lot more often in an attempt to forget about her. This continued for about a year or two until he had an extremely long talk with Stan, Kyle, Butters, and Cartman about how he needed to change and move on. His friends obviously tried to talk him out of his behavior before, but Kenny usually just ignored them. This time around, they had really opened his eyes. Kenny knew he had to change, Amelia wouldn’t have wanted him to end up like this. That’s why he started to go to college, learning more about something that interested him, science. You kinda know the rest from the Post Covid specials, he becomes a millionaire, philanthropist, dark matter + breast implants, etc.
A little over twenty years later (this is picking up after the good ending of when we see Kenny walk into the Applebees and stuff), there’s a reunion taking place in South Park. As we know (since this is considered as “present time”), Amelia just found out that she got cheated on, she’s getting a divorce, and is at South Park to take a break from the big apple. In a way, the reunion was the perfect way for her to unwind, maybe even hook up with someone she used to know. What she didn’t know was that someone very close to her was gonna also attend the WINTER reunion (important detail). The entire time, Amelia kinda just lingered around the bar drinking red wine and mingling with her old friends. That was until someone called out the arrival of Kenny. As if it wasn’t possible, Amelia felt her already broken heart break into even more pieces. There were so many mixed emotions in her mind at the time, it was tough seeing Kenny, almost surreal in a way. She noticed how well he aged and wondered if he was married. Had he moved on? Even though she had fallen in love and married another person, part of Amelia was still in love with Kenny. The whole reason why she had fallen for Oscar in the beginning was because his personality reminded her so much of Kenny, the only difference was that Oscar was clearly a fraud.
Amelia was the first person Kenny saw when he had walked in, he knew that New York had changed her based on her outfit, not to mention the dull look in her eyes. He tried his best to keep his composure as he talked with his friends that he hadn’t seen in a hot minute. His heart was telling him to go talk to her, to see if she was married, to see how her dream life had been treating her. On the other hand, his mind told him not to, if he talked to her then he’ll end up going back to the way he used to be. He couldn’t stand to do that, not after he’s made it this far. So that’s what Kenny settled on, he wasn’t gonna talk to Amelia for the rest of the night. If only he followed through with his words. Since this was an Applebees there was obviously booze at this reunion… and you already know how adults are when they have too much booze. Between Amelia drinking wine and Kenny chugging down beer, they eventually found themselves catching up at the bar, all while being slightly over what’s considered as “tipsy”.
They were sober enough to understand what they were saying and remember it, but also tipsy enough to get a little too close to each other than what’s appropriate for a married woman and a single guy. Everything became a bit of a blur for the both of them once they arrived at Kenny’s hotel room. The next thing they knew, Amelia is waking up next to him with her clothes scattered around a hotel room. Oh god- this wasn’t supposed to happen. She immediately got out of the bed and put her clothes back on in the bathroom. This was super embarrassing. She felt horrible, Amelia had just slept with someone while she was still legally married. As she looked at herself in the mirror she began to break down into tears. She knew Oscar had cheated on her prior to this, but something about sleeping with another person while she was in the middle of the divorce rubbed her the wrong the way. Leaving, in her mind, was the best course of action right now. She thought she had to leave, hopefully he won’t remember anything when he wakes up. As she continued to quietly cry while her thoughts continued, Amelia heard a gentle knock on the door.
It was Kenny. In a soft morning voice, he had asked if she was alright. She cleaned herself up in a timely manner before opening the door. Amelia knew that the both of them needed to talk about what happened last night, but she was scared to face him after all these years. Their interaction had began with Kenny embracing her, the hug filled with many mixed emotions. The two stood in an awkward silence for a couple moments, that was until Kenny decided to speak up. He mentioned how he was sorry for the previous night (because he knew she was still in the middle of a divorce) but also asked her if they could give things a try again. Now that he was a millionaire, he had all the money in the world to build a new lab in New York not to mention a bunch of land for a new mansion for the both of them. He didn’t stay in South Park anymore since his little sister had already grown up and he didn’t have to take care of her. This is one part where their relationship comes full circle. As kids, Amelia was always the one helping Kenny. Whether it was when he got hurt, providing a space for him and his siblings whenever their parents were arguing, and simply just providing him with lots of things in life that he wasn’t able to enjoy because of how poor he was. Now as adults, Kenny was trying to return the favor. His plan was that he was gonna help Amelia learn to love herself again and obviously date her, maybe even get married. He needed to show what genuine love was like again, he knew he would treat her right if she gave him another chance.
Amelia was really hesitant, as much as she wanted to just say yes and go back to him, what would the critics and tabloids think? They couldn’t know about their relationship because then they’ll find out about her divorce. Not to mention they would likely call her a gold digger for moving on as quickly as she did, especially since she’d be dating a millionaire scientist. As she thought about her decision, Kenny asked how long she was gonna stay in South Park, to which she replied with a week. That’s when he came up with a great idea. He told her to give him a week, he promised to make it the best week of her life and show her why they should get back together. Still hesitating quite a bit, Amelia accepted the offer. That very winter day was the one that her life changed for the better, not to mention the same day that they met each other as kids (that’s why I said winter was a very important detail earlier).
He started off this “7-day trial” by explaining to her that despite how much her reputation meant to her, she shouldn’t allow other people to dictate the way she lived. At the time she didn’t really let his words sink in, since lots of her friends told her the same thing many times before. The following explains what they did together for the next 7 days:
Day 1:
- Kenny had Amelia move all her stuff to his hotel room
- They went ice skating
- Fancy dinner
Day 2:
- He insisted they went shopping (bro was thinking ahead since Christmas was in 3 days)
- The entire time he helped Amelia feel more confident about her body which was rlly sweet 🥹
Day 3:
- another fancy dinner
- They watched a movie together at the theater
Day 4:
- Christmas Eve
- Made cookies in the hotel room
- They played music and slow danced together for a bit (This part came from a cute hc I saw)
- Amelia went to bed surprisingly early, Kenny pretended to fall asleep but he actually left the hotel room to go pick up a gift for her
Day 5:
- Christmas day
- Amelia didn’t expect Kenny to buy a gift for her
- Felt really bad after finding out he got her a gift
- Kenny insisted that it was fine that she hadn’t gotten a gift for him, since they’ve only been reunited for 5 days
- The gift was a beautiful dress that made her hip dips stand out and look “prettier than they already were” (-Dr. Kenneth McCormick, idk what year it is for them)
- Despite not having a gift with her, Amelia ended up finding a way to repay him (I’ll leave it up for the imagination to figure out how that worked out; they OBVIOUSLY cuddled up next to a fire and watched a movie together with hot chocolate in their hands 🙄 get ur mind out of the gutter)
Day 6:
- They didn’t do much this day
- Kind of just stayed at the hotel room
- were cuddled up almost the whole time
- Recovering from yesterday
Day 7:
-Last day
- Very emotional
- They finally exchanged numbers
- Amelia packed up her stuff
Just one week with her old lover and Amelia was already feeling happier than she had ever felt in many years. Words couldn’t describe the spark she felt whenever she was near Kenny. He made her feel free to be herself, she didn’t have to put on an act around him, he made her feel loved. Love was something she’s struggled with throughout her life but he made it seem so simple. The hard part about this situation was having to leave him. A large part of Amelia didn’t want to go back to New York, but she knew she had to go back to her career. Sure, she loved Broadway- but she now realized that none of it compared to her relationship with Kenny. She didn’t want to go back to the “ugly reality” (reference to her backstory). Things would’ve been more ideal if Kenny could go with her, but she was still divorcing Oscar and it would be a liability to her reputation if they were seen together.
The drive to the Denver airport was filled with lots of tension to say the least. The two of them were fully dressed in black, just in case anyone was watching. To the average person, it would be hard to tell who they were, they just looked like another middle aged blonde guy and red headed woman. As they finally reached the drop off, the initial plan was for Kenny to leave Amelia at the airport. That changed as she told him to go in and wait with her. This was starting to resemble the day Amelia left for college, and they both felt the deja vu in the atmosphere. Amelia held his hand the entire time, feeling scared of what would happen if she let go. But alas, they knew they couldn’t avoid reality once her flight was having it’s last boarding call. Their last interaction for a while would go a little something like this:
“Amelia, you gotta let go of me, hun.” Kenny softly said.
“But Ken-“ She choked out through her tears. “I’m not ready to let go yet.”
He gave her one of his signature reassuring smiles as he stood up.
“I know you aren’t. But we can’t be seen together while you’re still divorcing that douchebag, right?”
His hand came up to softly wipe the tears that were now falling down her cheeks as he continued speaking.
“Besides, don’t you have my number? We can still text each other and I promise you the exact moment when all of this is over, I’ll be waiting for you in a limo and two tickets to Grease (let’s just say they revived the musical during this time).”
Amelia softly laughed through her tears in reaction at his promise, he always knew how to comfort her. The grip that she had on his hand slightly loosened.
“Atta girl. There’s the laugh I fell in love with. I know you can do this, we’ll be back in each other’s arms in no time. Just remember that I’m your biggest cheerleader. Even when you don’t see me, I’m cheering you on.”
Kenny fixed some of the flyaways in her bangs while he fully removed Amelia’s hand from his. Time was running out.
Amelia took a deep breath before loosening the grip her other hand had on her suitcases. With one swift move, she kissed him, drawing it out for a couple long seconds so that she could savor the feeling. For one last time, they could feel like they were the only people in the world. That feeling quickly faded away as she pulled back.
“I love you, don’t you ever forget it.” She whispered as more tears left her eyes while she ran off to board her flight.
“I love you too.” He muttered under his breath, since she was already gone before he could react.
Feeling the same empty feeling he felt more than 20 years ago, Kenny walked back to his car. It wasn’t until he was in the privacy of his vehicle that reality finally hit him. Even though it was quiet, he felt himself breakdown harder than he ever did in a while. To him, the pain from losing Amelia again was almost equal to the pain he felt every time he died. He couldn’t stand it, but again he knew she needed to leave. It was important that she went back New York to divorce Oscar as quickly as she can, but for once again in his life, Kenny felt like a piece of him was missing.
On the flip side, Amelia wasn’t doing too well back in New York. Oscar was always causing issues at their house and starting arguments, not to mention always bringing home the girl he cheated on her with. Her mental health was a mess and for the second time in her life, she almost got removed from a production. Despite all that the news outlets still wouldn’t leave her alone, the paparazzi followed her almost everywhere she went and took photos of her, even when she wasn’t looking her best. Critics still continued their commentary on her appearance and began to call her out for not being in New York for the last two weeks. One of them even found out that she had traveled to South Park, but they thankfully didn’t find out anything about her little getaway with Dr. McCormick. Sometimes the reporters would stick microphones in Amelia’s face and asked what she was doing in South Park, to which she replied by remaining silent and continuing to walk to her destination. It wasn’t like she could just tell the reporters “My husband cheated on me for the majority of my marriage so I went back to my hometown, reunited and hooked up with my old flame that happens to be a millionaire MULTIPLE times in a week, AND allowed him to spoil me like some sugar baby for that entire time. Did I mention that it was the best week of my life and that I want to go back with him again? Maybe even finally marry him after all these years?”, that would put Oscar’s, Kenny’s, AND her reputation at risk.
That’s all I’ve written for now 🥲 I hope you guys like it! I’ll be sure to post new parts as soon as I write them :)

Hey guys here’s a little art dump! I’m sorry for not being very consistent with posting lately, school just started for me, meaning I’m gonna be VERY busy 💔 not to mention I still need to finish virtual courses. I’ll do my best to post when I can ❤️
Btw do send me messages in my inbox thingy if you like my traditional art 😋

Hi guys! In honor of my 1 year anniversary on tumblr (according to the app) and me not posting anything for over 5 months (sorry 😅), I decided you guys deserved a Kennelia oneshot that I wrote. I won’t keep you waiting so without further ado, hope you guys like it!:
The year is 2047..
Kenneth was in his lab running some tests for this out of pocket theory he had instead of sleeping. It had been at least the 3rd night in a row where he had gotten an idea for an experiment while trying to get some sleep. As he typed about his trials on his computer, his mind began drifting elsewhere. Of course- his hands already knew what to type, but Kenny couldn’t help but think about the latest broadcast of “Late Night with Jimmy”. His friend had a special guest visiting his show that night, someone who they both had known all too well.
Once Kenny’s flame, now a broadway icon, he couldn’t stop thinking about the woman’s appearance on his still relatively close friend’s show. It was like the universe wanted him to suffer, like it never wanted him to move on from Amelia. Kenny was finally on his feet again, finally making a name for himself, and then moments like this happen where he can’t do anything else but reminisce about his lover. Yeah he had other relationships growing up, he occasionally thinks about Tammy and Kelly, but none of them lasted as long as Amelia did. None of them ever compared to the lasting impact Amelia had on him.
He recalls how Jimmy asked Amelia questions about her husband Oscar and how their 5-year anniversary is rapidly approaching. Kenny couldn’t help but feel as if Jimmy didn’t want to ask that question- like Jimmy knew that he’d be watching that night. He knew that his friend wouldn’t do that him, it was likely just one of his writers adding it in to stir the pot of publicity..But still, whenever he thinks of the smile on Amelia’s face as she talks about her marriage he can’t help but feel a huge weight fall on his chest. Kenny couldn’t comprehend how she was able to move on so fast-
Did those 10+ years mean nothing to her? Did HE mean nothing to her-? No..That possibly couldn’t be true, right? Amelia loved him so much and she made sure he knew that everyday. Their separation was neither of their faults. Kenny knew Amelia wanted to follow her lifelong dream and Amelia knew that Kenny had to prioritize his little sister’s care more than anything. They could’ve made do with long distance, but everyone around them constantly told them it wouldn’t work out. Now that Kenny thought about it, they shouldn’t have listened to what everyone was telling them, but that can be unpacked another day.
The more Kenny saw photos of Amelia and her husband, the more he thought about how it should’ve been him. He should’ve been the one to get on his knees with the ring, he should’ve been the one to walk with her down the red carpet, he should’ve been there with her in New York, but he also knew he had to finish raising his little sister in South Park all that time ago. Does he regret staying in town with Karen for a couple years? Absolutely not, he loves his sister. But at the same time he still can’t move on from Amelia after a whole decade.
Instead of thinking about what could’ve been, his mind moves to a particular memory from 4th grade. There was a school dance that he had mustered enough courage to ask out Amelia to and he didn’t know what to wear (the dance was 3 days away). He had gone to Amelia’s house because she couldn’t contain herself from showing the dress that she was going to wear to him. The dress, just like anything else she had ever worn, was absolutely stunning on her.
Blue was a color that was out of the ordinary for Amelia but my god did she know how to pull it off, not to mention the maroon accents that complimented her as always. As Kenny was caught up marveling at her appearance, Amelia had asked him if he knew what he was going to wear, to which he hesitantly replied with a no. To be fair, the only tuxedo he had owned finally outgrew him and he was far too poor to afford another one. He thought about stealing one of his dad’s fake tuxedo shirts but he knew he had to do better, Amelia deserved better than some bum who’s not dressed properly for a school dance. Immediately catching on to his situation, Amelia interrupted his train of thought with a “wait here” as she ran downstairs to the casual living area of her house.
Within minutes, Amelia came running back up to her bedroom with one of her butlers holding up an outfit attached to a hanger. “Mind trying this on for me Ken?” She sweetly asked as she took the outfit from her butlers hands and handed it to Kenny. It was a tuxedo that looked about his size and was an identical match to her dress. He vividly remembers insisting that he shouldn’t take such a nice article of clothing, but Amelia was far too persistent for him. With a sigh of defeat, Kenny went to the bathroom and changed into the outfit, feeling shocked by the perfect fit and how dapper he looked. Right as he walked out, Amelia practically tackled him as she was really happy about the fact that they were matching and how well the suit had fitted on him. He ended up keeping that suit and wearing it to the dance a couple days later.
The dance ended up really fun for the both of them since they won one of the party games for dancing together. Once the dance was over, the duo ran off to throw pebbles in Stark’s pond and hangout with each other a little more. While they both debriefed, their eyes were focused on the pebbles dancing with the pond. The moon shone down on the area, giving an almost ethereal look to them and the water.
“I’m still extremely surprised that Tweek and Craig didn’t beat us during that dance competition thing- They were doing super good, even I was intimidated by their skills! And I’m usually the most confident when it comes to preforming stuff like that!” Amelia exclaimed, watching Kenny throw another pebble into the pond as he nodded in agreement.
Mid conversation, Amelia decided to stand at the edge of the pond out of curiosity to see if there’s any fish, ultimately leading to her tripping and falling into the water. She freaked out at first, thinking she was about to drown (causing Kenny to also start freaking out) but then processed that she was in the shallow part of the pond, making both of their worries to go away.
“Well this really sucks-“ she looked down at her now drenched dress, “I was really excited to wear this dress out again for dinner tomorrow..”
Kenny interrupted her thoughts, “Can’t one of your housekeepers clean it in time for the dinner?”
“Yeah but I’m still gonna feel bad about it, they’re probably gonna scold me and tell me I should be more careful like you-“
“Why would they say that?”
“Because Ken, my housekeepers really like you..they think you’re a good kid, responsible, brave, humble. They basically like you for all the reasons that I started crushing on you for.. A lot of the time they tell me to be more like you, but in all honestly I like the way I am. And to be fair, I consider myself far more humble than all the other wealthy kids I’ve met in my life.” She laughed at her own words, still remaining in the water. Moving on his own without thinking, Kenny willingly jumped into the water. Amelia had a surprised expression on her face as she realized what he had done.
“Now we’re both wet so they can’t get mad at you.”
Kenny grinned. In that moment, Amelia was so speechless that the only thing the both of them could hear was her racing heart. After a minute, Kenny spoke up once more.
“Did I do something wr-“
“No, never! You did nothing wrong Ken-“
She was quick to cut him off, pausing for a second before continuing.
“You just have me thinking…Everytime we’re together like this, it feels like something out of a movie. I thought love was just some fictional concept that was made to give people hope but then I met you. I think I’m in love with you, Kenny.”
Now it was Kenny’s turn to be speechless. He didn’t know how to react to her words. Of course he knew he was also in love with Amelia but he didn’t know how to put all his affections into words. He thought to himself about the quote “actions speak louder than words”. While keeping that quote in mind, he simply intertwined their hands together to show her that he felt the same way..
Dr. McCormick quickly snapped back to reality when he realized his computer had turned off. He looked around his lab, only to be greeted by everything but Amelia. A soft sigh escaped his lips as he walked back to his bedroom and opened one of the drawers on his nightstand. There laid a small reel of photos from his childhood, majority of them being photos of him and Amelia goofing around in the photobooth at the mall throughout the years. Taking them into his hands, all he could think of was her up until he finally dozed off to sleep.

omg you guys look‼️ Non-angsty post covid Kennelia content! Who could’ve guessed Raine was capable of producing that 😱 (More post covid Amelia coming soon bc I changed her design slightly)

i changed pc Amelia’s hairstyle to something more 50s esque because as said in a rlly old post, she loves 50s fashion 😋