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2 years ago

Pred Fiche: Hawkeye


Name: Clint Barton

Pred level: 7

Prey Level: 7

Prefered Type of Vore: Cock and Oral vore

Little Facs: 

‌• In one universe he was able to swallow every single Avengers, and all at once. Of course he spent the next three days digesting his buffet.

‌• One day Bucky jokingly dared him to swallow Thor and Hulk in the limits of an hour. He not only succeeded, but it only took half the time given. 

• ‌Clint is often ordering Pizza for the evening, but get you wrong the pizza isn't for him, but rather for Lucky, his dog. No, his diner would be the pizza boy himself. Much tastier.

Overall: More the type of pred to swallow someone because it's fun. Clint loves challenges, and is always ready to take on buffed guys. The archer would swallow anyone who calls him weak, turning them into a pile of shit. And his favorite meals are his friends and by far.

Hawkeye's Top 5 Favorite Preys:

5. Daredevil aka Matt Murdock


Often teaming up together to defend the streets of New York. Matt had learned to trust Clint, just like the blond already had. As always Hawkeye doesn't stop talking while Matt is dead silent, trying to focus on the sounds of the city. When he heard a big rumble coming from Clint's stomach. He gave the blond a questioning look, to which Hawkeye answered he didn't eat before leaving and he's starting to starve. But before Daredevil could react, he found himself head down Clint's throat. Barton kept gulping his compagnon down, sending him straight to his gut, where the struggling meal will soon be digested alive. After a couple of rubs and a huge belch, Clint shat a log of the remains of the brunette on top of the roof. Before getting up and going to patrol by himself.

4. Ant-man aka Scott Lang


Like always Scott makes easily friends with others, Hawkeye was no exception. But When friends are hungry, it is the duty of the other to feed him, well at least it's Barton's point of view. Anyway, the thing is that the archer patiently waits for the diner, well, 'his friend' to grow in size thanks to his powers, because Scott himself isn't very buffed. Scott Finished growing in size at the curious demand of his friend. Now let's feast! Clint wastes no time and starts with the giant pair of feet, taking them inside without a bit of difficulty. Lang is scared as he watches his friend's monstrous appetite consuming him. He tries the best he can to free himself, but surprisingly Barton's grip is much stronger. He can only accept his fate now.

Later that day, Spider-man caught Hawkeye leaving a room with a slightly rounded gut. When entering the room, Peter is welcomed by drool covered bones, huge bones, spread all around the room. The boy should be careful around here…

3. Spider-man aka Peter Parker


Spider-man was one of the newer additions to the team. They all knew his secret identity, Peter knew he could trust them. So Clint was finally able to see who was under the mask, and he had to admit, damn, the kid's fit. Good, he loves them fit! When they both were in the changing room, the kid for his training with cap, and Clint, well... for his meal. He waited for Peter to undress himself leaving his underwear, and when done, he gulped the kid with a wide slobbery gulp. The kid didn't even have time to react, as his full head was swallowed. Some minutes later and Clint is now alone in the room, with a spidey filled belly. The kid was thrashing inside the man's stomach, trying to get free. But inevitably, Peter gets completely digested by the archer's gastric acids. And when Cap came to look after the kid, he was greeted by a huge burp and underwear smacking into his face.

2. The Winter Soldier aka Bucky Barnes


Bucky and Clint were fuck buddies, releasing every tension in a sesion of rough fucking, in with the supersoldier is often the one taking Hawkeye's arrow up his butt. Many moans later, and Hawkeye finally cums inside Bucky's ass. They soon after fall asleep, cum still leaking down Bucky's ass. But one couldn't sleep, because of an insatiable hunger. A gurgle wakes the archer in the middle of the night. He should eat. As he says this he looks next to him and observes Bucky's naked figure. Looks like he found his midnight snack. Some minutes gulps and he's now alone on the bed, with a sleeping Bucky packed inside his stomach. Clint rubbed his belly, feeling his meal wake up by his flesh ripping from the digestion. As the man screamed at the blond to release him, Barton fell asleep with a big smile and finally satisfied. The next morning, Clint had to rush to the toilets to evacuate that metal arm that's giving him indigestion as well as some bones along the way.

1. Quicksilver aka Pietro Maximoff


Pietro was a little brat, since his recruitment in the Avengers, he didn't stop irritating his favorite 'old' man. Usually Clint would put him in place by shoving his 'arrow' up that silverhead's ass. But it never made the boy stop, looks like the brat actually enjoins it actually. Well Clint does aswell, so, he's fine to keep living like this. Except that this time the Maximoff twin annoyed the man at the wrong time. Indeed, this time Barton had a powerful hunger that he needed to satisfy. So like always he ends up catching the boy like he always does despite the speed of the other. But instead of shoving his cock inside the speedster ass, he shoved Pietro's feet down his cock. The silverheaded panicked when he understood what's happening, but with his feet catched, there's no escape anymore.

Now Clint is laying on his back, moaning as he's jerking wildly his cock, untill he finally cum's the boy's remains all over himself. Well looks like the boy won't be able to annoy him anymore.

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