Prince Runingunin - Tumblr Posts
Well, this happened

One of the devs asked WHO is Craig in the discord...

And that got me thinking all day and I couldn't stop thinking, I dunno why.
And he says this as well..

Which got me thinking, who does Barry know who's important and is friends with him? According to what he said, it's not an original new character as they said WHO DO YOU THINK CRAIG IS, meaning out of the characters we know I'm sure.
And then I had the sudden realization realizing RunninGunnin (RG) is the only one he knows very well and is an 'important' character to him. Because, well, he gave him immortality and such and is a freaking immortal prince deity.
So then I did some digging and remembered a part in the trailer - the part that I never understood... until now.

If you don't see it - lemme zoom in.

That looks like the back of a certain character we know well who's an Egyptian, right? Other than queen V but she's not being used.

Coincidence, right? And that's not it, Queen V would probably know of this power and try to track him down perhaps to use it. It's not clear. But obviously something is up.
Something else that was weird is when Barry hesitated stating Craig when they meet once again. Sure it was probably meant as a joke, but the dots say otherwise. Besides, he DOES know what he sounds like...

This part always confused me as well. Makes more sense now.
Now something else makes sense in Jetpack Joyride 2. Before entering the crypt, Craig is seen hesitant and afraid and immediately flees the situation as she appears. Is he afraid of her since she's a powerful deity as well? And knows what she can do? Could it tie into the series? He is also not seen a while later and kinda disappears after this point, only reappearing once and then not once again. I'm guessing that would mean during that silent time he's currently trapped in the glyph wall.

And Queen V calling herself an 'authentic deity', perhaps making fun of RG? Maybe she was trying to get the power from RG and that's why Craig is seen powering up the glyphs on the wall. Perhaps draining his power?

I'm thinking perhaps now Craig isn't the scientist we really know and someone much more. I mean, they did say they remade aoz to fit with the JJ series and jj2... It would only make sense this being why. Maybe RG wanted to live normally and not as a deity, faking his death to get away from brains cause he was his assistant and becoming a lower class scientist. Perhaps watching over barry until they ultimately meet? And that's when they kick it off once again. But under Craig than RG. A normal person Barry becomes aquatinted to. I'm not sure when aoz took place, but it must have been a lil after the series... Since Barry knows Craig's name. It's all so confusing and interesting. I'm just surprised there's so much lore for a mobile game bwhahah
But of course this is just a theory. A very accurate theory that could potentially be true. Just have to find out when the jj series comes out which the dev said 'soon' in quotes so hehh,,,
The true canon reveal:)

I'm gonna try to draw p runny in the style of the new series because he looks like he'd be so cute ðŸ˜âœ‹
Idc - Craig is p runny and ain't no dumb corp making stupid decisions gonna change that
Why the hell wouldn't it be? My theory literally tied everything together how he could be. So stupid. I wanna see what would have happened with the old shorts that were supposed to come out :// plus if they did this theyd have more people interested on who he is and go play aoz but apparently they don't want the revenue.
Smh my head
drawing my Craig fan design for REAL!!!!! + stupid little doodles
earlier i made a post talking about how i was planning on making my own canon where Crarry could still feasibly exist (as well as having other story beats and whatnot) and i mentioned how i refined my Craig design a little bit from the last time i drew him. i finally got around to actually drawing a proper full-body sketch of him and what he's supposed to look like!!! i think i drew his eyes a little more far apart than i intended but. whatever.

he's my skrunkly. he's my baby. he's got perpetually bored resting face and a phd in Pocketbeasts lore. he's got messy hair and a few stray whiskers as he tends to forget his own personal hygiene, what with being a hardworking scientist who usually doesn't show his face and all. i redesigned his eye to have more of a prominent scratch on it that warps and distorts his pupil, as i felt like that'd be the most fitting for his facial scar and the type of injury he has!
and for fun i'm gonna do a general timeline of the evolution of how i've drawn this design over time, because it's actually changed quite a bit since i first drew him back in 2022!! (click for better quality)

god it is. so weird looking back at that first design. it's so..... why is he so square shaped............. lol
now, in terms of differentiating this Craig from Canon Craig, i've thought of giving him some slight personality enhancements that i've always thought would fit him. i haven't seriously thought about it yet (i am tired) but here's some basic little traits i want to make more apparent in his character:
Logical Knowledgeable Creative Naive Perfectionist Fearful and Cowardly Not a very high self-esteem; Afraid to take charge Easily exhausted Not physically strong; Makes up for it with his quick-thinking skills Easily irritated when presented with inaccurate/false information Easily embarrassed; Tends to erase memories when this happens Reliable Honest Earnest Nerdy; LOVES to infodump about any given special interest he has Focused, sometimes to a fault Detail-oriented Introverted
this will likely be expanded on and developed more, but these general personality traits are quite fitting for how i headcanon Craig to be as a person!

i love how whenever i get attached to a character or even just really like them, i always bestow my best headcanon onto them in high regard: the autism headcanon. gonna try to keep this short so i don't infodump for 12 hours but the major autism traits i like to imagine Craig displaying are issues with social skills (unaware of many cues, accidentally says things in an inappropriate way/unintended tone, takes things literally, misconstrues sarcasm as genuine statements), a speech affect (monotone affect), low empathy (doesn't feel what other people feel and has trouble reacting to and feels uncomfortable with certain emotions), has special interests (robotics and engineering, Pocketbeasts, cats, and he loves infodumping about them!!), stimming (rubbing the back of his head when uncomfortable, fidgeting with and studying a particularly intriguing object or tool very closely, doing little puzzles that make little clicky noises that are very pleasant to listen to), experiences sensory issues (joint pain, eye strain, sensitivity to loud and sudden noises, despises certain tastes and textures, often experiences shutdowns), has a strong need for a solidified routine (sudden routine changes can cause distress for him, as he needs more time to process his surroundings and has a strong need for structure in his daily life), a few motor control issues (he's quite clumsy and has issues with spatial awareness, causing him to bump into stuff. this has unfortunately resulted in him bumping his thigh on the edge of a table way too many times.) and a few other things i've probably forgotten about. a lot of these are inspired by a few of my own traits as an autistic guy myself. the dude's like a combo of Data, Barclay and Geordi mixed into one dorky nerd (apologies for any non-trekkie followers who don't know who those characters are :skull:)

Craig seems like the type of person who, once you get him started, will infodump to you about his special interests for HOURS and he still wouldn't even be done yet. just like me fr. also tiny little Craig getting his face smooshed

get squoshed idiot

this is an older sketch i did when i was still finalising Craig's design along with doodling other stuff on the page. this was a little expression test of Craig blowing his face up with chemicals because 1. i thought it'd be funny. and it was. and 2. i've never really drawn him with big wacky expressions before, and i LOVE drawing big wacky expressions lol. it will be a rare sight to see Craig making a face like that but it'll still be funny nonetheless lol

no comment. only moob. i feel the same way about barry tbh HAHAHAAH what who said that

i fucking LOVE the Yababaina music video so much, it's absolutely insane and fun to watch, although it does put my eyes out of focus when i look at it for too long. heavy eyestrain and seizure warning for anyone who wants to check the video out, it's extremely fast-paced and has a lot of bright saturated colours. here are my three boys drawn doing that little handholding thing Miku, Teto and Zundamon do in the video. also first drawing of Prince Runingunin!!! he's so silly <3
that's everything i have today. i'm excited to draw this version of Craig more and make more art of him and Barry together!! just sucks i have to sorta swerve around canon with a convoluted solution but whatever. i like diverging from canon and making stuff up into my own thing anyway lol. blond nerd craig my beloved
random headcanon: Prince Runingunin's eye colour is entirely black as a side effect of being a human-presenting member of the Royal Consult. it's kinda like how Betazoids in Star Trek usually have black coloured eyes. additionally, Runingunin didn't exactly become a member of the Consult through... authentic means. he used to be human, something which is looked down on in the Consult and making him quite infamous among its members. it's even lead to him disguising himself to avoid being kicked out or targeted multiple times.