Craig Jetpack Joyride 2 - Tumblr Posts

drew some origin barry x craig doodles in art class today and it made my headache better :) i love two little awkward guys (also my revamped craig design that was originally inspired by dexterno-artz !!) (im so sorry im too shy to tag properly i love his art it's super cool!!)
also this....

steakfries, spamfries, and the entirely wrong character spamton
![[1] "I don't think you understand how much I love you."](
![[2] "hamber"](
![[3] "it is like indescribable"
[4] "π¨"](
a while ago i found this out of context discord screenshot so i made a silly dumb comic about it featuring these two dorks :P
(i unfortunately don't have the screenshot on me i think i forgot to save it, but it's super funny and i think it was on the out of context discord blog)
barry images that make me happy :)
barryposting on main? it's more likely than you think.......this is going to be a long post so i'll put the read more header thingy on here

Barry being an absolute silly billy thinking the poster was a forcefield and looking so genuinely stumped,,, no barry honey that's a piece of paper sweetie <3

this is from an older post on Halfbrick's vlog from around the Christmas holidays in 2015 i think? and it's one of my favourite images of the guy. look at him absolutely livin the life! he's so cute when he's happy like that :) also this image is so gender, trans goals <3

this is another one from Halfbrick's vlog that was posted when they announced they were moving headquarters. i really love when Barry's drawn in this style, they always make him look so beefy and expressive!! he looks so proud of himself, probably because everyone somehow trusted him to carry the delicate computers without fumbling and dropping them lol

another one from the shorts, look at how himbo-like he is. staring into space with that empty-headed wonder in his eyes and that blank look on his face,,,, there is absolutely nothing going on in this man's skull right now. he's so sillydumb i love him <3

i've previously posted about this image but man i can't not include it here. he looks so happy and content it's so cute :) man's livin the life and having fun!!

HIS SMILE....... HIS ADORABLE SMILE........... such a cute adorable man <3 i want to hug him he's so.....,.,. π₯Ί

yet another example of Barry having the cutest sweetest smile known to man :) this is right after Flash gives him the shoes and he's immediately so happy about it, he's so lovely :)

i LOVE this image so much :D i love seeing Barry's softer side and the fact that him and Flash read together and that Barry cares about him so much is just so heartwarming and adorable,.,.. (i like to think that after the events of Level 2, him, Flash and Craig do this all together as a sort of family y'know? family bonding time and reading fairytales with each other :) i think that's really neat)

this is from the Monster Dash rock opera and i think it's just so cute seeing Barry admiring his artwork :) bro looks so proud, as he should be! also i love the lil zombie chewing on the scroll :3 the zombies in MD and AOZ are really cute actually!!

this image is just really funny to me :) this one's from the Robot Bird rock opera. it's really funny cause like, imagine hearing your phone ring right, and you wonder "hmmm who could that be" and you pick up your phone and the only thing you see is this. you don't know who this man is or how he found your number and the very first impression he makes on you is a picture of him planking in the middle of a park. do you pick up or is that image alone too intimidating to answer?

i love how Barry just gets this blank expression whenever he's confused about something, like Craig tries to explain something basic and Barry is just gazing absentmindedly at him like "πΆ huh" it's so funny XP

this one's just really cute :) it's from the trailer and i really like how Barry's drawn here!! he always looks so small and cute yet so beefy and handsome at the same time!! he looks so tiny compared to his jetpack its so silly. also i love that cat, he looks so confused and lovely, i love orange cats they're so wonderful :)

this image is adorable cause it's the most non-threatening looking Brains ever and Barry is just full on point blank pointing a double barrel shotgun at him. like literally all Brains is doing is just going "rawr >:)" and Barry is THAT threatened by him that he is about to shoot him in the face. they are so silly <3

he looks like he is about to lose it, like he looks like you've just told him something catastrophic and this is the single moment of him processing it before he goes apeshit. in reality though he just was told by Craig that his rainbow jetpack's gotta be delivered to his place lol :)
and finally, a bonus babygirl Craig that i thought was adorable :)

(DISCLAIMER: as of the 17th of August 2024, it was revealed that Craig is directly related to Barry, which obviously makes my Crarry art very awkward. this is here to say this was made before any of that was revealed and obviously wasn't intended to be a ship about... that.)
today, September 1st 2023, is officially the 13th anniversary of Jetpack Joyride! to celebrate one of my absolute favourite mobile games, i drew a little sketch of Barry and Craig partying the night away together with some good ol' fashioned totally-not-champagne apple soda :)

i was planning to do a digital drawing, but because i totally definitely didn't forget that JJ's anniversary was today, it might be a bit fashionably late :) happy 13th anniversary Jetpack Joyride!
p.s. ignore the fact that i completely forgot to draw the big crack down craig's visor ssshhhhh i'll fix it later ;) just pretend he got it fixed kk lol
the bareth :)

ahh salesman barry my pathetic little meow meow..... i think i've drawn something like this specific image before but i really like drawing him when he's kinda nervously trying to make a sale but he has no idea how to be professional that isn't just looking the part. i love his big oversized glasses and cute combed hair and adorable little name tag (that's not reflected in the drawing because i forgot to draw it π)

also a craig..... i always kinda imagined him as this nerd-lookin dude under his hazmat visor who wears nerdy little glasses and just looks like he'd recite the dictionary definition of a word like polyphiloprogenitive off the top of his head. he's brownish-blonde and pale and probably has a vitamin D deficiency from staying in his hazmat with no sun for several hours a day :P he's inspired by another design by an artist in the JJ community Dexternoarts :)
you can play as craig...... π

one of the rare moments i wish i had access to an apple device/could spoof one just to play this game.... that's so cool you can finally play as the silly little science guy!!! i love when Craig gets the main spotlight he deserves it :)
i think if Barry and Craig lived together, Barry would suddenly wake up at really odd hours with a mindblowing thought in his head, shake Craig awake and be like "dude... dinosaurs could have been bright pink and we'd never know....." and Craig, who is only partially awake, would just nod and go "mhmm" but internally he's like "????? what"
haven't posted a barry in a while..... have a silly sketch of two drunk idiots flirting with each other :)

i changed the way i draw barry again because i didn't really like it..... i realised his jawline was way too sharp and he didn't have enough of that softness i love so much. also craig :) i don't draw him very often so he has appeared now !!
(DISCLAIMER: as of the 17th of August 2024, it was revealed that Craig is directly related to Barry, which obviously makes my Crarry art very awkward. this is here to say this was made before any of that was revealed and obviously wasn't intended to be a ship about... that.)
i've cleaned this drawing a little bit and added some more details (and also changed barry's hand because i realised it was the wrong way lol) so now they look even flirtier than before :D

(excuse the quality i don't know why tumblr does this to me)
haven't posted a barry in a while..... have a silly sketch of two drunk idiots flirting with each other :)

i changed the way i draw barry again because i didn't really like it..... i realised his jawline was way too sharp and he didn't have enough of that softness i love so much. also craig :) i don't draw him very often so he has appeared now !!
Jetpack Joyride headcanon: almost all the ordinary scientists are clones, however some of them (specifically the scientists who got employed on the very first day and the high ranking scientists) are their own people and have unique personalities and appearances. some of these scientists that we've seen include Craig, Lab Lady and the original Peter Simpkins. not sure about Steve though.
Barry, Craig and Brains as a trio would literally be just like Kirk, Spock and Bones. like. that is them. that is literally them. no i am not elaborating further
headcanons i have about Craig the scientist :)
as are most of the characters i have headcanons for, Craig is on the autism spectrum. he has a flat effect to his voice and facial expressions, doesn't really get most social cues, doesn't know how to react to others in pain the "right" way, misunderstands metaphors and speaks in quite a direct manner because it makes the most sense to his brain. he's quite a literal thinker. he also tends to hyperfixate so hard on a task that he forgets his basic needs and hygene, and thus has quite an unkempt look underneath that hazmat suit of his (which i will get into later!). Barry often ends up needing to get Craig something to eat because of how long he hyperfixates on something.
Craig sometimes doesn't exactly pay attention to his tone of voice, so sometimes he can say something that, to him, sounds completely normal, but because of his tone, can end up sounding really ominous to other people by accident ("We know who you are, Barry.")
Craig has traumatic cataract in his left eye (or wherever the fuck craig's visor crack is supposed to be in canon lol) from the explosion in 'Level 2' and is half blind in that eye. his eye has a very clouded look as a result of the injury. he's also got a huge scar there too that required some pretty gnarly stitches later, and his skin is almost completely numb around that area.
Craig also never really had the best eyesight before the injury, so he's always wearing these big ol' nerdy glasses underneath his helmet. and yes, they are tacked together with a band-aid lol
Craig is one of the few scientists who is not a clone of Peter Simpkins, the late friend of both Professor Brains and (in my headcanon'd canon) Craig. i like to think that Craig and Simpkins knew each other when they were first recruited by Legitimate Research and was pretty close to both him and Brains, and since Simpkins died, Brains has kind of taken more of a liking towards Craig (mostly out of loneliness and needing someone to help around at the lab, but he has a genuine fondness for him under his demanding and angry exterior).
There's a bit of a fan theory that Craig is the same guy as the scientist in the 'Robot Bird' rock opera, which i like to believe is the case. i mean, he's got the same monotone voice as Craig, it's gotta be him. i hope this does end up becoming canon because i think it'd make for an interesting conflict between Barry and Craig!!
Craig may or may not be related to Lab Lady.
Craig's counterpart in the mirror universe is named Kayla.
Craig is demiromantic and is questioning his sexuality (he thinks he might be bi or pan), though he definitely knows he loves Barry <3
Craig has an unhealthy habit of wiping his embarrassing memories, like, a lot. he wipes memories of awkward accidents in the lab, particularly painful failures, and most importantly, the memories of losing literally all his stuff and his career to Barry, which is why he doesn't immediately recognise him in the shorts. Craig has a lot of trouble recounting stories from the past because of this memory-wiping and felt a sense of emptiness, which getting hit in the head certainly didn't help with, so he tried inventing that apple in the Multiverse Madness event to get some of them back. it was pure dumb luck that Barry didn't end up witnessing what happened to Craig in the 'Robot Bird' opera and both are completely unaware of the disastrous can of worms that could have opened. bro's gonna end up like wallflower blush if he doesn't keep that memory erasing under control
and finally...
under his helmet, Craig has messy dirty-blonde hair, a rounded face that has a few stray facial hairs he forgot to shave, a long scar down the left side of his face, hazel coloured eyes and pale skin. this design is inspired by the designs made by @dexterno-artz and @schnabel53 respectively :D

this is a sketch of my finalised(ish) craig design!!! i've shown earlier versions of this guy in a couple of older posts but i haven't really revised his design much until now. i kinda had the idea of him looking like a stereotypical nerd and then made him messier. i might tone the amount of hair he has down a tiny bit but also i really like the nerdy bird's nest thing he has goin on :) i like to think he literally hasn't brushed his hair in several weeks and it's just become a bird's nest from nights of staying up doing science stuff

how i feel about barry tbh. he's literally so dumb i love him
(also apologies for the photos being kinda blurry and me forgetting to turn off the filter. again. in my defence it looks really nice and orange on my phone)

sometimes i like drawing him saying stuff from the shorts to get a feel of how he'd look when talking and make sure he looks juuuust nerdy enough for me to go "yep that's craig". also his big,g, handns,s,

drew this as a quick side profile sketch to get a general idea of how i want to draw him from this angle. he's talking to barry offscreen and falling in love with him <3

stupid little comic with a stupid little interaction that would definitely happen between these stupid little guys <3 barry being a little asshole every now and then is very entertaining to me. i need to see him antagonising craig and starting an old couple bickering argument with craig, that would heal me i think
i think i'll post more of this design in the future, i really quite like it a lot :)
remade future Craig's design because YiKers my old one was bad from years ago

I thought @steakout-05 's hair design was the best for it and so I used that cause it's cute and more matured as he grows older from his regular design I gave him,, plus the cute glasses (as he gets older worsening eye sight)
Um other than that the design is based off future barrys still
I love him he's so baby ,, goofy π€βοΈnerd
Him and Barry take over Legitimate in the future and make it less of a bad work environment and stuff and no more cloning and yehh
Barry's future design I referenced

i've kinda had an idea floating around in my head that Toni (the scientist who was confirmed to be the guy in Robot Bird in a random short Halfbrick's channel uploaded) is actually Craig after regaining his memories and rediscovering who he was after finding his original profile in the deep offices of Legitimate Research, and after discovering his real name and all his original memories, he gets so mad at Barry for fucking his shit up that he completely rejects everything he had with Barry including his given name. and they'd have this super messy breakup where Barry tries to explain himself to him, and Toni gets pissed and directly challenges Barry on his morals. like, Barry tries to explain that before he met Toni, he was just some random scientist to him and he had absolutely no idea it was his boyfriend he stole from and ruined the career of, but that obviously doesn't change anything and in fact just hurts Toni even more, and he lashes out and attacks him. Barry is genuinely remorseful for his actions after the fact, but Toni is pretty reasonably angered about it and feels betrayed that someone who meant so much to him was the reason for his downfall, and he becomes a part of Really Bad Corp's team of villains (i cannot take this seriously with that name XD) out of revenge. gay angst ensues!
i kinda want them to be on good terms by the end of everything, but their relationship is too fractured to go on and they end up just being mere acquaintances and going their own separate paths. maybe Toni would consider possibly getting back together with Barry after he's had some time alone to relearn who he is, but that's going to take a very long time. as for Barry, he's gonna be preeetty upset about the whole thing. on one hand he gets why Toni is upset at him, but on the other hand, he just lost someone very important to him and he doesn't even have anyone else but himself to blame for it. he'll be ok though. he's got Flash as a moral support, and he'll find other friends. and maybe, one day, he might get to introduce them all to Toni again.
(DISCLAIMER: as of the 17th of August 2024, it was revealed that Craig is directly related to Barry, which obviously makes my Crarry art very awkward. this is here to say this was made before any of that was revealed and obviously wasn't intended to be a ship about... that.)
this one really funny grindr screenshot reminds me of Barry and Craig every time i think about it so here ya go
![[image id]: A screenshot of a Grindr conversation. The blue messages are overlaid with an image of Barry Steakfries to signify he's saying them, and the orange ones are overlaid with Craig. The following is the conversation:
Barry: "I'm hurt"
Craig: "What had happened"
Barry: "I was short"
Craig: "???"
Barry: "I mean I was shot by gun"
Craig: "Oh my god go to the hospital"
Barry: "Already there"
Craig: "Why are you on Grindr"
Barry: "I'm looking for long-term relationship"
[end id]](
(DISCLAIMER: as of the 17th of August 2024, it was revealed that Craig is directly related to Barry, which obviously makes my Crarry art very awkward. this is here to say this was made before any of that was revealed and obviously wasn't intended to be a ship about... that.)
just gonna drop this bombshell onto the jj community real quick

very low effort jetpack joyride text postsfor your soul

various sketches and doodles ft. craig <3
i haven't posted any drawings in a while so here are some doodles i've done in my sketchbook from yesterday :D
this one is based off that one tweet that says "some people really need a hug, a forehead kiss and a grilled cheese cut diagonally" and it really reminded me of Salesman Barry for some reason so here he is in a hugged, kissed and grilled-cheese-cut-diagonally-enjoying state :) (also that is a little love-heart shaped kiss mark on his forehead but it looks odd because of the angle i was drawing at lol. i should fix it maybe)

i did a couple of doodles of my hc Craig design too and updated his hair a bit to be more defined and less messy :D it kinds looks like some vaguely apple-shaped hairstyle now which i find oddly appealing. someone in the HB discord said that one of the scientists in the new 4th of July JJ2 art looked like Craig wearing a hawaiian shirt so behold.... a man

i should make an actual ref sheet for Craig some time, i need to fully solidify his design so i can draw him consistently lmao. he's fun to draw :)

ahh Dook Larue my beloved <3 he's one of my favourite RAE characters, he's so silly and his voice is absolutely beautiful!! he has an april in his melt :) (also yes that is an Antioch doodle up in the corner) (i should post that later)

convict this man he's DRUNK!!! i have not drawn Peppino in quite a while that my entire way of drawing him changed completely holy moly. this is a reference to that one Neil Cicierega shitpost song from Mouth Dreams called "Aammoorree" and it is literally one of the funniest fucking things i have heard. it's like Everywhere At the End Of Time except you're a horribly drunk italian. bells

(this is just how he lives day to day honestly)

here's a character i haven't drawn in literal years before now! good ol Dan Mandel from Dan Vs. :D i've always known about this show in passing for years from watching those old Fluffle Puff animations, but i never really properly got into it until it suddenly got a resurgence in popularity around 2021, and i, to this day, still think it is so funny how this show managed to air alongside My Little Pony and Littlest Pet Shop. this man almost said whore out loud in one of the episodes and it got through the censors. not even kidding it's from the wedding episode it's so funny. he's such a grimy little man <3

also bonus Peppina doodle. she is so silly

also adding onto this because i forgot to add this detail: i like to think the reason why Craig was even making that apple experiment in this little canon i've created was because he had an inkling that he was missing something, something very big and traumatic to him, but he just didn't know what. the experiment was still a prototype, so it didn't exactly work the way it was supposed to with making Barry have a hallucinogenic Jetpack Joyride+ adventure and whatnot. in this canon, Craig continues working on the apple experiment after curing Barry, thinking that he'd make a breakthrough eventually, and he does. this is what kicks off him rediscovering his lost memories and looking into his file and rechristening himself as Toni.
i've kinda had an idea floating around in my head that Toni (the scientist who was confirmed to be the guy in Robot Bird in a random short Halfbrick's channel uploaded) is actually Craig after regaining his memories and rediscovering who he was after finding his original profile in the deep offices of Legitimate Research, and after discovering his real name and all his original memories, he gets so mad at Barry for fucking his shit up that he completely rejects everything he had with Barry including his given name. and they'd have this super messy breakup where Barry tries to explain himself to him, and Toni gets pissed and directly challenges Barry on his morals. like, Barry tries to explain that before he met Toni, he was just some random scientist to him and he had absolutely no idea it was his boyfriend he stole from and ruined the career of, but that obviously doesn't change anything and in fact just hurts Toni even more, and he lashes out and attacks him. Barry is genuinely remorseful for his actions after the fact, but Toni is pretty reasonably angered about it and feels betrayed that someone who meant so much to him was the reason for his downfall, and he becomes a part of Really Bad Corp's team of villains (i cannot take this seriously with that name XD) out of revenge. gay angst ensues!
i kinda want them to be on good terms by the end of everything, but their relationship is too fractured to go on and they end up just being mere acquaintances and going their own separate paths. maybe Toni would consider possibly getting back together with Barry after he's had some time alone to relearn who he is, but that's going to take a very long time. as for Barry, he's gonna be preeetty upset about the whole thing. on one hand he gets why Toni is upset at him, but on the other hand, he just lost someone very important to him and he doesn't even have anyone else but himself to blame for it. he'll be ok though. he's got Flash as a moral support, and he'll find other friends. and maybe, one day, he might get to introduce them all to Toni again.