Pro Joffrey Velaryon - Tumblr Posts
as someone who was adopted i HATEEE the conversation surrounding the velaryon kids because i never felt like I really fit in (through no fault of my adoptive family, I just had issues after being shuttled around the foster system), I always felt like I wasn't as good as my mums "real" (biological) family, I never felt like I was truly her daughter, I was genuinely surprised to see i was given an equal share in her will as my sisters, the idea these kids aren't really laenors and not really rhaenys and corlys' family and have no right to family echoes so much of how I felt. and it's not even my own feelings anymore. People have been saying it for 2 years. I cant enjoy this fandom without seeing people questioning whether or not they should be considered part of the targ family.
and yeah I know its fiction but this series isn't made as an escape, its a commentary. which is why so much is based off current politics and historical conflicts. its made to reflect the real world. and all I see is my own feelings of inadequacy reflected.
(on anon because I don't want to be attacked by rabid TG fans)
It took me a while to organize my thoughts to answer and I still don't think this is a good enough answer
But I think this all comes from that believe that an adopted child can't be as loved as a biological one
That's why they think that Daemon hates the Velaryon boys or that Laenor's side of the family has no right to mourn Lucerys
Add a sprinkle of resentment to that mix because TG (who are the picture of a nuclear family) are constantly betraying each other, and TB (who are messy as fuck ngl) are a united front
And you have bastardphobia at its finest
The Velaryon boys are all amazing and very loved, so those who hate them can only use their parentage as justification for their hatred towards them, using bastard as an insult
They forget that this shit affects real people, that their "uh they are not a real family because they are not related 😵💫" affects real people who "unluckily" don't have a nuclear family with a biological mom and a biological dad